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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 162 KB, 1200x1200, CfdIsNiUAAA1ixC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20413753 No.20413753 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they do it? What's the point? I just turn it back up to eat it.

>> No.20413760

Marketing gimmick.

>> No.20413772

Anyone have the gif where the girl is giving a blizzard to some dude in the drivethru upsidedown and it all falls out all over him?

>> No.20413794

Wagie humiliation ritual

>> No.20413798

>humiliation ritual
I get it, you learned a new term on /pol/ so you want to use it everywhere now.

>> No.20413801

Its a sign of quality. Like a swordsmith splitting a hair with the blade

>> No.20413802
File: 486 KB, 720x720, Dairy Queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20413812

how is turning your food upside down a sign of quality?

>> No.20413825

It originated from /tv/ you newb.

>> No.20413833

It lets you know its the right temperature and consistency. Perfectly thicc, as all things should be

>> No.20413834

it's fucking ice cream, I already know it's cold

>> No.20413837

Yeah and most people who go to /tv/ also go to /pol/ and /v/ and /ck/ when theyre hungry at work

>> No.20413841

Yes but is it cold enough

>> No.20413845

You can tell that by if you get served ice cream or if you get served a cup of milk.

>> No.20413847

what's with this legion of posters crying about pol for no reason? tumblr?

>> No.20413852

People have been complaining about /pol/ for the last 8+ years, anon. That board is WHY every thread is derailed
stupid identity politics.

>> No.20413855

Are you being obtuse on purpose? That's the fucking point. "Our upside-down gimmick demonstrates that our frozen product is actually fucking frozen, unlike the sloppy shit other places sell which is half thawed and melting by the time you get it! Continue to spend your money here!" It's not that hard of a concept.

>> No.20413859
File: 99 KB, 1051x416, 1659392142081945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking new are you? /pol/ killed 4chan ever since that faggot moot didn't delete it permanently. your faggotry is worse than bronies.

>> No.20413864

You really don't know how to tell the difference between a liquid and a solid without turning it upside down?

>> No.20413869

I make a show of trying to eat it upside-down and everybody claps and laughs and children run up to slap my belly and run away giggling while it jiggles.

>> No.20413874

I knew you were fat from the moment you admitted to eating ice cream.

>> No.20413882

why would anyone have soft serve over actual ice cream? just a basic pint of haggen dazs or ben and jerry's is better than any blizzard ever will be.

>> No.20413887

True. Even after smartphones there were still places to have earnest discourse online until Gamergate revealed that these bored political types on all sides can wage their wars in any hobby or subculture they don't belong in and get away with it. Gamergate is singlehandedly the worst thing to ever happen to online discourse.
The only people I know who eat ice cream are women who are always in calorie deficit.

>> No.20413892

/pol/ is how 4chan always was. Go back.

>> No.20413893

Since your new ass joined because of gaymergayte and the 2016 american elections? Yes I'm sure it is how 4chan always was to you.

>> No.20413894

>tfw still seen as a cool guy while not giving a fuck about politics or shit
I won

>> No.20413902

I starting browsing 2014 before fags like you post about pol all the time like schizos. please man, you're just spamming this board.

>> No.20413911

Thanks for proving my point newfag.

>> No.20413921

There's this thing called "temperature" and it has a large range of numbers representing a wide variety of different levels of cold to hot, sometimes things exist in between two points. Things like this are known as a "spectrum" which I suspect is a word that your psychiatrist has already familiarized you with

>> No.20413925

You don't know how to recognize something cold enough to be a solid instead of a liquid? If I look at an ice cube I can get a fairly instant understanding of it's state. Are you autism by any chance?

>> No.20413928

>I starting browsing 2014
So you're a gamergate immigrant and you're ignorant to what 4chan was like before gamergate?

>> No.20413935

>Regurgitating my own line
Case closed

>> No.20413949
File: 153 KB, 520x432, barbie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chinz has not yet learned to be 'multicultural'
without /pol/ 4chan simply cannot survive

>> No.20413954

I NEED /POL/!!!! I'll make sure to thank them when they start posting about BBC and trannies and soiboys in my origami board when I'm just trying to enjoy my hobby!!!

>> No.20413957

it's ironic because they exhibit the same behavior and refusal to integrate into the communities they enter which they make part of their core message of being a bad thing

>> No.20413961

no I just came to this website because I felt strange that other account-based sites feel like weird games. this site is very honest, and i like it. nice freak excuse though. you guys have got everything.

>> No.20413964

>colonize a website
>pretend it was as it always was because they said nigger and used the swastika at habbo hotel
>smile to yourself

>> No.20413965

a decade and the majority of the life of this place makes me new? thanks. you should consider killing yourself.

>> No.20413967

>anons who 'main' /pol/ are so delusional they think racism is something that needs to be taught and isnt just an ignorant kneejerk conclusion

>> No.20413968

oy vey 109 websites and counting

>> No.20413969

Colonization is based when it's for the White race. It's cringe when it's for anybody else. Get it through your thick head, Judean.

>> No.20413975
File: 62 KB, 395x401, 1682715987464431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just don't post the /pol/ meetup pictures

>> No.20413978

the American way

>> No.20413981

>other sites feel like weird games
>but this site is different, people are 'real' here
>they constantly tell me im talking wrong, using the wrong words and saying the wrong things so i have to play along to fit in

>> No.20413983

None of your Jewish propaganda and trickery means anything. 4chan for CORRECTING jewish lies like the ones you huff. If you disagree you can kill yourself and make our jobs easier

>> No.20413987

Because it tastes as good as normal ice cream?

>> No.20413990

>unironic hardservefags on this board
kill yourself unironically

>> No.20413992

that's fine and it is a better alternative. sure, they're very mean. but i also find genuinely helpful, competent, and comprehensive advice here. you should try communicating in one of the actually cooking related threads. since search engines have failed me so greatly, this place is a savior for assistance in cooking. good try, though.

>> No.20413994

Only underage 3rd worlders go on /v/ in 2024

>> No.20413996

Yea and you have /pol/ brain

>> No.20414002

It used to be underage 1st worlders on /v/.

>> No.20414007

>ive had real discussions here sometimes!

A low bar.

>> No.20414031

ok, not really at all. it's the internet. you're posting here as well and just being a dickhead. thus.

>> No.20414036

Except it isn't, it's consistently some faggot like you who keeps bringing /pol/ up for no reason just to cry about it, and then the threads derail from there.

>> No.20414043

Go back AND kys, in whichever order suits you

>> No.20414053
File: 111 KB, 1778x998, pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DQ was founded by NASA so the astromen could eat ice cream in Space

>> No.20414055

>ignorant kneejerk conclusion
Neat brainwashed opinion. I found who the
>we'll stop publishing videos of crimes to prevent racism
propaganda works on. Very interesting

>> No.20414064

stop using 4chan as a political blog faggot

>> No.20414078

What's a blog

>> No.20414131

That's changed now, most posts are esl

>> No.20414132

>Why do they do it? What's the point? I just turn it back up to eat it.
my own annoyance led me to just to stop going there. It's stupidity.

>> No.20414136
File: 108 KB, 1440x712, EJWEejzUwAATMTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It absolutely makes you a newfag. The site started going mainstream in the late 00s with shit like Project Chanology (utter AIDS) then in 2014 you had Gaymergate, then it really went to hell with the election in 2016. You motherfuckers will NEVER know how great this site used to be.

>> No.20414205

Believe me I know how great this site was before the redditors came over and started crying "/pol/!" at anything theu disagreed with like a down vote button

>> No.20414220

Yeah, before /pol/ existed. 4chan used to be usable.

>> No.20414226

That graph is missing 8 years

>> No.20414232

>redditor continues crying about /pol/

>> No.20414234

Nobody cried about /pol/ in 2008, when 4chan was great.

>> No.20414238


>> No.20414243

NTA but /pol/ is a cesspool of the least likable people I have encountered anywhere.

>> No.20414253
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>> No.20414254

that too is a humiliation ritual

>> No.20414260

Haha look at em go!

>> No.20414261

in Australia they serve it right way up and we turn it upside down to eat it haha!

>> No.20414269

They have chosen to ignore reality.

>> No.20414271

I understand why moot hated your people.

>> No.20414276

>identity politics.
You really do sound like the quintessential psuedo intellectual. Remember to "trust the science".

>> No.20414281
File: 113 KB, 820x882, wew lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to cooking and food board
>see thread about cooking and food
>can't discuss cooking and food because "those people" raided the thread and destroyed it
>even naming "those people" will make them violently respond and say you are the problem for not wanting them to derail your board
it's all so tiresome

>> No.20414292

They feed off your attention. If you cease the attention and deprive them of wasting your time they rapidly wither away while in an angry whirling dervish of fists and elbows. A child only throws a temper tantum if it gets them attention, if you ignore it they tucker themselves out and realize the finite lifespan they have is being spent being a loser on 4chan every waking moment.

>> No.20414293

Well, you are going to find it increasingly difficult to cook, or eat food, unless you start paying atttention.

>> No.20414305

Wow, what flamboyant, dismissive language. That says absolutely nothing other than "I think in very simplistic terms and have a huge ego"

>> No.20414306

The ironing

>> No.20414308

^see? Already senses defeat.

>> No.20414310

So.. dairy queen blizzards..

>> No.20414312

I'm never sure if it's an actual attempt to derail the conversation, or they're just so spasticated as to subject everyone to their nonsense at all times.

>> No.20414313

fuck off back to your containment board newfag

>> No.20414316

Kind of a dumb thread desu. First and third post adequately answers OP, every other post are basically superfluous arguments that have nothing to do with the OP.

>> No.20414322
File: 57 KB, 976x850, F2C4DB07-6D91-4F0D-A9F0-2E5DE9282069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a blizzard at the drive thru yesterday and they just handed me a bag with my ice cream inside

>> No.20414323

What's your favorite flavor blizzard?

>> No.20414325

theres no way someone could post this and mean it right?

>> No.20414328
File: 23 KB, 640x559, meme lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like a paper bag full of soft serve? did they run out of cups?

>> No.20414330

Here in Canuckistan we have a crispy crunch flavour which has candy from a Crispy Crunch chocolate bar, not sure if they are available in USA.
Mind you, last time I remember eating a blizzard was like 12ish years ago.

>> No.20414331

The fact you keep spouting meme words and dont seem to really understand the context, Im going to presume you are really young and stop engaging. Have a nice day.

>> No.20414409

You do know the /pol/ of the past is not the same as post-trump /pol/, right? The /pol/ of the past wasn't an issue because there was no hivemind. Any political ideology that existed in the world had a percentage of /pol/ users earnestly believing in it, as opposed to the /pol/ of today which is an insecure hivemind of people with one opinion.
/pol/ today is unironically reddit. Reddit, facebook and users or other sites get banned on their home platform and come to /pol/ because it's the only place that will accept them. /pol/ is a place filled with the sloppy seconds leftovers of other platforms that didn't accept them and all the r/thedonald refugees come here thinking they own the place.
There is no faster way to out yourself as a newfag redditor than to falsely proclaim the /pol/ was always at is today.

>> No.20414416

Great, another tard chimes in to rile up the autistics again...

>> No.20414429

>People have been complaining about /pol/ for the last 8+ years

>> No.20414453

>he doesn't think racism is taught
>he thinks it's instinctual
children prove you wrong.

>> No.20414509

well he's not around anymore so that's a moot point haha!

>> No.20414567


>> No.20414626

This guy discovered the internet yesterday.
BTW, you seem to be far more interested in defining /pol/ and proclaiming everyone who posts there is a poopyhead, rather than just arguing the relevant topic.

>> No.20414646

>rather than just arguing the relevant topic.
Cooking and food on the cooking and food board?

>> No.20414651

As already said, there is going to be a whole lot less cooking and food unless certain political issues are acknowledged and rectified.

>> No.20414654

Sir, this is the cooking and food board.

>> No.20414655

I want to try Dairy Queen so bad now. Is it good? Or should I pass?

>> No.20414656

>This guy discovered the internet yesterday.
The projection is insane as I can point to real things that happened (r/thedonald getting banned and the subsequent reddit migration to the only place that will accept them) and you have nothing to support your argument.
You're a leftover piece of scum that not even reddit wanted lol.

>> No.20414658

It's decent, blizzards are good.

>> No.20414792

one of the best tbqh

>> No.20414797

Fast food drive through slop shop "ice cream" is frequently sugary milk soup by the time you get it, DQ knows this and performs a demonstration that they're serving proper ice cream. It also keeps the wagies accountable that they're doing it right because without this mandatory, public check they would 100% do it just as shitty as everywhere else.

>> No.20414800

Do I get something if they turn it upside down and it falls out?

>> No.20414805

They perform the demonstration before handing it to you, because ensuring quality is their responsibility and it's not my job to make sure they made it right. I don't want to have to open my sack of slop and investigate it for consistency, they should show me that it's right before it even touches my hand.
Yeah, you get to watch a wagie get embarrassingly splattered with melted ice cream that they were dangerously close to serving to you and then you get a new blizzard (made right this time) too

>> No.20414808
File: 215 KB, 1024x920, e61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please answer >>20414328

>> No.20414815

It is less funny and creative than it used to be, but it is better in every other way. And it is still better than any other site I know of. Yes there are bots now but the process of wading through bot threads is almost identical to the established process of wading through human troll threads. The average level of discourse is higher than before. Although the peaks are also lower. Since all board move faster now, nobody bothers with long effort posts anymore. But if a thread gains traction, productive conversations can still emerge.

>> No.20414818

>/pol/ used to suffer from an infestation of fedora lolberts
Yeah I remember. They've (we've) all grown up or moved on.

>> No.20414846

>hasn't experienced 4chan before captcha/cloudflare was implemented
I feel bad for you because you definitely missed out on some funny shit. Captcha/Cloudflare was implemented because the spam, botting and DDoSing got so bad 4chan was constantly being targetted. This was when /b/ and /a/ were BY FAR the fastest moving boards. This being said you are completely and totally incorrect, and it is painfully obvious.

>> No.20414851
File: 1.16 MB, 3872x2592, sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss when 4chan was only about the lulz and nobody took the internet seriously.

>> No.20414857

it's not even legally ice cream how could you eat this slop

>> No.20414861

>it's not even legally ice cream

>> No.20414863

I miss call-in talk show raids even though they were dumb and just a bunch of newfags spoutting "DO A BARREL ROLL" "IMMA FIRIN' MA LAZERS" and "DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU."
Also, when 4chan had killers who left bread crumbs. Interesting stuff.

>> No.20414866

when cheese pizza was openly posted on /b/, those were the days

>> No.20414870

>you will never go back to YTMND era 4chizzle
It bums me out but at the same time is was a chapter.

>> No.20414889

people were calling each other newfags when I came here in 08

>> No.20414898

Ice cream has eggs

>> No.20414906

your asshole has pinworm eggs

>> No.20414930

please understand that most of this site is zoomer esl's, that's the best they can do to communicate

>> No.20414931

good news anon, you can still read a graph

>> No.20414966

Thedonald was a /pol/ colony to begin with which is why they managed to btfo reddit admins on the regular.
Let's not forget to factor in the Shareblue and Correct the Record posters who were getting paid to try and sow their redditor opinions here. It's very evident in the self hating 4channer who attempts to paint themselves as above everyone on the site

>> No.20414983
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1660692258517217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods should merge /pol/ and /lgbt/ permanently to troll them. Two groups of faggots belong together.

>> No.20414991

the dairy of the queen resists the gravity

>> No.20414994
File: 18 KB, 678x452, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original /b/ was a early haven for many TOTSE refugees, who shaped the culture.
TOTSE was like prime 4chan for grown ups.

>> No.20415029

o shit

>> No.20415038

>not squeezing their hand the second they turn it over
we like to spice it up

>> No.20415048

The idea is that it shows the blizzard is thick enough that you can hold it upside down for a second and it wouldn't fall out.

>> No.20415088

>kike and kikey's
No thanks i don't support white replacement.

>> No.20415119
File: 11 KB, 220x178, IMG_1007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most the site is zoomer esls
>be me, gen X efl

>> No.20415173

>prime 4chan for grown ups.
mfw i came from totse but i was like 15. deep soul, we'll never have it again

>> No.20415179
File: 450 KB, 720x720, 1712866558297228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based foodfrog

>> No.20415184

bumping to remind you that you are a freak :)

>> No.20415198

>most people who go to /tv/ also go to /pol/
There's like 5 poltards responsible for spamming 90% of the race bullshit everywhere, they literally take shifts. They concentrate on /tv more because it's a popular board and they want to influence people.

>> No.20415245

>without /pol/ 4chan simply cannot survive
would only be true if ad block was prohibited on /pol/

>> No.20415261
File: 1.36 MB, 395x294, bump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like you forgot to bump the thread with your post
lemme help (you)
>Verification not required

>> No.20415268

4chan discourse is shouting at people emotionally and flooding the thread with soyjaks or infographs when you don't like their arguments. Middle schoolers end up being more stable on average desu.

4chan's value was in its humor, now it's basically just 'Reddit, but right-wing'. Like what happened when punks grew up and started 'giving a shit' about the world, all the energy drained out of the place and got replaced with 'do you agree with me??? huh??? huh??? if not you're a KEKOLD!' like you're all desperate for validation because daddy didn't love you enough.

I miss retarded 4chan. Retarded 4chan was simple and honest and didn't treat saying nigger as some great divisive act that strikes down le deep state further with every nigger typed. We all knew we were being retarded, that was the point. Now every anon is a spiritual sage and a based crusader and the most eloquent philosopher in the world.

It became pretentious. It became pretentious and stuck-up like the forums it once despised. And there's no replacement for it either, the sharty is fucking awful and all the other *chans either devolved into the same character or died.

>> No.20415270
File: 66 KB, 828x974, 1712744324628568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20415281

i dont know why you fags act like this is exclusive to 4chan and not the internet in general

>> No.20415283

Haha yeah I have that one

>> No.20415306

lol no

>> No.20415622

Did we ever find out just why Blizzards are served Australianwise?

>> No.20415641

/mlpol/ was something else man

>> No.20415654

thanks for Correcting the Record

>> No.20415688

Never been to DQ, do you mean that's how they give it to you? Turned on it's side?

>> No.20415691

They’re not allowed to have nice things

>> No.20415718

it goes back to how you can't have shoelaces on priaon

>> No.20415864

>for no reason

>> No.20416143

>you can hold it upside down for a second and it wouldn't fall out
Why would I ever do that?

>> No.20416202

because it shows the blizzard is thick enough that you can hold it upside down for a second and it wouldn't fall out.

>> No.20416208

>you can hold it upside down for a second and it wouldn't fall out
And why would I ever do that?