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/lit/ - Literature

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23359307 No.23359307 [Reply] [Original]

Lavren Mayberry edition
Old: >>23355759

>> No.23359310

>sold 3 copies of my short story in Amazon
I could actually make a living from writing wtf?

>> No.23359315

The elite platform well known controversial figures on purpose so the masses are distracted by these clown acts, while they keep committing evil in the background.

Look at home everyone is supporting the Israeli genocide, and then suddenly a well known NAZI is back on Twitter. Oh, I wonder why. Maybe for people to be distracted while Israel keeps genociding and Genocide Joe keeps funding them.
Everyone is too busy getting scandalized by tweets from powerless clowns to actually care about what the real elite are doing.

>> No.23359316

Have you figured it out yet?

>> No.23359319

How did you meet your girlfriend or wife, anon?
How did you get together?

>> No.23359328

Had a dream about cuddling with a vtuber on her couch, and for some reason I'm a medieval historian and started talking about infant mortality rates.

>> No.23359342

>How did you meet your girlfriend or wife, anon?
Project class at uni.
>How did you get together?
She was like this one femanon ITT who keeps talking about that one guy that dicked her really good and then left her.
So she wanted to use me to try to get over her Ex.
She then realized, "it wasn't the same" and she dumped me again.

>> No.23359399

Is something being 0% wet the same as something being 100% dry?

>> No.23359403

No. Water is 0% wet.

>> No.23359416

People are still plenty mad about Israel man

>> No.23359419

But there's no genocide in the first place.

>> No.23359429

The retards on Reddit are easy to distract.
You get a tool like >>23359419 and you tell him to talk about the latest bullshit from Nick Fluentes or Trump or whatever else, and Israel is free to go massacre everyone they want in Gaza or the West Bank.

>> No.23359453

I'm gonna quit working for my parents. This business has no future anyway so why keep wasting my time here?

>> No.23359456

I went to the gf store

>> No.23359461

What’s the business?

>> No.23359466

Maybe I should try to go back to some Wall Street job in New York. Those 2 years were the most miserable years of my life but at least I was making money and had some sense of purpose.

>> No.23359471

Marry a country girl and take her back with you.

>> No.23359472

That wouldn’t work.

>> No.23359477

Working in your own business >>>>working for someone else unless your are making big bucks

>> No.23359478

I don’t like black people.

>> No.23359480

What business? Why no future?

>> No.23359485

I don't mind black people.

>> No.23359495

Unironically Tinder, 5 years ago. We're getting married in two days now.

>> No.23359501

Working for parents brings its own challenges though. Nowadays, most of them groom their kids to take over the business and then then sell it to someone else right before they retire because they realize they can cash out on the business value but the kid can’t or won’t buy it. So in the end, the kid gets stuck as a perpetual employee, first for mom or dad and then for someone else. That, or the kid takes over but mom or dad never really lets go of the wheel. So they still involved and basically breathe down their throat. This is how boomers are. Their parents weren’t like this but they are like this. Then of course you have kids very often not appreciating the business and running it into the ground.

>> No.23359517

I decided that I’m going to apply to PhD programs for Fall 2025 admission. I’ll be a lot older than most first year PhD candidates, but I imagine that I can finish much more quickly than most candidates. I don’t care if I don’t though. This is the only way that I’ll advance my career. Plus, it will give me a chance to go somewhere and do something for a while. That’s basically been my biggest problem over the last several years since going remote during COVID. I’ve been desperate for a reason to go somewhere and do something, to have some call to action like how people in the past seemed to. They were always moving and shaking in their 20s and 30s. If I’m going to do this though, the question then becomes what I should do and where I should live for the next year. A part of me wants to quit and do almost nothing other than read or write.

>> No.23359521

NEED this cut to be over with ASAP or I will hungry caterpillar this entire planet.

>> No.23359532

What kind of PhD?
Irrespective of that I suggest you pick a good location, ideally a big city, so you can have good social opportunities.

>> No.23359548

i wish I had killed myself right after college. Life only got worse.

>> No.23359560

why is it that i can write essays on imageboards with no effort, but when i try to set my mind to writing stories, or even just essays for my own sake, i can't get two sentences out before giving up?

>> No.23359564

Write your essay as posts on 4chan, then collect them later for publication.

>> No.23359565

I lost my career and job and now everything feels soulless. How do I kill myself?

>> No.23359581

I would make like eight times more working at McDonaldc's thoughbeit.
Flowers. Prices have been rising and most of our customers (poorfags) can't afford to pay that much. People on this line of work are saying that flowers are going to become a luxury at this rate.
So yeah, working 50-60 hours/week at something this unstable seems like an insane waste of time and I should have left years ago.

>> No.23359582

Probably economics. One of the reasons I want to do this is because I’ve spent my whole career in a small town. I don’t actually care if it’s a big city. It just can’t be a small town or a college town with nothing else there but the college.

>> No.23359589

I find women's feet so beautiful and enthralling that they make up like 25% of my physical criteria for a partner
Like, if I started dating a girl and it was copacetic, but I found out she had ugly ass flat feet, I don't know how I'd cope. I probably wouldn't, and just dump her, because I'm a pretty shallow person when it comes to romantic relationships.

>> No.23359605

It's a noble study, but be prepared for a lot of ideologues that are more interested in pushing an agenda than in trying to model the economy.

>> No.23359608

What is it? I'll buy a copy

>> No.23359610

Girls with small feet <3, especially ones with pale/rosy skin tones.
Not a deal breaker, but nice to have.

>> No.23359612

How did that happen?

>> No.23359623

I'm reading a quite pleasant book by Dietrich Schwanitz called something like "General culture: everything one must know". It's originally German and I'm reading the Brazilian translation. I was quite surprised to see that no English translation exists. I thing it's called Bildung in the original, if you want to check it out

>> No.23359624

Gf store in the city went out of business. All I can do now is find used older models on craigslist

>> No.23359626

Don't mind the size too much, but it's gotta have a shapely arch. Dexterous toes are a plus but not necessary. Short, flat, and wide paddles are an unironic deal breaker.
I wonder if I could look into my past, where I'd pinpoint my fetishes starting. I'm only 23 but I find it very difficult to remember not having it

>> No.23359632

being sexual is too scary for me

>> No.23359639

No I don't think I will either, you are too vague. I literally need it spelled out

>> No.23359655

Oh hey this is really great, who wrote it?

>> No.23359663


Also why?

>> No.23359664

I feel that, since pleasing and satisfying the girl is very important to me, a desire strongly imprinted in my mind, so I am constantly worried about cumming too soon or not doing a good enough job or inability to get hard or whatever.

>> No.23359669

My neighbor is an African queen.

>> No.23359675

Maybe if you give her some kush she'll let you punt it in her

>> No.23359677

The ol "cum too soon or cum too late" divide, I feel ya buddy. Restraining until the right moment and not overshooting it so you need to finish afterwards is a battle.

>> No.23359688

I like going as long as she wants and then getting myself off afterwards in the kitchen while yelling like this

>> No.23359690

>getting with a girl
too much for me

>> No.23359705

Yup, especially since I'm uncut which I think due to the greater sensitivity just makes it harder for me to last as long as cut guys, which is gonna be the majority of guys any given girl will have experience with in America. So I'm always worried about that, lol.

>> No.23359744

excellent post

after having spent 5 years in Germany, I regard Germans as a folk of imbeciles

>> No.23359746

Are there any women out there who aren't SSRI/netflix/tinder zombies?

>> No.23359762

Probably, yes.

>> No.23359764


Sure. There's the Instragramthots, the careerwomen, the trophies, the artschoolsluts and many more types.

>> No.23359795

Is there any good incel literature out there?

I don't mean, disgusting shit like Schopenhauer. I mean more like a guy who just finds it hard to get girls on account of his incel genetics.

>> No.23359804


>> No.23359811

Unironically just go gay. Save yourself the turmoil of having to find and then partner with someone that you have such contempt for

>> No.23359812

The French retard isn't better than the German retard.

>> No.23359816

No point. I can get a slut to suck my dick and don't even need to pay for it.
But the dream is to have a family and kids.

>> No.23359819

It has dawned on me that European culture is shit and a lot of the revered European intellectuals are in fact dumbass retards.

No wonder the entire world is surpassing us. We are stuck in the past sniffing our farts and deluding ourselves that we are still the centre of the world.

>> No.23359826

>But the dream is to have a family and kids
What I mean is that this will be a miserable experience if you start from the point of view that all women are either zombies, some kind of slut, or both

>> No.23359831

But most are.

>> No.23359837


Who has it as good as Europeans? Where are the Bachs, Beethovens, Berninis, Michelangelos, Shakespeares, Joyces, Wagners, Verdis, Picassos, Nietzsches, Sophocles, Platos, Aristotles, and on and on and on of other lands?

>> No.23359849
File: 48 KB, 696x683, 1709446771566313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose that's another noun that's been converted into a verb by shit people. It's bad enough "-ing" gerunds exist in addition to suffixes "-tion" and "-ance" and "-ence" and "-ment" and "-tion" and "-sion". fuckin hell man, man. With those words you know what you're looking at ffs. . Let's see...
>Dictionary, author Webster 1860
It's a noun there.
>Dictionary, author Rev. James Stormonth 1881
Just a noun there.
Hmm, A.I.-- does it know? No it doesn't either, saying that the fags in the tech industry are behind its new usage. You know what? Fuck them and you. To me it reads as part of one long, retarded, poorly-put string of adjective slapped onto "figures" until you recognize the pozzed new form. Damn you. Aren't you just SO trendy and "with it"-- not the type of person anyone should think is privy to information of high caliber.

>> No.23359852

Discussing politics in the year of our lord 2024 is so infuriating.
Most people are just indoctrinated NPCs who cannot manage any kind of free thought.
It's always,
>muh fascists this
>muh fascists that
Yes, I get it, the fascists have said some heinous stuff and they are truly bad of character. All very horrible stuff. BUT they aren't, and have never ever been in government. It's all just words.

Meanwhile, the actual government has been going around sending soldiers to die pointlessly in a war they very likely instigated, and condoning a genocide, because they cannot have enough Israeli cock in their month.

Actual people have suffered and died because of those actions. That is worse than some words.

But muh fascists, this and muh fascists that.
I don't want the fascists to be in power, but, people get some perspective.

>> No.23359857

>Bachs, Beethovens, Berninis, Michelangelos, Shakespeares, Joyces, Wagners, Verdis, Picassos, Nietzsches, Sophocles, Platos, Aristotles

All of these are useless morons from the past.

>> No.23359858

>shit people
Shit is a noun or a verb, get fucked retard

>> No.23359862

pls do not troll in the 'wwoym' thread, i don't appreciate it as it is very rude and disrespectful, and if you continue i'm afraid i'm gonna have to get your mother involved by calling her and informing her what her boorish child is up to on the internet. thank you!

>> No.23359867

not if there are 2 water molecules touching. Then both molecules are wet.

>> No.23359868

Give me one, singular example, of any contemporary productive use of any of the works authored by any of the people mentioned above.

You cannot. Now shut up and realize you peddle in worthless shit.

>> No.23359871

Can someone wise please teach me how to live?

>> No.23359872

...'productive use?' What? Anon, I'm listening to Bach right now!

>> No.23359873

>I will hungry caterpillar this entire planet.
Oooooh Start with my ass uwu

>> No.23359875

By chocking upon some cock. You tied your sense of self worth to your profession and now you should go out the way you lived, like a huge faggot. Come on man, there is so much else going on.

>> No.23359882

>shit is a noun
Shit comes from a verb, kiddo. Verbs to nouns is OK. GET FUCKED RETARD. Oh, you didn't know that's ok? GET DOUBLE FUCKED RETARD.

>> No.23359883

>Someone wise
>on 4chan
>In the /lit/ /r9k/ containment thread

>> No.23359887
File: 65 KB, 500x670, 1714269658827421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats manage to get affection from a far larger, stronger creature just by being cats.
Therefore it stands to reason that we too should act like cats to become beloved by god. The Egyptians figured this shit out a long time ago.

>> No.23359888

I bet your idea of productive is hopelessly retarded.

>> No.23359889

How can I be like a cat?

>> No.23359893

Yes, just send me money via cashapp and we'll begin your first lesson afterwards.

>> No.23359895

I am much smarter than you are.

>> No.23359897

What is something interesting about rice? I need to write a speech about this staple food.

>> No.23359898

Why is medieval so comfy?

>> No.23359900

>thinks he's smart
>doesn't enjoy those artists and thinkers and writers I listed above

lolol good1

>> No.23359901

You could write whole essays about the implications of farming rice instead of wheat.

>> No.23359906

>thinks she's smart because she emulates people smarter than her

>> No.23359909

simple as

>> No.23359910

Thanks but it sounds complicated. This doesn't need to be anything too technical. Just a ~1000 word speech about anything related to rice. I'm trying to find some interesting things but I just found some not so interesting believes of Japanese and Chinese people and a not so funny joke

>> No.23359913

If you're serious (which you aren't, because you're just trolling but I'm bored so w/e), and actually don't enjoy and find fulfillment in any of the names I listed, then this isn't the board for you, anon.

>> No.23359915

The joke about the eyes and constipation?
Our grade school teacher would tell us that joke all the time, lol.

>> No.23359920

I'm too tired for these things. I want to sleep forever.

>> No.23359923

>The joke about the eyes and constipation?
No something a comedian said. Like "I like rice. Rice is great when you're hungry and you want 2000 of something." I want to start the speech with this

>> No.23359961

I think Ian McGilchrist is wrong. Society is getting less autistic, with the popularity of longhouse memes and the fact getting employed means you have to have way above average social skills and it’s about “who you know”

>> No.23359964

My biggest problem in life is having the absolute freedom to do anything and yet having nothing to do

>> No.23359972

I think that my biggest problem when writing anything is that I want it to be perfect.

>> No.23359980

Cats aren't allowed on the internet. Back the fuck off or I will mulch you into adverbs. Idiot.

>> No.23360006

take some vitamin D and B12 supplements and start praising God in the bask of Sol every morning. start doing things, time will slow; you will achieve life.

>> No.23360009

the retard scifi omorashi guy improved these threads and i miss him
who wants to read zoomers arguing over their myopic vague idea of "capitalism" for the billionth time

>> No.23360020

The /lit/ life is lonely as fuck and I'm beginning to hate it. Literature is a vast, massive ocean but there is no reward for diving deeper and you just alienate yourself from the rest of the human race. Reading for fun is okay, but if you're reading "seriously" it's such a big mistake. Especially if your life is bad. Please don't take philosophy seriously, or at least, not as seriously as your IRL life and friends and family. It just doesn't matter. You'll go into a cope-fueled tailspin of delusion and turn into the guy from Steppenwolf. It's just not good

>> No.23360031

Where a collar with a bell, arch your back, meow and purr, let me stroke you

>> No.23360036

I'm depressed. Got a mental health appointment in 10 mins.

>> No.23360047

The problem is the not lonely life also sucks because people are so fucked up.

>> No.23360052

Thays funny. I'm at a doctors appointment right now and the nurse ran through an endless series of questions to address my mental health. I lied about a few of them

>> No.23360055

i think going to holy liturgy unironically cured me and i can forgive people easily now. hadn't been to one in 10 years probably. Christ is Lord.

>> No.23360057

I’m thinking about moving to Philadelphia or Pittsburgh.

>> No.23360059

Being at the doctor always makes me feel like I'm in the third world. Everyone is an immigrant, no one speaks English, all the signs are in different languages, I can't understand the nurses accent, everyone is brown. At least my doctor is Chinese. I'm happy about that

>> No.23360062

I know a friend who moved to Philly. Don't go. It's an absolute shithole dawg. He hates it there. He says there's an omnipresent feeling of despair among everyone there

>> No.23360064

Worst yet, the doctors don’t give a fuck. They don’t actually care if you live or die and they’re not really interested in what’s bothering you. Look up how many people are killed by medical malpractice.

>> No.23360066

People could improve their lives twentyfold by stopping seething about people doing better than them and realizing they in fact live better lives than nobility used to.

>> No.23360070

I had a black doctor who was actually good and diagnosed me well, he just shipped me to the more expensive hospital from the clinic but he was to the point and just spoke normally, knew what needed to be done. Central African from the accent.

>> No.23360073

Central African > South Central African American

>> No.23360078

Dude, I’ve been to Philly many times and that’s not remotely true. I don’t know where your friend lives but he must live in some really terrible neighborhood, which I admit exist even if they aren’t the norm.

>> No.23360083

Yeah I agree that people would feel better if they convinced them of obvious bullshit about how good they have it.

>> No.23360084

Well he said everyone is black and destitute so probably.

>> No.23360088

You are a spoilt, delusional victim complex faggot and your ancestors would be wholly ashamed of you. One of many. Your whole life is about finding new deconstructions to feel sorry for yourself in fresh ways. It's pathetic and evil and ignorant.

>> No.23360089

Well this is over Zoom so it's just me and the doctor.

>> No.23360100
File: 28 KB, 510x510, 1694017362088253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I started reading I've had far, FAR less success with women. I mean when I was a guy who liked music and vidya I was quite successful but now I'm a "reader" it's basically impossible. Sort of starting to wish I had never gotten into it in the first place.

>> No.23360102
File: 156 KB, 731x1024, 1715008993631665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a thread saying the exact same thing a couple years back. I wanted to kill myself badly, I think. Things haven't really gotten better, either. Normies who don't read have much happier lives.

>> No.23360113

Havingn reading as your main hobby is definitely a huge turn-off, especially if the girl you're talking to only watched TV

>> No.23360129

>dude just be productive no matter where it leads just don't think and be productive
This is how you end in a fucking hellish cyberpunk dystopia

>> No.23360137

>put on a fake Chad McCoolguy personality and take up a bunch of hobbies I'm not interested in and go to bars and clubs and shit because that's where people hang out
>just >be myself and enjoy the things I actually enjoy but with which I have zero prospects for meeting other people

>> No.23360178

too retarded to live

>> No.23360183

You live in a fantasy

>> No.23360217

I rewatched the clip for Pearl Jam's Do the Evolution and holy shit that era of music and video clip directing aged really badly. Dude...what if when the vocalist says, "I'm a liar", we show a politician, dude...like, politicians lie, dude...that's such an edgy thing to point out...

>> No.23360218
File: 469 KB, 1200x871, 1713688664426513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too stupid to die

>> No.23360255


>> No.23360278

BAP used to call out jews, but then he started getting paid by them to grow his gimmick account and now he's a sensible judean

>> No.23360320

>gf intentionally starting drama again
This pisses me off so much holy shit even though I just know it will happen before ovulation and before her period.

>> No.23360416

Why did I do that? Why did I go back? That was so stupid of me. Now it’s like I’ve done nothing for the last decade.

>> No.23360426
File: 55 KB, 1300x1353, 1714692983958146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try to be Chad McCoolguy and go to bars and shit, while also reading and doing artsy stuff on the side. You can also go on drunk rants about Hegel and shit at the bar. Just a suggestion.

>> No.23360434

heavy tornado warnings for my area. im kind of scared bros

>> No.23360449

Even fringe internet political "movements" come down to which jew you like more lol

>> No.23360464

As an Italian, I can never for the life of me understand this obsession that you Anglos/Germanics have with Jews.
They literally never factor into my thinking at all.

>> No.23360468

yeah but are mischling really jewish? ive had conversations with mischlings and they tell me they're barely recognized as jews by certain parts of their family. some of them actually get really offput by the question of if they're fully Jewish because of being traumatized by inner family conflicts.

>> No.23360485

Italy isn't important enough for J*ws to care about and take over.

>> No.23360494

It’s just midwit politics.

>> No.23360496

If you haven't been reading since childhood you are not a true "reader."

>> No.23360499
File: 1.82 MB, 402x400, IMG_0951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not a bit of both?

>> No.23360507

I only read during childhood, because reading is for midwits who are too stupid to find more productive hobbies in their adult years.

>> No.23360513

again with this fucking 'productive' shit. are you the same gay anon? god i hate anglos so much.

>> No.23360528

The prevailing (though not necessarily most popular) opinions on art today:
>art is a distraction at best, it's not productive or profitable unless carefully managed to be so and is only useful when it is so, a grown man becoming an artist is embarrassing and all people who study or desire to produce art will become baristas
>all art has to be stuffed full of inclusive genderqueer progressive diverse shit all the time or it's racist, all art should revolve around atheism and sex, all art should be transgressive
We are fucked.

>> No.23360530

God is the ultimate Creator, the Maker of all things. His single and constant act of creation is the essence of productivity. To create, to build, to invent is to partake of God's essence, to mimic the great Creator. There is not a single greater thing than to be productive. Productivity is the highest form of holiness.

>> No.23360539

I WILL talk to the pink-haired girl on the bus tomorrow.

>> No.23360552

Using the word "reader" is retarded anyways. The word is bibliophile. More proof BookTube and BookTok were a big mistake. Reading went from this individual activity one, while maybe not alone, singularly acts out what they're reading within their immediate consciousness. Now reading has been democratized, and while beneficial for those like us (true modern bibliophiles), now every Dick, Hwang, and Jose are going to consume the cheap slop for a pittance rather than truly enlightening literature.

>> No.23360596

My life trajectory is fucked. Guess I should kill myself.

>> No.23360599

NEET out and become a burden on the taxpayer instead.

>> No.23360611
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, 1714333682737907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still baffles me everyday that we are biologically programmed to constantly crave putting our cock in the hole of a woman. It doesn't serve the same function as hydration or nutrition, but you still go crazy without it. It's fucking insane. We truly live in the worst of timelines too, since we make such a huge fuss about sex god I want sex.

>> No.23360621

Bro I thought my life trajectory was fucked and contemplated suicide. Then I righted course and now all is well. You can do it too

>> No.23360627

Have you ever been madly in love? How did it feel?

>> No.23360636

Awful. Getting pulled every which way by someone who doesn't spare you a second thought is both enthralling and exhausting. Then you start a relationship, and if you're unlucky like me they figure out you're madly in love and subject you to vindictive emotional manipulation and abuse.
I've had one girlfriend, and it fucked me up so bad I haven't even considered getting another since.

>> No.23360638

I have all this bullshit about women and bears in my YouTube feed and it's pissing me off

>> No.23360647

I'm in love and is a blessing and a curse :)

>> No.23360674

Was it unreciprocated love? How did you manage to fall in love with someone like that?
In love with who, anon?

>> No.23360681

Do we live in a cyberpunk dystopia?

>> No.23360716

You don't know who someone is at the time you fall in love, you know who they are after years of being together and building a relationship. You fall madly in love with the idea of someone, and you'll be ready to make all kinds of excuses to keep that illusion alive, even if it kills you.
Hence the "mad" in mad love.

>> No.23360733

I think it's your fault for telling youtube you read the bear book

>> No.23360735


>> No.23360740

I can't do it anons. I hate loud social settings and I don't even drink besides. I know the place to meet girls is at bars these days and I shouldn't complain about being lonely if I'm not trying but I just can't make myself go somewhere I don't want to be for the sake of acting like someone I'm not in hopes of fooling someone with it all.

>> No.23360751

Join classes or a club for [insert hobby]

>> No.23360752

Me too bro.

>> No.23360754
File: 974 KB, 600x928, Wallace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the span of two years, I have somehow transitioned to the
>horror more than sadness
where I would lay in bed for hours immediately upon coming home from high school, not using my phone, not eating, really only leaving my room to use the bathroom and now preparing to start college as the
>Poor-me-I-hate-me-punish-me-come-to-my-funeral. Then they
show you a 20 X 25 glossy of their dead cat.

When and where the fuck did I de-mature?

>> No.23360755

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.23360757

>When and where the fuck did I de-mature?
Pic related is where my money's at

>> No.23360759

I'm going to become Catholic.

>> No.23360761
File: 391 KB, 1079x933, Seth Putnam in every Anal Cunt song.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 30 and ditto.
Non-denominational Prot is the only way brother.

>> No.23360765

>Non-denominational Prot is the only way brother.
Yeah really feels that way man. I seriously can't imagine being among the denominations

>> No.23360767

Im turning alcoholic

>> No.23360769

>Non-denominational Prot is the only way brother.
No, I'm becoming Catholic.

>> No.23360770

May is animist month on the religious larping calendar, please respect our tree spirits by reading any book

>> No.23360774

I'm not larping, I've been avoiding this moment for 5 years.

>> No.23360776

I will read on my tablet, thank you.

>> No.23360781

godspeed, brother

>> No.23360783

Thank you. God bless.

>> No.23360784

Sorry, anonkun, please respect St George by reading any book

>> No.23360793
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>> No.23360795

Will do :)

>> No.23360804

Why would it baffle you when it's required for reproduction and thus plays perfectly into survival traits and genetic proliferation

>> No.23360807

St. Louis was a cool dude.

>> No.23360809

I've fallen behind on all my work because whenever I'm trying to study or write, my dad is there talking about the dead brother. I have to leave the house and go to the library so I can focus. My ass hole brother has taken so much from me and now he's taking away my good GPA from beyond the grave

>> No.23360832

Smack my bitch up

>> No.23360888

Is there a hack for downloading jst*r articles in pdf?

cf: how to download borrow-only books from ia: >>/lit/thread/S21346423#p21348974

>> No.23360889

I have a micropenis

>> No.23360905

Bro you gotta have an honest conversation with your dad about respecting your time

>> No.23360921

I have a macropenis

>> No.23360945

Blue 42

>> No.23360950

I've been so neurotic lately. I don't know what to do. I do the things I'm supposed to and it eases me for a moment but then it's back to a state of skepticism of my entire experience. I had bought escorts every night over the weekend. Why must I be such a difficult person to be empathetic towards?

>> No.23360956

Im manic.Im drunk. Im high. Its too late to be up.

Its not a bad trip I just feel sad.

Sad about everything really

Its almost comforting.

It’s all I know.

I guess.

I feel like such a whiner

Like a sniveling boy

“Oh woe is me”

Don’t other people have it harder?

But what if it’s my only point of reference?

How can I act happy if I’ve never been happy?

My dad used to threaten to hit me when I cried.

He only did it a few times

Is that abuse?

I don’t know.

He’s broken now.

He’s paralyzed.

His wife is dead.

And his only son is me.

Is that enough punishment?

Every member of my family is a point of trauma.

God that makes me sound like a woman

Is it ok to feel that way about women?

No, but I do.

It’s the way I was raised I guess.

Is that an excuse.

No, but I’ll say it anyways.

They took away my sister when she was two years old.

I screamed in the car when they told me.

I held her in my arms for hours.

I held her when we pulled up to the place we had to leave her

It’s ok though she came back to use

Her parents weren’t parents

She doesn’t even know it was the worst night of my life

>> No.23360960

I woke up one day to my dad telling me he couldnt read

That he was calling his sister to take him to the hospital

She came and took him, they left me alone in the house.

Someone came and got me later.

Major stroke.

I asked my aunt if my dad would be able to walk again when we got back home.

10 years later hes still in that chair

My mom had been tired for months.

She thought something was wrong

She went to the hospital one sunday

My aunt called me outside

I was staying with my cousin

She told me it was cancer

I shook my head and walked away.

My cousin held me while I cried

I walked into that hospital room


Everyone was there

People I had never met but they were special to her

She had on sunglasses because the light her eyes

Her mouth was open

So dry

So dry blood was dried and cracked all over her tongue

No one gave her water

These people are family?

Her sister mentions gravestones

I know she can hear her

>> No.23360967

My stomach hurts everyday and I have to pee every 15 mins on average for an hour after drinking. I hate it.

>> No.23360982

I feel you bro

>> No.23360986
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I'm built like this

>> No.23361023

Drain gang here. And by drain, I mean my guts.

>> No.23361028

I had just read it recently though. Got into exercise back then because I was a brown retard who thought the local /pol/ user(online enough that he admitted it in a school club Discord) was going to beat the shit out of me one day, but was too stupid to get anywhere. Decided to dedicate myself to science(passing interests turned from biology to chemistry, brushing with pure math once in a while) but soon realized through external circumstances I was an upper midwit who was immersing myself in all that literature and those postulates just to be a no-name who could be replaced by a chink or pajeet, producing no developments of value. I honestly would just move away and accept living a life of code monkeying if I could(as stupid as that sounds, considering I'm worried about being replaced by pajeets)

>> No.23361036

Anyone else's life extremely embarrassing?

>> No.23361045

>The video is still only on Vimeo
This is how you can tell feminism failed

>> No.23361066

Episode 4-7 47 saturn painting pyramid spectrum colors lead to sun golden red either side wake up from burried trauma red and gold dragonfly

>> No.23361072

The bar is actually not the place to meet girls these days. The place to meet girls these days is the internet. They use apps.

>> No.23361089

Lmao these niggas still trying to meet women

>> No.23361090

What life?

>> No.23361103

Embarrassing? Idk. Disappointing? Yes.

>> No.23361149

>Connect PS4 controller to computer with shitty cable that disconnects if I even slightly bump it and it works.
>Connect PS4 controller to computer with perfectly fine USB cable and computer doesn't even recognise that it's connected so all it does is charge the controller.
Uh, bros, I'm gonna kill myself.

>> No.23361180

That's a large aspect. The embarassment usually comes from expressing myself.

>> No.23361182

Ps4 controllers can connect on bluetooth if you have that on your pc

>> No.23361194

I told the intake nurse that I drink on weekends. She then launched into a huge series of questions to discern if I'm an alcoholic. Like what the fuck man. Can't a guy drink on Friday without being an alcoholic

>> No.23361200

Your answers determine your premium and whether your doctor listens to you or derives all of your illnesses stemming from your alcohol usage.

Same goes for if you say you are depressed, everything is seen through that lense

>> No.23361205

I got a 67% in one of my classes. How bad is that?

>> No.23361220

As above so below

>> No.23361227


>> No.23361258

I believe school is easy if you put in even a modicum of effort, so pretty bad

>> No.23361268

Those people 1000 years ago, they're dead and gone. Not one of them is lingering anymore. Every man, woman, and child of the Middle Ages lived and died... the medieval people are gone.

>> No.23361281 [DELETED] 
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I'm enjoying Shogun. I think the depiction of the Catholic missionaries as concerned more with profit is likely inaccurate. From what I've read they tend to be less corrupt considering the amount of effort they require in their missions, like how the priests in the New World went against the colonial mistreatment of the natives, but I'm going to have read more into the Japanese missions.

>> No.23361284

Breaking news, local man finds out that people die, shocking stuff, more at 11:00.

>> No.23361399

They got no girls at their masses.

The non-denominational have the most girls.

>> No.23361402

>Anyone else's life extremely embarrassing?
I spent 10 whole years abroad in two different countries and managed to never ever have sex or a gf in either country.

>> No.23361444

I am fully and completely depressed. After months of searching for a job, networking, going full autismo mode for job applications, with literally not a single positive response AND breaking up with my long-term gf AND being forced to leave 2 countries AND gaining a fuckton of weight AND not having a single one of my based stories published AND now living in a city far away from my friends AND being dangerously low on funds, I am truly and utterly cooked lads. I cannot gather the will to do anything in life now.

What can I do? Please god help me please please

>> No.23361447

Worse. I spent nearly decade abroad, found a cutie virgin gf, never had sex with her, and didn't even marry her. Wasted my entire 20s blueballed and with essentially nothing to show from it but stress and a sense of precious time lost

>> No.23361450

How did this happen?
Was she in love with somebody else?
Did she end it?

I noticed, despite all the bullshit about not having sex before marriage, there is really one way to know if a girl is seriously into you: sex. And even that is not always a good tell, but it is for the ones who larp as trad.

>> No.23361488

I like girls with thick/bushy eyebrows, but a lot of girls are insecure about their eyebrows so if you directly compliment them, they get even more insecure about them being noticeably different.

>> No.23361495

Ive always been jealous of Americans, is it as fun as the movies make it seem

>> No.23361501

Every film starts with some guy turning into a mile long driveway in some seemingly secluded farmhouse on a huge plot of land.

Is that really how rural Americans live?
I want that.

>> No.23361539

I have found this fact so true strongly in the vast majority of cases, that sometimes people communicate with me that I should have told them earlier. Bah! Here is that true: The things I care about, others simply do not care for. So much so, that when asked I simply recite "Oh my day/weekend/trip was good." That's it.

Because if that information was actually important, I would have already been pro-active in communicating it. But no, I refuse to play this small talk game of me pretending to share about myself as they pretend to care listening. It is an awful game, and I would rather polite silence and a move on than some bizarre social charade. Yes, I know, crippling autism, but for Pete's sake, I would rather be authentically autistic than some fake social butterfly.

>> No.23361547

Go dancing

>> No.23361558

Everyone told me to go dancing, so I went dancing.
The girls then started fighting over the other guy cause nobody wanted to dance with me.
My life is like a dark comedy.

>> No.23361590

Maybe you give off a rapist vibe

>> No.23361591

No, not really. I attract lots of girls to the friendzone.
I'm short and clumsy. That's the problem.

>> No.23361653

So we first got together, we had a great connection, similar humor, interests, values, goals, perspectives on life, etc, etc. Both of us felt genuinely felt we had the potential to have a happy, commited lifelong partnership. We tried to have sex lots of times but it wasn't working out. It wasn't a problem the first few years because we satisfied each other sexually in other ways and she said she was still eager to make it work and i was cool with it because i figured we had our whole future to get it right. However, by year 5 or so, she seemed to stop giving a shit about stuff. She hadn't worked for years (laid off during COVID), stopped looking for more work, and then stopped showcasing any interest in making our sex life work. Issues compounded, and this year ul progressed since we were 25. We were not ready for kids or living together or any sort of future together. I decided I had waited way too long for her to get her shit together, despite offering various kinds of support for years, and that I couldn't delay important parts of my life like marriage and children. So I broke it off.

>> No.23361665
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Fuck! I just cut my hand, by handling an old tire.
I wish I could lay back with my laptop, right now l, and read some stuff. :/

>> No.23361691


>> No.23361731

>We tried to have sex lots of times but it wasn't working out

>> No.23361738

>No girls my age have called me hot.
>I got called hot by a 50-something-year-old gay guy.
Something's better than nothing, right?

>> No.23361741

Do you ever hear girls tell a guy to his face that he's hot? It doesn't happen that much

>> No.23361744

Reading all these old books pisses me off a little. I have no one to talk about them with. I would try to talk to the authors, but they all died decades ago.

>> No.23361745

Whining about how bad things are is the only thing that makes me feel good.
I don't like that about myself.
I have busted my ass to try to find anything to make that not the case. I have worked on myself so much and come up empty.
But nothing makes me feel as warm as comiserating with other anons over and over

>> No.23361752

Penetration. She had issues putting anything in there. Dick, fingers, toys, even my tongue lol. No amount of lube would help either. I thought it was vaginismus but she was revolted at the idea and didn't want to consult a doctor. Eventually she just gave up trying to get anything in there.

>> No.23361753

>It doesn't happen that much
You'd be surprised, it just doesn't happen to us. Still, even if they're not saying it to my face, it sure doesn't help if they're saying it behind my back.

>> No.23361755

For what it's worth, it was probably vaginismus and you were good for bringing it up.

>> No.23361765

>Black person makes baby with white person.
>They make mixed baby.
>Mixed baby grows up and has a baby with a white person.
>They have an even lighter mixed baby.
>That mixed baby grows up and has a baby with a white person.
>Rinse and repeat.
Could this happen so much that eventually one of the babies is just white? Could you breed a race out of a bloodline?

>> No.23361778

Authenticity is cool but you will miss out on genuine human connection if you let your assumption that every human connection is a charade keep you from putting yourself out there. Plus cutting yourself off from social situations really only allows you to live a life where you assume an ideal (not as in best but as in the idea you hold of a thing but not the real thing) version of your social dimension without having to confront the real, authentic version that can only be experienced i the act. So really you don't want to deal with authenticity at all, you want to idealize that aspect of yourself (and probably others as well).

>> No.23361787
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Been using old tires as a buffer for the tractor to walk on pavement, without ruining said pavement.
Tires have steel belts in them, and so I'd cut myself in one of its steel splinters.

>> No.23361789

I don't like how I act when I'm around other people but I feel weirdly helpless to changing my behavior. It just feels like there's such a huge fucking disconnect between whats in my head and what my actions are. I hate all the things I say and I have zero clue where they even come from as they're not even things I've thought before or opinions I hold. I'm so annoyed by this. I don't fucking get it. I hate this body. I want to be free. I wish j wasn't human.

>> No.23361794

>Been using old tires as a buffer for the tractor to walk on pavement
...The tractor doesn't already have tyres?

>> No.23361795

Are you working on your property or is this your job?
I loved driving the tractor around as a kid.

>> No.23361800

The Arab empires were weak precisely because unlike the Europeans and the Mongols, they didn't believe in suppressing and oppressing the local population and were big on integration.
Funny how they are portrayed as the most evil, despite being the most benevolent as far as empires go.

>> No.23361801

Fuck anon, that sucks. I thought it was at least worth checking out. I offered to accompany her to the doctors and even was willing to pay for the consultation (since she has no job). But, she just wouldn't have it, man. It was a no-go topic for her. The last few years, she got mad everytime I brought up this issue, so I just kept it to myself. Sucks to know we might've made it if she just bothered to see the doctor with me.

>> No.23361805

I wish I was dead. There is no point in living as a schizophrenic. My whole fucking life on the outside looking in.

>> No.23361806

Sounds like she has depression which in turn caused her apathy towards everything else.
Anyway, at least she actually liked you.

I have only ever been trapped in situation with girls who loved my attention but didn't actually like me.

>> No.23361807

Is it just me or has have any of you fellow autistimo anons felt you've had to act way dumber in irl conversations for people to actually like you?

>> No.23361808

I wish I could attract girls but I'm really just boring. Also no matter how much money I make or how attractive I am my depressive nature and total lack of fulfillment in all life will always shoot myself in the foot. Its just who I am to b honest. And if that doesn't kill ny potential for something decent my lack of ability to love someone will.

>> No.23361812

>...The tractor doesn't already have tyres?
It has steel tracks instead, which can easily damage any cobblestone, cement, or tar roads.
On my property, however to take the tractor to the terrain it had to walk on a common walkway.
>I loved driving the tractor around as a kid.
Yea, it's pretty fun desu. Maintenance is a bit shit, but it's unavoidable with any vehicle, I guess.

>> No.23361813

I'm certain she had depression or some medley of various minor mental issues. We always spoke openly about mental issues, but I did suspect at some point it was beyond my ability to help her mentally. Man, I even paid a fuckton out of my pocket for her to see a therapist. I tried everything possible to make it work.

I get you. Most women are attention whores and only date you to make yourself seem better. Fortunately, as I've seen in friends around me, women (the ones worth being around anyway) start to become self-centred the older they get.

>> No.23361815

Make themselves seem better, i mean

>> No.23361816

Become LESS self centred

Fuck man I'm dyslexic

>> No.23361819

Its a shame that women only become bearable when they've been in too many sexual encounters for my conscience. I wish I was different. I passed up girls in college because I just couldn't tolerate that bullshit.

>> No.23361821

Yeah, too bad. I'm too proud to accept that.
I find it insulting that I am only deemed attractive enough when they get older and have already had their fun.

>> No.23361822

I finally understand the appeal of a handkerchief. I've had a cold for the last week and rather than using tissue after tissue or toilet paper I've been blowing my nose into a dirty tshirt from the laundry. It's very convenient my nose didn't get rubbed raw. I'm getting a couple handkerchiefs now.

>> No.23361831

I hate that I'm getting old when I never had a chance to be young due to having my youth stolen from me by abusers. I hate that people comment on it. I still feel 14 im still hoping to have those experiences even though I know it just won't happen. Nothing will make up for that. And any potential partner my age will have expectations I simply cannot satisfy. It feels hopeless and makes me depressed
Like all the progress I've made in life id worthless.
I just want to have had that chance to be a kid

>> No.23361836
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There are only two options for me now: live as a retard and continue sucking the dicks of all my problems forever, or cultivate total mindfulness and complete my spiritual transformation into a pure number. From now on, I will ask myself before saying anything to anybody, "what is this person likely to say in response?" 99 times out of 100 the answer will be "nothing" or "something shitty" and my powers of mindfulness must then remind me to activate wu wei. I will be an indestructible sneed, unbent by any wind. I will be the corn that picks the farmer. Niggers of all colors will run from me in terror.

>> No.23361845

It feels pointless to talk to the people in my life. I just don't like them I haven't enjoyed any of my interactions with them for years. But they like me a lot. But I feel nothing for them. I've gone weeks and weeks without making a single noise. I just haven't enjoyed or loved any of the people in my life. All the people you're supposed to love in life just fucked me up.
Yet I'm lonely.

>> No.23361848

It's so off putting how they act when they are older.
There is no romance involved.
They are like, "we are both adults now, we had our fun, now it's down to business". By which they mean, you should marry them instantly and start paying for the whole family only to risk them either cheating on you cause they got bored, or to end up raising children from some other asshole who cucked you.

No, thank you. Not with me.

>> No.23361852

I agree completely but you just can't talk about this at all

>> No.23361862

Thanks for educating me, anon, I love learning.

>> No.23361864

modern sorrow: your go-to pornstars suicide.

>> No.23361865

You sound like a good person, anon. At least now she knows that it's a possibility and she might bother going to the doctor in the future. Hopefully, it doesn't take constant failed relationships due to no sex for her to realise.

>> No.23361867
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How do you know if you're actually lonely?

I don't like having a social life because its always been bothersome/stressful whenever I did have one and during my days off from work I honestly don't want to leave the house. A social life always felt like I had to go out of my way to do shit I don't particularly want to do. I just want to relax and recouperate at home.

Yet I keep seeing this stuff about male lonliness epidemic. How do I know if I'm a part of this statistic?

As weird as it sounds. I feel work is my "social outlet" yet I sometimes get the vibe (from coworkers) that I'm supposed to have other things going on outside of work constantly which sounds extremely stressful. But I honestly like to keep my life simple but I think people find that very weird

>> No.23361868

I almost wish I was a leftist activist with a criminal bent when I was younger.

>> No.23361874

I wish I was edgier and did risky shit and didn't listen to the retarded adults who acted like the goal of life is to live the longest

>> No.23361876

>leftist activist with a criminal bent
no such thing

>> No.23361883

things I am working toward:
>muscle mommy gf
>writing at least one book i genuinely love and am thrilled by
>3pl8 bench
>$1M net worth
narrow is the way which leadeth unto life but wagmi

>> No.23361896

Bullshit. Leftists love being criminals. They love criminals.

>> No.23361898

I just thought the point was like moral and academic success until I was 20 and then I became aimless.

>> No.23361909

Nobody taught me how to think for myself
Nobody taught me how to want things
Nobody taught me any hobbies
Nobody took me under their wing
Nobody taught me any skills

I'm a diligent person but it was just misdirected into the most useless self destructive path of mindless academics with no purpose
Now I've just been spinning my wheels for years and years. I can't construct a coherent thought or do anything in the world

>> No.23361915

yeah, yeah, yeah, leftists bad, bla, bla, bla
go back to supporting war, imperialism and genocide

>> No.23361916

>Hasan fan detected, opinions rejected.

>> No.23361918

The problem is debt. It’s always been debt.

>> No.23361921

I don't know who that is, but you are clearly more concerned with appearances than with actually being a good person.

>> No.23361929

> leftist politics is just being a heckin’ good person
Unironically the most Reddit take you could have

>> No.23361944

>good person.

>> No.23361951


Who the fuck cares?
You have no intellectual capacity of your own.

>leftists bad this
>leftists bad that

Who the fuck cares?
These boogeymen leftists are not leading any government.
They are not in charge of anything or anyone.

Meanwhile all around you have you all sorts of evil. From the partly engineered housing crisis, the very much engineered inflation stealing your savings, the taxes that go on to fund wars and imperialism abroad, millions dead, and God knows what else is going on that is yet to be unearthed.

But here you are, a puppet on a string, happy to chime in and do your part for your masters, "leftists bad, leftists bad", "look at me, I'm one of you, please acknowledge me" "woof, woof".

>> No.23361956

>killing babies is subjective
>look at me, I'm such an edgy dark enlightened nerd with 1.5 inch pale wrists
>I'm literally like that clown from the Batman films

>> No.23361976

I have cultivated the reputation of a hard-working racist at my job.

>> No.23361985

>killing babies is subjective
Oh, I'm dealing with a retard. I shouldn't be surprised though.

>> No.23361986

Trips and I kms

>> No.23361989

You've gotta be something in life.

>> No.23361993

One more time please

>> No.23361997

Hemingway's prose is SO BAD

>> No.23362003

amen, nigger.

>> No.23362012

Most people are evil.
But, because they surround themselves with people of a similiar bent, and because they gauge their character against that of their peers, everyone in the world is convinced they are a "mostly good" person.
Clown world is such an apt meme.
There's people cheering genocide right now, thinking to themselves that they are good and proper people doing "what needs to be done".

>> No.23362014

It was high noon
The festival had begun
Overhead a chicken swang around in elaborate controlled circles
It was time to prepare the dressing of the red heifer

>> No.23362026

The boobtube distracts these people so Isreal can commit genocide?
They never had a chance.

>> No.23362029

Trump is literally a hybrid between the European stereotype of Americans and the Japanese stereotype of Americans.

>> No.23362031

I've only meet black people at a job/work or school. They were mostly okay.

>> No.23362039
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You're welcome, m8. Glad to be of teaching value.
Also, personal advice (from very recent experience lol); don't forget to wear gloves.

>> No.23362043

Your hands look soft.
What do you do for work?

>> No.23362049

Much of the literature I read is about great charismatic men fighting life, love, truth, the written word, and many other things.
They are always portrayed as sad, paranoid, old hypocrites. But god damn me, it won't stop me, curse the sad old men that wrote the sad old men of these letters I now read. One day perhaps, I will bring that spirit as I envision it to life. But alas, I have a lot of reading before this.

>> No.23362058

In college atm. I also regularly hydrate my skin.

>> No.23362063

I prefer flirting to fucking.

>> No.23362067

Poop comes from there.

>> No.23362078

Ooooh so close. Maybe next time tiger.

>> No.23362079

It sounds more like you feel a sense of obligation to not appear lonely rather than feeling lonely. I get that. I think you'd know it if you felt it. You'd feel more like an unavoidable longing to be around others, for physical contact, and for someone to talk to. It's a different thing than the stress of having to put on airs or maintain some kind of pretense. Some of us are just better cut out for the solitary life. Blessing and a curse, as all things are, I guess.

>> No.23362092

Oldfag here. It's not important. We all know it is, but it really isn't. This inhibition of yours is the larger problem. Women want to be enjoyed. Sure they like orgasms, learn all the parts ofc and what to do, your not drilling for oil or digging up fossils as hard and as fast as you can, sure you have to paint the fence, stir the tea and foreplay and all that ofc but you'll realize that some women cum, some women cum all the time and some women don't at all. So have fun, use them, be confident and have fun pleasing them. Don't worry about if they are going to cum or not just enjoy them and they probably will.

>> No.23362103

Do foreplay with mouth and hand first. Warm them up. Then stick p in v. Maybe lick butt too.

>> No.23362112

Burnt my potatoes. I am now sad.

>> No.23362128

All life seeks to dominate what's below. Even losers single out those lower on the totem pole to mock.
I want the privilege of shitting on those beneath. And then I'll still have to open my mouth for the one above me.
What's the point?

>> No.23362133

Leftism is basically the refusal of this paradigm.

>> No.23362172

The fascists are in power what do you think neoliberalism is other then corporate and government merging. It started with privatization in the 80s with Regan Thatcher then continued under Bill Clinton, Bush and Obama it was a responses to the over regulated stagnation of the Vietnam era. Started with deregulation, the collapsed of the soviet union, nafta, bailing out mexico in 1998 and so on. Try looking up a documentary film called Masters of the Universe by pbs/bbs/Frontline. Best I could find

>> No.23362173

Very reaffirming and soothing post, thank you, you're right. Plus I never mind going down on them or fingering afterwards if I cum too early but, of course, the dick is always the ideal.

I do all that of course, minus the butt part, never done that before.

>> No.23362179

reassuring* was the word I meant to use

>> No.23362198

No anon you don't get it, the communists have secretly been in power for over a century now despite having done nothing to further a communist cause.

>> No.23362214

They call the government communist, because of taxes and shit.
At the same time they support funding the military and police, of the supposedly communist government.

>> No.23362258

Or or here me out just enjoy what you are doing and if you happen to be around a girl and she seems like she enjoys what you are doing ask her out and if she says no so what its not a big deal and it's probably better anyways she is probably a peice of shit anyways so so what. Keep not rolling that dice. That'll work.

>> No.23362263

What's a good duration to aim for to last having sex?

>> No.23362267


>> No.23362271

3 hours.

>> No.23362275


>> No.23362278

I have a Macintosh

>> No.23362285

Thats me too but without making money or being attractive.

>> No.23362287

I'm on my state's welfare medical care. I don't pay shit

>> No.23362289

lol went through a similar experience recently but for getting enrolled at the methadone clinic. My quality of life has improved immensely. Best of luck to you, anon.

>> No.23362300

Hum it's happened to me a few time actually. What am I doing here.

>> No.23362307

Yes that's how I grew up. We also had tons of variety of animals on our farm like a zoo, so I'd naturally awake at sunset, something I don't do living urban now, then played with all kinds of animals like letting baby goats jump on me or hugging my horse. But now that I live in the suburb I wake up at 1pm and go on my computer all day.

>> No.23362310

I mean sunrise not sunset

>> No.23362311

You want them to say it to your butt?

>> No.23362347

There is no left. Platitudes and sloganiering. Slacktivism at best performative savior complex at its other best.

>> No.23362367


>none of them are GENUINELY moral and caring, it's just fake posturing


worse than when leftists and liberals say things like

>Those white rural lower-and middle-class conservative voters only vote that way because they've been tricked or think they'll be rich someday! None of them ACTUALLY vote out of moral positions, and no one can ACTUALLY care about wanting to live in society full of people like themselves and thus be anti-immigration, they've been bamboozled!

>> No.23362368

And you are the barometer of such things. Knowing what is truly good and truly evil as you worldview so aptly puts it. I'm sure those dancing lit shadows on the wall must surely know as I know.

>> No.23362369

there is a left in the minds of evil people

>> No.23362378

Let good and evil be defined by standard Christian morality as a reference point.
My comment still stands.
People claim to be good and even believe themselves to be good, but are happy to support what amounts to murder for profit.

>> No.23362402

Conservatives are convinced that they are hated because of their conservatism and traditional values.
No. I am as conservative and traditional as they come.
Conservatives are hated because of their selfishness and insularity and their inability to mind their own goddamn business on issues that do not concern them.

>> No.23362407

My high school gf told me that once. Damn I wish I wasn't such a spaz sperg incel in college

>> No.23362411

Are you the "conservative" who is always in here defending mass migration and a diluted culture but thinks taxes should be low?

>> No.23362420

Sound like a disgusting libertarian.


>> No.23362421

>muh culture
Describe me what your culture is.
Is it Nevada strip clubs? Or San Fransisco BDSM parades?
Or the traditional whore houses in New York City?

>> No.23362439

I’ve spent 11 years studying at or working at the same college. I feel like I’ve wasted my whole life here.

>> No.23362441

I am against the abuse of the asylum laws by economic immigrants so you misinterpret my position.
However, I am also not some racist bigot who pins every problem in the country on the backs of some foreign people who happen to look a bit browner and speak more Spanish than English.

There is just no basis for that kind of hatred. It doesn't even make sense.

>> No.23362445

I think I've seen you post something similar before. Why do you feel that way, anon? Sounds like a dream, unless it's a really poor institution in an awful location.

>> No.23362454

OP didn't bovva to link the new thread but here it is:

>> No.23362466

You know what it is, liar. It's everything from Faulkner to a rednecks sipping whiskey, it's common law and local democracy. Sheriff elections and councils meetings, Townhalls and free enterprise. It's king Alfred and the independence of the United states. It is clean streets, unspoken rules, civility and democracy.
>Or the traditional whore houses in New York City?
This one is probably true desu. I wouldn't be suprised if there was a Whorehouse in New York before it was New York.

>> No.23362480

Ah yeah it's you. It's like you walked right out of a 2010 Ron Paul convention

>> No.23362524

I’ve posted it a few times. It’s been on my mind for the last year. It’s like a top 50 university if you go by those U.S. News rankings. It’s in a small college town. I actually like it here, but it’s small. The whole place is the college basically. When you get older, you become a sort of a townie unless you’re faculty and I’m not. So that bothers me, but mostly, I just feel like I’ve not really done anything with my life thus far. I came back here after a failed job in New York and I’ve been here ever since. My life is nice here. I have an easy job in a beautiful place and I have a nice lifestyle but it somehow feels like a retreat into what’s comfortable or familiar and I sort of ruined myself in doing so.

>> No.23362562

Dick is the last thing you stick in. They want the dick they like dick in them make them wait they bad girl now. Kiss honk boob rub pussy then lick pussy then put in dick then put dick in mouth they bad girl make them taste what they do, switch position lick pussy maybe butt you bad boy now too then finish dick in pussy. Just have foreplay first, warms them up then finish with p in v. They want the dick inside them. They like finger inside them too. Two finger in da pussy with thumb massaging clit, its more of a massaging the pussy then in out stuff, suck boob while doing this kiss neck give them a raspberry for Christ sake. Women can be quite when they orgasms. Don't worry about it. As far as lasting with your wiener in the pussy could be 6 minutes could be 10 could be 45 could be 3 minutes. It's less in out for chick's and more massaging there pussys with your dick, a rhythm or tempo finding that spot, it's the roof of their pussy like the roof of your mouth and rubbing the clit. Women can't even see thier pussies it's a mystery to them too. Suck on the clit not just lick or sort of chew with your lips. But Women are boring they need the same thing over and over so mixing up with this different stuff isn't really it, it's more of a j or s shape then ABCs and solving differential equations. Your 100% going to cum and that's what they want, so enjoy thier bodies in between saying hello and blamo. I've read it takes a women like 20 minutes to have an orgasms dudes can cum in under a minute. Chick's in thier 20s might not even know how to yet or how to with a partner so they are learning to too. Thier arousal state is longer, so with mouth and hand stuff and 6 , 10 minutes of p in v your about thier then you can go again after that, they are still aroused and you last longer the second time around and they are closer. Don't finger them afterwards thats ridiculous, rubbing some broad's pussy with a leaking wilting dick. Do the foreplay as the name implies up front before hand.

>> No.23362571

Don't finger them afterwards? So what do I do if I feel like I've cum too quick and I don't think they're satisfied?

>> No.23362585

Well, I suppose the question is what do you feel you're missing out on on the road not taken? An 'actually work in the field instead of teaching in academia' type deal?

>> No.23362602

Yes. I’m not even teaching. That’s the thing. I currently do operations stuff like in bursar and registrar and budget. But yes, I do feel I’ve missed out somehow. I don’t even regret having worked the jobs I’ve worked. I really just regret where I’ve done them.

>> No.23362650

Ah. Are you not able to try and move elsewhere? I don't know how the field of employment is in academia, though I've heard it's very tight, but with your experience and resume/CV I'd imagine it's at least an option, no? Or are you like me and get content with whatever situation you've been in for an extended period of time, and find changing things up difficult to get started?

Good post though.

>> No.23362666

Fucking gross

>> No.23362679

45 minutes with foreplay first. But really 20ish with fore play. And if you just jam your rod in there and start mining for coal going in and out as hard and as fast as you can like a high schooler you'll probably last 3 to 6 minutes. If you have foreplay and enjoy her body as she wants you to do, licking and sucking on her clit and massaging her vaginal canal with your fingers and her clit with your thumb then about 20ish minutes and then you can stick your benis in and do the old in out maybe 6 minutes maybe 3 maybe 8. See guys like the in and out motion that feels super cool for us and we can go blamo in like no time at all so build up to it and delay it by doing more of a rhythmic grinding or humping, works best if your doing it missionary as you'll be rubbing the clit too. Women have a longer arousal state/time, so when your having sex build up to the slamming your piener in and out and do more rhythmic grind to get her up to where you are at. Also don't worry about the time, what are you on the clock? You could easily cum in chick in 3 minutes 6 might be average 8 is better 15 is getting good and 20 to 30 minutes is for when you're an old silverback.

>> No.23362706

>Also don't worry about the time, what are you on the clock?

lol, nah I have no problem taking my time and going about it for however long the entire sexual experience takes, I was just asking because, again, I'm just incredibly worried and anxious about how long I can last with penetration, and lasting long enough to satisfy her, hence my asking: >>23362571

>> No.23362758

I'm more of the mind that politics is fake and gay. It's a uniparty look at lobbying. With there planning horizon about 6 months down the road then more campaigning fund raising. It's a two party system we're something like 18 to 20% maybe 30% of the adult population votes. I have no idea what leftism has turned into Obama put the nail in that coffin, no public option? Being forced to buy a private good? The left has turned into complet prosecution complex, project thier worst fantasy on to thier imagin enemies as if they are the road block to some utopian progress then crying victim. They are ideological bankruptcy. The republocucks aren't much better at least with Trump thier is a pretend populism and nationalism. This Isreal Gaza conflict is contrived and has brought all the goodest of goodboys to prostrate them self and jump out of the wood pile and show there true allegences too.

>> No.23362831

The first brigade of morality or often not moral. It's a simplistic contrived way to paint the world in such broad strokes. My opponent must be evil he is my adversary and as such it conforms to my preconceived Crayola box set what that is.
Truthfully I don't give a too farts to the wind about Isreal or Gaza. Palestinians are dumb and Isreal is committing a genocide on them in the world stage for us all to see there atrocious behavior forever burning thier status as victims. What a shame what Hamas did to those ravers partying gleefully by an open air prison. Too bad all the other times they were to come to an agreement they didn't shucks all those meddle some outsiders. Of all the things that grabs my attention this is not my concern. I'd rather not have an Isreal First foreign policy in the middle east. Not making the Shaw of Iran heel in the 70s is one of the biggest geopolitical bundles of the post war era. If Iran was still an allie whole game changer. I'm not particularly interested in taking "sides" on this issue. I think the flood of illegals, the house crisis, fetnyl, growing economic inequality with lower standards of living, annealing Canada buying Greenland are all more relevant issues and forever chemicals too i have more interesting then bokaharam Rhode Island or moral grandstanding on an unsolvable point issue.

>> No.23362835

Don't tax the transkids puberty blocker now

>> No.23362901

If you cum too quick you cum too quick. That's the point of foreplay beforehand to have them cum beforehand, then you stick the dick in. Fuck them a second time if you want. Sounds like something else is going on. Like you're beating your self up from you cuming to quick. Its no big deal. Is this really about them or about you? I'd think you'd have foreplay they cum, you have sex to quick, have a power nap then have sex with them again if you want to last longer.

>> No.23362915

Whatever Satan wait until I tell you how I eat a bologna mayonnaise sandwich

>> No.23362924

Well, I just wanna be a good sexual partner is all. Anyway, thanks for the posts and advice.

>> No.23362953

Well stop working about it it'll make you anxious. We all know us dudes like to think we are curing chick's with are dicks, we are going to fuck the crazy out of them, it's an ego thing mostly about us. Your dicks already inside her, you've won. From them it's as much as about connecting and being emotional too. Yeah they want to have orgasms and all that but that is not always the point of sex for them, dudes always have orgasms it what we do so we apply are sexuality on to them, they have different stuff going on. There are ways to make you last longer. I'm not sure what they are maybe condoms and creams jacking of before hand? Maybe first round mouth stuff second round genitalia smash third round crying fourth round aggressive anal fith round napping sith round listening to her stories

>> No.23362969

Sounds like you already are champ. Just don't be wierd about it. Read books, magazines, etc. They talk about cunlingus, g spots, the old man in the boat, hate sex, cervical dick massaging.

>> No.23362974

Yeah going down on them first was my old go-to. I suppose I'm just extra anxious about it currently because I'm at the point where I'm wanting to get back into the game, especially with noticing I've been getting a lot of attention and smiles from girls lately, but my last relationship I was on medication that completely killed my sex drive, and the few times we did have sex when the medication was wearing off or I hadn't taken it yet that day I came pretty quick, also a side effect of the medication (but not being on it), so it's all in my head now, borderline a complex now haha. Whenever I think about asking a girl out and the thought of having sex, predominant is my mind is anxiety about being a sexual failure again.


>> No.23363397

need to kiss her tummy

>> No.23363497


>> No.23363771
File: 731 KB, 775x1200, appearance of design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although it evolved in gradual increments, like the muscles and tendons attached to the ulna and the radius, it must be acknowledged that the complexity and beauty of that tire's design does indeed have the appearance of design.