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>> No.7157008 [View]
File: 106 KB, 325x328, promptertranny utopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like it isnt stimulating since youre generating just infinite generic pinups and shit, any attempt at a scene has so many errors it distracts from the act
>those that coom to AI are bottom of the barrel degens
>lower than the sissy hypno cuck BBC worship tards
>thats how fucked up your mind has to be to have AI slop as your main goon material, mind completely broken
degenerates who goon to AI slop aren't coomers they're gambling addicts rolling prompts to "get a desirable result" which can take hundreds of attempts triggers the same reward mechanism as rolling a slot machine they are in essence double tapping on mindless gamified gratification.

>> No.6845974 [View]
File: 106 KB, 325x328, promptertranny utopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this predictive language algorithm that is under the complete control of a mega corp will totally love me one day just pony up the shekels for virtual puss
and she'll be yours
if you are are at that point of desperation why not simply commission and onlyfans E whore? at least you actually get something tangible from those.
>I've seen real art with 6 fingers on one hand or missing joints,
you mean the infamous sakimime one? she is widely mocked for being a the human NPC equivalent of an image generator so well let that one slide.

>> No.6807350 [View]
File: 106 KB, 325x328, promptertranny utopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autonomous Vehicles,
DRM shitboxes with paywalled features and anti repair BS no thanks anon i will stick to my bike and oldtimers!
>Smart Assistants and Automation,
a personalized stazi officer/telescreen hybrid that will scan and monitor every single move you make on your PC and phone no thanks anon google's data harvesting is already intrusive enough!
>Financial Analysis
you know how the top billionaires control the stock market and can manipulate it at will? well now they will have complete dominance over it and be able to squish any competition like a bug!
>Manufacturing and Quality Control,
I work in a factory anon machines are retarded and extremely fragile everyday we have around 2 to 3 breakdowns which requires me the mech boy to fix them.
>Public Safety and Security,
automated social credit facial scanning UBI and surveillance can't wait to see you get locked out of your bank for wrongthink lmao

>> No.6804264 [View]
File: 106 KB, 325x328, promptertranny utopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine having every single shitty isekai anime that comes out have one-punch man S1 level animation.
do you like eating cake?
ok now imagine if everyday you eat nothing but cake you would get sick to death of the shit wouldn't you?
that's what makes great art and animation so good it's great because it's rare and stands out from the garbage and milquetoast slop you normally consume if all your entertainment had master level art and animation it would become the norm and cease to be unique especially if you could just spam it with the click of a bottom from a bot farm.

>> No.6792127 [View]
File: 106 KB, 325x328, promptertranny utopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not talking about chatgpt lol.
>Just wait. You'll see soon.
Yeah I don't want to wait and see anon I'm prepping for the butlarian jihad or to go live as a hermit in the woods I'm not stepping in the pod or eating the goyslop bugs.
well yes but actually no it does not have "knowledge", it has a probabilistic model of what words come next in the sequence. It is not a search engine with a database of facts to pull from, but a master bullshitter that will produce sentences that sound reasonable in the limited context it is given. It does the same thing when you ask it science questions. It gets things wrong, apologizes, then corrects itself when you point out its mistakes, and give inconsistent responses based on how you've guided it through the conversation. Just like with in-depth coding or science questions, the only way to get the correct answer is if you basically tell it the correct answer

also there is another huge problem with MLA's namely gaurdrails
the llama white paper explained that the more guard rails and wokeness the handlers enforced on the bot the more retarded it became as when you try to nudge the AI to a specific way of thinking it basically creates 'bad sectors' that are no longer usable, effectively making the AI worse every time to try to force a fake reality on it this also sets them apart from human thinking a bot can not actually lie to itself and hold multiple contradictory opinions without shitting itself in confusion like a human can.

>> No.6791405 [View]
File: 106 KB, 325x328, promptertranny utopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you want to do is lay off coom for a few days. Unironically start lifting or something.
I do anon my started two years ago my legs are like fucking mahogany pillars now.
>Eventually yes. It's like drug addicts building resistance to the drugs of their choices and then seeking new shit.
Consumiod mentality has been a disaster for the human race by god just reading the responses from the promptertrannies you get the impression they just want to have a spike hammered in there skulls that pumps in dopamine like lab rats or something how the fuck could you live a life that shallow?

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