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58447905 No.58447905 [Reply] [Original]

How to learn salesmanship?

I just got a job at a big massage chain as a front desk person, but we get comission every time we get customers to sign up for our membership program, which just makes massages cheaper & you get a free hour of massage every month. Our usual clientele is 40-60 years old and it is in a pretty upper-class mostly white suburb so people are pretty wealthy here. During holiday seasons apparently its not uncommon for people to make like $1500 just off comission in a month, on top of our standard hourly rate, so I want to know how I can maximize my skills in this regard

>> No.58448025

>excuse me sir, would you like to set up your appointment consistently for next time?
>great, if you do that we actually discount any subsequent massages and we give you an extra hour massage for free on a monthly basis as a thank you for being a regular client.
>what card would you like to set up your regular appointments with?
>ty sir

in all seriousness, you can try assuming the sale, basically pretending that it is standard procedure to be a member. (won't work with all clients obviously) but at the mininum you simply do the follow with EVERY single person.

>hello sir ty for stopping in, are you a member?
>oh no problem sir, if'd you'd like to schedule frequent massages it's a much better to sign up as a member because it's cheaper and you get a free session per month.
>customer responds w/ rebuttle or question
>yes sir, it's xx cheaper, and you can cancel anytime, all of my regular clients are members, we just need a card you'd prefer to put on file
>or "no i just want a massage this one time"
>ok no problem sir, if you decide to come in more frequently i'll be happy to set you up.

etc etc.

>> No.58448036

talk to them slowly like you are retarded when you're trying to sell something. I don't know how it works but it helped me to sell warranties and memberships when I worked retail.

>> No.58448632

It’s best not to be pushy, people don’t like to be shilled stuff. Shilling stuff to brand new clients will give off a pushy vibe and will potentially scare customer away from returning. It’s better to only shill the membership plan to people you have seen come back a couple or few times and let them know that it’s cheaper to sign up as a member if you are a regular client, this gives off a better vibe of being helpful then one of shilling and you will have better success

>> No.58448720

>in all seriousness
Shit I thought that was actually pretty good. Just confuse rebooking for a membership and make it sound like its normal.
Another kind of trick I thought of using would just to be telling them "Hey, I'm in a competition right now with my other associates to sell the most memberships within a month, do you think you could help me out and subscribe for a month to help me win? The competition winner gets $500 so I'm trying to do anything I can to win. You get a free 1 hour massage with it every month and it's cheaper than purchasing an hour massage standalone without a membership, and then you can just cancel after if you don't feel like renewing."
Good to note also, thanks

>> No.58449572


>> No.58450071

some merit to what you're saying but he will gain the finesse and art of not making it sound salesy/pushy overtime, i've been in sales my whole life, including retail. not asking them because it's their first time is just a poor excuse. Obviously if they are tourists for a one time experience, don't hassle them. so in essence I disagree with what you are saying for the most part. "only people that have come in a few times". I guarantee if he shadows the people who make $1500 extra on their check they are not waiting on clients to come in a couple of times to shill them the membership.

tl:dr ask everyone, be creative, consider ways of sounding not pushing and unassuming. that's what successful people are doing at your work. if you come off as pushy then tone it down. always ASK for the sale. "what card would you like to use for your membership sir?" "have you taken advantage of your free session this month sir?" "it appears that you are paying full price for your session today sir, members get a discount, how often are you planning to come in?" etc etc

yeah I was meming but it's unironically not a bad idea, the worst trap to fall in is to not ask people out of fear of rejection, looking silly, seeming pushy etc. You should always try, even subtly if you're feeling low on energy.

You CAN go that route but it's a bit desperate, it's really up to you. If you plan on doing that I would try something like this.

> "hey do you planning on coming in regularly?"
> does not matter what the customer says
> "oh haha, no worries, I was just curious because we discount the sessions for members and give a free one every month.
> "would you mind if I just took a minute to sign you up? , it would help me out a lot and you would be getting a free session"
>if you end up not coming in regularly you can cancel anytime.

etc etc

>> No.58450964
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>tl:dr ask everyone, be creative, consider ways of sounding not pushing and unassuming. that's what successful people are doing at your work. if you come off as pushy then tone it down. always ASK for the sale. "what card would you like to use for your membership sir?" "have you taken advantage of your free session this month sir?" "it appears that you are paying full price for your session today sir, members get a discount, how often are you planning to come in?" etc etc
Thank you, I'll be sure to get all these concepts down

Any books/lessons/courses you reccomend at all?

>> No.58450988

The trick of sales is to make the person think they aren't being sold. Have a sign or menu with prices and membership rates. Create a connection with the client and let them approach you about it. I don't think I'm special and I've done well with just acting like the customers friend.

>> No.58451143

I'm a bank teller from Brazil and commissions are so hard to get here. Everyone is poor and only come to the bank to bring unreasonable demands expecting you to solve them. Hundreds of customers appear every day, yet succeeding in selling insurance is far too rare as only grannies would ever consider buying this crap. I think I will end up quitting soon if goal pressure continues piling up.

>> No.58452693
