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File: 493 KB, 1000x1000, Blender Brid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
984313 No.984313 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Blender General - Birds, they know what's good.
Previous thread: >>980304

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>> No.985989

But I'm a Maya user

>> No.986014

are there general rules/guidelines for smears or do you just gotta wing it until something looks good?

>> No.986073

>why are the noses so hard to do?
Because most anime 3d noses are wrong.
Many use a cone shape, without nostrils which came from a misunderstanding of shading.
What's worse this has been exaggerated and became a self-reinforcing thing by the fact that most 2D art is just autotraced 3D from Clip Studio EX. The reason why anime noses appear that way in (actual) 2D is lighting and a simulated (drawn) over-exposure.
So what do I suggest? Give your characters a normal, nose. Meaning with nostrils in the topology which are fairly shallow and the nose very narrow and kind of pointy but not pointy to the "point" where it's a single vertex.
Also you can use subsurface in a NPR shader, to archive the desired effect of the nose not being very visible.

>> No.986077
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how do you go about making something like this, a shader?

>> No.986088
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I assume it's the halftone look, so here's a starting point. Depending on what "something like this" is you might also want to play with the saturation or play with the threshold.

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984245 No.984245 [Reply] [Original]

good morning sirs
sirs please can you rate please
made from sir blender guru turoiral
please rate mistakes or what can I improve
thank you sirs

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>> No.984266

No donut no opinion, post donut or stfu tripfag, we are in the /donut/ board

>> No.984344
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>> No.984350

isn't that just doughtnut in french?

>> No.984351

An eclair is a donut for the gooners

>> No.984352

We are in /donut/ now old man, the future is now

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984242 No.984242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we debate instead of rant on this subject?

What bots can you use to create immagery, characters and more, without limits even for NSFW content.

Learning your AI bot how to create by adding 50+, 80+ images and creating things without limits (NSFW).

Not getting scammed by fake subscriptions, bot creating only very low res and low quality images, etc.

Can we debate the most relevant bots for both NSFW or any other kind of imagery you want to create? (Pic kinda related)

What bot do you recommemd to create artistic imagery (first pic)?

>> No.984243
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First pic

>> No.984244
File: 50 KB, 450x532, a7gn1__photo_of__a7gn1__woman_milf__raw__nature__outdoor__spectacular_light__dress_turtleneck_color_intricate___colorful_flowering___8k__soft_lighting__high_quality__film_grain__olympus_1620173017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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984196 No.984196[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's probably because of my privacy browser. It works perfectly on mobile and on TV.

>> No.984201


>> No.984203
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>> No.984205
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Why is this happening to me?!? Is it because of the color of my skin and my sexual orientation?!?

>> No.984206

It's because you're a retarded phoneposter who doesn't know how to use this site and the internet

>> No.984207
File: 79 KB, 630x420, DWE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Millennial Class. I use a desktop and while YouTube plays gloriously on my TV and my phone (I was anti-smartphone until 2 years ago,) it's very slow and unresponsive on my desktop computer browser version of YouTube.

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984172 No.984172 [Reply] [Original]

this time its xrd bedman

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>> No.984292

wow this is very very cute anon wonderful

>> No.984294

thanks anon :)

glad /3/ is fucking normal

>> No.984295

hey i see a cute design i gotta call it out thats the rules!!!

>> No.984296

btw do you have resources for making stuff like this?? i think this would be a very fun and easy way to start learning blender...

>> No.984305

youtube basically, theres a tutorial for everything

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984145 No.984145 [Reply] [Original]

Lets see how you're using AI to generate content and discuss the role we (the humans) will take once AI is doing most of the heavy lifting.

I'll start.

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>> No.984571

I literally make over $100/hr prompting for the past 2 years.

>> No.984588

I make 1000$ a minute doing your mom in the roughest way possible on camera

>> No.985315

The sad implication in that sentence is the idea that you'd be basically useless without a keyboard.

>> No.985503

How far away are we from AI from being able to come up with 3d models and animations on the fly?
I want the AI to roleplay as a mesugaki and tell me that I'm trash. And also step on my balls too.

>> No.985655

I'm fine with AI because I just want the 3D animation, not the hard process like modelling and rigging.

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984139 No.984139[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

rate my work

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984114 No.984114 [Reply] [Original]

VUE, PlantFactory, and PlantCatalog are now free for downloading and usage


>> No.984116

interesting, thanks

i don't know if this got posted here:

but they also made gscatter and all the graswald assets free a couple of months ago.

i think it's probably worth archiving this since they've pivoted to gaussian splatting and ai generation so it's only a matter of time before they stop paying for hosting fees

>> No.984137

Excellent on world stage but horrible when trying to import stuff. No wonder they made an extension for Maya and others, all imports have problems including OBJ and that should give you a reason to only use it to build land.

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984037 No.984037 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /3/, I did something astronomically stupid: I wrote a feature length screenplay
Now some anons are goading me to make it into a movie
I have told them that this is many orders of magnitude more difficult than just writing the script, especially for something that's over two hours long and drenched in 4chan memes, yet they persist
You guys have real skills and know what you're talking about so maybe if you're the ones to say it there's a chance they'll actually listen
Can you help me convince them this is literally, unironically impossible?

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>> No.984047

I would make some models for this shit, but /3/ is full of fags and it will go nowhere

>> No.984049

With enough autists we can make this a reality

>> No.984093

This is just AI slop, isn't it?

>> No.984169
File: 1.59 MB, 3072x3072, fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't what I asked for but I appreciate the enthusiasm
Not a word
Human hands wrote this script
I did try using AI to make some images, but it could never understand what the fuck I was talking about
If there's a language model that can write like I do, I will consume a garment intended as a head covering strictly for its nutritional value

>> No.985178

I talked things over with an anon who I'll call Music Bro
He wrote this for the sequence in the Pentagon and the next couple of scenes introducing the agents
We're going to try storyboarding some of this shit so stay tuned

File: 2.20 MB, 2085x1129, Screenshot 2024-05-19 220703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
983885 No.983885 [Reply] [Original]

I have this .blend model
I've exported as fbx and sent it to a friend so that he remodel it in 3dsmax (that's what he's familiar with)
I've had a friend remodel the face
He then put the modeled head onto the body(you can see the seam in the screenshot)

Now I'm trying to use the original textures on the new face.
How can I do that? What do I search for on youtube, what type of tutorial? Is there an addon that simplifies this?

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>> No.984091

any place where I can download faceform warp for free?

>> No.984096

demo is fully featured.
if you want unlimited demo just install it and then follow this:

>> No.984134

ITT kids are afraid to learn about UV mapping. You weak little shits have no idea how powerful UV tools are today.
You'd go back before pelt mapping and UV relaxing and witness the kind of blackmagic the real unes' did to get good UV's back in the day.

You crybaby mofo's don't even realize how easy you have it and how much things unwrap themselves these days
if you just spent 45 minutes bothering to read up on the fucking instruction to the tools you have available you could do it no problem.

You deserve to fail because you're acting like pampered pussies. Get your ass in gear and start unwrapping already.
none of you are as handicapped in the head as you think, this world just fooled you into thinking you lack the attention-span to learn difficult things.

>> No.984136

>but you didnt ask him to UV unwrap it which he would probably not as happily do.

Finding an artist who can model a head well but not unwrap it is like finding a dude who drop logs like a man but can't wipe his own ass. Stop pretending like UV-mapping is some dark art.

>> No.984163

Dunning Kruger the post

Op has commissioned a head swap, then further sculpting on the swapped head. He now wants to use the textures from the original head onto the newly swapped head.

Matching uv's to the old head is an asinine proposition. projecting via a wrap will take less time and return a higher quality result.

File: 143 KB, 1080x1080, 3ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
983877 No.983877 [Reply] [Original]

I keep seeing you guys begging for jobs and having software wars but when was the last time you actually had fun with 3D artwork?

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>> No.984043

You must be the best 3D artist in the whole country.

>> No.984192

>truth is I only enjoy stylized stuff, whenever I'm making something "realistic" I have a melt down

>> No.984237

Same,I just find it boring to do anything realistic

>> No.984263

Me too, except for waifus, I like making realistic 3d big boob waifus

>> No.984451

Same, realistic models are nice when you're a noob and need to practice or as a portfolio for entry level work. It gets boring after a while and I'd only do it if it's my job. I'm not an AI fag but realistic models will definitely be the primary target for AI and automation.

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983858 No.983858 [Reply] [Original]

I was saving up for MacBook Pro Max M3, but I heard it’s bad with Maya.
What’s a good laptop for serious 3D software in Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter, and Blender for the long term?

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>> No.984108


>> No.984112

>I don’t wanna restrain myself to my room all day u know?

>> No.984174

Would this be better?

>> No.984176

>same CPU
>same GPU
not by much

>> No.984177

Thank you for the help anon, I will see which one I will get soon since I see it has more memory even though it may or may not be useful
Also, you wouldn’t know by any chance a good screen tablet? Is the oled Wacom movink 13 good? I know oled has burn in so I am skeptical

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983753 No.983753 [Reply] [Original]

Is blender even good for animating anything?
A real question since I love modeling in blender.
However the animation looks ass backwards.

How it should look like
1) Take a MKV or whatever
2) Drop into blender
3) it looks like a picture however animates on the timeline so you can precisely capture the key frames of animation.

Do other software do that?

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>> No.984867

It's fine for posing.

>> No.985193

You can animate stuff in it, but it's not an animation software and it's bad at it.

>> No.985329

ive used this add on more than any other add on in the last 15 years uo until 3.6.
the newest 4.0 versions of blender devs worked with the developer of animaide to make the mods a native tool within blender now, on top of graph manipulation tools. its honestly amazing for animators.

>> No.985330

So your argument why blender is bad at animation is some random fuck not able to do appealing materials in blender? This btw has nothing to do with the animation tools just that they suck at making good looking materials. Pretty weak IMO

>> No.985348

Unfortunately it still not quite enough. There’s still the crashing problem, the SFX problem, missing features, testing, etc. Maya is still lightyears ahead in feature and development. The plugin has only covered 0.001 percent of the features. And I don’t believe the Blender developers will update their software to match better animation tools because history has always shown them being profit minded.

Blender number one complaint since the beginning is refusal to hire professionals to help with Blender. Think about it, 30 years, millions of dollars and the best they can do is alter the system a little. They don’t want a better solution to 3D, they want money.

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983684 No.983684 [Reply] [Original]

people are getting ridiculously good at these.
hats off to blender users.

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>> No.984359

The chair fag is donut denier.

>> No.985546

too bad, /3/ is a donut board

>> No.985967

wtf that's really good... is there a convenient and easy to follow tutorial on youtube for something like this? I'd love to learn how to make this

>> No.985968

Is this the same manic spic that used to troll here 6 years ago?


>> No.985993

yes, its those Colombians fault this is a shit board

File: 165 KB, 1920x1558, what-is-the-plasticity-tutorial-that-totally-blew-your-mind-v0-ojpgj20c5kya1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
983640 No.983640 [Reply] [Original]

Post anything Plasticity related. Whether it be questions or your work, everything is welcome.

>> No.983642

This is so cool! I wonder what the best method for these semi-organic hard surface models is between poly, nurbs and sculpting?

>> No.983645

I'm not very experienced but for a helmet I guess you would import your head mesh and model over it. Nikita Kapustin's latest tutorial is about that on how to model anything over your head.

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983587 No.983587 [Reply] [Original]

My chitubox pro sub just expired and I dont want to pay for it again.
Where can i get it at a 100% discount?

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>> No.983624

I have a Chaturbate accounts if you need one

>> No.983651

I'm glad you are outraged but I'm not even OP, stay mad

>> No.983664

To be sure, you don't want the Chaturbate account anymore?
Did your mum find out what you were asking on the internet?

>> No.983721

just pay for formware, it's a one time fee, none of that subscription bs

>> No.983731

No, I want chitubox pro anon.

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983586 No.983586 [Reply] [Original]

Where the hell is autosmooth normals?

>> No.983588

Not a blender user but I think I heard they moved it to a modifier. Some anon was crying about it and people told him it was similar to how max's smooth modifier works.

>> No.983589

In the modifiers if you are using the new one

>> No.983603

press Q you'll find it in your quick favorites

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983543 No.983543 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my babe. Also post your lowpoly babes!

You do model lowpoly babes, don't you anon?

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>> No.985521
File: 684 KB, 1421x712, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does the underside of the crotch region look like on yours?

>> No.985537

pushing his m416 aside, he still holds. You can do everything you want in photorealism, not just a generic gun.
You can do an big titted attractive jrpg female character in realism. If done well, it stomps lowpoly.

>> No.985564

Because twitter is for faggots. They serve Satan. Fake and gay, they ruin everything and infiltrate to obtain positions of power, a bunch of megalomaniacal autogynephilic perverts who're willing to castrate themselves for some kind of power.

>> No.985571

>t. Chud sitting on a hateful, transphobic, homophobic, extremely toxic ""3D board""
Who is really satanic?

>> No.985576

No, you are wrong. Realism can be done in low poly too.
If more polygons and realism is the best 3d art can offer, we lost to raw 3d scanning.

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983536 No.983536 [Reply] [Original]

I need 25 experts on 'flesh animation', and some assorted artists for 'FX'.

I'd like 10 programmers, and one that's actually good. We'll do 'stickman-extremes' and adapt ML to produce neat novel rendering methodologies.

Basically, choreography is always screwy, but we need it to be 'adaptive to LLVM output vectors', and then maybe there'll be experiments for attention-retention-to-conversion-ratio. If you know what I mean, you can sign up as a 'partner'....

If you're the kind of party which entirely manages websites and communities for communication, You can sign On as much As you Like.

Basically, ain't gonna be disappearing genitals. And the 'storyline factor' you can actually achieve, instead of someone 'rapes you for storylines' and then feeds them back to you with the best parts stolen.

So if you have concepts, that's neat too. Like IDK. Maybe that's a customer already... I kinda thought, maybe, maybe, we have real artists somewhere, but the angel of choice never cared to have his own creative industry...
He just wanted to show me 'foreign ladies'.
But I never knew; they were already 'His'....

THE POINT IS; we'll make this stuff finally work! Like really work! You can finally have a proper interactive narrative, and tell it what to do, and it does it all fair and square; no 'uhgh we hadda break ur LLVM xprnc'..

None of the 'but now that you seen it, it's like blabla with god so gimme pennies'

>> No.983537


nobody e-mails the great master

even the googer no eat

>> No.983613

OK. Do you have like contact info or are you larping? A website? a PO Box?

>> No.983619

I make flashlights for a Japanese company, does that work?

>> No.983625

You can find me at YouTube. com
Please contact me there for more info

>> No.983626
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983526 No.983526 [Reply] [Original]

it's so over bros

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>> No.983785

not everything needs to be a quad bro, just leave a few ngons and triangles here and there

>> No.983788

I rest my case.
no I don't, ask /ic/.

>> No.984410

go back to your aijeet containment generals.

>> No.984457

Finally we have confirmed that piracy is theft.

>> No.984527

Factually wrong.

AI art these days is awesome because it stole a lot of work from a lot of people without their consent.