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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10913909 No.10913909 [Reply] [Original]

I think this cosplay looks good

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10913908 No.10913908 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: why you couldn't go to a con last-minute, and how that impacted you.

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>> No.10914464

Come prepared with a back up plan next time then?

>> No.10914496

there is no taxi or uber. there isnt even a bus or train system. sure, once you get inside the city there is, but not when you live outside of it

>> No.10914506

>there is no taxi or uber
you're retarded. next time call up a taxi service from the city and ask for a quote for your location. they'll charge you a hefty amount for the cost of the miles to the pickup address, but it's not like it's impossible.

>> No.10914605

the city is 3.5 hours away by car. that is relatively short, but even choosing the closest town to me that has public transport, taxis and ubers from there dont go out to where i live. uber won't even give a price estimate. this is why i had paid for the hotel room and tickets and so on for my ride in exchange for them agreeing to drive me - because there is no other way to get there other than driving, or at least getting driven partway until public transportation starts.

>> No.10914900

Last time I checked, public transportation betwen cities is a thing in the forst world. Maybe you should consider migrating out of whatever third world hellhole you're living in. Might be a bigger priority than cosplaying, wouldn't it?

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10913783 No.10913783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tectone is deep in the sauce in love with this girl

>> No.10913784

In before the ack

>> No.10913785

miz gotta be careful or tectone would snap out and fuck otk over with drama bc of his feelings towards emi

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10913709 No.10913709 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10913714

I need a gf that would obsess over me to the point of killing people, in death note

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10913436 No.10913436 [Reply] [Original]

Any gals here?

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>> No.10915176

Do you need to read that back to yourself, dingdong? Why would you ask and then say some shit as if they aren’t publishing again? Pls kys

>> No.10915249

hmm i wonder if that has to do with why the OP asked if it was still being published or something. you're probably too young to even know they stopped. zoomers are always so angwy!

>> No.10915316
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>> No.10915322

Anyone notice himegyaru gets so butchered by zoomers? It's worse with hime than the other styles. Just wear lolita if you don't actually understand hime.

>> No.10915327

they don't understand lolita, that's why they're wearing hime. they think it's just hime lolita with less rules.

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10913414 No.10913414 [Reply] [Original]

Been workin on this since mid jan im in school but the staff wanted me to bring it in for the art show and now i get to use the stuff in the art room so i dont gotta pay for anything only spent around $60 on this and i think its turnin out well

what do yall think?

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>> No.10913495

Excellent work.

>> No.10913497

like anon said, some details are amazing, but the overall finishes aren't, you got skill for sure, but you gotta improve the finishing look, materials or whatever it is, you got it already, just improve it, 3D printing or whatever you need

>> No.10913898

Bro fuck you English teacher ass

>> No.10913911

Looks great. Love the originality anon!

>> No.10915201

Looks great but I would add some teeth to the chain, it's what makes chainsaws cut

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10913299 No.10913299 [Reply] [Original]

I just started new journey of cosplay! Please support me on this new journey.

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>> No.10913314

I use very good perfume!

>> No.10913315

i fear men on 4chan

>> No.10914550

Looks good.

>> No.10914566

slightly showing your panties, good whorish move

>> No.10914567

Looks rad!

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10913293 No.10913293 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone going to smash this year?
Who are you cosplaying as?
Do people book hotels for this?

>> No.10913301

>Anyone going to smash this year?
>Who are you cosplaying as?
Whatever waifu of the season is going to get me the most clout.
>Do people book hotels for this?

>> No.10913307

rip 1 aus poster...
>waifu of the season is going to get me the most clout.
which would be?

do you just go in cosplay to the con then?

>> No.10913477

>which would be?
I was thinking Frieren atm but that could change.

>do you just go in cosplay to the con then?
Pretty much. There's a horde of cosplayers doing the same, so you don't stand out too much.

>> No.10913745


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10913238 No.10913238[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No autosaging edition

This is a containment thread for all questions like "how do I get a cosplay gf?" or "how do i hook up at an anime convention"

>required reading

>I can't get laid IRL. Can I get laid at an anime con?
No. You need the basic competence from IRL

>Thread prompt:
Who's the one that got away? either you were working up the nerve to flirt or you actually did, but things ended up not working out

>> No.10913245

I'm not sure why you expect this thread to be any different, but best of luck to you

>> No.10913254

Here's my blogpost responding to the thread prompt:
A woman at a convention once told me that she fancied me. While we were both drunk she placed my hand on her leg. I slowly worked up her leg until I (assume aggressive and unpleasantly) fingered her through her bodysuit. She pushed my hand away after a while. The next morning I felt gross about the whole affair and then ghosted her.
I feel like I should kill myself.

>> No.10913294

you know you can recover from that right?

>> No.10913393

Had a similar event like that but with a guy, in the moment it feels like if you stop its embarrassing but also don't want to keep going so its awkward all around.

>> No.10913433

What do you mean? now it's been months. In any case, I have all these internal contradictions about sexuality due to my upbringing that I need to work out before I can get anywhere. I feel that any sexuality is gross and dirty but I feel that I become boring and ignored if I am not sexually aggressive.
I feel like you grow up watching all these literary type romances in anime or other media but that's not to be found in life. There was 503 day and that made me sick. You can't exist out of society and then it's just being a an animal. Do I want that? Do I want to live as I have been? What may one find? You have to make concessions to reality. Do I want that?

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10913204 No.10913204 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any examples of gyarus/gals from thsg time? I know that gyaru as people know it now didn't start until the 90s-00s but I've heard that the term started around in the 80s. So I was wondering if anyone had any examples of these 80s gals. Really anything works.

>> No.10913227

the term gyaru was introduced into japanese in the 70s, not the style. this is a conflation by westerners. gyaru wasn't a name originally used by girls who wore the style, but rather labeled as such by the media. even in your image it says that the term gyaru was used to refer to any trendy girl in their 20s, giving the example "ikeikegyaru" which translates to vibrant energetic gal.

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10913166 No.10913166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Drop your experiences and screenshots here

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10913156 No.10913156[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Calling out Australia’s most talentless, toxic idol group

just quit already

>> No.10913161

In before the ack

>> No.10913162

Really hope “ruru” chucks her guts this weekend hopefully someone films it

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10913060 No.10913060 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]


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>> No.10915282
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>> No.10915283
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>> No.10915284
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>> No.10915286
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>> No.10915290
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10913036 No.10913036[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No lolita meetsnesr me..no lolitas AT ALLLLLLi feel likeim trhe only one im losingmy mind...-`

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10913029 No.10913029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lalalala alalalaa laallalalalaaaaalalalaaallaaa -`

>> No.10913035

This isn’t Twitter. Stop making new threads just to post photos of you and ur poor quality coords.

>> No.10913058


>> No.10913059

Does it work like i create a thread then reply to thatine thread always when i wanna postidk!?!?! Ill dothat tho since someone got mad at me for it which i thinkis very silly.. poor quality likemy jsk isnt worth 100 plus but whatever+!%@ ill please u and just reply to this onei think thays what you want -`

>> No.10913131

cute enough

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10912927 No.10912927[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10912943
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hey you single?

>> No.10912974

The sharpness of your features make you look like a man.

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10912915 No.10912915 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10912977

peter griffin or cosplay whoever you want dude xd

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10912913 No.10912913[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

:3hiii im a lolitaa not any lolitas aroubd me though soi am just one in a few.n woukd love to attend any gatherings or teaparties!!! But thereare none near me.!

>> No.10912914

I forget how annoymousthinsg work...ill sign off as -` so u guyes know who i am.j!! -`

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10912871 No.10912871 [Reply] [Original]

What do yall think of her? honestly i love her so much, she reminds me of belle delphine a bit. i think of buying her patreon but idk if it's worth it, like tell me what you think

>> No.10912884

I hate Belle Delphine.

>> No.10912887

she looks like belle but i dunno if it's a flex to look like a child bait for pdf's

>> No.10912975

>look like a child
Even she claims that she looks like a child and calls her fans pedophiles but all I see is an emaciated 20yo-proportioned woman.

You can say pedophiles without being demonetized here. Not that the mods here aren't pedo groomers like in other platforms. They're just negligentful and won't ban you unless you insult their posse or they hate your show.

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10912840 No.10912840 [Reply] [Original]

Excluding the superhero and scifi genres (which seem to be their own crazy things), does cosplay of Western or heavily America/Europe-inspired series attract a better or worse level of cosplay than typical anime?

>> No.10912842
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