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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2808815 No.2808815 [Reply] [Original]

Skeeter Pee Season

Previous Thread: >>2774824

Calculators and Tools:

Other Useful Resources:

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>> No.2809326

there's one up on /ck/ as well which has been up surprisingly long. on that board they usually 404 within 48 hours

i'm just going to repeat it here, tomato paste my man.

>> No.2809344

ah, that'd explain why no one made a thread. I didn't even think to check /ck/ since like you said the threads there rarely last long

>> No.2809352

>tomato paste my man
kek I know, I'm the leaf paste guy, it's just another one gallon test as a control. I'll be trying various food waste products soon like papaya peels, the tomato paste will have to wait for now.

>> No.2809807

What does the season matter if you're using concentrate?

>> No.2809821

it's the season for making and drinking it

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2808814 No.2808814 [Reply] [Original]

I grabbed a used one of these cause my electric kept breaking. It ran great until it ran out of gas and then I filled it from the fuel I had in the garage. This was a mistake as that fuel has been in a small gas can for about 8 months over winter. This mower did not start and I tried like 50 times probably making it worse forcing the bad fuel through. I turned it on its side and emptied it then used new gas and it still wont start after a couple days of letting it sit. What should I do to try and fix this? Do I need to change a fuel filter clean a carburetor. Youtube has a bunch of repair stuff but not seeing much diagnosis. Model is 917-370432 if you care.

Any advice on what to try and repair or clean first?

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>> No.2808970

does it have to be a pickle jar? what if all i have is mayonnaise jars?
i'm trans btw if that matters

>> No.2808982

It could've been sitting for a few years and the ethanol rusted up the fuel tank. Adding gas stirred that shit up and it got sucked into the filter or carb.

>> No.2808998

Only if it's Hellman's. Duke's won't work.

>> No.2809121

if you pull the carb just stick it in a jar of fresh gas for like an hour and stir it once in a while. no need to clean or rebuild it.

>> No.2809244

no pickle jars in Transylvania ?

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2808784 No.2808784 [Reply] [Original]

/wwg/ Woodworking General
milsurp mallet edition

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>> No.2810350

indians can't figure out chainsaws

>> No.2810357

A butcher block what?
Pre-stain can be made by thinning linseed or some other resin down with varsol or something.
It couldn’t hurt… cheap insurance, but it’s not magical by any means.
Likewise, if it’s not dark enough, add stain to the finish layer (make a toner).
If it’s for food contact, be advised that some oil-based producs—while good—may have poisonous metallic catalysts in them (e.g. cobalt salts).

>> No.2810358

A hevea butcher block for a desk, about 6'x2'x1.5" in size. Thank you for the advice I'm a total newfag to woodwork

>> No.2810362

Here is a typical scenario.
U.S. company opens up or buys a little canadian company (called a shell) and then that company rents a parcel of boreal forest from the canadian government for clear-cutting with the promise that the original species of trees will be replanted there <wink wink> afterward.
After the trees are cut down and turned into toilet paper (pretty typical), some of which is re-sold back to canadians for exorbitant prices. The “shell company” mysteriously goes completely bankrupt right after receiving federal subsidies to keep it afloat. Then, nothing gets replanted.
This cycle then repeats.
It’s been done this for many decades now.
Although, canadians shouldn’t be angry, this happens in the U.S. with U.S. shell companies on U.S. resources to larger degree.
Look at uranium mining and the promised clean-ups that never happened. It’s a brilliant system, really.

>> No.2810500

oil prime and repaint. add tread covers to impair footprints

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2808755 No.2808755 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a dumb idea for a shed?

I have a little under 40' of stainless pipe and I want to build a 8x12 shed. I figure if I do it this way, I don't have to use rebar. I'd pour around the pipe first, let that set, and then inside the pipe. Would I have to worry about these posts sinking? I live in a region with a high clay content, so I don't want to dig too wide of holes either.

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>> No.2810320

>rebar is a scam
Oh fuck off with that nonsense

>> No.2810330

Rebar is 100% a scam by engineers and construction companies to add finite lifespan limits to any construction

>> No.2810412

Engineer here

Rebar is not a scam

But for a shed it is. Code allows for plain concrete for this sort of thing. But anything under 600 sq ft doesnt even need to go down to frost. OP is caring about possible aesthetics here instead of just fucking building the damn shed

>> No.2810426

For a shed, I would do maybe half the depth. The pipe is dumb as fuck...it would probably make it worse desu. a rebar in the middle would also be worthless unless youre going up with block. a mesh cage would be the tryhard thing, but it would need to be wider than 8" to even get enough cover and contain most of the actual pier.

>> No.2810508

>it would probably make it worse

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2808685 No.2808685 [Reply] [Original]

what do?

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>> No.2809220

Dormers dont change the volume of water

>> No.2809221

the water has to flow around them obviously
dumb dumb

>> No.2809223

isn't "Lcock" French?

>> No.2809319


>> No.2809332

Lol the other c.

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2808650 No.2808650 [Reply] [Original]

>you can larp as someone who can afford a real in-ground pool

>is basically a giant plastic bag full of diluted bleach water
>high electric bills from running the pump
>makes it harder to sell your house
>in the off season, water collects on the winter cover and breeds mosquitos
>looks like shit
>entraps and drowns feral toddlers in your neighborhood
>takes up a bunch of space in your yard
>gotta scoop out leaves and shit with tiny net on a pole every day
>gotta vacuum shit off the bottom with pool vacuum
>gotta drain/add water to maintain water levels
>gotta balance pH/chlorine so it doesn't become more of a cesspool of shit than it already is
>gotta clean out filter clogs so the pump doesn't overheat and melt

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>> No.2809534

>don't just try to dig a hole and throw a liner in
Why not?

>> No.2809767

I want a Swim Spa inside my house, right next to, between the bathroom and the bedroom.
swim spas are great, its like a giant hot tub.
like 6 to 8 ft wide and about 15 or 20 ft long.
with the water jets action, you can "swim in place" or just float around back and forth or just sit in it like a hot tub. max comfy

>> No.2809798

its toddlers in general isn't it? fucking weird how they do it.

>> No.2809847

>Poor child dies because parents are fuckgin retarded beyond belief
>omg ban water now!
i hate what this world has become

>> No.2809848

>not having a pool boy to clean and maintain everything and fuck your wife
Bonus if its a pair of pool boys

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2808647 No.2808647 [Reply] [Original]

I know this looks worse than shit. I was planning to create something aesthetic and it turned out like this.
Any suggestions?
How can i fix it? What else should i..add on this wall area to make it seem aesthetic?

>> No.2808669

Kids. You gotta love 'em. I know I do.

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2808595 No.2808595 [Reply] [Original]

let talk shovels, I want to buy a drain spade, what is a good brand? also do i want normal long handle or d handles, i mostly got d handles roud tip and transfer shovels

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>> No.2808633

Quite literally a coal shovel

>> No.2808700

>what is a good brand?
It's a shovel, just get whatever they have at your local hardware store. Brand doesn't matter, just make sure to keep the edge sharp.

>> No.2808704

>what is a good brand?
whichever one they have at the flea market that weekend. it's a fucking SHOVEL mate if you can't pick it up and tell it's good or shit then you deserve whatever rubber handle amazon tin shit you get.

>boots slip off the angled tines
yeah, nope

Ask your mom, she shovels the most

>> No.2808730

Recommend a #4 coal scoop.

>> No.2809045

there this thing called gauge anon, if shovel didn't matter there would only be one maker of chink orientation.

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2808592 No.2808592 [Reply] [Original]

i bought a really large metal planter (picrel) and i want to put a glass terrarium on top of it. using the pot for the plants and drainage. what would be the best way to make a framing system for glass panels?

i was thinking of extruded aluminum but that would look janky. then i got the idea of something like a shower tray for glass doors.

also, i want to add a cooling system but im not sure what would be best. for example, TECs are very inefficient but i have seen them used before in terrarium builds. on the other hand a refrigerant system would be a little difficult for me.

idk, ill just post some pictures of what i think would look nice. and some brainstorming anons could help

>> No.2808593
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perhaps a framing system like this? i like how thin it is, but what i see is that in the picture the glass is attached to the wall. so im not sure how load bearing a frame like this would be. especially since im considering using insulated glass (because its a highland terrarium)

>> No.2809081
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I’d try and use those structural glass holder-togethers like in picrel. They make all kinds of shapes for this stuff, like corners. We have smaller ones for things like glass stair and balcony railings.

>> No.2809094

omg awesome. thank you for the suggestion!

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2808586 No.2808586 [Reply] [Original]

How can I get more spiders in my house? Especially in my basement. I want lots of them to be my friend. I've noticed they like my shower. They will go in my dirty clothes and shoes too. How to get more - their numbers are too low. Sometimes I meet my friend wolf spider but he is shy and hides a lot - I haven't seen him in a long time I fear him dead.

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>> No.2809371

based spiderbro

>> No.2809430

>carefully transport them back to your basement and wait.

this is the kind of heartless cruelty that first world whites thrive on

>> No.2810644

I work in pest control so this is the exact opposite of my job, but if you want spiders in your home get house plants(no lavender, mint, or Cymbopogon), easy access to food and water(I would recommend small, shallow water dishes and a outdoor garden, having it overgrown is actually better here), and spots for them to hide in(normally this clutter but maybe old egg cartoons and crumpled newspaper could do the trick).

>> No.2810648

imagine not putting the lesser species to work for you. How much would I have to pay a person to live under my house and eat all my bugs and stay out of my sight and never make any noise? If you're a communist then you would be suggesting the government appoint a person to live under a given house and eat all the bugs and not even make any money.

>> No.2810650
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Add night lights to your basement. Insects will be drawn to them. Spiders will thrive on the easy hunting near the lights. Amber lights seem to work the best.

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2808559 No.2808559 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid faucet handle in the bathroom came off. It looks like it threads on but I can't for the life of me figure out how they engineered this thing.
Is there a way to reattach it or am I boned and need a whole new faucet?

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>> No.2809186


>> No.2809190
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odd coloration on the that internal cog, is there remains of a braze, should be able to feel it with your fingers.
either way thermal expansion is a thing, should increase tolerances so you can work blind.

>> No.2809214

Thank you friendly sir

>> No.2810106

Figured this out.
The base of the handle (the fat bit) unscrews which then allows you to reattach all of the components. It's a Moen Monticello

>> No.2810211
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Thanks for the update.

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2808542 No.2808542 [Reply] [Original]

Idk if this fits on this board, but whatever

I just bought a house and I’m looking to landscape the backyard. It’s a square lot that slopes down towards the house. I also have a little screened “patio” thing.

Any anons here have experience landscaping, or have any inspiration to make this backyard look nice?

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>> No.2809001

this. Sheep.

>> No.2809020

I'd work on that rock area, make it nice to be in or out of the the patio. You can get free rock if you're willing to shovel it from people's yards. Sometimes from the street.

Drainage was my first thought, make sure there is an skirt upslope to the house all around the house. That alone is often enough to keep water from seeping. The trick is it has to have somewhere to go, if the front is sloped away then just a skirt will be plenty.

>> No.2809047

Lawns are useful. My kids won't play whiffle ball or soccer in a patch of tomatoes.

>> No.2809246

what went wrong raising your kids ?

>> No.2809271

Border the house itself with native shrubs and bushes, add a patio with grill just past the door still in the shade, plant a couple of trees for shade near windows

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2808489 No.2808489 [Reply] [Original]

so fuckin' comfy, I have 5 acres in AZ and now I want to do this. Imagine taking a date back to your Morrocan tent.

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>> No.2808790
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>taking a date
>a date
>in the arizona desert
I hope you find one at the top of the slide

>> No.2808798

>clearly a pole at the far end
>obviously right in front of the opposite pole
check your eyes or check your brane dummy

>> No.2808800
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guys I love her so much

>> No.2809484

American chicks spent their entire life in a house that was always set to 72. There is fuckall chance you will find one willing to go over 75 or under 70.

>> No.2809486

LOL, 4 Chan explaining women is like the Beverley Hillbillies explaining the cee-ment pond in their back yard.

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2808465 No.2808465 [Reply] [Original]

god this sucks

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>> No.2809446

Fuck your time cost millennizoomer. If you're not at work your time cost is zero.

>> No.2809448

Feel the same about scraping poorly bonded paint off walls. For some reason it's so satisfying removing large sheets of paint from a wall without breaking it and challenging yourself to beat your personal best

>> No.2809537
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Think with portals.

>> No.2809690

Spend less time bitching on the internet and you’ll be done faster. Also really drench it with water and hope you don’t have a laminated layer.

>> No.2810269

I don't know shit and shit but I know if I was going to do what's in OP pic I would find a way to make it much easier. Use your brain

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2808354 No.2808354[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My wife here and I need to raise this counter above her hip. We also want to add onto the side. Do you recommend we tear it up and replace it? Or raise it as is? Willing to do either one.

>> No.2808356

I can't help with the counter top but that ass is a total loss. Just get over it.

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2808296 No.2808296 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee has only ONE requirement; to stay in ~90C water for ~5min; anything instant is just the same but premade and the result dried to a powder.
Hence you can UNIRONICALLY just drop boiling water to ANY filter/espresso/greek/whatever coffee in a cup and stir once; then you just wait for ~5min and just drink it; the residue at the bottom is nothing special since it's like any Greek/Turkish coffee in that case (you just don't drink that part).
Hence put your regular water boiler to work,
and then use any "expensive" coffee in your cup without having to buy complicated coffee machines.

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>> No.2809159

you don't sip the grounds you stupid fuck. they drop at the very bottom. you have to be a special retard to drink those too (the only liquid you lose is about <2% of the full cup's).

I wonder if even grounding is unneeded. Maybe they are permeable enough. That would be the ultimate scam (that we don't even need to pay the premium of them grinding them for us).

It's poisonous to insects(literally). On small quantities it's a regular analgesic (on high it's practically Cocaine). A literal antidote of caffeine is camomile by the way.

>> No.2809160

*stimulant, ..which makes it "Cocaine" on high quantities.

>> No.2809172
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I used a French Press for a bout a year and it was some of the best coffee and best coffee times of my life.
then for some reason i started messing it up and it came out too strong or too weak or too hot or too cold. seems like i could only keep doing it right for a year and after that nothing went right and it just sucked

>> No.2809467

You're drinking the grounds because your method is just the cupping method but instead you're tipping it back and sloshing it down. I guess you don't notice when you're used to rough things grinding your throat.

>> No.2809483

The grinder might be dull.

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2808291 No.2808291 [Reply] [Original]

Ego or Milwaukee cordless mowers. I've been racking my brain for weeks now. Any testament? I am not beholden to either battery ecosystem as of now.

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>> No.2808675

>When I arrived at the store, they told me it was not available there and the closest store that had it was 60 miles away. I canceled the order on the spot and I drove up the road to Home Depot
wow you really showed that minimum wage worker

>> No.2808678
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what are you, poor? go for best in class

>> No.2808699

Ego. I have a snowblower (in Colorado), the mower and a leaf blower. I recently restored and sold a Ryobi mower and the difference is night and day. I mean the Ryobi was fine but Ego just chose to do things right. Four batteries (2x4ah 2x5ah) going strong after five years.

My last mower was a husqvarna 4x4 Awd mower and this spring I refurbished two other gas engines, so I'm not some fresh off the boat avacado toast fan boy.

>> No.2808701

as noted I just had a Ryobi for a minute. It was 40v 4Ah, the original battery was dead. You used to be able to revive them by removing the shell and tricking the board with a simple connection but they redesigned them to remove that feature so now when the board says it's been too long it will stop working no matter what. I put a cheap chinese battery in at 1/3 the price.

The mower itself was light and the drive was actually very good, I demonstrated the mowing and the drive during a garage sale and it walked up my curb. The drive on the ryobi works without engaging the blade which is a nice feature. Also the Ego run on one or two batteries the Ryobi model I had was single battery with a fake second slot to keep your spare batt for when it dies on the back nine.

I'd still go Ego myself, I hate the Ryobi battery. I still haven't found an electric that feels like you're cutting the grass and not combing it, but it cut just fine. I used it in mulch mode, it also had a bag.

I firmly believe that the problem with electric mowers is they took a gas mower design and added an electric mower. Nobody looked at the technology and asked "what is the best way to use an 80v 4Ah battery to cut down and/or pick up grass?"

>> No.2808702

I would like to take your wife for a spin sir.

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2808249 No.2808249 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here attempted foam construction? The person in the video makes a foam composite material that seems to be sturdy af, since his buddy used it to make a house.

I kind of want to try using this method to replace my shitass spruce fence.
He seems to use hard insulation foam, tile mortar with polymer, and a (fiberglass?) mesh.
But I can't seem to find anything close to that kind of mesh anywhere where I live. But I might not be searching for the right thing. Anyone know what it is?

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>> No.2808433

>GF reinforced concrete
This guy is putting Ceresit CT82 adhesive mortar without any further additives right on polyester in a thin 3-5mm layer and applying a fiberglass mesh, alkali resistant or not. Does that seem to you like a procedure that will make a good swimming pool or pavement?

>> No.2808435

Also here's an English video with actual GFRC as well as mixing and working information https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HbsmFgdz0g

>> No.2808440
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>neglects to mention our lord and savior material, steel
make a shotgun from wood and mortar, then suck start it

>> No.2808579

>Does that seem to you like a procedure that will make a good swimming pool or pavement?
If that’s what he’s doing then no.

I didn’t watch the video other than skimming it. It’s 43 minutes long. If you want me to argue the validity of his methods, I won’t. I seriously doubt most of the people I responded to have a clue what they’re talking about or watched the video either. They weren’t commenting on the video. They were commenting on the op. I even said to go check out how to videos. What did I say that was incorrect? You’re completely dismissing the context of the thread and the posts I responded to.

>> No.2809280

This video is for SCC. This is a different method than layup and requires a different mix and methods. OP’s video is “actual GFRC” albeit using poor methods.

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2808213 No.2808213 [Reply] [Original]

I need a short but wide and sealed cylinder of metal. Like a hollow cheese wheel of metal.

Does a prefabbed version of this exist somewhere that i could just buy?

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>> No.2809145


I've decided to just weld the thing together. I don't need to use aluminum, i can make the whole thing out of steel, so i can just stick weld the fucker together. The extra metal from the stick will probably make it air tight.

Thing is just a prototype, not a production model. If it leaks i'll just haul it out and add more metal.

>> No.2809146

Cool, enjoy your low quality fent, Travonticus.

>> No.2809258

Water heater drain pans for larger sizes?

>> No.2809529

>buy bigass propane tank or whatever
>cut ends off
>weld ends together
Only one seam to weld and you'd be working with something already built to hold pressure so it ought to deal with vacuum better than most random shit you'd throw together.

>> No.2810298

Could cut the end off a drainage sluice pipe. Get it free when no one is looking

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2808195 No.2808195 [Reply] [Original]

Water sometimes pours from this little hole next to the drain pipe on my HVAC. Is it a clog somewhere? I've suctioned the pipe out on both ends, blew it out, etc. The pan drain channel seems clear too. Maybe that angled elbow there is gunked? But I can't get in there to see.

>> No.2808293

It's probably just backing up, get a scope and take a look

>> No.2808331

Yeah, I've seen some people cut a hole in the top & use a wire in there. I may try that.

>> No.2808420

yeah looks like slime in there. ream it out with something.

>> No.2808642

The little hole or the elbow pipe? BTW, what's that hole for anyway? Pressure outlet?