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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10919926 No.10919926 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever thought about getting plastic surgery for cosplay?

If you did, were the results favorable?

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>> No.10920663

larping as a japanese guy will not make japanese people treat you better.

>> No.10920687

You need actual help anon. First off, speaking Japanese as a white guy is not that big of a deal, especially outside of Japan. Worst case scenario people assume you’re a weeb, and given that you’ve mentioned cosplay, you are a weeb. I think you’ve got some serious insecurity clouding your mind here. You will always be treated differently in Japan, and getting plastic surgery or using a weird tan will only make you stand out more. I lived in Japan for 6 years, and you just have to accept that it’s different and you’ll always be an outsider, which comes with its own benefits and drawbacks. Move to Osaka meet good people and get some therapy for that complex. Plastic surgery to make you look more Asian will totally backfire and doesn’t address the root of the problem anyways.

>> No.10920700


You deserve all those things and more. Fucking coloniser.

>> No.10920715

nigga I'm literally a white guy too and I both studied abroad and then worked in Japan for a few years and nobody ever treated me badly, Japanese people were overwhelmingly the nicest group of people ever, for them to treat you badly you have to have fucked up in some way. ngmi if you haven't embraced being a weeb instead of whatever the hell you're planning to do (which will only make you stand out even further since your concern is that you don't fit into Japanese society and you'll be known as the freak who literally got surgery to try to look Asian)
I studied abroad in Osaka and it was genuinely the best time of my life, I met some of the coolest people ever and want to go back to meet them someday

>> No.10920931

Just dye your hair black, keep it long, be thin and wear glasses. People will just assume you're Japanese at a glance.

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10919862 No.10919862 [Reply] [Original]

Who else going to OffKai today or this weekend? Bringing my standee today and feeling hype!

>> No.10919865

will there be hot women there?

>> No.10919903

im just wandering the lobby and takin pics havent picked up my badge yet cuz line is terrble

>> No.10919940

kys >>>/vt/ fgt

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10919786 No.10919786 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

kill the part of you that cringes

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>> No.10921304
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>> No.10921305
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>> No.10921308
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>> No.10921316


the print on this is really nice, does anyone have an ID on the dress (?) in this?

>> No.10921325

Here it is nonnie https://lolibrary.org/items/aatp-bouquet-for-a-departure-and-window-of-hope-jsk-i

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10919755 No.10919755 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this? If you agree with this, do you also change your pose depending on the photographer?

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>> No.10920015


>> No.10920018

come on OP. who gives a fuck what she thinks.

>> No.10920424

sometimes I wear a fnaf cosplay and if its a kid I look at the parent when they ask for a photo and make an innocent no contact pose. If its an adult I'll make it as slutty as I think they look horny and they eat that shit up. I should make an OF

>> No.10920481

she still gives them the photo though...

>> No.10920494

I would love to pimp you out.

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10919669 No.10919669 [Reply] [Original]

Meanwhile most non asians usally look like men crossdressing.

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>> No.10920211

does East Asia even have significant anti-feminist movements and people like we do here, or would Asian guys rather play Gachas all day?

>> No.10920212

Yes it's called east asian society and culture.

>> No.10920213

nah I just like petite girls because they make me feel tall

>> No.10920265

Reactions vary. Korean men are getting real mad about it, Chinese men are ordering mail order brides, and Japanese men are staying in their rooms and jacking off to vtubers instead.

>> No.10920301

massive respect to the japanese men for fucking off lmao

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10919552 No.10919552 [Reply] [Original]

Folks, i'm more and more leaning towards that. Due to my autistic ass, I am not able to pick up social cues and i've been falling more and more into being known as inconvenient, loud and outright inadequate because double meaning jokes aren't for everyone.

However, I love cosplaying. So i'm thinking of just rolling entirely alone. Going to conventions alone, yes. Taking photos with people, yes. Interacting, yes. But just doing it entirely alone. No group cosplays. No walking with groups at all. Just me being me.

Should I continue in this?

>> No.10919581

Order MDMA from the darknet, and roll while out on the floor in cosplay. You'll make more friends and acquaintances than you ever imagined, and take more pictures than ever. And since the default is that everyone at cons is a social retard no one will suspect drugs.

Source: Me.

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10919294 No.10919294[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's been a hot minute since I saw one of these, let's try again. More specific than Feels Thread, less focused than a certain other type of thread I'd probably better not name. Use this gen for
>Your experiences in chatting up fellow weebs, good or bad
>Types of socializing that do or don't work
>Future plans / meet ups for cons that don't get their own threads
>Convention night life and afterparties
>Whatever the hell, really

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>> No.10919321

It's more fun than browsing the same fotm etsy shit

>> No.10919324
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I feel really out of place at cons because I feel like I'm in this middle ground between normie and weeb that keeps me from relating to others. Everyone I meet is like:
>autismos who redditspeak at Mach speed
>skinny manlets cosplaying muscle characters
>weirdo old guys who rock the Indiana Jones hat + theatrical walking stick combo
>stinky fat vidya types
>tween girls full of piercings and tattoos who ask for pictures because I'm dressed as a character from some obscure gore Manga

The other category of people are the party types/sluts who I probably won't vibe with because I've been introverted my whole life. Where do you even find casuals anymore?

>> No.10919331

you weigh 300 pounds.

>> No.10919338

yeah I'm in the same boat, I'm too normie for the genuinely weirdo people who don't take care of their appearance but I'm not normie enough for the actual normies, who are the majority of the con population nowadays. doesn't help I'm in my mid 20s and most people at cons are underage, I really regret I didn't get to participate in this hobby as a kid because I had no friends to go with (still don't) and my parents refused to take me

>> No.10919342

theres lots of 20-something ppl at cons

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10918807 No.10918807 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys go to conventions?

I haven't been to many at all, being unable to afford traveling around, but living in NYC I at least heard of and know of the big industry conventions like NYCC and Anime NYC. I only ever went to NYCC once with friends, and it was a better time than going to ANYC alone for 3 years. Hell, for the last year I didn't even buy a ticket for ANYC I just printed one out and it worked since the guys didn't even thoroughly check or scan it.

That aside, I really don't know why I bothered. Maybe the thrill of seeing if I could get away with it, but I can't bother to try that stunt again for this year's ANYC. That con sucks really, artist alley being entirely hoyoverse crap and I can't even meet with the cosplayers of stuff I like since ANYC moved to the summer and they'd rather go to another con happening on the same weekend. NYCC I had friends to fuck around so with so we were just doing what we'd usually do in a more expensive venue. Even if I was given a badge to either for free, I'd rather not bother going and pawn it off for some quick cash if I was alone again.

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>> No.10919343

I think they started to just con it up, but now they stay invested because of the drama

>> No.10919346

same, virtually every cosplayer of a western cartoon is a massive SJW

>> No.10919363

As long as you stay out of the party rooms you'll be relatively safe.

>*RELATIVELY* safe I warn you.

There's outside of gull related cancer the related SJW cancer in OTHER cosplay groups etc.

>> No.10919679

>man only goes to industry cons, thinks conventions are lackluster
not surprised
also i totally believe your fake badge story bro

>> No.10920091

Trying to make friends for me

Maybe a girlfriend...

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10918630 No.10918630 [Reply] [Original]

>no-shows your shitty con

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10918616 No.10918616 [Reply] [Original]

trying to get in shape. have access to a gym and pool. looking for ideas for cosplay for MALES that i can use as real swimwear or gym exercise wear in public, that don't make me look like a massive faggot (pic related)

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>> No.10919031
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Mash burnedead workout shorts

>> No.10920174


>> No.10920625


Try to cosplay as anyone from FREE

>> No.10920628

op is avoiding faggotwear

>> No.10920767

What is faggotwear?

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10918573 No.10918573 [Reply] [Original]

Fanime Live

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10918569 No.10918569 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you guys going to this?

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10918306 No.10918306 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Today's the day, I hope y'all'st'd've are ready.

>kors k
>WT Snacks

>no cage
>no badge check
>no bag check

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>> No.10921082

Thank you for truckcon anons, it was amazing.

>> No.10921128

Are you coming back for it next year?

>> No.10921147
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I want her in my life

>> No.10921151

both of these people need help

>> No.10921278

All of us in attendance need help anon.

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10918167 No.10918167[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of finding my father's old Honda CRX he sold off in '06. Since I have basically no life plans, y'all think I just dump my cash into a Futaba cosplay for shits and giggles?

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>> No.10918180

I've just wanted to cosplay in general. The autism kinda commands it.
Absolutely nothing, should a 5'11 male Texan cosplay as Futaba is the true question.

>> No.10918181

I see what's going on here. OP, you shouldn't worry about owning a car. You'd never be able to save up the money for it, and they're useless anyway.

Instead, you should cut loose, leave the house. Sell off all of your man-clothes and seduce men using cos to get around instead. I think you've got the talent for it

>> No.10918183

I'm Texan, not Thai lol. I'm only finding the CRX out of respect for my father + it'd probably make a cool shot, anyways.

>> No.10918185

Don't be like that!
Picture it, but actually: "The Hitchhiking Futaba". Photos of you on the hood, photos of you leaning on the boot, even photos of you underneath the driver's seat! You could pose with EVERY car in Texas! It could be your entire thing!

>> No.10918187

The only thing missing for the cosplay is the headphones because scalpers are going after both the IRL headphones and the fucking futaba variant of 'em.

A thousand goddamn dollars, christ.

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10918050 No.10918050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This thread concerns:
- How to get a cosplay gf/bf
- Con hookups
- Anything related to romance, dating, and sex at cons

>Required reading

>Should I make my own thread?
No! Mods will remove it.

>Will I be able to get laid at a con if I can't get laid in real life?

>Thread question:
Have you hit on people at cons? Have you been approached yourself? In either case, how did it go?

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10918043 No.10918043 [Reply] [Original]

Tips for a Hex Maniac Cosplay? Im trying to decide the perfect shade of hair color too

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>> No.10918770

hey man, leave her alone.

>> No.10918798
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>> No.10919015


>> No.10919606

I look like this and say this

>> No.10919842


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10917762 No.10917762 [Reply] [Original]

Hii everyone. Here's my Ganyu cosplay, what do you all think of it? Thinking of wearing this to a con.

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>> No.10917946


>> No.10917968

Guessing Colossal Prime

>> No.10917980

I'd eat your ass so hard that you would lactate my brown watered saliva.

>> No.10917994

change top to plastic

>> No.10918502
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"That's not you..."

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10917652 No.10917652 [Reply] [Original]

I was at Anime Central on Saturday, mostly hanging around in the artists alley but I caught a glimpse of someone in really old militaria gear that didn't look German, what I remember most is that they were carrying around a yellow anti-tank weapon? A panzerfaust or panzershrek is what I think its called. Was wondering if anyone on here saw them too, or took any pictures. The best I got was on someones video with the Finn in the background on the left.

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>> No.10917937

Reactionaries like Finland because it's a way to launder their right wing politics as being "anti-imperialist." Finland asked for Allied assistance in the Winter War against the USSR but quickly recalculated their math and decided that Nazi Germany was actually the strongest power in Europe and threw their lot in with them. When I say threw their lot in with them I mean actively helped the Nazi war machine and had dedicated SS units. Not like a self preservation alliance while they pursued their own national interests like how they like to paint it. It wasn't until late in the war when it became clear the Nazis would lose WWii that the Fins flipped and "joined" the Allies. So, as cowardly as any Italian but since fought the Soviets, aided the US in the Cold War and they weren't first on the bus with Nazi Germany like Italy was we largely look the other way when it comes to their past in WWii and let them launder their history with dog shit movies like Sisu to gloss over their past. We forgave Italy too, bc they rolled over and I think the Italian Americans just couldn't hold a grudge, but we also won't let them forget they were fascist unlike all of the Baltic states, large factions in Ukraine, and most of the Nordic states where just allow them to pretend like they didn't pick the Nazis.

>> No.10917938

There was a group of SS Reenactors who used to go to ACEN until like 2014 when due to drama with some of the Hetalia people they banned hakenkreuz.

Also shit like that Miku - SS guy and random reenactors

>> No.10917950
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Oh if he was actually Finnish I might be wrong. Go figure

>> No.10917965
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Yeah as I said, stuff like that happened years- a decade ago. Perhaps this is a new page in Acen history? First the Finn and then everyone else gets on the band wagon? I can only imagine what the next years will be like.

If I’m not wrong someone else asked if he was the Finnish sniper. He said it was “one of the inspirations”.

>> No.10918101

Whiter than all of /pol/

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10917597 No.10917597 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>10903515

Featured Idols: Nonsweet CA

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>> No.10921273

She now looks your typical pride/nonbinary/liberal newgen.

>> No.10921276

They also use all pronouns and are non-monogamal. A conservative's nightmare lol

>> No.10921277

I think I'm looking forward to Metro rocks lineup more than the idol fest...but personally I'm tired of cosplay groups.

>> No.10921448

what is that shirt

>> No.10921466

It’s the special edition of the anime girl art T-shirt they’re selling that they wore at their one man live. Each member had a version with only themselves on it that they wore during encore. I really wish they sold them like that as well, you could make a cute oshi outfit with it.

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10917568 No.10917568 [Reply] [Original]

It's my first time cosplaying and I want some tips

(You can find my name pretty much anywhere lol )