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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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7169787 No.7169787[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do "just draw" fags cope with this?

>> No.7169788

don't be an autistic retard and draw

>> No.7169789

you're either too autistic to study properly or too aesthetically impaired to have better taste in artists to look up to. worst case scenario it's both, at that point just kys.

>> No.7169796
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How do "How do "just draw" fags cope with this?" fags cope with this?

>> No.7169798

If cwc wasn't so lazy and stupid he could make a solid income by selling original sonichu drawings.

>> No.7169801


>> No.7169803

i draw at least10 times as much as cwc tho.

>> No.7169826

he is too autistic to have self awareness.

>> No.7169844

The guy is literally retarded, what are you expecting from him?

>> No.7169845

he is severely retarded. thats like saying running doesnt work bc of wheel chair users.

>> No.7169852

I doubt chris chan ever did observational drawing a single time in his life

>> No.7169867

This man is literally mentally retarded and if you use him as an excuse to not practice then unironically NGMI

>> No.7169872

I honestly don't understand why people don't get this. It extends into most cwc discussion like people thinking he'd be able to hold down a full time job.
He'd tard out in a month. The man needs to be institutionalized

>> No.7169901

Just draw and don't be retarded

>> No.7169913

Bait used to be believable

>> No.7169952

You and I both know this is a disingenuous take. CWC gets an excuse because he was literally born with severe autism and his family didn't understand enough or didn't care to be able to help him. Dude was fucked since day one.

>> No.7169976

It's already perfect the way it is. He's so good at what he's doing, he doesn't need to improve.

>> No.7169999
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They assume the person they are telling it too is not severely autistic. Clearly a mistake in your case.

>> No.7170013

>Draws 1 hr a month
>Is mentally handicapped
>Still improves
What's your excuse, anon?

>> No.7170042
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Check 'em.

>> No.7170054

Retards don't count, the 'just draw' idea needs a lot of self reflection. You need to be honest with yourself, when you study do you really study? Is what your doing a challenge to you, or are you just playing around? Retards obviously don't have that level of insight so they can't improve

>> No.7170080

He still improved and he's an autistic retard. Sure not very much but he's a lazy fuck who draws very little. The comics he drew and posted are the only things he's drawn, he dose'nt have sketchbooks full of shit. He's not drawing daily or even weekly. Yet he still managed some improvement. Dose'nt this just prove Just Draw works?

>> No.7170095

You should spend half of your time drawing and the other half studying art fundamentals.
I used to draw all the time and I barely improved, when I started learning form and perspective theory, my art improved by leaps and bounds.

>> No.7170166

"just draw" works for neurotypicals. Right now I'm sick of drawing and looking at a blank canvas feels like pulling teeth. I literally hate drawing but tomorrow I might like it.

>> No.7170173

>The man needs to be institutionalized
I have good "news" anon

>> No.7170176

>I used to draw all the time and I barely improved
Skill issue

>> No.7170183
File: 257 KB, 220x255, Master Wang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, using Chris Chan as an example implies that you view yourself on the same level of incompetence as Chris Chan.
Believe in yourself.
Just draw young grasshopper.

>> No.7170202

Just draw is a filter for dumbfucks who can't think for themselves and have to be spoon-fed in order to grow. If you seethe over that simple of an advice, you have an issue when it comes to doing shit independently

>> No.7170209

I have to wonder what life is like being a schizo like op

>> No.7170226

Josh "Jewsh" Moon was actually helping him facilitate this as a pseudo-manager before the Barb-Fucking arc blew up their relationship iirc, he was making pretty decent money but needed a tard wrangler

>> No.7170227

Chris-Chan is too egocentric to realize the flaws of his artstyle and thusly improve on it.

>> No.7170301

Thank you again Wise Chinese master

>> No.7170708

The one thing you can learn from Christory is that this fat fuck never learned from his mistakes. That also extends to his art

>> No.7170786

He's developmentally stunted, of course he can't develop his art style.
Egocentrism is a term that should be used for people who can actually function as adults

>> No.7170885

Ok, what do you want us to say that hasn't been said before?

>> No.7171029

I kinda respect Null for being a tard wrangler for him, but it wouldn't end well so getting the fuck off was a wise decision as Chris is doomed to forever be stuck on his zero self aware ass.

>> No.7172352

cris chan never listen to critique or tried to improve

just draw is a quick shorthand response for stupid short howie questions that waste everyone's time

>> No.7172354


>> No.7172418

"I draw, I improved"
"I'm glad I'm not Cris"

>> No.7172810
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>> No.7172839
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Only if you’re a chink or spic.

For some reason Americans can only draw off-model and I’ve never seen another white person of my disgusting race who can draw like a proper mangaka.
Pic related sucks ass. I don’t care if it’s “professional”, it clearly looks nothing like how east asians draw and I fucking hate it

>> No.7172847

Nice, he improved, while the no-draws remain exactly the same. Good for him

>> No.7173415


>> No.7173885


>> No.7173948

He should have made his nose smaller and his eyes bigger to become typical anime trash, you faggot and scumbag

>> No.7173966

The second sub-rule of just draw is not to have autism. Hope this helps

>> No.7174883

Wtf is wrong with normies invading holy grounds?Don't they have their Cuckbook and Jewstagram to gaslight each other with the lies of "practice makes perfect" like actual retards?

>> No.7174891

That's the secret of "just draw" chads, they don't cope with anything at all. They just draw. They are guilt free magical creatures.

>> No.7174944

>Anon, using Chris Chan as an example implies that you view yourself on the same level of incompetence as Chris Chan.
But how do you know for certain? See that's the trap man that's the cognitive distortion, the abyss of self doubt man I cannot actually know how others perceive me so what if I am in fact as incompetent as Chris-chan, a mindblind retard stumbling ass over man tits straight into my mother's pussy and I've just gotten lucky so far as to have avoided the ire and disgust of the masses? You can't prove objectively accordingly to any absolute cosmic law that this isn't the case, and I can't be content to assume that it isn't POTENTIALLY true until I'm fucking dead.

>> No.7175145

you can't cope with something that you're indifferent towards. and no one who says "just draw" thinks every possible thing that can be drawn has the same or even any value for improving your skills.

>> No.7175172
File: 438 KB, 875x699, lo wang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I cannot actually know how others perceive me
Ask yourself this Young Grasshopper.
Do you have fun creating art?
If you could never show your work to anyone else ever again, would you still draw?
You are the only one who matters when it comes to your art, becoming too worried about what others think will only lead to pain and misery.

>> No.7175237
File: 299 KB, 656x300, toad from sticky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't necessary proves that "just draw" fags are wrong, just that their approach isn't bullet-proof.
everything you see can be broken down into shapes and lines. once you realize and starts to draw with this mindset, your drawing skills will improve a lot.
If you follow the "just draw" advice, there is a increased possibility that you will figure this out on your own.
You could also end up like chris-chan, KodyBoy555, Gaiash and Sami Ways. Basically never figuring it out and stuck with symbol drawing.
Studying fundies like "Drawing on the right side of the brain", "Keys to drawing" and "The art and science of drawing" will give you the answers on the spot. You still need to grind, but this time with the right mindset and down the right path.

>> No.7175251

from the thumbnail it looked like Luffy with a penis hanging out on the right side.

>> No.7175252

your approach will teach you how to copy a flat image. you should be studying with 3D planes in mind.

>> No.7175254
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