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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58607152 No.58607152 [Reply] [Original]

Let's cut to the chase – we're all here for those sweet, sweet gains. I'm talking about that adrenaline-fueled rush of finding the next moonshot coin before it blows up. So, spill the beans, what's your latest gem?

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58607129 No.58607129 [Reply] [Original]

I recently inherited some money from my grandfather and I’m looking to invest it wisely. I’ve been reading up on altcoins but there’s so much info out there, it's overwhelming. Any suggestions on where to start?

>> No.58607135


>> No.58607145
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I recently inherited 5 mansions and a vineyard from my jewish great grandfather called Moshe

I am looking to liquidate these assets and put everything in a crypto shitcoin, the problem is I am a complete retard and cannot read, so whitepapers are impossible (in fact it is better if the coin has no whitepaper at all)

what I'm saying is, this is an excuse for you to shill shitcoins while I also spam the thread on proxies with my own bags

please type "based great-uncle Moshe" if you agree

>> No.58607153

Just DCA the following tickers: BTC, BCH, XMR, KAS, TON. You can thank me latter

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58607109 No.58607109 [Reply] [Original]

How long until we can finally see this overhyped "huge, all in, bigly, marketing move" in action? It's been one year without a working product.

>> No.58607113

Thanks for playing

>> No.58607120

>he bought the /biz/coin
better luck next cycle

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58607096 No.58607096 [Reply] [Original]

S to Spit

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>> No.58607110


>> No.58607112

a critical exploit was found in the graphics cards

>> No.58607143

fuck u jensen snow i had my kids college fund in nividia and now u rugpull i hope u are happy demon

>> No.58607146
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>there are posters on biz who actually don't know

>> No.58607150

stonk split

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58607095 No.58607095 [Reply] [Original]

At some point you gotta buy.
In 20 years it's going to look like you should have bought anything, anything at all.
Tomorrow a bunch of kids are turning 18 and the day after that even more are turning 18. They couldn't buy in 2011. They couldn't (legally) buy even yesterday.

You don't have to make it in 6 months or 1 year.
Get a job, live at home, and buy. Don't buy jeet scams. Don't buy any coin with a "K" in the market cap, no it won't be the next bitcoin and your 122,323,356.818181 McDonalds Sprite Coin won't be worth trillions of dollars.
You browse here. You know what's good, I believe in you and I wish you luck and happiness.

>> No.58607114

>Don't buy any coin with a "K" in the market cap
Rules are meant to be broken. Don't buy them expecting them to be the next btc or even apu, shitcoins are made for quick short term gains.
How long you been in crypto btw, anon?

>> No.58607115

based, coins with a k in the logo that aren't kadena are also good

>> No.58607118

Shitcoins are pure gambling and a game of chicken. Everyone pools their money and the last to pull out get fucked.

>> No.58607119

6 months.
I've been hanging out with my friend who did it for the past 7 years though.
Why didn't I? I had no idea what I wanted to do with money or what I wanted out of life so I drank and ate it all.

>> No.58607132

If you know what you're doing it's far from an unfavorable gamble, only as long as you always put in very little in them.
You remind me of someone

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58607076 No.58607076 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58607093

I can sense this is fake

>> No.58607154

Down down down!

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58607066 No.58607066 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is there to do on this dead chain. THERE ARE 0 Memecoins and i dont wanna LP in shitty ass dexes

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58607056 No.58607056 [Reply] [Original]



>London’s High Court of Justice, arguably the world’s most powerful copyright court, has reconvened to sentence Craig Wright for his false, perjurious claims to have written Bitcoin’s whitepaper as its creator, Satoshi Nakamoto.

>Today’s arguments aren’t about whether Wright lied — he did — but merely the punishment Wright should receive.

>COPA wants to escalate the ruling within the UK judiciary from what was essentially a copyright suit to a criminal proceeding. COPA has also asked to include Wright’s once-colleague at nChain, Stefan Matthews, as a criminal defendant for his own perjury.

>During today’s hearing, the judge voiced agreement that the court has a responsibility to impose an ‘extraordinary’ sentence on Wright due to his extensive, multi-year campaign to mislead the world about his identity. At a maximum, the court has the ability to put Wright behind bars for years.

>> No.58607067

I hope he gets the max sentence possible. Fuck that fat retard.

>> No.58607079

about fucking time, tired of anons shilling this (((white))) "man" as the creator of anything

>> No.58607148


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58607031 No.58607031 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink must be a pretty serious company if this chainlink styled archway was built, no?

>> No.58607034

anon its 2024

>> No.58607042
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>This is your average "Link marine"

>> No.58607050

Just sold

>> No.58607068
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>code up blood
holieee it's over

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58607028 No.58607028 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ I made a crypto called BoxxyBabee (Boxxy) on Raydium, I put 30M in the swap pool and I have 15M in my wallet, how much should I send to the burn address to get you degens to buy it, i can't mint more btw. I created it because my adhd said i had to and now it's just gonna sit there unless i get things flowing.

>> No.58607032

Raydium more like gaydium hahahahaha
But seriously make it again on a real chain and we can talk

>> No.58607035

Eth's so fuckin expensive though man

>> No.58607039


>> No.58607100

if someone here bought some, i put most of it in the dead address but im happy to give some more

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58607018 No.58607018 [Reply] [Original]

wtf happened

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>> No.58607037
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It's just a glitch
Now quit asking questions before we reeducate you

>> No.58607040

No, but it hasn't been adjusted yet because it hasn't traded.

>> No.58607043

okay thanks

>> No.58607047

website is gay, the market cap is still 2.97T

>> No.58607147

>for a fucking meme stock like nvidia (yes it's a fucking meme they make GPUs)
and yet there are people on this board who do not believe Bitcoin can get to 100k this year.

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58607004 No.58607004 [Reply] [Original]

I might be homeless soon.
I have 3500 left and i was wondering if anyone could give me advice on how to start trading stocks and crypto.

If you have advice about crypto please tell me the cheapest fees and most secure way to store it.


>> No.58607052

You wont find salvation in trading if 3.5k is all you have.
Youre risking legit homelessness. Just get a job lmao and ids buy PEPE or smth if u want riskier payout. If u want super risky buy GME
If u want safe buy NVDA but thats like 10% a year tops safe

>> No.58607059
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>Complete and total retard who talks like trailer park fauna suggests buying GME
Damn that's crazy, more news at 11

>> No.58607063

>on his last 3.5k
>his plan is to spend it trading
Get a job nigger. No seriously, go do some fucking work.

>> No.58607137

Im partly disabled mentally and physically. I can read and analyze charts. I planned on finding an easy job either way but my health situation is bad.

Thanks for the support i guess.

>> No.58607157

trips, saturn, cube.

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58606999 No.58606999 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone mining this shit?

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58606986 No.58606986 [Reply] [Original]


This shit is dead. Base is dead. I'm tempted to throw some money at the bottom, just in case. On a scale of 1 to "anons bought the top of this shit" how retarded am I ? Could it work ?

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>> No.58607012

Go look at Oscar and tell me again that dat nigga is jeeting

>> No.58607015

I already have 10M Okayeg. I also have 20M Apu. I'm considering to buying 1M datboi now too

>> No.58607021

youre gay if u do

>> No.58607024

Don't listen to >>58607021 only an indian would steal someone's ID color

>> No.58607048

Garbage community. You guys couldn't pump a coin to 100k if your lives depended on it

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58606985 No.58606985 [Reply] [Original]

How do I tell my wife I lost $10k on andrew tates racist crypto coin

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>> No.58607001

Maybe wait until her bull is done with her
>waaahhhh I'm a real man I suck Andrew Tate's dick
Men should not need role models

>> No.58607003

tell her you're the top g alpha in the relationship so she can't question or criticize your stupid decisions

>> No.58607009

Just leave your wife for a tranny. It's what Andrew Tate would do.

>> No.58607020
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>text her
the best option of all, you genuinely don't want to touch that grenade
I mean, why on earth do you think I hide money from my wife? if something bad happens to my tuzki I'm not going to confront that

>> No.58607025

tell her it was the subscription for hustlers academy and that you soon will befind yourself among their ranks

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58606948 No.58606948 [Reply] [Original]

Someone tell me why would anyone buy BTC above the last ATH?
Unless forced to buy BTC, for whatever reason, only a very ignorant person would ever do so, as they would be the Greater Fool themselves.

That, or a person doing so with the intent of setting a new ATC, either for fun or for market manipulation manipulation.

>> No.58606963
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>> No.58606984

To expand on this, 2020 was the last election year in the USA and the party in power wants to do everything they can to make the economy seem as good as possible so voters will suck their dicks come November. After the new term starts, the winning party is like "yo fuck, we gotta turn this mess around, so we gotta hit dat shit hard with some policies the people won't like in order to get this economy bitch unda control, yo." So they hit it with hard to swallow policies and hope that these new policies achieve the desired effect of improving the economy in the long run before the mid-term elections come up. Then it just kind of rides until we start closing in on the next presidential election and it all repeats.

>> No.58607002
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>muh tulip, muh greater fool
Fixed Unit of Account, pleb.

>> No.58607007

thieze are not mountainz, thieze are wavez

>> No.58607022

>people who bought BTC at 21k were "very ignorant"
>people who bought BTC at 1.5k were "very ignorant"
>people who bought BTC at 30 were "very ignorant" because it was above the prior ATH at the time
You are always the dumbest mother fucker in every thread you post in and every room you stand in OP. Don't ever worry about what other people do, you could die tomorrow wining The Darwin Award in the process

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58606935 No.58606935 [Reply] [Original]

So not only were the GME schizos correct, the BBBY schizos were also correct?
Is Bankruptcy stocks the final goal?

>> No.58606951

>GME schizos were correct

>> No.58606956

>he doesn't know

>> No.58606961

GMEmaxis will make it, but BBBYchads will turbo make it. Buying and holding through bankruptcy and sudden deletion from brokerages is the ultimate show of loyalty.

>> No.58606975

that gme normies are going to get cuckolded to death all next week. can't you faggots stay in your cult thread

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58606849 No.58606849 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58606853
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Sounds cringe. No thanks.

>> No.58606857
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not me

>> No.58606870
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not me aswell

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58606844 No.58606844 [Reply] [Original]

>staking will moon the price
no no , price will go up from

kek baggies

what is their next copium to hold onto?

>> No.58606851
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Linktards so smugly "you had 4 years"

baahahahahha my sides

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58606832 No.58606832 [Reply] [Original]

I put my last $2000 into this, just want to know what I'm in for when I open my wallet again in a year or two

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>> No.58606871

Didn't they like hack themselves

>> No.58606881

If anyone here could tell the future, they wouldn't be on here to answer your question you stupid fucking retard.

>> No.58606907

If I came back to the past from the year 2030 I'd spent a bit of my time on here telling you guys about stuff and laughing when you didn't believe me. And then when you believe me I'd tell you all the wrong stuff kek

>> No.58606913


>> No.58606969

any other suggestions?