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/lit/ - Literature

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23092767 No.23092767 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone on my father's side has written and published books, as well as my grandparents on my mother's side. I'm beginning to fell the pressure if I don't write a book at some point in my life.

I'm interested to know if anyone's in a similar situation.

>> No.23092774

You sound rich and pampered, which means you'll never be able to produce anything of artistic merit. You should kill yourself.

>> No.23092818

one of my relatives published a textbook don't think it is selling too well, it was a project of passion

>> No.23092820
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i want to go back to 2007 and get a subway italian and a mountain dew

>> No.23092822

subway jared?

>> No.23092824
File: 2.96 MB, 3249x2433, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is best lived by following your heart, no matter how painful that road may be. Pressure and heat make diamonds, right? Swamps are some of the most rich with life. How old are you and what has been driving your life so far? If whatever has been pushing you to keep going thus far is palpable to you, keep pursuing that. If you have a sour taste in your mouth, change course, and write about that. Clearly if you're enough of a fucking faggot or chud to end up on 4chan and especially a shitshow like /lit/, you must have had somewhat of an interesting or niche life so far.

Just remember, you cannot go wrong if you follow your heart, but that road might be rough as fuck, so prepare accordingly.

Ignore this cocksucker. Holy shit. This is what kills /lit/

>> No.23092840

Nah he’s right, Tolstoy talked about this. I’ve had to self publish everything due to living in the projects on food stamps. Must be nice to have your parents hand up your ass like my conceited sister has had for some time. God I hate females.

>> No.23092842
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If you have family connections, you can get literally anything published. It doesn't even have to be good. Just get in contact with a publisher and, if they are family friends, they will basically give you a topic and accept anything. Publishing has zero integrity these days. Back in the 90s my dad wrote a couple books and each one sold over 10,000 copies which would put him in like the top ~5% of authors going on today's numbers.

>> No.23092846

3 for $10 Sundays, used to go to the pub, get drunk off $5 triples, meet some new female friends, hit subway and buy like 6 subs, go back to my place and hang out with women after the bar watching shows and listening to music DL from Kazaa and Napster, had a 33% or so chance of bangin'!

>> No.23092852

love from Kazakhstan

>> No.23092861
File: 1.96 MB, 3264x2448, cashjobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pics from the time you were living hand to mouth

>> No.23092865

I’ll put something in your mouth alright

>> No.23092867

If Penguin's books were open, and you could sort through their data, what do you think you'd find about their top 10 books, and what would their bottom 10 books tell you?

>> No.23092869

>i <3 u dad!
bros i need a little girl so bad

>> No.23092878

cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.23092888

Jokes aside I wrote a piece against nepotism in the new book I wrote

>> No.23092901

We got a chud here

>> No.23092930
File: 180 KB, 1024x1024, crazyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaks in your VR headset in a sexy female voice
Give it to me, baby!

>> No.23092956
File: 60 KB, 680x584, 1707758953170930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, good luck getting it published

>> No.23092971

Pic related, imagine the book that anon could write

>> No.23092978

>On the Niggerfaggots and their Lies

>> No.23092982

Fuck off Gardner

>> No.23092987


Dad has (properly) published a few very small, obscure non-fiction books, real ISBN/Library of Congress numbers and all. He wrote and published a children's book (okay technically that one is fiction) as a promotional tie-in for a local cause, and he dedicated to me, "the best reader I know" (I was able to read Dr. Seuss to mom at age three). The more substantive book was a how-to guide for a sort of autistic hobby. I won't specify the hobby, except to say that it's closely related to the topics of one of the boards on this website.

Once, about 20 years ago he "had a novel in him". He planned it out, wrote it, and submitted it formally. Didn't go anywhere and he stuck it in a drawer, but he was happy that he went through the process.

>> No.23093154

>t. mutational loaded lumpenprole

ngmi tryhard

>> No.23093200

>Clearly if you're enough of a fucking faggot or chud to end up on 4chan and especially a shitshow like /lit/, you must have had somewhat of an interesting or niche life so far.
Pretty sure people end up on 4chan because they've *not* had interesting lives.

>> No.23093261

Glad to hear his product of passion reached the publishing stage, that's very rewarding

Thanks for a real response, I'm only 23 and the things driving me are just hobbies and friends, and possibly revenge but that's a very long story that I don't want to get into now.

I would disagree, most uninteresting people would shy away from this kind of place, and the people who stay would find something super niche after long enough exposure here and because more interesting as a result

>> No.23093265

At least I didn't get the vax, faggot.

>> No.23093279

I already self published anyways and am selling it and plan to turn it into a paperback in the next few years

>> No.23093282

I've met many interesting people here.
How many did you sell?

>> No.23093337

My uncle is a pretty successful author. He does a mix of true crime and sci-fi/horror fiction. Nobody besides him has published anything though. I enjoy writing, but making it a career, or even writing something I would consider good enough to be published is just a dream, so there's definitely no pressure.

>> No.23093351


>> No.23093628

>Pretty sure people end up on 4chan because they've *not* had interesting lives.
Okay nerd