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File: 425 KB, 800x600, __flandre_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_fa_no_hito__a0c5c830bbfeb5e4b5455f2035522e94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46853807 No.46853807 [Reply] [Original]

The last thread hit the bump limit. It is too late to escape. To check the room you heard a crash in, visit https://randomtouhougen.neocities.org/

>> No.46853828
File: 693 KB, 720x960, 1664901925924475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't drink the tea.

>> No.46853829
File: 221 KB, 381x461, notlike this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im turbo fucked

>> No.46853903
File: 834 KB, 1251x1029, Screenshot 2024-05-16 232121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm going to be in a Charon Yandare Game now.

>> No.46854097
File: 381 KB, 1026x675, parsee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear...

>> No.46854107
File: 165 KB, 570x1040, mike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a nothing burger (I think)

>> No.46854143
File: 85 KB, 720x530, Teen Yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46854151
File: 380 KB, 1047x763, image_2024-05-17_012529685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again!

>> No.46854209

Now Fight!!!

>> No.46854240
File: 2.11 MB, 450x242, buford-tannen-backtothefuture.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, fellow merrybro, but this thread ain't big enough for the both of us...

>> No.46854274
File: 708 KB, 1266x886, oh no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said I wouldn't roll again in the last thread, but I did it anyway just to see what I get. I got Renko again. I am scared.

>> No.46854297
File: 144 KB, 1138x664, kokoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how to feel about this one, but she's super cute at least, I trust her more than some others

>> No.46854315
File: 382 KB, 741x1200, wriggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm about to wake up to tons of bed bugs, pray for me

>> No.46854323

You're so lucky! Having the undivided love and attention of such a powerful goddess must be wonderful!
There was a really sweet short story about Hina falling in love with someone who is too dumb to know that her misfortune is going to rub off to everyone who gets too close to her, so she decides the only way to keep him safe is to keep him close to her forever.
She'll wiggle her way into your life and you will find yourself getting strangely luckier when you're around her. Unfortunately, this only works when you are around her...
>I said I wouldn't roll again in the last thread, but I did it anyway just to see what I get.
>I got Renko again
Of course you would get Renko again. It's fate. You better apologize to her now.

>> No.46854324

Renko is going to be very disappointed that you decided to tempt fate again. I wouldn't be surprised if she had rigged the probability and manipulated it so that she would be chosen again. Renko isn't cruel, but you will be punished some for this faltering. I hope you're willing to make it up to Renko!

>> No.46854372

This is the most existential dread I've felt my whole life. Seriously, what are the chances of this happening?

>> No.46854380

Fate is on your side anon, we may yet have a chance.

>> No.46854384
File: 171 KB, 850x971, 1701878363770373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth is...

The game was rigged from the start.

>> No.46854397
File: 182 KB, 1200x1800, 6af9bc24f677f0115d844c24fbf77ea0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the most existential dread I've felt my whole life.
It's unironicaly a sign anon. You better apologize to Renko. You will find her, she will find you, in some time, some form. You better start cultivating yourself into a man worthy of her love right now!
>Seriously, what are the chances of this happening?
One out of how ever many Touhou girls there even are. I know it's more than hundred. Less than 1% random chance, anon.

>> No.46854447

It seems some power above wants me to marry Renko, who am I to disagree?
>One out of how ever many Touhou girls there even are. I know it's more than hundred. Less than 1% random chance, anon.
The chances of me rolling Renko, specificaly, twice are 1/[number of girls]^2, what I was wandering is how many girls there are.

>> No.46854451

>specificaly, twice
Ah, I totaly forgot about that. See, there is a reason why you are the one who is getting Renko.

>> No.46854462
File: 422 KB, 1021x709, Eirin Eirin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys! Since when I drinked that special elixir, I can't get drunk, no matter how much booze I drink. At least, Eirin let me drink some.

>> No.46854497

Anyway, I don't want this to be a repeart of the last thread, but I felt like I had to post this.
When I saw that I got Renko again, my blood pressure went up.

>> No.46854517
File: 17 KB, 1137x283, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokou talks about this. I'm sorry for you.

>> No.46854585
File: 139 KB, 1165x687, Zoomer Renko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other Renko. I feel like she would try to be a traditional yandere based on manga she's seen but accidentally end up being her own kind of freaky. I'm all for it, but I don't want to see any of my friends' bodies end up in some ritual. I don't think she'd go that far, though. Chances are I'd just be the one guy she bothers to talk to about random stuff like occult theories and counterculture, and that'd make her a little clingy as she doesn't usually get the chance. In other words, I'd be "unlike the other guys" and actually be of interest to her, and her appreciation could easily turn obsessive due to her apathy towards basically anyone else from the Outside World. Maybe she could try some weird magic shit in secret to secure our bond, or try to have her fortune read. It's pretty funny to imagine her going through tons of fortune cookies looking for the answer she wants.

>> No.46854636

Anon... I... I feel so sorry for you. You got the grimiest fate possible, at least you are totally immortal that's one of the pros I guess.

>> No.46854645
File: 451 KB, 729x720, the 'mu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I already know how this song and dance goes.

>> No.46854650

Have you ever played Dark Souls anon?

You can now play it irl around Gensokyou. I hope I'll see you in the next Touhou Game

>> No.46854695
File: 1.10 MB, 1919x949, Screenshot 2024-05-17 150047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mima for th20 confirmed!
>Last thread Orin
>Now Mima
I think Zun's trying to tell me something. I guess next thread it'll either be Seiga or Sariel.

>> No.46854711

And before I forget
Sorry Renko, I didn't mean to offend you. I hope you can relate to the feeling of curiosity that led to my action and find it in your heart to forgive me. I am never rolling again, even in jest.

>> No.46854793

Good news anon, you are probably the most immortal thing in any universe, issue is clearly pain doesn't turn off so the end of the universe is gonna be an actual total bitch, especially if there is a great crunch, that's gonna suck dick.

>> No.46854798

The HSE is right down the hallway, your fate is a grim one anon.

>> No.46854802

Well shit.

>> No.46854825

I was hoping more for the reimu writeanon in the other yanhu thread...

>> No.46854875

From now on, sleep with one eye open or you might wake up in Gensokyo

>> No.46854924

If I didn't like my family, I'd sleep well. I sure don't want to go missing without explanation, so I better be careful.

>> No.46855188

>I'm not sure how to feel about this one
Don't worry, she will make you feel good about it

>> No.46855221

What the absolute fuck did you do to have a fate so cruel?!

>> No.46855242

These threads have overstayed their welcome.

>> No.46857058
File: 347 KB, 574x1100, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she going to be a good waifu? If not, I'll let anyone sleep with her for a few bucks or exchange her for a sex doll.

>> No.46857107

this isnt the HSE thread though?

>> No.46857128
File: 320 KB, 589x608, Screenshot 2024-05-17 142239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is over, I win. Start the next one.
She doesn't even need to purify my love for her.
>tfw no sex on top of all the corpses in the lunar capital after a righteous genocide crusade with the missus

>> No.46857138

Nobody tell him.

>> No.46857191
File: 312 KB, 1671x992, Cutest doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't imagine Kyouko going yandere. She's too adorable!

>> No.46857205

My methodology isn't perfect, but the number I ended up with is 0.000062.

>> No.46857222

I don't know why you're so scared anon. Renko loves you! I wouldn't do anything to hurt you! Renko's love is pure! Just as long as you don't falter again, you should be perfectly safe, I am sure of it.

>> No.46857423

Oh no

>> No.46857449

She's going to cut your head off with koto strings for posting such filth

>> No.46857490

The idea of an unhinged yandere romance with Renko or Maribel sounds fun until you realize you all have to share a bedroom. Maybe if you're skilled at speech you can convince them to keep the beds seperate

>> No.46857523

Who are you quoting? You won't impress any Touhou with such lackluster posting habits, I know

>> No.46857589

How does the first sip keep you young but not immortal?

>> No.46857618

How is that a bad thing?

>> No.46857630

*upvotes your post*

>> No.46857634

You can still be killed, you live for er but if you take a lethal wound you still die.

>> No.46857635

Young people can die too

>> No.46857696

Don't you think sharing a bed between you, your wife, your wife's best friend, and your wife's best friend's husband is a little awkward?

>> No.46857698

>I wouldn't be surprised if she had rigged the probability and manipulated it so that she would be chosen again
How would she even do that?

>> No.46857789

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! She never told me about immortality and stuff like that! You're all bullshitting me right?! Right?!
Eirin won't allow me, she's really scary when she's angry... And when she's not here then Reisen keep a eye on me.
What do you mean?

>> No.46857823

This is a roleplay thread. Different shit, same flavor.

>> No.46857828

Maybe a bit? But it also sounds very cute and comfy and romantic.

>> No.46857835
File: 403 KB, 494x756, orb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46857852

Buh-but what about Muh OC, don't you guys wan't content??!?

>> No.46857895

Your samefaggging is obvious, you used to do the same thing in the hse threads

>> No.46858002

On my screen, I only see one (You).

>> No.46858012

You don't have a choice Anon, she's already decided you're her new dad now.
You have to live with and take care of your sickly youkai daughter.

>> No.46858027

Same, doesn't mean much. Does it?

>> No.46858144

Immortality might seem a dreadful concept, but it doesn't even compare with being unable to get drunk

>> No.46858175

Now you see two.

>> No.46858226
File: 480 KB, 1148x714, flan flan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.46858565

Have you never heard of a dog getting overly attached to someone?

>> No.46858592
File: 209 KB, 714x618, a513ef94-ddf3-4bf6-9e6d-4d220d2161e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, could be worse

>> No.46858727
File: 478 KB, 831x647, 1692348982444827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is fucking weird, but at least she will help me learn magic, and eventually, becoming a magician youkai, doing experiments with her might be interesting

>> No.46858744

It just makes you ageless and most likely immune to age related diseases too, but you are still mortal, its like becoming a magician i guess

>> No.46858756

>barges into a tree

>> No.46858891
File: 375 KB, 764x713, Yan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my wife, looks like the kind that i could perhaps reason with

>> No.46859223


>> No.46859251
File: 103 KB, 720x549, Kaguya~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaguya enters the living room hoping to talk to you when you make your bid for freedom.
After 100 years of basket weaving you are skilled enough to quickly entrap her in a large woven basket while you escape.
But with her 200 years of experience in tap dancing she is able to sense the reverberations throughout the basket and pinpoint the weak point in the fibers to strike and destroy the basket.
It's too late, and with your 300 years of oil painting you used the few seconds she was trapped in the basket to paint every surface in the room to look like other surfaces, rooms, and hallways all with their own painted walls painted with similar paintings in different orders to confuse her sense of direction.
Unfortunately with her 400 years of blindfolded mountain biking she is able to close her eyes and navigate the room with echolocation by screeching and chases after you.
Luckily thanks to your 500 years of hedge trimming you are able to create an exact duplicate of yourself in the yard that draws her attention.
Tragically, her 600 years of baking key lime pies made lime, egg yolks, and sweetened condensed milk, and topped with a meringue topping made from egg whites, or with whipped cream leaves her able to detect that the faint scents of the ingredients of the pie you ate that morning led elsewhere and she determines your correct location.
Quickly, you use your 700 years of misdirection to trick her into using her 800 years of crime scene reconstruction to piece together a past scene you already played out earlier using your 900 years of improvised acting in anticipation of this very moment, tricking her into observing the past while you hide in the present.
You have five minutes until she uses her 1000 years of kite flying to manipulate the local atmospheric pressure to create a wind formation that creates a small vacuum pocket in the sky that will collapse and suck you up into the air for easy discovery unless you prepare

>> No.46859290

I hope you don't have any problems about having sex with a doll filled with gunpowder and tannerite.

>> No.46859460
File: 614 KB, 1098x837, Platehu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this eboshi-wearing child and why does she keep rearranging my furniture? The ribbons cute, but I don't really get it...

>> No.46859462

Merry, her best friend, controls boundaries, so she should have some control over probabilities too.
The game truly was rigged from the start.

>> No.46859492
File: 344 KB, 1024x1024, 1696471127683058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is that?

>> No.46859503

It's six in latin.

>> No.46859595

That adds a whole nother level to the retrocausality thing. What if Maribel rigged the first rolls too?

>> No.46859614

What if Renko and Merry know their anon's are going to achieve something and have scoped them out for this purpose.

>> No.46859911

What adventure would be so extreme that the girls would require such help?

>> No.46859992

It might not fit the traditional image of a yandere, but I think it still counts

>> No.46860122
File: 19 KB, 840x574, 689-6899440_gyate-gyate-ohayou-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will live in the shadow orb and you are going to like it, anon.

Happy Father's Day.

>> No.46860388

Don't think that this is enough on its own, you will have to make it up to Renko. Thankfully, she is a decent girl and won't ask anything weird of you, I'm sure.

>> No.46862630
File: 313 KB, 720x719, fugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46863148

Something made Yukari Anon, I can see Renko or Merry getting the idea that you guys can do something like going to the moon. You'll all do an elaborate plan to go there chasing the lunar base on the dark side of the moon as seen by the apollo missions.
However, unlike our heroines in SSIB, maybe the moon is doing it's secret war with the Earth? Who knows, maybe things go awry?

>> No.46863157

She seems too prude to do anything too extreme, what are you afraid of?

>> No.46863185

I subscribe to the idea that Yukari is Merry's ancestor, mostly cause it easily solves the question of how the two are related, and removes any potential heartbreak of Merry becoming unrecognizable.

>> No.46863291

Speaking of the moon, I wonder how effective Renko's ability is with pictures? I know on touhouwiki it says she was able to locate an entrance to the Netherworld using only a photograph, but the moon is notoriously difficult to capture with any amount of quality.

>> No.46863410

I don't think that's really viable. Time travel does exist in the series and Yukari having children, let alone in the outside world, seems unlikely.
>and removes any potential heartbreak of Merry becoming unrecognizable.
I know what you're saying, but think of it this way: Maribel doesn't like the world she's living in, if she becomes Yukari it means she found a world she likes. So at least she's probably happy and it leaves us with a better story.
The real potential tragedy is what happened to Renko.

>> No.46863550

OP promised me a yanhu wife, not the judge of hell. I bet she is going to teach me how to reach nirvana after she gives me a long lecture.

>> No.46863769

You're a pretty lucky anon aren't ya?

>> No.46863776
File: 375 KB, 709x617, kyuun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least she's hardly going to be dangerous nowadays when she's probably too sickly and frail to chase me around
and she'll die by this time next year

>> No.46863784

Anon...aren't you aware? Akyuu went through an extensive modern medical treatment regime according to Strange Creators of Outer World, anyways . She's going to live on.
Also, I'll take her if you don't want her

>> No.46863817

Will you take her name, as is Usami family tradition?

>> No.46863832

Hell, no. I'll never give up my life before I lose my virginity, which will never happen if I'm with her.

>> No.46863874

Even more dreadful... A eternal life without be able to get drunk or anything related to drugs because you're totally immune to it. Hourai have it's positives tho.

>> No.46863953

I can't think of any positives other than immunity to disease, but then again, Renko said she would drink it and she's smart so maybe I'm missing something.

>> No.46863994
File: 327 KB, 875x1240, yachie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expected shithu, got Yachie instead. Lucky I guess?

>> No.46864032

>PC98 Reimu
The classiest

>> No.46864241

Maybe Sumireko is just her grand grand grand aunt and Renko is a descendent of her brother or something.

>> No.46864657

Well, I don't feel any urges now, so I can have a clear mind but I still haven't tried to troll people by "giving them a hand" tho. Also Miss Eirin only give this to the ones of her liking, else she would lie or just give her "I forgot" cocktail to make someone lose memory about this if she's feel bothered.

>> No.46864856
File: 3.59 MB, 2399x3016, 1703655759263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everytime i see these threads and the absolute utter lack of fear and i realize that none of you are too into if at all into fearplay and that you just want to be loyally loved
who hurt you people

>> No.46865611

>everytime i see these threads and the absolute utter lack of fear
At least youkai know that they are vulnerable to psychological attacks. So simply not being afraid of them will make them stop being too cocky.
>and i realize that none of you are too into if at all into fearplay and that you just want to be loyally loved
>who hurt you people
As a soon-to-be wizard, I have little hope of finding love before I become a hermit next year. And I guess wasting my time on these threads is not so bad after all.

>> No.46866109
File: 20 KB, 600x600, 2nmuyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time when you attempt to bait people, at least try to make it readable.
Here is something for you, for your next attempt : https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/

>> No.46868239
File: 380 KB, 573x1000, 1703779829652688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that different from having a cat, except I have the baggage of Ran and Yukari breathing down my neck... I should be fine.
I think.

>> No.46868325

There's a certain Doujin series with this premise, doesn't end too well for Anon's family, but at least he's happy.

>> No.46868342


>> No.46868835

Can't remember its name, but I remember the premise of the first doujin is that the main character has high compatibility with Youkai and they keep making up reasons to come to his house.
Like "you know that cat you saved that other day, that was me, now invite me into your home."

>> No.46868981
File: 1.19 MB, 1875x2500, 118831433_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46871089

I woke up in this room despite going to bed in my home. Why was I invited here? What happens if I drink the tea? Why is she looking at me like that?

I'm dissapointed in the lack of writing in this thread. All we have is a repost of a 1-post-shot from the last thread. I'm going to do one up tomorrow, can one of you lads break the ice first? Plenty of different ladies in the thread for material.

>> No.46871418

We had 3 threads in a row and wanted a break, but the redditor wants a permanent general

>> No.46871796

i dont know what you think i was trying to bait, but such was not my intention

>> No.46878795

I would, but I kinda suck at writing and I'm not really feeling it right now. Hopefully after this thread the idea can rest for a bit and we can get better ideas and better material
and maybe see what's happened to Renkoanon

>> No.46878850

>what's happened to Renkoanon
Pelvis reconstruction surgery

>> No.46878863

but what happened to reimuanon...

>> No.46878870

i hope that the writer for the that one reimu story will continue his story somewhere, i really liked it

>> No.46878895

The guy that started the hse? Isn't he still working on it, and they have like 3~ threads left until they're done over there.
So I guess there's about a month and a half until he starts working on it again.

>> No.46878898

what? no, who gives a shit about the HSE
I mean the reimuanon who was writing the yan reimu story in the first yandere thread here a week or two ago

>> No.46878912

Well I wasn't in that thread and I also keep seeing that name be used for the guy that wrote that Reimu abuse story, as well as people keep asking about him for some reason.
Anyways, I guess I'll check warosu for his story, Yandere Reimu sounds fun.

>> No.46879903

>what's happened to Renkoanon
I hear footsteps behind me and feel like I'm being watched, so nothing new. I also wrote Renko a love poem in the hopes that she'll forgive me so I don't end up like this anon >>46878850 said, and also one about her hat.she also appeared in one of my dreams, I'm not kidding

>> No.46880050

I think you need some of Alice's butterfly pills.

>> No.46881419

Writing her poems won't make her leave you alone.

>> No.46881459

You really are chosen. Something wonderful is about to happen.

>> No.46881525

That ship has sailed a long time ago

>> No.46881603
File: 104 KB, 850x1109, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_aorin_oekaki__sample-36803b8c3b9c72a59413a209b6b1f03d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still around, intend on continuing, just thought I'd give it a little break as to not saturate the thread, give Renko/Maribel room to breathe, refresh ideas, ect.

>> No.46881617

I do.
It feels weirdly ominous.

>> No.46881669

Won't stop me from feeling a bit jealous, imagine the adventures you'll go on! Who knows, maybe Merry's still available, but I don't know how to catch her eye

>> No.46881753

I promised you a home invasion. That's what you're getting.

>> No.46881892

I should motivate myself and write some stuff for the thread.

>> No.46882113

I understand that it's scary, but Renko really is kind and gentle. You just need to accept what is happening and prepare. Read up on some things that would make for interesting conversation with her. She is warmly waiting.

>> No.46882217

I don't suppose I have much of a choice. At least she's probably pleasant to talk to, and our children will have an average IQ of 200.
But I still don't want to go to the future.

>> No.46882238
File: 386 KB, 722x631, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, I'm completely okay with this. She's not good at surprising people so she probably can't actually do the yandere stuff too great, but at least I could learn the blacksmithing trade from her

>> No.46882252

Every day, she will try to creep you out like any good yandere, fail and look cute instead.

>> No.46882732

It's a small sacrifice to make for your true love. Also, Renko said she would drink the Horai Elixir if she had the chance, do you think she would forget about you? One way or another, you will see the future.

>> No.46883733
File: 251 KB, 1758x871, Mononobe no Futo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here we go

>> No.46883757

>I still don't want to go to the future.
Anon...what if I told you that every passing second of your life, you are bit by bit going to the future. You just get to take the fast lane.

>> No.46883792
File: 409 KB, 1000x777, futo tips for courting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.46889623

Glad to see you're still here. What's the status on your AO3 account? Has it been approved?

>> No.46889661

Lucky mfers

>> No.46893434

You're going to Alice!

>> No.46893476
File: 189 KB, 717x647, atoyurdoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice is going to him

>> No.46893515
File: 388 KB, 1079x709, Hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just getting started

>> No.46893565

The ", probably" always amuses me.

>> No.46893683
File: 509 KB, 1198x763, sweaty tankwife sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it

>> No.46894528

>Alice is going to him
I would much rather get sent to gensokyo just for convenience, though i guess its not really a problem since i do own a few dozen acres of land

>> No.46894744

She's going to take you to Gensokyo

>> No.46894807
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>> No.46894842

Scary stuff

>> No.46894895

And then there were none

>> No.46894898

Chihiro is for the hags though

>> No.46895131

Now that you put it this way, it seems like a desirable outcome still don't want my pelvis broken though

>> No.46895193

A broken pelvis is no big deal and there's nothing a little gap magic can't fix, you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.46895286

Renko isn't some oni brute, your pelvis can handle her.

>> No.46897889

Anon, Renko just wants someone to hug and rant about physics to, your pelvis was never in any danger

>> No.46897900
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pretty sure i've got some silverware lying around somewhere

>> No.46897909
File: 150 KB, 696x453, Screenshot_2024-05-21-23-24-34-132_com.vivaldi.browser-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would she even do?

>> No.46897918

Hide in your kitchen and eat your food while you're not at home

>> No.46897938

Unfortunately, I'm not that good at physics.

>> No.46897953
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It's cool; I didn't really need my testicles anyway...

>> No.46899015

Well, that's even better. She will get to teach you everything she knows.

>> No.46899225

Ok then, I give up. Renko wins.

>> No.46899359
File: 63 KB, 850x890, happy 'ko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never stood a chance

>> No.46899407

Yuuka wont harm them as long as you keep putting your children in her belly

>> No.46899415

Turn her into windows Yuuka

>> No.46899455

She can find "treasure" (the target of her passion) without failure. I bet she can use those big crystals to entrap you.

>> No.46899520

I got tricked by Eirin into drinking Horai. You can tell Renko than it's REALLY overrated and than Eirin won't make it for her.

>> No.46899540

Because you said that Anon, I am now going to send out notices to every Touhou letting them know that they can avoid ever losing their husband, and that Eirin has plenty of Elixir to share! I'll then tell Eirin that, by keeping other women preoccupied with their lovers, it'll make sure that no youkai, human, or otherwise bimbo can ever get close to her husband.

You fucks are all getting immortality with your wifes. Get dunked on. This one is a prank for the ages.

>> No.46899597

Sorry mate, but there is none of Horai on stock since she's "gave" me all of it. Even if Eirin is really overprotective to the point than she keep Udonge on standby just to keep a eye on me, she's won't make that stuff again. Also I don't think than other youkais, humans or bimbos would approch me too close because... Eirin is really scary when she feel annoyed.

>> No.46899619

Don't worry, if Eirin says no to making another batch, I have a foolproof plan to get her to do so.


>> No.46899698

I told her it would taste awful because it probably has mercury in it and she called me a coward, starded ranting about nihilism out of nowhere, then said it's not my choice to make
I don't think it works on youkai, but aren't they already immortal?

>> No.46899722

Youkai aren't true immortals, they can still die or have their soul erased, the Hourai Immortals are truly immortal and more like spirits with them able to form a fleshy body and clothes as needed.

>> No.46899767

But can they die from natural causes?

>> No.46899780

Not normally but the old ones will have bad backs and seize up if you say things like "Need help crossing the road miss" or "Sorry ma'am, are you here to pick up your daughter".

>> No.46900172

You attend to do a little of trolling, aren't you?
Hard to deal with, aren't she?

>> No.46900297

Renko is very stubborn, but she just wants what's best for both of us.

>> No.46905717

At some point there would just be an entire population of immortal 2hus with their immortal husbands all waiting for the end of the universe. I'm sure the ayys would only be a bit confused.

>> No.46909264

Ah, I forgot, a another side effect is sterility.

>> No.46914421
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>> No.46919543
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>> No.46929295

Unless you're old money, its stainless steel, not silver

>> No.46929446


Koishi wouldn't ask, she would just stab you and that women

>> No.46936349

Dumb secondary

>> No.46936887

would rapidly get annoying

>> No.46938264


>> No.46938280
File: 554 KB, 1196x753, chen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, uh...She exists, I guess?

>> No.46938310

She's very tired of being forgotten and ignored. You better give her lots of love!

>> No.46940702

She started training after being exterminated and now she's able to take on anyone, even Reimu should you beg her for help. Good luck.

>> No.46948911
File: 1.32 MB, 2000x2000, __tatara_kogasa_touhou_drawn_by_allcy49__c9549b56cb61ef4fc50cf1e902074fbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kogasa is so happy
You're going to be with her forever

>> No.46949950

Do I have any say in this or do I have to just accept my fate?

>> No.46950158

You don't really have a way to escape her, but nothing is stoping you from trying.

>> No.46951859
File: 3.11 MB, 1840x1488, Screenshot 2024-05-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure how to feel about this

>> No.46952479

Aya is basically a looney tunes charater, a story about this could be pretty funny.

>> No.46954192

I hope the writeanons come back in the next thread.

>> No.46954202

the fact that there are 'next threads' is why they all got bored
it stops being a creative spark if you drag it out into multiple threads

>> No.46954274

Maybe the burnout could have been avoided if the threads didn't come one right after the other

>> No.46956164

*Bursts into your House*
*Flings a Newspaper into your Face*
*Takes a Panty Shot of You*
*gives you a passionate French Kiss*
"I will always be watching you, see you around ;)"

From a guy in the last thread

>> No.46956192

To have that, you need conversation and good ideas. The Renko and Maribel stuff is a crown jewel example. It presented something in a fun and unique way. People talked about it and shared ideas, and those ideas inspired people to write. It creates a positive loop. That's how the Touhou tf thread here is still going on.

If you want writefags to write, give them something to write about. Just rolling and saying "I got the flan" isn't going to inspire anyone.

>> No.46960011

Hopefully once this thread slides/hits bump limit the thread gets to rest for a month or so. Should give enough time for the writefags to cook up some new ideas.

>> No.46960043
File: 69 KB, 850x547, __hakurei_reimu_and_shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_kanpa_campagne_9__sample-e239027659a8220675593298400b269d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will always be watching you, see you around ;)

>> No.46960047

Tewi would make a good Bugs Bunny to Aya's Daffy?

>> No.46961879

I think part of the problem is that the thread got split in two due to OP bakers not being the brightest.
The Renko stuff from last thread essentially removed itself from here, leaving not much else to discuss

>> No.46964026

Though speaking of concepts getting built up, whatever happened to that yandere reimu fic? Writer got bored?

>> No.46964043

Koishi killed him in real life for making her the secondary girl.

>> No.46964046
File: 388 KB, 710x605, GHOST BLOWJOB WOOOOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling that within a few weeks I will no longer be able to trust any of my senses in order to know if I am talking to someone or if I'm talking to Mizuchi possessing someone.

>> No.46964227
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>> No.46966294

They are both extremely old and infantile, a perfect duo.

>> No.46967251

You got a great hag, congrats Anon!

>> No.46967254

Lmao get gapped

>> No.46969173

enjoy being forced to stick your dick in gaps and guess what your in

>> No.46973861
File: 807 KB, 1177x913, Captura de pantalla (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"spanks sounds"

>> No.46975323
File: 555 KB, 1097x687, Yanhime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. See you guys in 300 years or so...

>> No.46975472
File: 202 KB, 693x889, husband hunting veils.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenshi falling into despair and restorting to use a husband-hunting veil!
Clueless Anon picking up the veil!
Tenshi forcing Anon into marriage!
Tenshi becoming intensively jealous and afraid that Anon might want a human woman instead!
Tenshi threatening that she will have the very Earth swallow up Anon if Anon isn't faithful!

>> No.46975475
File: 519 KB, 1185x777, HECC SAMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46984797
File: 300 KB, 800x1200, Tenshi..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Tsun Tsun Tenshi!!

>> No.46985959

>tfw she gapped your cock into your asshole

>> No.46986196
File: 1.03 MB, 2388x1668, 119250830_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46986220


>> No.46986280

POV: You're ingredients for her izakaya

>> No.46986288

She gaps your cock on to her pelvis and then fucks you with it so you both get the sensation of sticking your cock into you.

>> No.46986400

I understand it's the pride month and all but it doesn't give you the right to spam your homosexual wishes everywhere. You have to actually stick to the places where your gay shit is desirable.
Fuck off to >>>/lgbt/ or >>>/d/.

>> No.46992983

cry about it

>> No.46993061

sick necrobump dude

>> No.46993539
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>15 hours

>> No.46995232

I'll stick with Futa Ran x Yukari then, happy?

>> No.46995271

Why do you have to show up and ruin every thread? Just fuck off already.

>> No.46995365

Futa Ran & Futa Yukari x twink please, just plug him from both ends.

>> No.46995514
File: 1.14 MB, 498x278, joke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all due respect, this is my first time "ruining" this thread.

Apologies for derailing the thread with objectively good taste.

>> No.47003090


>> No.47010755

not how imageboards work

>> No.47012073

Go back newggerfag

>> No.47015065

Fuck you, people like you who spam shit threads where there's no discussion and beg for even the smallest pittance of attention from writefags are part of the problem.
Not to mention the writefags themselves are annoying attention whore who take over threads and turn them into their personal writing dump where the only Anons left are the troglodytes who grovel at their feet for more clop.
You, OP, the writefags, and everybody who just posts a prompt without any follow up all deserve a thread this shit and much worse.
Why can't we just have a nice yandere thread without any of the above faggots clogging it up.

>> No.47020479

Cry about it niggerfaggot, don't forget to apply the cream to your hemorrhoids.

>> No.47020506

Kill yourself you autistic creitin, done getting called out literally everytime you rear your ugly head and spout your drivel? You are the only one with your opinion, go off and tell your mom where the mean writefag touched you

>> No.47020618

>Calls writerfags attention whores
>Writes a baited post for attention
