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58444910 No.58444910 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if you had sent 1155 Bitcoins to a scammer?

>> No.58445021

Enter the monastery. Chastity was always a given, and it's the perfect timing to make a vow of poverty.

>> No.58445072

I would kill myself in a spectacular public fashion

>> No.58445078

but I didn't send 1155 bitcoins to a scammer

>> No.58445098

No worries, that's not even real BTC, is WBTC

>> No.58445110

That's a shitcoin, not Bitcoin.

>> No.58445837

Richard Heart said they can contact the contract admin for WBTC and potentially get it reversed.

>> No.58445846

It's already been traded for ETH though. You would be stealing from someone else if you reversed the transaction

>> No.58445847

Oh interesting. Guess its over for them.

>> No.58445882

What is address poisoning? Haven’t heard of that before

>> No.58445894

Someone had an eth address with the exact same 4 starting digits and ending digits, but the middle part was different; he sent a small transaction to the victims wallet, and the victim when sending his crypto must've clicked on the last transaction address thinking it was his own since it had the same starting and ending digits, usually people only verify the first and last digits.
So it was like
Victim Address Example
1bcj 1010101010 ad4d
Scammer Address Example
1bcj 2020202020 ad4d

>> No.58445911

Contact every blockchain analytics firm and offer them a $10 million reward if they are able to track and identify the person, using their prior transactions or just keeping tabs on all his transactions for a few months until he tries to cash out some of it or makes a mistake.
Once you have their identity, getting it back is easy. Again, you offer a % reward to a serious and morally questionable private intelligence organization like BlackCube and they’ll send their ex-mossad boys to get it back no matter where in the world it is.

Sure, you’d lose about 20% of it by outsourcing the hard work to pros, but keeping 80% beats keeping 0%.

>> No.58445922

There are obfuscation techniques which could make tracking impossible if they try to cash out outside a cex. And this could easily be some hacking group in a third world shithole which makes recovery even more remote

>> No.58445933

Even Lazarus, the north korean hacker group that hacked about a hundred defi projects, were tracked down by 1 single autist, right back to their final offramp into cash, despite going to great lengths to obfuscate the flow of funds.

Sure, right now there are ways that makes it really hard. But 5-10 years from now the analytics software, especially when combined with AI, will render pretty much all modern obfuscation methods useless. New ones will likely emerge, but that doesn’t matter for the guy who stole $70M. He’ll use current obfuscation methods and in 5 years time, they’ll be able to track him down. He can hide anywhere in the world and change identities a hundred times but BlackCube would find him with ease

>> No.58445944

As the scammer, I personally could never keep that much amount of money. I'd have nothing to do with it, and as many have pointed out in the thread, it could get trackable and bad really soon. I'd keep like 30 BTC, for 71k each, that's far more than enough to make it where I live, and send the rest back.

>> No.58445950
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at least you're not sending yours LRDS, that would be bad as well, giving the moment that the game currently is

>> No.58445966

If the scammer isn’t retarded he will almost certainly do something like this. I’m guessing he’ll demand a 10% finders fee, so everybody wins. $7M is still life-changing money. $70M while having to nervously look over your shoulder for the rest of your life, with a huge chance of being tracked down within 5-10 years and losing all of it, while having no idea what kind of sadistic revenge has been plotted against you, just isnt worth it.

But crypto is full of people under 25 who think they’re invincible and can’t plan more than 2-3 years in advance without their brain malfunctioning

>> No.58446017

The scammer could live in a country that champions this sort of behavior if not flat out sponsored it.

>> No.58446026

>go supermarket
>fill shopping cart with milk
>tip it over and yell "I can't do anything right" and kill yourself right there

>> No.58446028

>empty miniscule amounts onto an exchange and swap for monero
>remove monero, send to another exchange slowly
>cash out

>> No.58446052

I'd go to India and go on a rampage

>> No.58446089

This isn't 2017 anymore, especially now with the advances in AI literally everything is traceable on the blockchain if you are sufficiently motivated. And I'd assume missing 70m is pretty motivating.

Even if they did attempt to wash it through a mixer, couldn't someone theoretically use an LLM to track every single transaction on chain within +/- 15 seconds sending the sum into the mixer and eventually find a few solid leads?

Same reason why every dipshit that isn't paying uncle sam taxes on crypto over the past few years is going to get reamed once the IRS catches up and is able to troll through the blockchain with LLMs much more efficiently. Right now that tech is really only readily used by three letter agencies and private cybersecurity, but it's not going to stay that way for much longer

>> No.58446092

dude the tech is available to do this with almost any chain right now, just very few people use it/know about it outside of at least one international agency (that I know of) and a few private security companies

>> No.58446124

No, more like go to a crowded mall and just shoot myself in the face in the middle of the food court

>> No.58446131

kek, underrated joke

>> No.58446150

They should still be able to use their brains though. Wealthy people pay private intel agencies with an army of former spooks that dont give a shit about borders to solve their problems. BlackCube and several others specializes in retrieving stolen things for their clients, from wherever and whoever has it

>> No.58446161

You are a retard, LLM's can't do shit at tracking txs, this can easily be done with a program.
Also say I was the scammer, and say I sent it to a new address so no other txs except this, what do I do next? Well just wait, in 5 or 10 or even 20 years this person will have forgotten and given up on this, if along the way I can find someone who can wash it for a otc monero conversion maybe but still won't trust it because those that are connected enough not to sell me out or get caught are connected enough to torture me for the seed. So yeah your kids will be rich that's good enough and assuming the scammer is 30 he now has a great retirement plan. If the one who lost it is still butthurt about it after 30 years then you worry about it then.
Of course you'll be blacklisted everywhere, but along the way some new chain or protocol might come to mix them like tornadocash but between bitcoin and monero or something, maybe some protocol built on Rose and CCIP or someshit.
Giving it back is a retarded move.
The issue is that if they hacked the other guy's computer they might be tracked unless they wete on librebooted tinkpad x220 in a mcdonalds with no cctv 100 miles from where they live with tail os and tor etc. if the scammed guy still has money then any forensic opsec firm will fuck you up for the right amount.
If the hack was done via a virus downloaded from somewhere etc. since it just changes the clipboard and doesn't send anything back then good luck tracking that.

>> No.58446391

Nothing was stolen. They were send funds and received funds, the law can’t do anything about it

>> No.58446396

>Didn't check the entire address obsessively when sending 1k+ BTC
The hacker deserves that money more than he does

>> No.58446513

Stealing is not a problem for the Ethereum foundation, that's why we have Ethereum classic

>> No.58446521

>this person will have forgotten and given up on this
those addresses will forever be closely monitored

>> No.58446542
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>contacting Mossad to get your stolen crypto back

>> No.58446968

the best post is the first post.

imagine the intern who was tasked with "verify the address and move the money" after the account manager approved the movement of funds lol.
>h-hey boss. remember how you wanted me to verify and send seventy three million dollars?

>> No.58447116
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retard address:

scam address:

master address that fed scam address:

>A total of 24,615 transactions found
dude poisons whales whenever they send to a new address

and the faggot is still doing it after stealing 70m LMAO
new master address:

>> No.58447119
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you speak the truth anon. ETH can burn in hell for what those fuckers did

>> No.58447131
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>but I didn't send 1155 bitcoins to a scammer

>> No.58447133

>this could easily be some hacking group in a third world shithole which makes recovery even more remote
you are thinking with very low imagination

now imagine youre willing to spend millions and don't care about what happens to the end party when they're found

anyone can be killed anon

>> No.58447136

>Well just wait, in 5 or 10 or even 20 years this person will have forgotten and given up on this
oh boy you really don't understand people

look man, if you're breaking the law and fucking someone over who has the means, they can make a thousand mistakes, the first one you make will likely be your last

>> No.58447290

>the law
>implying private intelligence agencies full of shady spooks give a single fuck about asset laws if the client is paying them enough

>> No.58448438

Theoretically, I would buy 1 gme and sleep like a baby.

>> No.58450854
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, 163244475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone actually did a phishing attack on my account and stole both my 16 btc and 3.3 ethereum i had, and then after that i found that my ex, the bitch that i taught how to invest in crypto in the first place, made 7 figs with some shitcoin called pajamas, PAJAMAS

>> No.58450899

people spend so much time in this fucking board they forget crypto is full of scammers, im sad that happened to you bro

>> No.58450901

>as a crypto investor
fixed that for you faggot

>> No.58450903


>> No.58450926

fake and cockroachkinned

>> No.58452752
File: 17 KB, 312x312, 114446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well ask him politely to send my bitcoin back, checkmate non believer