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File: 17 KB, 212x300, KantiusMaximus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23332409 No.23332409 [Reply] [Original]

noobs in philosophy are normie naive realists. Their default mode is materialism. You can't just tell them "bro materialism is false bro bc it just is ok", you have to actually show them. Plato is too highbrow for them at their present stage; they won't "get" him because the Ideas are not even a possibility for them. But Kant gets down to their level, uses this normie midwit state of consciousness as the starting point for his system and leads his readers to see the falsehood of materialism, to despair of the consequences of the combination of this falsehood with the limitations of the normie midwit mind, and only then even begin to understand the significance of Plato. Through Kant's meticulous analysis of the mind, and likewise meticulous investigation into what the conditions of knowledge of a transcendent realm would be, and also whether the knowledge derived from this preceding analysis reveals the mind to conform to these conditions, the reader is provided with possibly the best material with which to develop a system under which the analysis of mind would find it (the mind) commensurate to the task of knowing a supersensible reality: the intelligible or ideal realm--- the realm of the noumena in a positive sense, in the sense of actualities, in the sense of the noumena as real rather than simply products of our subjective imagination. From this point, the transition to the study of Plato would be a natural and satisfying decision for the reader, and he would be able to really appreciate Plato. Don't listen to the naive realist materialust normie faggots. Read Kant, but don't be a dilettante, because then you're just wasting your time and you'll end up being another one of those anons seetheposting everyday because they got filtered but blame the author instead because they have fragile egos. Take it seriously and maybe you might develop intellectual intuition, or as some call it, the third eye, and see the noumenal realm for yourself.

>> No.23332413

>muh three fold synthesis
lol kantian, you still bootstrap your proposition from the grounds of experience itself.

>> No.23332417
File: 164 KB, 554x700, HerrKant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> But, though all our knowledge begins with experience, it by no means follows that all arises out of experience.

>> No.23332436
File: 33 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-d10365c0d88404820cb52a5a91628b0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My theory of perception?

Naive realism of course - what I see is what it be.

>> No.23332439

bro materialism is false

>> No.23332624

dangerously based
direct realism does not imply materialism

>> No.23332628

>direct realism does not imply materialism
yes it does

>> No.23332652

how so?

>> No.23332783
File: 90 KB, 1024x749, 1703019390066426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing about naive realism is that it's totally hypocritical in its application. If a bunch of scientiem eggheads dressed up 20 Aztec priests in labcoats and taught them the scientific method, they'd produce peer-reviewed papers about people's empirical observations while in the spirit world.

The eggheads would whine about how that kind of empirical sense data "doesn't count", but couldn't explain why without going beyond raw sense data. There's no purely empirical reason to think that ahuyasca trips or dreams are less real than wakefulness.

> but waking reality is more consistent
I could have the same dream every night, and it could be more consistent than waking life. Does that make it "real"?

Only divine revelation can solve this problem. Read the short essay The Contingency of Knowledge and Revelatory Theism, then realize the Orthodox essence/energies distinction solves the problem of real interaction between God and Man while maintaining a real difference between them

> Verification not required.

>> No.23333091

>There's no purely empirical reason to think that ahuyasca trips or dreams are less real than wakefulness.
They *aren't* any less real. Everything you experience is real, else you wouldn't experience it. The mistake would be to interpret them as something other than what they are, temporary passing sensations. You know better because you eventually wake up.

>> No.23333102

>Plato is too highbrow for them
Lmfao. Writing your philosophy in dialogue format isn't highbrow, on the contrary, it's to simplify his ideas for the sake of the pleb masses. His actual profound ideas were delivered through the direct oral instruction, which was only available to his students. I believe the Neoplatonists put those particular ideas in their own treatises though.

>> No.23333442

>Writing your philosophy in dialogue format isn't highbrow
in the tiktok era it is

>> No.23333445

>The Contingency of Knowledge and Revelatory Theism

>> No.23333461

Naive realism uncritically takes material objects as real

>> No.23333465

As in indeed they are, but that doesn't mean that *only* material things are real.

>> No.23333593

>As in indeed they are
they're not tho

>> No.23333739


>> No.23334077

they are temporal, composite, and changing

>> No.23334226

>The Contingency of Knowledge and Revelatory Theism
Nice essay rec, thanks.

>> No.23334297


>> No.23334497

An easy-to-understand overview of the "transcendental inference," or the argument for God using revelation as the epistemological foundation. The essay summarizes the historical tension between reason and revelation and makes the case for revelation.

This is a commonly-understood conflict -- typically, this is the philosopher's view (using Heidegger as an example):
>If I was summoned by faith, I'd close down my workshop ... Philosophy deals only with that thought which man can procure from his own means: as soon as it is summoned by Revelation, philosophy ceases. Theologians generally have too little confidence in their own terrain and quarrel too much with philosophy ... Theologians should remain in the exclusive domain of Revelation ... The Christian experience is something so different that there is no need for it to enter into competition with philosophy ... The mysterious nature of Revelation is much better preserved ... Philosophical thinking always remains exposed to the questionability of Being; whereas faith, on the contrary, remains a matter of trust.

Heinrich Meier has some fantastic secondary scholarship re: the conflict of reason and revelation in the 20th century, particularly as it manifests in Schmitt and Strauss.

>> No.23334515

why are you reposting this after being btfo so many times?

>> No.23334522

I have never been btfo. Not even close.

>> No.23334802

Yeah, a lot of real things tend to be that way.

>> No.23334832

yes a lot of unreal things

>> No.23334838

lmao, something being temporal and changing makes it unreal? if I slap you in the face and take your wallet, that's not real?

>> No.23334850

Maybe his arguments are something perceptible to the average person but the way he presents his beliefs are unbearable. He writes like I imagine a chemist would. Rousseau is the immensely readable thinking man that everyone could embrace, even if I don't think he has anything to say that's particularly profound, it's more the way he relays it that's profound and easy to take it.his writings are also immensely relatable

>> No.23334880

This nigga don't know about subjective idealism

>> No.23334937

dis nigga don't know what he's talking about

>> No.23334942

correct. my beating the shit out of you and taking my wallet back is also not real.

>> No.23335827

now that you're definitely right about.
sounds like a pretty depressing existence though: your body isn't real because it changes, neither is your mind and consciousness, whose contents change, and nothing that happens is real either. do you just sit in your bedroom all day, contemplating Platonic forms?

>> No.23336302

Explain how Kant didn't make Plato look like a naive metaphysician who never grasped the unknowability of what is going on.

>> No.23336312

Bubba Normalfag given the speculative toolkit of Enframing AS IF [x] and such is exactly what brings about Marxs and Horari and Dawkins et. al.