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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58606401 No.58606401 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58605178

As always:
>sneed hedgies

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>> No.58606894

>The looks like AMC

>> No.58606895

I would immediately dump my broker stack and buy a house in cash.

>> No.58606899
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what do you guys think about gme holders like this?

>> No.58606900

Didn't he mention on the last stream that GME was his only position

>> No.58606901

I hope I make a bazillion dollars :)

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58606317 No.58606317 [Reply] [Original]

I have $8000 saved. Why are you so gay?

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>> No.58606324
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>> No.58606338

I invest close to that amount every month. You need to grow up.

>> No.58606343

I just did. How come I need $8000 for you to stfu. When the black guy puts his dick in your mom and you dick ride for the next 10 years.
That's your problem. You need an emergency fund.

>> No.58606423
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Can I get some?

>> No.58606589

Good job saving. Hopefully that 8k is somewhere relatively safe, earning interest, and not sitting on the craps table.

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58606307 No.58606307 [Reply] [Original]

Did we even discuss this?

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>> No.58606430

>29:05 in livestream recording.
>"We have also seen regulators hinder innovative progress through guidance, banking institutions for example are now required to obtain non-objection or some sort of similar approval process from a federal regulator before conducting any pilot program touching blockchain technology such as the idea of tokenizing"
That is cringe.

>> No.58606458
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>Tokenised asset market cap now exceeds DeFI TVL.
>all without the need for Chainlink
>this is bullish for the price of LINK somehow

>> No.58606502

What are you talking about?

>> No.58606534

Now that smart contracts are all but fully adopted and Link has managed to do

What now?

The cuckhold shit turned out to be true. We alone made crypto adoption a reality and let other coins take our bullrun.

>> No.58606605
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Do you think this has anything to do with the NDA that he was excited about?

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58606291 No.58606291 [Reply] [Original]

Is van life worth it to save money? Seems like you'd save more than living in an apartment, and you'd end up with a lot of cool life experiences working out of the nicest places in USA

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>> No.58606480

literally what state are you in?

>> No.58606505

There was a guy who worked at Google and lived in a van in their parking lot. Free food in the cafeteria, gym, shower and everything else he needed was available 24/7 inside the Google HQ.

Like 5 years of that was enough for him to move back to his hometown, buy a home outright and a couple of rental properties so he could retire in his early 30s, or at least take a long break from wagecucking

>> No.58606841

Where do you take a shit/shower when you live the van life?

>> No.58606845

gyms / gas stations / libraries
but, also how do you cool down the van in summer
realistically you need to burn fuels to do that
solar might be enough, but it will be very visible and your van will be broken into
it is not free

>> No.58606887

>Is van life worth it to save money?
if I had to stay in USA that's probably what I would do, but why the fuck would I bother when I can SEAmaxx instead

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58606286 No.58606286 [Reply] [Original]

today at work the boss told me I take to long in the bathroom

>> No.58606593

File an ADA complaint.

>> No.58606617

Shit on his desk

>> No.58606708

Drop a fat one in the middle of the office. Make him rue the day he disrupted your natural fecal journey.

>> No.58606776

Dont flush next time. Proof of work

>> No.58606790

I pissed on my assistant managers desk before i quit.

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58606248 No.58606248 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate?

>> No.58606260


> Twitter
> 2022

u got ur answer

>> No.58606262

maybe like 30 years ago.

>> No.58606264

i touched 80k with my crypto for a few days before it all dumped me back down to 60k.

for a few days, i was in the top 1% of my age bracket.

>> No.58606279

Cash on hand not yearly salary btw.

>> No.58606289

Maybe looking at the entire world that includes Indians and Africans.

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58606236 No.58606236 [Reply] [Original]

The market will enter a massive bull run if Trump is elected
>As it happens, in line with the standard Republican approach, the Trump campaign’s proposal plans to lower the maximum capital gains tax rate to 15%, which would follow his previous term, during which the administration dropped this rate to a maximum of 20%, as Finbold reported on May 2.

>> No.58606610

>lower the maximum capital gains tax rate to 15%
You morons are so fucking stupid. Yes, you'll enjoy 2 years of slightly higher gains. Meanwhile, the 0.01% will wash trade everything they own and rob the nation of trillions of tax dollars. The deficit will skyrocket and the country will enter recession. You'll be begging dems to come back in office and clean up the shitty mess.

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58606228 No.58606228 [Reply] [Original]

After receiving billions in state incentives Musk is going to pull out of Delaware.
60% of US corporations are still there.

Does /biz/ think Delaware will be the new Detroit?

>> No.58606245

Delaware isn't real.

>> No.58606253

It is real and it's got some beautiful beach towns. Odd place though

>> No.58606462

Delaware is a tax heaven and is not going anywhere

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58606212 No.58606212 [Reply] [Original]


what we thinking?
hopefully uses similar criteria to arbitrum
they might also have a period of hunting the farmers too which would be nice

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>> No.58606522

is this THE zksync coin to get?

>> No.58606539

Finally the two weeks are over lets go
But marketwise they are too late now.

>> No.58606545

Its not the only one, but its the lowest mcap and the first memecoin on zksync

>> No.58606566

>first memecoin on zksync
x doubt

>> No.58606569

no it's $meow zeekcoin

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58606184 No.58606184 [Reply] [Original]

how can something that's not even needed be forbidden to simply acknowledge by the highest authorities?

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>> No.58606380

Michelle is a Zionist but she’s based for asking him about the price. She knows what we really care about.

>> No.58606382

We're gonna wage so hard dude.

>> No.58606383

Zionists are NEVER based.

>> No.58606433
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They can be useful sometimes.

>> No.58606713

>how many more years until we get regulation
Even if there is "regulation", so what? Fundamentals remain unchanged. It will likely just dump even harder.

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58606139 No.58606139 [Reply] [Original]

You started buying crypto in 2018 and you still haven't made it. Meanwhile he grew his company several billions.

Whats the lesson here?

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>> No.58606357

You gotta find a balance. But I suppose it's difficult if you're asocial and not making good money in your 20s.

>> No.58606399

i got varicose veins on my dick 2 weeks after hitting 30 im literally gonna kms

>> No.58606408

some young girls have a fetish for that. make an onlyfans and profit from it.

>> No.58606609

I started slaying in my 30s (50+ bodycount in a couple years, no hookers, no uggos) , in my 20s I was basically a neet gaming 24/7. I really dont regret it, enjoyed it a lot

>> No.58606758

I’m going to be much wealthier than you and will afford anti aging treatments while you rot in a suburb somewhere with your sub make it bag

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58606090 No.58606090 [Reply] [Original]

Huh. I guess there actually is such a thing as a free lunch.

>> No.58606116 [DELETED] 

Felt like there is this weekend too, when I got a 10k FUN reward

>> No.58606130

i cant wait to see the webms on /pol/ of that place being raided in a week

>> No.58606468

That's the point though?
>We sure hope no one comes and takes all this literally free food we offered that would expire if not taken

That's not going to happen though, in the same way that if they were offering free books it would be still be there years from now lol
Well it depends on the food, if it's all produce and stuff then no, if they're also offering Oreos and shit then yeah it'll be gone in a week

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58606083 No.58606083 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks Paypal! I'm just not going to mail the Charizard card I don't even have hahaha.

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58606051 No.58606051 [Reply] [Original]

SPURDO IS DUMPING AS WE SPEAK!!!!! SELLLL NOW ITS OVER!!!! Whale telegram group thats been pumping it is about to dump hard.....

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>> No.58606527

Funny thing is, the Mumbai SPURDO wants so bad for golden SPURDO to die so that we will stop posting bubble maps of their rug. Not gonna happen. I’m gonna keep fucking posting proof and doing research until the Mumbai team rugs the token. They already sold 2%, that’s why the token isn’t doing jack shit. Now the buy volume is drying up.

>> No.58606532

Admins? Did they develop the contract or pay for the ad on /biz/ a telegram admin isnt much. The sites still up. I could probably become an admin if i wanted it doesnt mean much.

The longer someone holds the more you can trust them imo. Im thinking on a longer time horizen than a week. This isnt a scam i dont think. But some early adopters sold for a few k. But i think ill have the last laugh if/ when it recovers.

Im ok with the risk reward, but the deip doesnt feel good cor sure. Im still not selling

>> No.58606623

have you considered buying and holding pepe? it's pretty much the bitcoin of shitcoins.

>> No.58606653
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whats at 1mill 250k lp and has massive normie nostalgia

>> No.58606666

the reincarnation of pedocoin yeah... spurdos the way to go. apu too. losers

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58606041 No.58606041 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.58606240

Mid to late June I heard

>> No.58606257

We don't know an exact date but I'd be surprised if its not live by July 4th.

>> No.58606620

realistic price after etf?

>> No.58606793

Tree fiddy

>> No.58606810

Close to $6000 if it enjoys a similar run as bitcoin

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58606035 No.58606035 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any way to withdraw in cash the money I have on my paypal balance, without transfering it to my bank account?

>> No.58606042

Give it back Jamal

>> No.58606075

Get a debit card from them and withdraw at an ATM.

>> No.58606575

Do you really think you're going to withdraw cash from PayPal

>> No.58606580

you pakistanies need to stop scamming people

>> No.58606588

I withdraw cash from PayPal all the time.

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58605950 No.58605950 [Reply] [Original]

When does it stop?

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58605911 No.58605911 [Reply] [Original]

Do they have any hope left? All those baggies that got into xrp, dot, avax, jasmy, ada, etc, near the top should kill themselves?

>> No.58606386

Just hold for another 10 years, fren.
I'm sure you will 2x then.

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58605869 No.58605869 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder there are still “people” holding LINK hoping they can make it with it

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>> No.58606800

>How much is healthcare costs now?
you have to pay for healthcare were you live? lmao.

>> No.58606826

Why do you linktards say kek fuddie?. It's not like you haven't been wrong almsot about everything for all these years while being smug about it. Lmfao

>> No.58606828

kek fudde

>> No.58606831

Have you met the average zoomer? Lol lmao even

>> No.58606833

Ill hit you with the

kek baggie

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58605859 No.58605859 [Reply] [Original]

why are so many articles like this popping up? they're literally everywhere, and according to experts, delaying is always the right move...


are they really looking out for your best interests, or could there be another reason?

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>> No.58606008

Wasn't SSI supposed to become mathematically impossible to make payments to all claimants by 2030 without drastically increasing taxes on the younger generations?
Classic pyramid scheme, but the subsequent generations are smaller and smaller cohorts.

>> No.58606024

It'll be around it's just going to give you negative returns from what you put in, even moreso factoring in inflation

>> No.58606034

Dumbass, there's nothing personal about it, these articles are targeting a whole demographic of boomers nearing retirement

>> No.58606036
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thats a big ruh roh shaggy

>> No.58606054

its not a ponzi, its a pyramid scheme, and its know since it was created