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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20503939 No.20503939 [Reply] [Original]

>be burger at restaurant (date payed for me btw. yes i actually go on dates and get treated by handsome men unlike all you femcels, don't be jelly)
>order lamb loin
>quite possibly most delicious thing ive ever eaten in my entire life
>think about trying to cook it for myself, look for lamb at store
>absolutely absurd prices
why the fuck is lamb so expensive in burgerland?

>> No.20503947

It's a novelty exotic thing, we don't really eat goat either.
If you know a farmer I'm sure you can get it at closer to beef prices or slightly cheaper if you're buying a lot of meat or doing your own butchering.

>> No.20503962

You've never been on a date and you've never been to America. Take your larp and cram it

>> No.20503971

Probably because it isn’t subsidized.

>> No.20504000 [DELETED] 

let me guess, you're an ugly incel?

>> No.20504038
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There's absolutely nothing wrong with buying shoulder. It's cheap and still comes out juicy, tender, and delicious.

btw you're fat, ugly, and very possibly male.

>> No.20504058

You will never be a woman.

>> No.20504067

post your drivers license with a timestamp
you may obfuscate any sensitive data
I don't you are from the USA

>> No.20504074

You’ll need to work on your English if you want citizenship, Ramirez.

>> No.20504085

because lamb comes from New Zealand. Go ahead and try shipping a live animal to New Zealand and see how much it costs you.

>> No.20504132

post tits

>> No.20504141

Trade tariffs.
You can thank Drumpff and his clown show of an administration for it.

>> No.20504202
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Jew Bidet admin literally just announced a massive wave of tarriff hikes you blithering retard, take it up with that clown show.

>> No.20504212

I got some loin for you heh heh heh… it’s just cheap pork loin ;_;

>> No.20504232
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>> No.20504266

Drumpff imposed the tariffs on Australian and New Zealand imports, dipshit.
Go buy yourself a fucking clue, Chud.

>> No.20504273

>i actually go on dates and get treated by handsome men
i too enjoy treating chicks.

>> No.20504280
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get well soon.

>> No.20504283

my bad, i should've typed in 2021.
i'm sure the genius will catch it though.

>> No.20504304

he doesn't need makeup to be seen in public, and he can also open jars so nana nana boo boo

>> No.20505647

>It's a novelty exotic thing
but why tho

>> No.20505652

Crab is also exotic. I have crabs.

>> No.20505721

WTF I love Biden now

>> No.20505736
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what is this, the dedicated tranny thread?

>> No.20505799

its not exotic its more that the vast majority of americans get the "ick" from anything that isnt beef or pork. i've known people that don't like chicken.
so, there's a low demand for it

>> No.20505804

Thats because chicken is a dino.

>> No.20505880
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Could chuds here be anymore jealous of women (including trans women)?

>> No.20505886

removing the poster count was a mistake

>> No.20505906

I feel intense jealousy to the point of seething when I'm served something I cannot make as good as the restaurant
It totally ruins the experience for me, if I was served lamb I would know damn well I wouldn't be able to immediately replicate it because I have never cooked lamb before
Lucky for me all my friends are coocklets who are just happy with a burger so whenever I eat out I get to smugly enjoy my meal knowing it's subpar

>> No.20505908

Why not rise to the challenge and try to replicate what you ate anon?

>> No.20505917

Because I first have to make it better than the restaurant then I go and order it at the restaurant

>> No.20505928

Do you ever swagger up to a restaurant and get humbled by a chef who btfos your cooking?

>> No.20505940

Tits or GTFO

>> No.20506693

It was a retarded move really as there isn’t a domestic market that needs protecting.
Boomer moment.

>> No.20508177


>> No.20509493

I'm sure you have some of them grown in the US, it's a huge place
I live in Romania and the same thing happens, but it's absurd here. We grow a LOT of sheep and goats, but it's hard to find in stores because most of it is grown to export to arab nations. The only time you have a surefire chance at finding some (overpriced too) is around Easter, cause it's a traditional easter food here