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File: 295 KB, 818x820, 8DC6465F-54AF-4072-B38E-A8026645A71B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17318479 No.17318479 [Reply] [Original]

Hope you’re ditching the gay look.

>> No.17318483

which gay look? sounds like he just wants men to be bears instead of twinks.
closet homo, many such cases.

>> No.17318484

If more men were required to learn a trade before high school ends there would be less of this

>> No.17318492
File: 23 KB, 215x282, psndt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only get strong so that one day i will have the power to lift my twink boywife on my wedding day

>> No.17318494

Based. Stay in the gym Anon and get those gains

>> No.17318496

hope he doesn’t wear mixed fabrics or else he’s gonna be destined to hell!

>> No.17318497

>grow a beard
>get strong

So gays can't have beards or be strong lmao?
How about this guy mind his fucking business and stop worrying about where and who I stick my cock in before I start playing hide the penis with his obviously used asshole

>> No.17318503

weighing less than 200lb is a gay look, also being less than 6' sorry to break it to you guys

hit the gym and eat some fucking chicken

>> No.17318508

The guy has one idea on how gays should look and I’m guessing his taste is bears

>> No.17318510
File: 23 KB, 720x480, B9DBD208-3F0F-4B67-8209-120BB7EC1B7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain’t no bi-curious.

>> No.17318517

No you have to be masculine and extremely heterosexual, like this tough biker guy in picrel. A man like this wouldn't be caught DEAD at some faggy "pride parade"

Based. There are only 3 sized of t-shifts: Large, extra large, and HEAVY METAL

>> No.17318519
File: 353 KB, 1916x958, convert-456901559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic, was too busy having sex with your moms. Pictured: True heterosexual masculine power

>> No.17318661
File: 429 KB, 1221x1191, 32B98A7F-D760-427F-AF5B-6BC7E21C2859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17318702

He looks like the average onions /mfa poster who's never seen the inside of a gym. What is he supposed to be exemplifying? American christians are the biggest faggots I've ever seen.

>> No.17318714

Servile women are disgusting, if the world tries to keep you as a slave, the noble thing to do is to raise above them and subjugate them back, I agree with men being masculine because it's simply nature, I say this as a gay man who doesn't have a drop of femininity.

>> No.17318717

>Dale Partridge
I couldn’t make up a more toothless hick name. I’ll bet he calls New York “Jew York”

>> No.17318724

>Pietro Boselli
I googled him, he has a small cut dick (which is already weird for an italian), he's not "godlike", he is not even equal to a guy who has not been mutilated in the dick area.
Two thumbs down.

>> No.17318773

Okay, well post some male models who you like then.

>> No.17318809
File: 351 KB, 750x421, 23E2BCB0-D0F5-49A7-89E0-CD53CC9AF79D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Servile women are disgusting
>I say this as a gay man who doesn't have a drop of femininity.

>> No.17318844
File: 29 KB, 612x408, 61FA54F5-8613-4641-9A44-6B34BA65057C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ditch the gay look, grow a beard, & get strong

>> No.17318884

I'm a tourist, is this guy trolling?

>> No.17319210

triggered gays ITT

>> No.17319216

wow hot take poindexter

>> No.17319237
File: 126 KB, 900x1200, 1656697381408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a beard
thanks for the advice dale, how do i look?

>> No.17319244

>taking advice from someone called dale

>> No.17319252

>grow a beard
90% of people with beards are effeminate metrosexuals

>> No.17319283

>you must do this so I feel good and secure
what a cunt he is

>> No.17319521

>Grow a beard
No thanks I don't want pubes, or cock, near my mouth.

>> No.17319528

This, but also women shouldn’t go to goyledge.

>> No.17319531

I can't grow a beard

>> No.17319677

why are americans so insecure

>> No.17319711

fuck you nigger im gonna start looking even gayer

>> No.17319714

Your opinion is worthless and disgusting like everything you stand for

>> No.17319728
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>> No.17319920
File: 547 KB, 1280x720, 1653025218516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again and again the beard question comes up, and again and again you fags fail to learn.

>> No.17319934

What's interesting about this pic is how the right side don't frown their eyebrows.

It's like they are in a constant state of submission or dissociating themselves fom reality and from what any kind of real interaction that could happen, like they have an invisible shield of gayness and irony in front of their eyes 24/24.

>> No.17319969

You should be ashamed of needing a mommy slave to clean your arse, grow up you big baby.

>> No.17320991

>men should look like men, and women should look like women
Androgyny is a very thin line, and men have a lot of options that don't necessitate being muscled and having a beard. Not to mention that what's considered masculine or feminine changes over time.

>> No.17320997

Left are intentionally looking moody because they’re famous actors doing a photo shoot.

>> No.17321052

Or fat dudes hiding their double chins

>> No.17321237

that guy on the bottom right kinda cute tho fr

>> No.17321512
File: 125 KB, 1080x1080, 3D786E3F-D242-4C47-8010-C7BB5A177E37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men, ditch the gay look, grow a beard, and get strong.


>> No.17321516

>Androgyny is a very thin line

Not really. Androgyny, nearly 100% of the time, is mimicking feminity.

>> No.17321517

>Grow a beard
He lost me there.

>> No.17321521

not a word dumb fuck faggot

>> No.17321524


>> No.17321551

But what if I am gay?

>> No.17321579


Damn I get it now.

>> No.17321587
File: 52 KB, 473x482, taktaktak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't people like the attack helicopter look anymore

>> No.17321609

Jesus had long hair, so long hair on men is good?

>> No.17322236

"grow a beard and [get swole]" IS the gay look
what a retard

>> No.17322526

Why should anyone care about a butt-muncher’s opinion on what a woman should be like?

>> No.17322530
File: 563 KB, 1355x1722, 920CA44D-3A33-4A9E-8EF3-C51BFCD70653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Capuchins are unique for a Catholic religious order in that the growing of natural, untrimmed beards features as part of its first Constitution, which states as the reason, the beard is "manly, austere, natural, an imitation of Christ and the saints of our Order, and despised."

>> No.17322785

Dale will never know manliness.
He's of sub standard genetics and a cuck who fucks little boys.

>> No.17322856

Lurk two years faggot

>> No.17324650


>> No.17324696

he would be right

>> No.17324697

the one with the least facial hair

>> No.17324714

yes obviously facial hair is a bad idea for any white man <40 years old

>> No.17325091

Very nice and very cute. Can I be invited to your wedding Anon?

>> No.17325099
File: 5 KB, 95x130, 673856E2-53B4-4672-9FD0-FC1FE0FC78DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. He’s hot….

He could crème rays bunghole

>> No.17325119
File: 15 KB, 473x473, 52712901_10156818861756480_2447735732102496256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow a beard

>> No.17325149

It's harder to look gayer than this desu

>> No.17325697

this dale partridge fellow really got under the skin of all the gays here, huh. maybe he's right after all

>> No.17325713

why do you lookist retards think this is a good point?
yes, people with copebeards are doing it to look slightly less ugly.
being handsome isn't an option for them.

>> No.17325715
File: 110 KB, 700x680, 8145659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ditch the gay look
written without a shred of irony

>> No.17325724

I wish I had his confidence

>> No.17325727
File: 128 KB, 317x310, 1360986117451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he owns a mirror right?

>> No.17325869

Might just be the gayest image ever that’s not gay porn

>> No.17325878

Yes. Obviously. His picrel is the gayest shit on the whole board.
No culture to speak of to guide them. They are scared because of the options.
This anon gets it.

If you're straight or bi you should invest some time to figure out how to look attractive to women. It's not hard. People who want you to look like bodybuilders are gay men, women want you to look like boxers or swimmers.
If you're gay it's obviously a good idea to listen to gay men and get super jacked obviously.

>> No.17326187
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1920, 1658570390041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ditch the gay look
>grow a beard and get strong, boys

>> No.17326358

To be fair, all the men on the left would look better with beards.

>> No.17326468
File: 350 KB, 2050x1274, 72B43510-FD7D-4B41-9F0C-5E5634BB12D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh disagree

>> No.17326600

Beautiful and based.

>> No.17326616
File: 196 KB, 964x1873, 1653898090750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men should dress like women and women should dress like men, if they choose to. who fucking cares, they want to dress as they wish and you don't have a say

dickwads with imaginary sky friends should stick their head up their ass

>> No.17326655


>> No.17327250

alain no... not the moustache bordel....

>> No.17327288

>imaginary sky friends
Irrelevant, more zealous ages saw people like knights and others of higher class with long hair and clean shaven faces.
Delusion or not, there were always other factors for these things than "muh sky daddy."

Also blaming religion for everything you don't like is unscientific and just wrong.

I'm not a zealout, so don't even attempt to slander me.

>> No.17327770
File: 162 KB, 985x750, gay leather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grow a beard
get strong

>> No.17327899

Captain, we're reaching based levels that shouldn't even be possible

>> No.17327904

>gay men don't love beards
Flyovers are funny

>> No.17327914
File: 1.93 MB, 498x306, 1367357852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17328480

maybe but not totally, if those guys were clean shaven and leaner and not making gay idiot dummy 3rd grader faces they'd look just fine

>If you're straight or bi you should invest some time to figure out how to look attractive to women. It's not hard.
could you expand on this?

>> No.17328488

>and despised.
true. the amount of flak i get for having a long beard is ridiculous

>> No.17329132

Right side look like FtMs.

>> No.17329219
File: 5 KB, 200x202, 1656958530814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17329221

Only because "men" are more self concousins about not being perceived as the "weaker sex"

>> No.17329227
File: 279 KB, 1200x962, FFC00E1F-4483-4784-B6CA-0AF9DD25EF76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but I believe in tomboy supremacy.

Keep your emasculate trad fantasies to yourself.

>> No.17330608

Jew detected

>> No.17330638

>could you expand on this?
I agree with the people who say that you should dress for yourself and not for girls. But I also think it is idiotic to resist the demands of the occasion. You should wear PPE when the situation calls for it, clothes you can move well in when you do sports and dress up for special occasions like weddings or funerals. Insisting on your own style above all else makes you look narcissistic and silly. Staying true to yourself and matching the occasion is a sign of someone truly stylish.
I think that looking attractive to the people you are attracted to also fits into this pattern. It's one of these (semi-)optional things you can try to match your fits to.
Women aren't really hiding what they like in men. Most of them will also tell you if you ask them. If you ever got friendzoned you have a golden opportunity to pick the brain of someone you'd be attracted to for what they would like.
I can share a few things I have learned, but this might just apply to my type of woman. Don't take this as gospel.
- dress expressive and colorful
- wear at least one attention grabbing statement piece with every fit
- look after your skin, hair, beard and hands
- invest in well smelling products (shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, lotion...) err on the side of subtle/no smell
- work out - but don't look like a lifter or bodybuilder try to go for something more lithe like a boxer, dancer, gymnast or swimmer,
- tastefully show skin (roll up sleeves on dress shirts, tank tops for sports)
- move well and elegantly
- be confident without being aggressive
- don't be a misogynist
- be passionate about your hobbies
- when in doubt do the opposite of what incels or Andrew Tate would advise you to do.

>> No.17330911

Extremely reasonable advice. It's probably worth it to ask, although I'd guess there's a chance they'll say one thing when they really feel a different way. But at least in terms of fashion it's definitely worth asking.