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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 56 KB, 700x924, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2472230 No.2472230 [Reply] [Original]

Post shit thats shit, but in the DIY spirit.

Previous thread >>2465559

>> No.2472231
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>> No.2472232
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>> No.2472236

devs forgot to check for clipping

>> No.2472267

mirror should face the toilet so you can shit shower and shave at the same time

>> No.2472276

americans try installing a bidet

>> No.2472290

Great Idea, I always get in the shower then need to shit. Getting tired of my drain getting clogged...

>> No.2472692
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what spider is this?

>> No.2472886
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>> No.2472899

That lady is gunna get caught in the miter saw.

>> No.2472963
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>> No.2472965


>> No.2472970

Jesus Christ

>> No.2473017
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It's.. it's.. beautiful.

>> No.2473051
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That is a really sweet trip hazard, its like a ok chance of death sometimes with a great chance of serious injury

>> No.2473092

Whats wrong with this one? I would love to have a shower head that high up...

>> No.2473103

I lived in an apartment just like this in Finland (Kallio). It was built in the 1930's for factory workers and the bathroom was an addition decades later.

>> No.2473127

>It's facing the opposite wall
Anon, how do you stand in the shower?!

>> No.2473137
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>> No.2473139

There's nothing inherently wrong with this if you are extremely limited on space.

>> No.2473373

You have to straddle this to use the sink

>> No.2473406
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>> No.2473408

Should be able to be tilted downward more with the showerhead swivel...

>> No.2473409
File: 2.47 MB, 4000x2250, 1664255143974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my dorm shower

>> No.2473578

secret of the azteks

>> No.2473607

Hairius Clippus

>> No.2473646

>>2472963 i'm so disappointed in this world
>>2473051 nevermind i feel better now

>> No.2473785

>he stands at a sink with his legs less than shoulder-width apart
are you afraid someone's going to look up your dress?

>> No.2473824

Putting a foot between the pipe cover (?) and the bench (?) looks suck

>> No.2473956
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>> No.2473963
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idk if it's really an abomination because it was a quick, simple, cheap working solution to my problem.

Problem: Toilet tank is filling too much, leading to water flowing down the overflow tube.
Adjustment screw on fill valve is old and stuck in place due to corrosion.

What I did:
>Take a pair of vice grips
>Put them on the adjustment screw on the filler and try to adjust it
>it's corroded so it's stuck in place and I end up breaking it off
>take a quarter and a penny and jam them on top of one another into the space where the screw used to be.
Now when the toilet refills, the float lever presses down on the coins which shuts the filler valve.
Has worked perfect for a month now, the toilet fills to the proper amount and has zero leaks.
picrel is the screw I broke and replace with 26 cents.

>> No.2474076
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The scorch marks towards the rear of the seat implies this isn't an art exhibit.

>> No.2474097

>cookieeeeeee OM NOM NOM

>> No.2474101

Should use two pennies.

>> No.2474372
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Very classy

>> No.2474374

>dookie monster

>> No.2474511
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>Feel the Brown

I don't know exactly when carpet in bathrooms started, but I think it was the late 60's or 70's.
This is the boomers fault

>> No.2474599

Have you ever been in a carpeted bathroom? My friend's family has an old cabin in the Poconos and it's a time capsule. One feature is deep pile carpet in the bathroom. I'm telling you, it's absolutely incredible. You come out of the shower and there's not a single cold, slippery thing to step on, and the deep carpet is simultaneously drying off your feet like a towel. You grope your way into the bathroom at night in the middle of the winter, wincing as you prepare for the surgically cold tile floor to sear the bottoms of your feet, but it just never happens. It's the strangest and most lovely experience. And when you've drank too much and you're vomiting, the carpet is so forgiving on your hands and knees. It's like the cabin really loves you.

Yet the women in this guy's family are all trying to take the carpet out of the bathroom saying it "looks disgusting" and it's "full of germs." Hypochondriac nonsense to sterilize the Earth and strip away every ounce of love. They would replace every carpet and wood panel with clinical tile, as they replace dimmable incandescent lights with harsh LED, as they replace a mother's booboo kiss with a cold alcohol wipe. My heart breaks for this future.

>> No.2474612

This looks like your average Eastern European school bathroom

>> No.2474614

The average Hong kong apartment experience/10

>> No.2474618
File: 12 KB, 259x194, D90E4D50-143F-4F81-9F86-2B093A17282E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here’s your bathroom carpet bro

>> No.2474624
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This triggers the hypochondriac

>> No.2474638
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There's these inventions call 'bath mats' you put them on the tiles and clean them when they get dirty
People who don't hang up the bath mats after they're finished in the bathroom so they can dry out will be shot.

This is how it is now because you can't hang up carpet when it gets wet, covered in piss and drenched in fecal matter, vomit and toe jam

>> No.2474649

If I was a king then my bathroom would be carpeted in shag and cleaned daily, I can’t imagine a more luxurious bathroom

Carpeted bathrooms are usually only in very shitty apartments or dilapidated/outdated houses. Small-minded people see this and can’t imagine a scenario where a carpeted bathroom is an extreme luxury.

>> No.2474651

>hanging up your bath mat after every use

Either you’ve chosen a shitty bathmat or have a serious moisture retention problem in your bathroom. The whole point is to wash them frequently, theres no need to dry them out in 15 min instead of 60 min

>> No.2474653

What about grass as carpet for your bathroom?

>> No.2474659
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>> No.2474697

The carpet in the cabin bathroom has not been cleaned in 50 years and it's literally fine. I have never hung a bath mat or cleaned it. I have never gotten sick from the imaginary germs. I cannot imagine what it's like to be cleaning and hanging mats every day like a paranoid schizophrenic. You need to see a therapist immediately.

>> No.2474701

You ARE the carpet.
50 years of shit and random DNA working their way to the backing has resulted in it achieving sentience.

>> No.2474723

Kek, that's breddy gud

>> No.2474724
File: 153 KB, 1125x748, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold, a carpeted bathtub

>> No.2474725

>step out of tub
>feet are instantly dirty again

>> No.2474733


>> No.2474735

Ever heard of house shoes?
Also, unless you pee like a girl, there's years of dried urine all around that toilet.

>> No.2474758

Did you know that there's 500,000 years of dried urine all over the ground outside? Animals have been pissing and shitting on your lawn since the dawn of time. Yet you can still go on the grass barefoot and nothing will happen. At least, your parents could do that, I'm not sure if you're psychologically able.

>> No.2474986
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Pic rel

>> No.2474999
File: 149 KB, 720x960, carpet sins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 min instead of 60 min
No, it wont be dry. It will sit on a cold tile floor and remain sodden until I come in and tread on it in bare feet. Then I will feel bad, which now makes it my life mission to make whoever did that also feel bad, ashamed and have their nose rubbed in it like a bad puppy.
We're humans, not shrieking animals
We put the mat up off the floor where it can dry, otherwise we're just two steps away from complete societal collapse

>You need to see a therapist immediately.
I see my therapist next week, I'm doing fine and not killed anyone for the last 14 years

>> No.2475037
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checked. Comfy.
Take that toilet roll cover Pepe...

>> No.2475051

the dead 'goldfish' in the blue tub makes this pure pottery

>> No.2475052

'fancy' apartments brought to you by 3rd world construction

>> No.2475054
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im sensing anger that your bathroom is not as psychadelic friendly

>> No.2475055

carpet looks nice. overhang on the tub triggers the fuck out of me. thats a moldly spider and silverfish spawnpoint

>> No.2475060

You will cohabitate the bugs

>> No.2475104

Alright. You've jumped the shark. And your faggy foot fetish is showing.

>> No.2476757
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>Imagine the fucking smell

>> No.2476761

Why not just bleach the whole room every once in a while like you’re supposed to I don’t understand the problem

>> No.2478023

This is EXACTLY what i had in mind

>> No.2478224

>Have you ever been in a carpeted bathroom?
My bathroom is carpeted and it's the worst thing ever. It's all matted up and disgusting and it traps hairs like a motherfucker. I try so hard to petition my father to let me rip it out and replace it with tile but he won't fucking budge.

>> No.2478226

You know that something can be fucking disgusting without it being actually harmful, right?

>> No.2478244

No I do not

>> No.2478552

>That lady is gunna get caught in the miter saw.

umm, anon...

>> No.2478843
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Here some OC.

>> No.2478965

>that wallpaper
did you hung this up?

>> No.2478977

No, sister did.

>> No.2478986

It'd be a bit acceptable if they were single-use only, fuck cold seats

>> No.2478990

oh good, I thought I was having a stroke

>> No.2479380
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Spotted this recently I just had to post it.

>> No.2479900

This looks wrong, but If the idea is to save space or bath in a seat or while taking a dump, its clearly functional and ok,

>> No.2480464

This guy right here knows the value of his time. Keep grinding king.

>> No.2480504

Mirror fogs up

>> No.2481940


>> No.2482256

VLC bless you.

>> No.2482258

Man I need this for my period poops where my entire body gets soaked in sweat as my insides liquify into hot death.

>> No.2482269


>> No.2482301
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The suicide shower is well know, however, the remains of the last occupant in the bottom is a new one

>> No.2482413
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>> No.2482747

try wearing a union suit

>> No.2482937

how did they convert an electric single burner into a gas one?

>> No.2482955

there's absolutely nothing wrong with this

>> No.2482973

better paint it all grey with grey trim, that'll make it better

>> No.2482979

The grey will at least add an exta $100k onto your homes asking price

>> No.2483009


>> No.2483231

This is a wet bath, a little too big but standard in tiny homes, RVs, and Vans

>> No.2483234
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>when you see it

>> No.2483261

I wear sandals after showering making the floor a non-issue.

I use terrycloth towels for bath mats. Dry off then when time to wash towel it becomes mat, then gets washed after wiping the floor with it. Dry,clean fast easy cheap/

>> No.2483299

>easy to keep clean
>No wood or plaster to rot

>> No.2483302

wat do you mean? thats not the street?

>> No.2483303

Are those ethernet cables and hubs?

>> No.2483310

>"looks disgusting" and it's "full of germs."
Theyre right. There's tons of piss an fecal matter that definitely gets in there.

>And when you've drank too much and you're vomiting, the carpet is so forgiving on your hands and knees. It's like the cabin really loves you.
Good luck if you get vomit on the carpet.

>deep carpet is simultaneously drying off your feet like a towel.
you mean holding all the moisture and growing mold.

>you grope your way into the bathroom at night in the middle of the winter, wincing as you prepare for the surgically cold tile floor to sear the bottoms of your feet, but it just never happens.

I would rather stick my feet in ice than step on piss shit and mold filled bathroom carpet.

>> No.2483313

mold and shit are real.

>> No.2483314

A bathroom is enclosed and a smaller surface area. Totally different than outside.

>> No.2483317

The next time I find myself in a carpeted bathroom I'm pissing every where and smearing shit into it, just to teach them a lesson on why you shouldn't have a carpeted bathroom.

>> No.2483353

Did you know there's mold and shit touching your skin RIGHT NOW?

>> No.2483359


>> No.2483375

Might be kinda nice to shit and show at the same time. No need to waffle stomp.

>> No.2483429
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>> No.2483487

Yeah, but I'd still like to keep it at it a low. If you dont mind shit so much you should just move to india an shit in the street pajai.

>> No.2483607

Do Indians get sick more than you? No. In fact, they just have less allergies than you and stronger immune systems because they're hardy.

India had 44.6M covid cases with a population of 1.38 billion, and the US had 96M covid cases with a population of 329M. The Indians are practically invincible to disease. And the death rates are the same despite the US having the world's most healthcare spending and highest tech hospitals, whereas India is a third world country with practically no infrastructure.

>> No.2483609

poo in loo

>> No.2483611

when you see it, you'll shit bricks .....in a different toilet

>> No.2483726
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>> No.2484243


>> No.2484248

This is… very european.

>> No.2484252
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Nice, they've gone to a lot of extra effort there and you can tell

>> No.2484263

Poor dude got zapped to dust and flushed down the drain.

>> No.2484331 [DELETED] 

In Thailand there was a closet sized toilet + shower combo like this. It was actually suuuuper comfy when hung over cause you could sit, piss, shit, and take a shower.

>> No.2484374

how is it new it's just shit smeared into the shower drain like you guys always talk about

>> No.2484382


It said an accurate figure may “prove elusive” but the true death toll “is likely to be an order of magnitude greater than the official count.”


>> No.2484768
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hook the mirror to one of those fancy spinny windows they put in milling machines

>> No.2484771
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>> No.2485926

trans men don't have period.

>> No.2486516

This is actually a picture of a Nazi WWII homicidal shower, they used to zap jews into ash and wash them down the drain…it sounds unbelievable, but it’s true.

>> No.2486521
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Not to be confused with the nazi u-boat captain shower.
>anything less than 5 valves just isn't worth knowing

>> No.2486758

You can smell the frat boy piss at two miles out.

>> No.2486759

Get enough shit around the element and you too can have a grease fire in your kitchen.

>> No.2487507

to be fair doors often a solid slab of material and if they're exterior doors they're weatherproof as well and people throw them out all the time.

>> No.2487512

no, just electricity and junction boxes

>> No.2487528

I could see that being some kind of arty-farty room functions switched with room styles as some kind of "Bedroom in the bathroom" thing. A plush "bathtub" as a bed could be kind of comfy.

>> No.2487532

That's from opiate use. I've seen that in every toilet where I know someone in that house takes either oxycontin, or lortabs. Always boomers.

>> No.2487538

>I would rather stick my feet in ice than step on piss shit and mold filled bathroom carpet.
you forgot the vomit

>> No.2487702

my grandpa was a contractor forever and saved doors to use as shelves in his basement

>> No.2487703


>> No.2489110
File: 794 KB, 693x562, safety hazard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usa btw

>> No.2489115


>> No.2489179


>> No.2489191

>Not having a Bloody Stupid Johnson

>> No.2489286

So when I was at college, there was a house boat down on the river that had been extended upwards by using doors. Everything above the waterline had been cut off and replaced with doors. There was one proper door to get in mounted on the side, with a doorbell and everything. The owner used to sit on top and shout and throw things at anyone trying to take pictures of it. My mother was visiting me there one day, we'd gone down to the river for some food, and I wanted to show her this weird fucked up boat. We got to where it was, and it had fucking sunk overnight.

>> No.2489300

Could be wired to a GFCI, that's how the outlet next to my sink is. I assume that one specifically isn't but still.

>> No.2489304

IBS, not a tranny

>> No.2489336

think somebody sunk it to fuck with him, or it was just shittily built?

>> No.2489358

Shittily built, no way in hell that thing was watertight. The river was pretty shallow where it was moored, so you could see it all folded in on itself at the bottom.

>> No.2489849
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>> No.2489911

Just attach some spreader head and it's good

>> No.2489913

>quarter and a penny
7/10 not jew-proof

>> No.2489918

Some faggot installed it on it's side.

>> No.2489924

The only time I saw something like this that was vaguely-acceptable (to someone {probably}) was in this house my family was renting.
The house:
>2 floors and basement
>Attached heated garage
>Bi-level main floor
>2 bathrooms
>Central vacuum
So you'd think that it was a decently wealthy family living there, but then:
>Upstairs bathroom
>Toilet seat is padded
>Like, a sponge cushion, covered in white pleather so at least it's easier to clean
>No stains, nothing gross
But like god damn it just makes the mind race. Why? For what reason would they choose this? Problems with hemorrhoids? Apparently it was a family with two daughters, maybe they requested this?

>> No.2489989

I'm to say I'm an amateur han/diy/man is a massive overstatement, so for me, this is like one of those "spot the differences" puzzles, except it's "spot the fuck-ups!" Lets see if even a complete retard can spot how much these people fucked up:
>Mantle like 2-3 feet too high, should be framing the upper heat vent
>Mantle so far off-center its touching the right edge of the brick (if intentional, even worse)
>Fireplace off-center to the right as well
>Fireplace just slightly more off-center to the right than the mantle, so they don't even line up with each other
>A ton of carpet and wooden fixtures installed as close to the fireplace as possible (can be forgiven since it's an electric "fireplace" and less of a fire hazard)
>Electric "fireplace" (not inherently wrong, but extra sad because there isn't even any fire)
>Zero attempt to hide the cord, didn't even try pushing it into the corners to reduce tripping hazard
>Trying to go for the "real fireplace" look, but couldn't even be bothered to get some decorative fireplace tools

>> No.2490000

>house boat
>had been extended upwards by using doors
>had fucking sunk overnight
>Holy shit I just made a second floor!
>If I could make a second floor, I could probably make a basement...

>> No.2490006

>... And here's the bathroom!
>What? Where's the wooden furniture, or plaid curtains, or, uh... clean toilet seat...?
>I'm sorry sir, why do you ask?
>The listing clearly says right here that the bathroom has "rugged aesthe-" ... oh god damn you.

>> No.2490045

Worst of all, it's cramped up and uncomfortable between the "fireplace" and the walls

>> No.2490150

fucking laughed

>> No.2490157

This is how I feel about every layout I get from my current kitchen designers.

>> No.2490247

is that a furnace next to the warmed up toilet?

>> No.2490334

boilers and terlets, terlets and boilers
and that one boiling terlet

>> No.2490736

Do you instantly hop out of the shower after turning it off then use the mat as a towel or something? I have my towel hanging right next to the shower and at least dab it on myself some before stepping out. Not to mention I have an exhaust fan running so the steam isn't clinging to everything.

>> No.2491009
File: 98 KB, 1024x683, toaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where else do you plug the toaster in?

>> No.2491015

My fat boomer mom loves the padded toilet seats

>> No.2491099

>bread already toasted
Wasted death.

>> No.2491103

he's killing himself because he burnt his toast.... again

>> No.2491123


>> No.2491125

Where is source from

>> No.2491128

My grandma had a padded toilet seat and pink carpet on the lid. They were relatively well off, so I think it’s a generational thing.

>> No.2491660

I would agree except the non-euclidean drainage and disgusting grout work. The toilet / shower arrangement is valid. Pretty much every RV is built like that.

>> No.2491841

You can fix a red ringed Xbox 360 with two pennies wrapped in electrical tape, chips pop off the board and the pennies hold them in place against the frame when you tighten the motherboard down, Google Xbox penny trick

>> No.2491848

Why is that pan twisted

>> No.2491864

Try FODMAP diet and also get screened for endometriosis.

>> No.2491922
File: 84 KB, 1024x682, img-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mediocre semi-rural suburbs around Houston where people have just a bit of money but absolutely zero taste is a wonderland of questionable design decisions.

>> No.2491945

The fuck is behind the six doors?
Must be a gameshow host's house

>> No.2491958

Looks like a room or stairwell flanked by individual closets.

Terrible place for a desk.

>> No.2491964

you sure this isn't a picture of those kitchen sets they have in a big area of home depot

>> No.2491977

bro . . . i don't even... why the fuk are there 6 doors?! lmao

>> No.2491987

I found it on HAR, some place around Caney Creek. It's an actual residence. I closed the window and have history turned off so I can't give a link, sadly.

>> No.2492093

Aluminium pan.

>> No.2492120

Whole lot is a fucking shambles, there's just shit everywhere and all it needs is 14 cats, stacks of newspapers and some purple hair

>> No.2492608

All that is missing is some nice, soft padding on the toilet seat.

>> No.2492669


Contractor here.

Bathroom carpet WILL mold. Just cause you don't see it, it's under the surface.

>> No.2492748

I guess they thing polygrout is the same as poly expanding foam.

>> No.2492852
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strong brazilian vibes

>> No.2492853
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>> No.2492854
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>> No.2492870

That`s for puking

>> No.2492872

grab bars for puking

>> No.2493061

Not really, different density. The foam is far less dense and cannot retain heat as well. However they are potentially just using up scraps on a not particularly important wall

>> No.2493080

A tv commercial.

>> No.2493153
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>> No.2493159
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>> No.2493850

1.coat room
2.half bathroom

>> No.2493948

basement & garage
I hate the fact door #3 swings out when the rest swing in.

>> No.2493983

>drawn objects == real
i wish the world worked like that kek

>> No.2494002


>> No.2494707
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>> No.2494722
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>> No.2494727

did this person think shutters are like cafe doors?
on closer inspection, these appear to be pinned to the wall on all for corners

>> No.2494768
File: 48 KB, 700x692, 1653360163684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present the Four-Poster Bath. Gaze on it and Be Amazed and Enlightened!

>> No.2494773
File: 2.33 MB, 408x720, 1ymqk9btjx571.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2494787

it's... beautiful

>> No.2494844

it was in germany.

but the story is the bakery was renovating and they put a milky foil on the glass so you cant see throught

>> No.2495017

Is that "garage door" a sheet of metal roofing?

>> No.2495019

>>2483726 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-1Dwhh7dEc

>> No.2495037

green grass fells pretty good though.

>> No.2495045

you ever fart in the shower? The idea of taking a stinky crap while in there is horrible.

>> No.2495052

Actually it'd be cool to have swinging cafe doors for your garage that locked after you left

>> No.2495053

I have dreamed of and proposed here previously a house with an entirely grass floor

>> No.2495060

Satisfactory irl

>> No.2495063
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Most satisfying

>> No.2495067

I love plants enough to try having grass instead of carpet.

>> No.2495086
File: 1.27 MB, 332x250, AjarNervousBeardedcollie-size_restricted[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only thing "properly" done is the meters

Slumlord of the year. Too bad he lost a years worth of profits in pvc angle knots.

>> No.2495102

If it weren't for the fireplace and oversized tv screen this would be pretty neat

>> No.2495211

I like how they painted the bottom pipes to match the color of the floor. It's a nice touch.

>> No.2495426

>electric hob

>> No.2495432
File: 23 KB, 431x394, urg what the fak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2495433

so wait, those are water meters? I'm guessing one for each apartment/room?

>> No.2495440

i fucking hate whoever did these.

>> No.2495533

i could see pulling that room off if you live in the desert or something but anywhere humid and its gonna get nasty right quick

>> No.2495535


>> No.2495556
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Skirting boards

>> No.2495614
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Angles are hard, Thursday will now be the official no angles cut on site day

>> No.2495622
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>> No.2495782

I genuinely like this one for some reason. I guess it's because it's exactly what it needs to be and nothing more.

>> No.2495798

is that in an old bus? that's no abomination, that's the dream.

>> No.2495799
File: 220 KB, 500x500, konata 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screw from the side to stop the ply splitting

>> No.2495886

>is that in an old bus?
Did you really need to ask? It clearly is.

>> No.2495887

typical ameritard
>thinks busses everywhere are exactly the same.

>> No.2495898

this is the guy that calls me a fag i other threads :(

>> No.2495905

thats a guy

>> No.2496375
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>> No.2496443

They didn't ruin the aesthetic entirely but the original certainly had more soul.

>> No.2496488
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>> No.2496504

That’s actually pretty amazing

>> No.2496528
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>The scorch marks

>> No.2496621

I'm retarded tell me what I'm looking at

>> No.2496750

i like that you couldn't sit down at the little desk setup on the left without headbutting the tv.

>> No.2497042

if the image was rotated it looks like a ghetto microphone for midgets

>> No.2497333


Here you go


Bing is your friend since google decided to screw over their image search for some reason.

>> No.2497409

if that car is any indicator, that's bavaria. not germany. the cultural difference is big enough to make that distinction

>> No.2497472


>> No.2497500
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>> No.2497623
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fucker took it over and replaced it with a cog building

>> No.2497780

shingles ruin it, otherwise its not too bad

>> No.2498734

this was drawn by a woman, wasn't it?

>> No.2498978


>> No.2499031
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>> No.2500145

Although that would still get water splashed on it, it may not be a door as much as an access panel. I've seen some apartments were the water heater, furnace, etc were in the bathroom behing an access panel like that.

>> No.2500211

Sure, but did they have a built-in bathtub in front of them?

>> No.2500230

Used to sit on job sites with my work tent and miter saw as my only tool and cut angles all day. I made bank considering i sat on my ass all day, as a 16 yo

>> No.2500252

You could still remove the access panel even with the built in bathtub in place. The one I lived with had a cutout for the sink counter thing.

>> No.2500691


based carpet fornicater

>> No.2500718

It's hydroponic grass, you twit.

>> No.2500737

>step out of tub
>1 day later
>dirty again
grass is just normal life but faster

>> No.2500753

That discoloration makes it very appealing

>> No.2500813

>I use terrycloth towels for bath mats. Dry off then when time to wash towel it becomes mat, then gets washed after wiping the floor with it. Dry,clean fast easy cheap/
I use the same system.

>> No.2501037
File: 1.10 MB, 2748x1900, IMG_0439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worked so hard on this...

>> No.2501039

>toilet not centered with window.


>> No.2501040

every body can see you when european

>> No.2501042

in order to piss standing up, had to cut in skylight (12/12 sloped ceiling) floor joists an ceiling joists dont line of so toilet is not quite centered on skylight... bugs the crap outta me...

>> No.2501044

i might, but at least i'll die in a nicer house than most...

>> No.2501052

just don't pull an Elvis, not on that atrocity.

>> No.2501132

when you walk into the bathroom, you're american.
when you walk out of the bathroom, you're american.
so what are you when you're in the bathroom?

you're a peein'

>> No.2501152

nice skylights- velux master race checking in. I've installed 4 of these now- i love them
no leaks!

>> No.2501155

this is actually funny and i would do this if my ceilings were higher than 7'

>> No.2501161
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>> No.2501163

i love it

>> No.2501172

>keyless chuck welded to a chunk of shit welded to a chunk of hex shank
concentricity: "yes"

>> No.2501175
File: 959 KB, 3050x1964, IMG_0310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have had to chop out another ceiling jois
t or go underneat
into my garage and move a TJI floor joist over, (major PITA) I've done this before (Using a venting skylight/roof window to make for better headroom over a toilet) but I was cramped by
budget and time constraints. I need this 100% done by thanksgiving. You can see what I was trying to do...

>> No.2501176

spaghetti like this makes me happy

>> No.2501182
File: 635 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_0313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically adding a bathroom to my mancave/office over may detached garage. (I physically built the house my self back in 2000. County wouldnt let me have another bath because septic bullshit. Anyway, basically ripped out a closet, made it bigger and converted to bathroom

>> No.2501185
File: 1.17 MB, 2132x1924, IMG_0440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going for the "playboy grotto" look in the shower...

>> No.2501192
File: 932 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_0331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was just gonna put a urinal in there, brought a bitchin vintage one home from a jobsite at an old senior living facility, waifu absolutely flipped her shit when i told her my plan, really didnt think she'd care, she never comes up here... anyway, it was toilet or divorce as near as i could tell

>> No.2501203
File: 24 KB, 800x625, Offset-Toilet-Flange-800x625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could have just used a flange mover, jesus christ dude. Do they not have the internet in "retarded faggot ville"

maybe throw a 45 in there too.

>> No.2501390

Carpeted bathrooms are pretty cozy tbf
We had one with Berber carpet and it was great.
We remodeled and tiled but it was fun while it lasted

>> No.2501391

That's a stone veneer

>> No.2501399

I don't hate this

>> No.2501520

I like this a lot
The toilet is centered, just not the window which is better than the other way

>> No.2501532
File: 701 KB, 3050x1964, editbath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, offset flange no help here. Only alternative was to move rafter or floor joist. I built this dwelling on overkill lumber mode (when wood was cheap). 2x12 rafters on 12" centers and TJI 450's on 16" centers with 1 1/8" plywood subfloor.
Also, moving toilet to right interferes with access to storage niche, plan was to put a cabinet back there- waifu bought a wicker basket cabinet thing with basket drawers- had to disconnect toilet to get it in there (the cathedral ceilings impose all kinds of design tyranny)

>> No.2501535
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>> No.2501545
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All in, i've spent 15 grand finishing this room.
Only thing I didnt do myself was the rough plumbing- it was such a long run, getting the fall right for the turd shoot... It's a long way to the septic tie-in in the backyard and the water supply had to come from the main house (this is a detached garage) I procrastinated for years on this, mainly because I was not sure of my plumbing skills. Local plumber came over and his two young sons knocked out the waste in one day (I did the necessary digging) They did the water supplys to the vanity shower and toilet( which they did in Pex which I dont like) in a half day.

It's mind blowing to me how much the cost of materials have skyrocketed. When I built the house, 2x4's were like 2 bucks a piece, now, theyre $8. 3/4" plywood hit 90+!! (used to be like 23 just a few years ago but its coming back down now as the economy imploedes). THe Velux venting skylight was 300 back in 2012 now its 900.
I feel for you younglings, The Demoncrats and their globalist handlers have fucked you over royally.

>> No.2501556

>All in, i've spent 15 grand finishing this room.
damn bro, I get that everyone has different tastes but that's a lot to blow on something designed to look like it's from 2002

>> No.2501562

Perhaps, but 15k is about the minimum price you'd pay a contractor for a bathroom REMODEL.
I now have a 430 sq foot office, home theater, bar where I can play my music at "reference" level, watch movies as loud as I want, play vidya in surround as long as I want. My buddies can stay there through their divorces, its a great guest room too. The last major project of my life will likely be to build ANOTHER garage similar to this one but bigger with a 900 sq ft apartment that I could rent to some broke single chick for 12 hundie a month and perhaps side benefits.. Anyway, I shoulda done this sooner, It's such a cool room, I cant believe I'm almost done.
the 15k includes a minisplit HVAC system (Mr Cool DIY 2500 bucks) Hardwood floors (not installed yet) materials was 2400+, Ceramic and stone finished in bathroom 1200,
What would you change to make it not 2002ish?

>> No.2501568

And it EASILY adds 40, mebbe 50k k to the selling price of my Casa, (California, yo) Money in the bank Nigga!

>> No.2501574

>What would you change to make it not 2002ish?
almost everything. round corner bead is directly early 2000s, the color, wall texture, that gigantic shadowbox/shelf using the absolute cheapest chinesium LED strip you bought on amazon.
Grout lines on OSB-styled tiles/warm stone colors, river rock shower tiling. The half barrel sink. If you were going for a rustic theme, you absolutely missed the mark.
The black light switches in the bathroom as well. Not aligning the toilet and window that you installed yourself
>joists don't match
there are solutions to every problem in construction.

But all that above adds up to pure, distilled 2002 suburban sprawl construction.

>> No.2501624

bullnose is still a thing on the West coast, corner bead is for low end. (Ima project manager for a large REIT, drywall contractors still charge extra for this. ) As for the colors, well, yeah you nailed that- "Wise Owl" is a Kelley Moore stock color, the (high end) builder I worked for in the 2000's era used alot of that (and "doeskin" and "Wise Owl" and "swiss Coffee"). I wanted to go dark s grey (I am colorblind red-green so color doesnt really matter to me) Waifu chose colors twice (all females think their fucking graphic designers), that room was a much darker color (KM "Spanish Sand") first then she hated that (another 300 bucks wasted).
There were no 24x12 tiles in the 2000's, the LFT is a relatively recent style trend(Large Format Tiles)
Biggest commonly used was 16x16 and there certainly were no pebble mosaic shower floors then- we did strictly marble/travertine 4x4 shower herringbone/diagonal floors over hot mops with 12x12 polished marble walls.- timeless style btw.
The floating shelf aka dust collector was my idea. I plan to put vintage neon beer/whiskey lights and rifles up there.I thought it would look cool (it does) and I LOVE IT. It gave me a spot to put some LED down lighting for some art work. THe LED is a rope light from costco, I just tossed it up there, I will fasten it down there are switched outlets up there. I always love indirect lighting (see the light not the light fixture) Wait till you see the lighting behind my TV, the new thing is LED lights that are synced with the tv's color!

LMAO my tile choice does look like OSB! THe grout lines, yeah well I knew you guys would point that out- I am NOT a tile setter obviously, it takes some mad skills to get that right. The tile niche with the schuluter trim, though came out passable. A tile guy would charge EASILY 5 grand to do that tile, my cost was like 1200 in materials from the hardie backer to the grout.

>> No.2501646

"there are solutions to every construction problem"
and only time and money to achieve them...

I am seeing my limitations, I have managed all trades in action for 20 years on commercial and residential projects all over California. All construction really is is repeating small tasks over and over. That being said, my arrogance and frugality has a cost. It takes 4 years or more to be a journey level tradesmen, the only trades I could approach journey level is framing and drywall (steel stud and wood). That being said, meh good enough is good enough for me. I have a house with no note that I otherwise could not have afforded on my salary. I wish I was one of those guys that kept everything so neat and clean and organized. I spend half my time looking for tools I left out...maddening. But its just how I am. And now, I get so tired, I need to just stop work earlier, doing that tile shower, one night I was trying to get the last few tiles cut and I made critical mistakes wasting 3 full tiles.

Wanna hear something really funny? I have a degree in architecture!! (no, I never got the stamp)

>> No.2501695

Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the carpeted bathrooms.

>> No.2501776
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, MOAR Bullnose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inspired and butthurt about the Bullnose critique, I have decided to add MOAR bullnose! THe woodstove niche (pic related), a late addition to the project, i wasnt certain how to finish the transition between a stone veneer around the woodstove (a Vermont Castings 'Defiant" in Majolica Brown enamel) and the drywall. So, BULLNOSE circa 2002 it is!. I was gonna wrap the stone out and around the corner, but snarky critic made me rethink. Note how built in bookase with 2002 bullnose ties in with fireplace niche bullnose, panning left we see built in tv niche for 77inch tv, also bullnose, and bullnosed floating shelf above tv niche!

>> No.2501777

note how I have the staggered effect, each bullnosed niche gets bigger and taller as you pan left. The room is 3o' wide son the bullnose on the exterior of the bathroom is even bigger.

>> No.2501782

Thanks fer the dopamine hit, I shall continue.

>> No.2501813

Eh, I hate that weird little alcove. Would have been cooler if you just extended the shower all the way to that far wall, and rotate the toilet 90 degrees and put it next to the sink.

>> No.2501823

this one might actually be real, boys

>> No.2501892

But I don't have a uterus..
Will look into diet
Nope sorry am male

>> No.2501895

It's like my central hub room in dwarf fortress.
They're just trying to keep the goblins out

>> No.2501898

Mop your bathroom once in a while you fucking neanderthal

>> No.2501950

cramped but comfy
nicer than my shitter anyway…
you did all that alone???

>> No.2502050

Totally retarded, high chance of choking on puke.

>> No.2502151

then his head would hit wall when pissing,

>> No.2502154
File: 3.55 MB, 4032x3024, 75ACEDE9-FEDF-4DDF-BDAC-4385247EB6F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, thats for placing yer female’s ports at eye level so you can watch what comes out real close.

>> No.2502157

uh oh- rounded corners faux pas again…

>> No.2502164

ewww gross, but somehow titillating….

>> No.2502166
File: 2.65 MB, 4032x3024, 331002CC-2FA4-4CBB-B6EC-A7F53003E46C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to a 60” shower pan would add a couple hundred, then a couple hundre more in tile, bigger heavy glass doors prolly another 200, plus wall has my toilet and shower vent stack in it. Construction is like chess, every piece you move has the potential to interfere with other pieces. This was the only way to fit a full bath in a 6x7 foot space. Its a masterpiece of design an engineering actually. The barrel vanity was required as even the smallest bath vanity’s were too big to clear a swinging shower door.
The alcoves intent was to provide some storage which worked out nicely.

>> No.2502173

>saloon chic

>> No.2502177

checked. i swear there is something that pisses me off in every single goddamned picture.

>> No.2502179

Well its all in the details. I get that doing it right would have been harder. Its ok. Every time you take a shit you can think about it.

>> No.2502185

boy you are really trying to be an asshole here.

>> No.2502188

where do you think we are?
it's easy to shitpost from a basement in a structure you don't own, surrounded by rooms and fixtures one didn't build, typing with fingers what have never touched a tool. you know, other than the operator of said fingers
Captcha: NO ANY

>> No.2502198

is this an optical illusion?

>> No.2502384
File: 6 KB, 210x240, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i am. I hope i ruined your bathroom for. Everytime you notice it you will think of me. Muwahhhhahaaaaa!!!!!!! You may as well put a picture of me right over your toilet!!!!!!!!! Here take this print it out and staple it to your wall

>> No.2502507


They're shooting a hallway chase scene for the new Scooby Doo.

>> No.2504111

>talk like a teen edgelord
>look like a grandpa
Not sure if you are winning or losing 0.o;;

>> No.2504704

>This sophisticated contraption I call “toekiller 3000“

>> No.2504721
File: 499 KB, 899x1237, 8162D0AF-C803-45EF-8994-CADEB3E8CF2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the shower tiles all misaligned?

>> No.2504927

to take the attention off that poor toilet being like 7 miles off fucking center with that window.

>Bruh that window got a restraining order on the toilet of sumtin?

>> No.2504928

winning, definitely winning.

>Cliff Yablonski hates you.

>> No.2504953
File: 13 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it Anons! You're going to make him demo his whole house.

>> No.2505063

why are all married men so submissive

>> No.2505131

Have used one before, nice and warm.

Was very popular in the 80's and before. When I was young, late 90's, it was mostly a grandmother thing. Typically accompanied by a rug arround the toilet, and on top of the lid.

Fell out uf use after women no longer wanted to spend all their time cleaning and washing.

>> No.2505648
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>> No.2505780
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Me when hurricane ian knocked the power out

>> No.2505818


>> No.2506387

??? can you explain why, i don't get why opiate use would = disgusting stained fuzzy toilet seat covers

>> No.2506393

i want to fucking kill myself when i look at this.
it looks like a nightmare. like a dreary oregon apartment-turned-condo of a piss fetishist who wanted a playroom. someone's going to get locked in to that tub and it's going to be filled with something vile and i hate it.

>> No.2506996
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Present day divorce law.

>> No.2507007

...Is that foundation completely caved in? Holy fuck

>> No.2507155

A window so I can check out what you've got cookin' on the crapper. Wanna get some beers after?

>> No.2507162
File: 8 KB, 262x192, 2d1f90578032e12bf29f15292f0b5d0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like botched haha