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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 135 KB, 735x1024, 1715933470060047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7169758 No.7169758 [Reply] [Original]

How do i achieve this level of colour mastery?

>> No.7169779

British people will tell you with a straight face this is a good painting

>> No.7169785

i like it desu, it could've been much better without the ultra realistic splotchy skin

>> No.7169791


>> No.7169939

Pyw. You wont

>> No.7169940

and they're right

>> No.7169943

is this from silent hill?

>> No.7169949
File: 473 KB, 510x640, 1715918462558198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical satanist bri'ish

>> No.7169954

Satan is a jewish fairytale character

>> No.7169955

this painting is really cool
This dude's reputation is basically some old ghoul who probably eats children
The painter took that repution, he draped charles in a vortex of chaos that either looks like hellfire or screaming souls, but he painted his face and hands in a soothing, earthly tone. Charle's demeanor/body language is gentle and the butterfly is such a great detail, as it's unbothered by the madness happening around Charles, like it's not really there, it's just an illusion.
This painting goes so far to try and humanize charles, it's pretty genius, it's the single best thing I've ever seen about that guy, it almost convinces me he's a nice person.
Also this painting's intensity would probably explode the brain of a victorian peasant and that's also pretty cool to me

this is why tasteful abstraction in art is so powerful, it allows the human mind to find patterns that aren't really there

>> No.7169959

good analysis, made me appreciate the painting more

>> No.7169962
File: 266 KB, 800x600, fuminori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very normal painting

>> No.7169973

>How do i achieve this level of colour mastery?
You don't want to know.
Replace -colour- for -EVIL- and you may be into something right there...

>> No.7171715
File: 575 KB, 1080x1635, orbital-laser-wouldve-come-in-handy-just-sayin-v0-n8q0ca7b5ibb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something something heil satan
>preparing to destroy the child

>> No.7171760

I wasn't big on this painting but you make a good case for it

>> No.7171816

hands could yuse some work, they look like sausage fingers, pose is a little boring and/or asymmetrical or off balance, seems tilted to the right , details a little half assed

8/10 for SOVL

>> No.7171822

>hands could yuse some work, they look like sausage fingers
that's what his fingers look like irl

>> No.7171841

>cheats on Princess Di
>racist treatment of daughter-in-law
>disowns son Harry
>dying of cancer
>portrait painter paints "Prince Charles in Hell"

>> No.7171843
File: 251 KB, 600x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7171848

Good artists makes portraits lifelike, but a really great artists makes them even better.

>> No.7171854

Hello rabbi

>> No.7171862

Making the subject more conventionally attractive doesn't make it more artistic, it most cases it just makes him look banal.

>> No.7171866
File: 82 KB, 489x700, whippet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious nepotism, Yeo is straight garbage and probably outsourced the face and just shat red on the rest of it
>took 3 years to make!

Should have hired a real portrait painter, but then again, any real artist would never work for those aristoghouls.

>> No.7171870

>Be Satan Worshiping Painter
>Commissioned to paint royal portrait
>Paint in very obvious devil
>...if the painting is viewed upside down, alongside a flipped symmetrical version, and you squint your eyes a bit
>Satan's teachings are now further widespread
I know your not actually saying this is the case, but the amount of people who see subtle shit like your picrel, and assume it must have been intentional is insane.

>> No.7171880
File: 33 KB, 615x409, 1_js277459438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he downplayed the fingers

>> No.7171903

What's going on above the dog's hind legs, and below the girl's hand holding the dog? It looks like it's meant to where the leg starts, but it's horribly wrong, and it doesn't look like the line between the hairy back and the hairless tummy of the dog, so what am I looking at there?

>> No.7171935

it's just the torso of the dog bro, i think the patterned spots are throwing you off

>> No.7171951

You wish

It's a basic analogous color scheme. Start by making color studies from it.

>> No.7171953

Oh! You're totally right, I can see it now.
I've gotta say though, even now knowing what it is, it looks wrong. I think the spot underneath her hand was a bad choice.

>> No.7171960

who invited all the christkikes?

>> No.7171962

It's a portrait, which means the painter needs to keep the likeness of the subject. Changing around their features would change the identity of the subject. The dog is not a prop.

>> No.7171966
File: 78 KB, 485x694, 567567844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, what on earth is this shape? if it's its leg the dog is being held in a very awkward way.
you think this part is just a fur pattern? i'm not seeing it

>> No.7172030

Yeah, that's also what I see, glad I'm not the only one.
However, the anon is right, look underneath her hand, that's a spot - it seems to create a weird illusion where you see that kidney bean shape.

I get you, but there must have been something better than what they did. If it doesn't look right, it doesn't look right.

>> No.7172157
File: 75 KB, 669x630, photo_2023-03-20_05-31-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You wish
I wish he was real, imagine all the christcucks he'd be raping right now in hell

>> No.7172161
File: 83 KB, 489x700, 1716134051360695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7172162

Not a Christian, nor a Jew, nor a Muslim. Oh, why must ignorance rhyme with arrogance.

>> No.7172192
File: 1.59 MB, 1394x1920, IMG_1300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s the fur pattern anon and part of its thigh. The dog is a whippet and they have a very distinct tuck up of their abdomen and a deep chest. I hope this helps you see how it works.

>t. owns four whippets currently

>> No.7172195

You'll grow up eventually. Hopefully.

>> No.7172201
File: 184 KB, 472x468, jy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity is growing up to become a finely extinct cult.

>> No.7172203
File: 290 KB, 1536x2048, f2mba5spaj701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7172207

Yes, I need to buy one.

>> No.7172208


>> No.7172219

>quinacridone and alizarin

>> No.7172228


that's certain for atheism though, and at an even faster rate. atheists are the bitterest, often meanest, and saddest of all humans; evolution will take care of that, shouldn't it? they live in their tiny bubble, unaware of the world around them.

>> No.7172229

That's assumedly an illustration of blood libel, which is Judaism not Christianity you moron.

>> No.7172231

christianity is judaism-lite. all stem from the same abrahamic nonsense

>> No.7172233

I can tell by the way that you speak about these things that you have almost zero knowledge about theism outside of the most surface level materialist "flying spaghetti monster" reddit takes. I'd bet that the thing you base your personality on resisting bears little to no resemblance to reality.

>> No.7172244

>and at an even faster rate
Opposite according to global stats. Atheism is steadily increasing, especially in the most developed countries. Religious people tend to live in filth and poverty.

Jesus has been under that little knife too.

>> No.7172314

> [atheist] live in their tiny bubble, unaware of the world around them.
that is to be understood, in space and in time:

>Opposite according to global stats.
theism has been ubiquitous since basically forever. the time periods of those "global stats" are still largely insignificant in comparison (50 years vs. 5k, 10k?).

>Religious people tend to live in filth and poverty
tell that to the Vatican, to *all* the kings, emperors and noblemen of old of all civilizations, etc.

most atheists would kill themselves or quickly come to believe if they were experiencing harsher living conditions, don't you think? let's not invert the causality.

do you think the current trends indicate the world getting less harsh? what is to be concluded then?

>> No.7172323

>b-but we wuz kangz
Times have changed. Keep getting lost in the past while history leaves you behind.
The modern Vatican also has nothing to do with faith. We currently have a leftist pope who endorses gay couples.
>most atheists would kill themselves or quickly come to believe if they were experiencing harsher living conditions, don't you think?
But here >>7172228 you said that they're already bitter and miserable. Clearly atheism can survive in the face of hardship.
>do you think the current trends indicate the world getting less harsh?
Literacy, education, medicine, technology, food abundance and prosperity are at their historical peak. We're even starting to develop some ecological awareness. Even in the face of current wars I'd say we're living better lives than the people of the dark ages.

>> No.7172344


>> No.7172364

>and the butterfly is such a great detail
yes the pedo mk ultra monarch butterfly is a great detail indeed. Im sure whole reddit is gasping at how heckin quirky wholesome that painting is.

>> No.7172381

you have /pol/ brainrot. touch grass

>> No.7172427

>Times have changed. Keep getting lost in the past while history leaves you behind.
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Don't overestimate your erudition: this was taught 2500 years ago, but despite all the "progress" we've made since then, the average man still can't grasp it.

I won't comment further. Not everyone is willing to look in-depth in the current state of affairs. Amusingly, that same psychological flaw appears among those shallow religious people.

You're one of those who will see his world view shattered by time, mark my words. Hopefully for you, it'll come gradually, and won't be too brutal. And hopefully, it'll humble you.

You really are living in a little bubble.

>> No.7172437


>> No.7172462

touch grass fr lil bro, your conspiracies... uuuhhh its giving problematic? sksksksfdsks. Log off sis

>> No.7172466

i dont care about your imagined word nigga

>> No.7172477

This has potential, if only the artist managed to blend the head with the rest of the painting. At this point it looks like a floating head. A true master would have noticed that flaw, regardless of the underlying message he was trying to convey. If you're gonna do nasty or controversial at least make it beautiful too.

>> No.7172482

The head was bought from an asset store in China

>> No.7172790
File: 3.40 MB, 2283x1555, __malenia_blade_of_miquella_and_malenia_goddess_of_rot_elden_ring_drawn_by_namako_mikan__effe26381fa41cc4a39aed4949d3a2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7172971

I wanna drag my face against that bush Hmmmmm!!!! imagine the smell anon, smells like rotting paradise hmmmm!!!!

>> No.7172978

Fucking moron

>> No.7176039

AI generated

>> No.7176078

It is offensively ugly and disgustingly out of place, and in the context of placing it in a hall filled with centuries of portraits of previous monarchs it should get the artist arrested for sedition.

But on a technical level, it is legitimately competent. Which I guess is a point in its favor? Much of this awful left wing art is ugly, offensive and poorly made, but this painting is on the other hand a well-crafted insult to common decency. I am reminded of Russian communist art, which was disgusting, often uninspired, and supported a satanic ideology - but which was often drafted by graduates of Russian fine arts academies and so more often than not showcased really impressive figure drawing.

>> No.7176174

How much did they pay for it?

>> No.7176312


>> No.7176331

>Be commissioned monarchy portrait
>Get high as fuck
>Accidentally spill your raspberry soda all over your canvas
>Wake up the next day, panic
>Re-paint the face so it looks intentional
>Trick the retards who think a taped banana is art
It's that shrimple, just find some trillionaire to nepo-hire you.

>> No.7176397
File: 397 KB, 1000x1600, Charles the Carpathian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7176452

Reddit is that-a-way ->

>> No.7176457
File: 17 KB, 87x111, 1699403356846862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't people realize by 2009 that this gay "aAaaah fuck you dad I don't want to go to church fuck your god shit i dont believe in magic sky faries like santa" shit was even more immature and outright retarded than any of the belief systems it tried to mock?

>> No.7176510

It's the standard though, and people stick to standards hard because being ostracized hurts

>> No.7176566
File: 2.85 MB, 298x200, 1714094907787723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being my abrahamic cult is so immature and cringe dude. Grow up

>> No.7176624
File: 476 KB, 1446x1079, 1697431711972450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7176627

It looks kinda cool, wish it had more contrast but maybe that's just the photography. The king's clothing blending into the background is a neat idea. I think it could have been taken further though and blended with a background that is more symbolic of Britian.

>> No.7176729

totally not a samefag

>> No.7176734

How much toddler blood was used? Does the artist belong to their circles?

>> No.7176750

it's all blood that charles coughed out

>> No.7178102

That's edited though, you can simply flip the image and compare it to yours.
The fact that you are not able to catch differences between two pictures shows how fucking bad you are at visual arts.

>> No.7178204

So how much monies did the artist manage to scam out of the royal family for this?

>> No.7178723

kek x2

>> No.7179075
File: 159 KB, 1179x1564, MIDleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its unironically the blood of Kate Middleton

>> No.7179652


Subjugate the Irish.

>> No.7179671
File: 320 KB, 1216x861, retouch_2024052623100602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't I just flipped it

>> No.7179704

pls delete. this is harming our psyop operation

>> No.7179778
File: 2.69 MB, 848x720, iBgBmsGOi-M_cZMi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7179783

da. well done sergei, we're so back