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20504033 No.20504033 [Reply] [Original]

It's official now, the debate has been settled
>the rental agreement specifically zoned the space for a sandwich bar style restaurant and gives subway as an example
>restaurant sells Mexican food Chipotle style
>the /authorities/ say they can't do that because the agreement specifically says the word sandwich
>court puts to rest the age old debate and now tacos and burritos are legally considered "Mexican style sandwiches"

Torta bros on suicide watch

>> No.20504046

So? According to the court a tomato is a vegetable. Legal rulings do not always comport to technical definitions or layman understanding. A normal person would not call a taco a sandwich, they would call it a taco.

>> No.20504051

Cope more nigga. A taco is now officially a sandwich.

>> No.20504054

No it's not. It's a taco.

>> No.20504065

"Tomato is a fruit" is such a WELL AKSHUALLY" take, because any edible part of a plant is considered a vegetable
Even the fruiting bodies
Fruits are a type of vegetable

>> No.20504069

These retards never well acktually any of the other fruits that are also vegetables because theyre just parroting some nonsense they heard in primary school

>> No.20504100

Just a couple more to get off my chest
Well akshually the plural of octopus is octopi
No it's octopuses, it's a Greek word not latin
Well akshually orcas aren't whales, they're dolphins
Dolphins are whales, if you go one more classification back you get to hippos
Well akshually bats have good eyesight
That depends entirely on the species

>> No.20504109

I also watch Steve Lheto

>> No.20504110

Well ACKSHUALLY all dolphins are just types of whales.

>> No.20504138

Exactly. "Fruit" is a botanical term; "vegetable" is a culinary term.

>> No.20504352

"fruit" and "vegetable" are not mutually exclusive; a tomato is both

>> No.20504557
File: 96 KB, 1200x675, 33b94b00-141a-11ed-9f1e-c91020d3f395-2353626441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my ice cream sandwich.

>> No.20504589

No, stores that sell mexican food are legally considered sandwich-style restaurants.

>> No.20506048

>officially a sandwich
no, it's legally a sandwich.

>> No.20506053

I would pay money to ask this judge what he thinks the use of "sandwich" as a verb means, under oath

>> No.20506075

Why would it even be an issue? What autistic landlord will only agree to a specific kind of fast food restaurant?

>> No.20506107

And I thought america couldn’t get more retarded.

>> No.20506130

By the same definition a hot dog is a sandwich. A radical position to take but somewhat understandable.

>> No.20506279

The kind tryna keep out messicans

>> No.20506320

Nice to see I’m not the only LehtoBro on the Chan. I love Steve.

>> No.20506343

>the rental agreement specifically zoned the space for a sandwich bar style restaurant
>sandwich bar style restaurant
>sandwich bar STYLE restaurant
>the /authorities/autistically focus on the word sandwich
>Court says no, it said sandwich bar STYLE
>Court rules that a place that sells tacos and burritos in a STYLE similar to a sandwich bar is acceptable

fuck off you retarded faggot

>> No.20506538

An outrageous miscarriage of justice

The prosecutor should take this all the way to the Supreme Court

>> No.20506558

A pizza is not a pie. It is a bread with toppings. Therefore, a pizza is an open faced sandwich. Checkmate, autists.

>> No.20506705

Except the dough isn't cooked before the rest of the ingredients like sandwich bread (or a tortilla/shell)

>> No.20506815

it says right there TACO

>> No.20506837

How do you zone specifically for a sandwich bar? Cities zone for restaurants, not specific types.

>> No.20506856

america has zoning laws for everything.
I'm pretty surprised I didn't hear about this until now

>> No.20507098

you little shit it's octopodes

>> No.20507117

It's not the city, it's the rental agreement between the owner of the commercial space and the restaurant owner. They specify this so that the businesses renting from the space don't compete with each other. Picture you own a strip mall with 5 spaces, 3 of them sell fried chicken, and 1 of those puts the other 2 out of business. Now you've got vacancies.

Either they'll approve certain restaurant styles, or give certain restaurants exclusivity over certain kinds of business in their lease. There was controversy in a town near where I grew up when they informed a new Raisin' Cane's franchise only one week before opening (after all the work was done), that the exclusive rights to sell fried chicken was already granted to another restaurant on the property.

>> No.20507927

The guy tried to illegally build a strip mall in a residential zone. When the municipal govt. found out, it rezoned the land to commercial, but in return the guy had to agree that fast-food restaurants would be banned from the land and only sandwich restaurants would be built on it. (This is partially due to pressure from a nearby NIMBY group.)