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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.18121489 [View]
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>”w-why is that lady complimenting your boots!?? DOES SHE KNOW THEY HAVE NON-GUSSETED TONGUES!? Why isn’t she complimenting my simply exquisite shit-tinged “Leroy” 238s complete with golden freakin rivets??????? IM GONNA KILL MYSELF!!!!
imagine caring about a woman's opinion.

>> No.15707808 [View]
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Was it that one "modern male" thing that got posted here constantly like 2014-2016ish?
think sam hyde made that

>> No.14560641 [View]
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It's the zoomer version of the modern male. Picture the unhealthy, hypersexual addiction to social media. Any girl can be an egirl because all girls are attractive on social media. But all eboys must be extremely attractive or they're just sad cringy losers - also they won't even break the threshold to be successful where internet reputation corresponds to aesthetics, unless of course you are hideously deformed in which case you can become popular by being a freak show (see Ricky Berwick). A porn addiction is necessary, bonus if it's hentai and/or transexual/trap. Also you'll need to emulate female behaviour and style, e.g. paint your nails, dye your hair blond (better if platinum blonde or pink), and wear tight black jeans. Also, don't go out in the sun or lift weights, you have to be a twink to be an eboy. The only time you should leave your room is when you can't post on social media, Fortnite is down, or there is a sesh that you are going to.

Much of your personality will revolve around shallow trends and algorithmically decided content, of which is most likely to consist of, other than the regular TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram content, Twitter memes and the offshoot content of what used to be content found in r/deepintoyoutube r/youtubehaiku r/dankmemes, etc. This is good because you benefit from there being other people like you, except you're special - in the sea of simple and unimportant and atrophied teenagers, you rise above because you look the best. As for music, just listen to whatever is in the top 10, most likely something whiny and sad like lil peep, Billie eilish, or PewDiePie. Speaking of PewDiePie, you will also watch the top trending YouTubers and twitch streamers, again this is not because you have chosen amongst the millions of other meaningless videos uploaded every minute, which is of course impossible for anyone to do, you will watch the content that floats to the top of the algorithm all being unoriginal dogshit vlogs - nurture > nature.

>> No.13105560 [View]
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>> No.12263673 [View]
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>> No.10525399 [View]
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calm down son, just keep hiding in your room at your parents house staring at a screen 18 hours a day

>> No.10522984 [DELETED]  [View]
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how modern are you and your aesthetic, fa

>> No.10514738 [DELETED]  [View]
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DYEL no lift faggots detected, are you mad because you are jelly or jelly because you are mad? go back to wearing skinny subjeans and spending 1000 bucks on ugly ass cuck shoes you twinks

>> No.10345104 [View]
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>> No.10306275 [View]
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>> No.10088434 [View]
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>something that might convince these cucks into trying to be men

tough ask, i've noticed that theres been a resurgence in the popularity of cuckwear on this board lately, lot of cucks looking to feminise themselves and dress like harry 'baby penis' styles.

to reverse cuck behavior first you have to shine a light on it, force the cuck to look in the mirror and see himself for what he is. until the cuck understands how pathetic he is, he can not undertake means of self improvement.

>> No.9918377 [DELETED]  [View]
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>I don't know if being a virgin at this age is fay or not
yeh who knows :)

>> No.9678062 [DELETED]  [View]
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nice try chaim

theres hundreds of studies on it available on google.

the effects of porn on the brain are a matter of empirical demonstrable scientific reality now.

enjoy your beastiality or whatever else you're trying to justify to yourself.

>> No.9595058 [View]
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I'm not talking about Go-Ruck as a movement, I'm talking about Go-Ruck as a manufacturer of backpacks. And there is nothing wrong with people taking part in Go-Ruck events. It encourages fitness and discipline and if people enjoy doing it and it gives them something to work towards, then great. I'm sad to hear that military training scares you so much. Maybe you can keep munching on your kale and sipping on your organic juices with your hands over your ears and it will all go away.

As for being "lopped in with a crowd", the Go-Ruck products themselves hardly scream "GO-RUCK!". In fact they are the complete opposite and just look like a black backpack.

In one of your other comments you recommended Mission Workshop. I like their bags and think they are quality as well but they are pretty much the same price as Go-Ruck in the end. In some cases more.
I think your issue with Go-Ruck is not due to what they produce or what they price their products at, but more what they do and stand for because according to you, self discipline and trying is "uncool". Get a grip.

>> No.9540468 [View]
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/fa/ its time we had a serious talk, there is a prevailing and pervasive problem on /fa/ that is severely limiting many of the users intellectual, social and cultural advancement.

its a multifaceted issue that cant really be reduced to a single diagnosis. today we're going to focus on one part of a broader, insidious and destructive disease that has stricken the majority of the western general population, and a sizable percentage of you, users of /fa/.

today's feature article will be focused on the sickness, if you will, that is pop culture worship and general mediocrity.

its vacuous slimy tentacles have have invaded every aspect of this board, from the maligned 'inspo' threads, to daily kanye 'the uppity manlet' west and cara del 'ugly short pig who only has a job because of daddy' levine posting, 'androgynous' threads and other insipid monstrosities that /fa/ mistakes for 'board content.'

it goes further than this however, it effects the way your young, impressionable minds interpret and process information. your cognitive framework with which you explicate and decipher external information, be it complex paradigms or the most basic rudimentary discourse, is skewed and fucked from a lifetime of media and institutional drip feeding. you're products of a system designed to turn you into drooling, corn fed good goyim morons.

and i know what you're thinking "not me! i am different, i only eat salmon!" or perhaps "spare me your dime store 'wake up sheeple' diatribe kid, i go to art school - i dont need you to tell me stuff"

but this is important, so important that i am writing this out for you dweebs on my OWN precious, valuable time :)

some of you are beyond saving, some of you dont want to be saved, some of you are on the cusp and just need that little extra push and some are already there - these are my homies, me boys, me lads, big ups.

1/2 cont

>> No.9506809 [DELETED]  [View]
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this board sucks so bad
so fucking bad it sucks
ive never seen this board so shit

i was looking in the waywt and what do i see
what monstrosities await

well we've got the fucking NIGGER quarterback fucking nigger who has the audacity to not only post his ugly fucking face and his ridiculous fucking haircut but he also trips and consistently makes YT comment tier posts like a stupid fucking ape.

then huckleberry, this goob is the worst thing this board has ever produced. this kid is a poster child for the failures of the millennial male. his hips are pure insanity, his thighs and hips are wider than his shoulders, he has a recessive chin and hes fucking hideous.

worst of all is his pathetic 'happy go lucky, i am but a whimsical dreamer floating on the stream of life' shtick. faggot is so contrived he doesnt even know.

who else
tell me some more
they're awful

everywhere i look some fucking retard posts something about palewave or vaporware unironically.

theres a thread where niggers and other minorities openly discuss their desire to buy fake designer clothes? you can practically taste the cognitive dissonance and self loathing of these pathetic poor dweebs.

worst of all you're all so fucking stupid, you're so dumb it is almost impossible for me to articulate to you in a manner you would understand the divide me and you as two people. compared to me the majority of you arent people, you're too stupid, the majority of you may as well be white niggers.

thats why everyone interesting leaves this piece of shit, your stupidity and sheer mediocrity is so caustic people cant even deal with it on the internet, your mediocrity is STIFLING, its a virus, you make things shit by proxy.

r9k is less pathetic than this board.

ive had it, ive damn near had it.

>> No.9487367 [DELETED]  [View]
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anyone out there thats cool?? hello? any cool dudes out there? this is for the most wanted cowboys out there....

im downloading girls s3e5 and 6 and the latest walking dead episode. both of these shows are total shit and i watch them ironically.

girls i watch ironically because i enjoy the schadenfreude i experience while watching these awful, ugly kike whores. theres a morbid enjoyment that comes when watching lena dunhams fat kike ass waddling around spouting off sjw aphorisms that are years out of date.

walking dead ironically because its laughably written but its fun to laugh at yknow? its nice to see people walking outside too, i like outdoors and frankly you just dont see it enough in television and film these days. i dont enjoy the blacks on it though, too many blacks.

>> No.9487361 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 2.99 MB, 3200x4136, 1422150581704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone out there thats cool?? hello? any cool dudes out there? this is for the most wanted cowboys out there....

im downloading girls s3e5 and 6 and the latest walking dead episode. both of these shows are total shit and i watch them ironically.

girls i watch ironically because i enjoy the schadenfreude i experience while watching these awful, ugly kike whores. theres a morbid enjoyment that comes when watching lena dunhams fat kike ass waddling around spouting off sjw aphorisms that are years out of date.

walking dead ironically because its laughably written but its fun to laugh at yknow? its nice to see people walking outside too, i like outdoors and frankly you just dont see it enough in television and film these days. i dont enjoy the blacks on it though, too many blacks.

>> No.9487307 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 2.99 MB, 3200x4136, 1422150581704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone out there thats cool?? hello? any cool dudes out there? this is for the most wanted cowboys out there....

im downloading girls s3e5 and 6 and the latest walking dead episode. both of these shows are total shit and i watch them ironically.

girls i watch ironically because i enjoy the schadenfreude i experience while watching these awful, ugly kike whores. theres a morbid enjoyment that comes when watching lena dunhams fat kike ass waddling around spouting off sjw aphorisms that are years out of date.

walking dead ironically because its laughably written but its fun to laugh at yknow? its nice to see people walking outside too, i like outdoors and frankly you just dont see it enough in television and film these days. i dont enjoy the blacks on it though, too many blacks.

>> No.9483046 [View]
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the jew my friend, jew created postmodern critical theory and cultural relativism was designed to destroy the moral and social fabric of the western world.

>> No.9472059 [View]
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hey you know this pic applies to like 80% of you right

you know women dont want beta sissy boys with wide hips right

you know women wont want cowards who worship niggers like kanye west right

you know no one likes a fag

when are you gonna be a man and not a gay

why do you suck so bad

you're boring and lame

you're pathetic

grow the hell up

>> No.9458803 [DELETED]  [View]
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your mum wasnt very subjective last night mate ahahaha fucken ell cya later

pic related, the average kanye fan

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