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13538043 No.13538043 [Reply] [Original]

I have the unironical proof, agreed upon by many PhDs in private communication, for the existence of an afterlife in written form. Should I quietly publish it as an article, or try to go big and publish it as a book?

>> No.13538051

written by whom ?
Gawd or your one of shizo personas ?
just jump off a high building, larper

>> No.13538055

Well, it depends.
I would do a book.

>> No.13538062

No you don't

>> No.13538063

only cuck humanist rationalists cling to the idea of proof

>> No.13538066
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Heh, sorry kid, I may have beaten you to the punch on this one... Better luck next time, kiddo......

>> No.13538072


>> No.13538075

>Major motion picture
go home OP you cant beat that

>> No.13538186
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Written by me.

Thank you for your comment. What would you say it depends on? And why would you write a book?

I sympathize with your gut reaction of skepticism, but just humor me. Assume that I did have the proof for the existence of an afterlife. What would you do with it if you had it?

Well, it is not a logical proof of absolute certainty, but it is a proof that it is extremely likely that there is an afterlife.

A single testimony by a child may be relevant to some degree, but it is not a proof in and of itself.

>> No.13538202

>Humor me
Nobody has any reason to do that, what the fuck would we have to tell you

>> No.13538206
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Go with your gut. Your intuition should be able to tell you if it's better as one medium or another.

>> No.13538213
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>I am the world's greatest genius but I need an anime website's advice

>> No.13538230
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>I have solved centuries of theological debate, but I post on a Somalian origami site for the blind

>> No.13538234
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you speak my thoughts

>> No.13538240

So how did you prove it?

>> No.13538261

It will be wasted as an article or book. Just make a post here

>> No.13538276

Hello OP
You are in posession of a great truth
Be careful. Linguistic discourse about truth isn't the same as truth. And truth isn't the same as life.
Take care of your life, because it may be temptful to misinterpret the possible ethical consequences of the reality of arterlife. This is heavy stuff. We are only small humans
Be patient, breathe, and follow your heart

>> No.13538302
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>I solved the greatest philosophical question of mankind. Quick, let me go ask a Malaysian basket weaving forum what to do next.

>> No.13538370
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Thank you for the advice. The problem is, I can not properly discern what my intuition is telling me. I need advice and feedback from others.

The fundamental problem is that solving the problem is not at all the same thing as communicating it out to the world in the most efficient way possible. Having a clue about the former has no connection to figuring out the latter. This is why I need to ask other people for advice on this topic.

>it may be temptful to misinterpret the possible ethical consequences of the reality of arterlife

Care to elaborate?

>> No.13538394

Descartes already proved the immortality of the soul in the Meditations.

>> No.13538530

I think you are almost there, but you want to know if other people know what you know.

I already have the full picture, but I am afraid of sharing it myself, just as you are afraid of articulating what you have realized.

>> No.13539599

Im sure some people / lurkers will humour you

ask away

>> No.13539691

Post it here or kill yourself and never come back

>> No.13539703

>Well, it is not a logical proof of absolute certainty, but it is a proof that it is extremely likely that there is an afterlife.

>I have the unironical proof, agreed upon by many PhDs in private communication, for the existence of an afterlife in written form.


>> No.13539713

A taste of the info in an article, and then expanded in a full book.

>> No.13539718


Ok, I know this is 4chan, but I'll be honest
There is at the present moment a worldwide spiritual awakening. Motivated by: 1-Cultural need to ethically evolve so Autschwitz doesn't repeat (to say it metaphorically). 2- Most extreme nihilism revolving our technological society. We are making register of every single demon in the human heart, (see: red room, war, hunger, videostreaming of suicides, torture, mutilation, etc), because Evil knows he is in possesion of a very real truth. It's that he can become unlimitedly powerful, and commit the most terrible atrocity. Like raping a hundred babies and skinning them online.
So why do we do this?
Lack of love and careless thirst for knowledge
To know 'what do you feel when you kill? and when you kill again? and again?'
The world is heavily ill, and Lennon was shot
He deserved it. I'm deeply sorry to say this, but Todd did it right. Only she and God know why, so let's be thankful to be alive

I hope you see where this is going
That's why we need so much calm and patience, because there are thousands of people following the search for light, but there can be no light without darkness, and Monty Python's 'The Meaning of Life' is a very fun film

You may watch as well 'Enter the Void' by Gaspar Noe, but at some point it's better just to go to the mountains and meditate. Knowledge can be shared on the internet, wisdom not

>> No.13539727
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>unironical proof

>> No.13539794

>i'm only in it for the money

>> No.13540142
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Would you say that the existence of Neptune has been proven?

If I were to publish a book, it would not be for the money, but for the much wider reach these have, rather than the extremely limited reach of a peer-reviewed article.

>> No.13540500

astral projection can convince you there´s an afterlife

>> No.13540527

Go for a book over a paper.

>> No.13540815

Reading Plato can convince you there's an afterlife.

>> No.13540987

ask /sci/

>> No.13542640

What is it, in a few sentences or less?

>> No.13543646
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Arguably, but it is not words on paper that can convince someone uninterested in it or who will never come to experience it.

Thank you for the suggestion. May I ask why you suggest that I write a book instead?

>> No.13543688

Okay let's assume you're right. What does it look like? I'll take what I can get but eternity without internet and sex lacks appeal.

>> No.13544604 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13544722

That's less interesting than backwards time travel, develop that instead.

>> No.13544729

Also attempt to publish in an article. I think you probably have an actual proof, but that the assumptions will get shredded on peer-review and you'll be found to have made errors.

>> No.13544761

An article, so I can dispense with it faster. What? Infinity exists so I will exist again and in one such instance I will remember my past life and so continue to exist in that capacity until another infinity and a single instance of continuous development occurs? And? Assumes the world and time are infinite.

>> No.13545347

If you have the "proof", it is probably a revelation, not a discovery.

> If it was handed over to you, then you should keep it for yourself and discover the meaning it has for your journey.
> If you discovered it, then it can not be placed upon the current philosophical system without being absorbed. It has already elements of subversion in it.
> If you stole it, keep your mouth shut and repent.

The truth finds you, and not the other way around.

>> No.13546164
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It goes beyond your wildest expectations times any number you can possibly imagine. There is so much peace, love, and joy there that you can not imagine wanting to be anywhere else. And contrary to religious dogma, we can actually do whatever we want there. If you can imagine it, it can be done, and you will not be judged for anything ever. In fact, there is nothing anyone of us could possibly do to stop us from belonging there, and being unconditionally loved forever, even if we nuked the entire local group of galaxies into oblivion. You can have orgies with supermodels 24/7/eternity if you want. And communication there is so beyond our world that internet seems deeply primitive. In essence, it is the best possible scenario, for that is precisely what an eternal realm would make itself to be.

>> No.13546293
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>> No.13546477
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sounds like the realm of the Devas Delighting in Creation

>> No.13546881

Sounds pretty good desu!
But how does this feeling of love work? Are we going to be 'high' constantly? Will we maintain our relative continuity of consciousness? Will Ethics be a concern in our wishes? Will the supermodels be conscious beings in this heaven like us or copies or illusions? Can we still struggle and fight? Will there be challenges?

>> No.13546913

Beautifully put and true. Thank you

>> No.13546923

As someone with a PhD it doesn't mean shit, academia is a shit. Get dabbed on

>> No.13546953

The thing that's always bothered me about the idea of a perfect afterlife is there would be no conflict thus no real objectives. For most people happiness would mean unlimited pleasure and no discomforts but for some others that seems hollow, I mean we're seeing this right now on the west, a small but real number of people want to find something bigger than just commodity.

>> No.13547214
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Shelly Kegan, Yale professor of philosophy, literally agrees with my take on the after life. I can probably find the email.

It is essentially that you are your mind. Your mind as it exists in the brains of other people, is still yours. When your body dies, all that's left of your mind is in the brains of the people that knew you.

That's the afterlife. It's dependent on the people that remember you, how they remember you, and how often.

>> No.13547258

>John Green-esque message

>> No.13547274
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>humor me

>> No.13547311

How much space do you need to explain your idea? Is it a stand alone peiece or is it in response to a certain thinker ?

If that is you OP don’t you think are taking a bit too much liberty with a definition of afterlife that is so very contrary to the common understanding

>> No.13547369

Just write a paragraph summary for us to laugh...

>Your mind as it exists in the brains of other people, is still yours. When your body dies, all that's left of your mind is in the brains of the people that knew you.

>That's the afterlife. It's dependent on the people that remember you, how they remember you, and how often
Truly revolutionary, but even I have thought of that, it seems a pretty obvious take and I think I literally extrapolated the idea from the end of NGE, but maybe I got it somewhere else.

It is also fully retarded, since your after "life" has no relation to what we would call "life".

>> No.13547383

>If you can imagine it, it can be done, and you will not be judged for anything ever.
Are you just describing hell?

>> No.13547401

>1-Cultural need to ethically evolve so Autschwitz doesn't repeat
So butmad about Hitler.

>Lack of love and careless thirst for knowledge
False. Mental illness and the good guys who would have strung them up coming in too late.

>demon in the human heart
War isn't a demon, it is struggle and struggling is the only worthy endeavour in life.

>> No.13547771

I like how this dopey boomer new age post even includes anachronistic hand wringing about John Lennon

>> No.13547927

based schizo poster

>> No.13548267

So basically ancestor worship? Truly a novell idea.

>> No.13549396
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>But how does this feeling of love work?

Have you ever been in love, or felt a deep friendship with a friend of yours, felt loved by your parents, seen a sad a movie, or taken ecstasy? Take all three and multiply them with any number you can imagine and you might begin to be on your way to understanding that love. I do not think it can really be understood with mere words, maybe except in very general terms such as those.

>Are we going to be 'high' constantly?

Yes, unless we do not want to have that perfect feeling at all times. You do not have to feel perfect all the time if you do not want to.

>Will we maintain our relative continuity of consciousness?

Yes, if we want to.

>Will Ethics be a concern in our wishes?

Not really, we can do whatever we want in the afterlife. We can not hurt others in any way if they do not consent to it first, though.

>Will the supermodels be conscious beings in this heaven like us or copies or illusions?

Just like us. We can morph into looking however we want there, so we can look like angels or supermodels too if we want. Or as extremely ugly if we want to look that way instead. Appearance may be set in stone here on this planet, but it is as flimsy as which clothes you wear in the afterlife. It can be changed into anything at any time, based on how you feel and what you want.

>Can we still struggle and fight? Will there be challenges?

Yes, if we want there to be. At the core, it is all about what we want. If we want challenges, we can always create them and/or seek them, and work on them. If we just want to party and/or chillax in peace, we do that instead.

>> No.13549406


>> No.13550030

> so Autschwitz doesn't repeat
oy vey, not the roller coaster ovens, human lampshades, and masturbation machines from the official story!

>> No.13550044

gay new age shit

>> No.13550071

I’m not op

>it isn’t life

The core of life is existence and it’s the only existence we’d have left. I suspect it would be a drastically lower form of existence.

Maybe that thinking is what lead to ancestors
I didn’t come up with up with it to be novel.

>> No.13550073


>> No.13550125

Book, of course. No doubt about that because of so many reasons which I think you're already aware of them. Godspeed.

>> No.13550397

>Can't prove it quantifiably but it makes sense if you have faith
Even if you weren't a larping faggot, your 'prove' will change no ones mine as those with faith already believe and those who don't won't without "absolute certainty" (and even then most won't).

>> No.13550848

If you could do whatever you want, and you're there for eternity, wouldn't you eventually wish for the permanent void?

>> No.13550898

post an your original arguement which never ever has anyone thought of before and we will beat the shit out of it, revive it, rape it and burn it.

>> No.13550914

>heaven is just the dream life of hedonistic middle-class americans on steroids forever
Sounds pretty boring desu.

>> No.13550921

This. I'm currently getting a PhD in skipping useless meetings and doing valueless gruntwork, but there will still be written "doctor in mathematics" on my piece of paper at the end.

>> No.13550929

This is Drek Parfit's take isn't it? Makes sense and clever, but in a way it' a rational contextualisation of very old thinking.

>> No.13550933
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i am fucking bookmarking this thread and after i come back in 10 minutes you'd rather explain to us what the fuck are you talking about. else just kys faggot

>> No.13550937

Do you know there is historical scholarship besides the memes story you've willingly cherry-picked for the specific purpose of being skeptical of them?

>> No.13551655

keep it to yourself and start a cult

>> No.13551671

Considering the state of the world/academia, no doubt most of the best works of our generation will be lost forever.
They certainly would not be accepted.

>> No.13551795

>A continuous sequence of dopaministic rewards
Eh, we will achieve that in the future. A pair of centuries max.
Surely Heaven/afterlife has to be more meaningful than sustainable hedonism for glorified monkeys.

>> No.13551841
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Behind the desire for heaven is always insatiable greed and the abolishment of personal responsibility. You've simply become your own drug pusher, and this entire thread is just you dosing yourself.

>> No.13552040
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Thank you for the advice. However, if you do not mind, please elaborate anyway, and assume that I am completely clueless in terms of understanding why writing a book is the more self-evident option.

What could possibly be more meaningful than being infinitely loved and happy forever, in a divine realm with an innumerable amount of friends and family, where everyone can do whatever they want forever?

>> No.13552079

Who is our target audience? Here is something worth trying - express your idea as an essay / pamphlet and see how well people understand it , if they need more info go the book route

Is there any reason for a person not to kill themselves or to view murder postivily with such a heaven?

>> No.13552168
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>Who is our target audience?

Ideally everyone of course, but I do not really have the answers how many people will appreciate it. I have shared it already with many people I know, and they all thought it was very thought provoking, and many said that the crucial ingredient in the argument, without giving too much away, was even really fun to think about.

But one part of the argument can be really hard for people to truly appreciate, no matter how much clarity I use in my writing when trying to explain it with easily understandable language. So it is a mixed bag, I guess.

>Is there any reason for a person not to kill themselves or to view murder postivily with such a heaven?

Those are indeed very good questions that has not been properly addressed in the literature either, and I definitely think they should be. But for present purposes those are not my immediate concern.

Out of curiosity, how would you answer those questions?

>> No.13552344

This. The fish are happy - and i know this because i am walking by them at the river.

>> No.13552756

>Have you ever been in love, or felt a deep friendship with a friend of yours, felt loved by your parents, seen a sad a movie, or taken ecstasy?
Yes, but there's cause and effect to it and conscious choice. If I get thrust in there drugged up from the start riding a high nothing compares to chances are I won't want to make it stop. In essence this is fine and a simple cop out like 'mental faculties will be enhanced to compensate and maintain a strong will' is fine too.

What are things we can't do? Could we become gods of new worlds? Is there an upper bound to our knowledge? Can we multiply ourselves and share consciousness between our instances?

>Yes, if we want to.
That's my point with the sex-spawned supermodels - do they want to? Are they inclusive of the 'we'?

>> No.13552777

>speak in vague rhetorical new age nonsense so people will think you're smart
please go fuck your own asshole this is a bad LARP.

>> No.13552853

>If you stole it

>> No.13554396
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>What are things we can't do?

In practice, nothing.

>Could we become gods of new worlds?


>Is there an upper bound to our knowledge?


>Can we multiply ourselves and share consciousness between our instances?


>That's my point with the sex-spawned supermodels - do they want to? Are they inclusive of the 'we'?

Yes. Ask yourself this: If you could morph into a 10/10 deadset stunner on demand of either gender, would your friends like to have sex with you? Would you have sex with your friends if they morphed into a 10/10 of your preferred gender on the spot?

In heaven, we are all the 10/10 supermodels - if we want to be.

>> No.13554489

In the heaven you have described, if I want to know what is the beginning and the end of the universe, can I do it? Can I find out what is the reasons behind the human conscious mind and reconstruct them?

>> No.13554653
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Absolutely. There is no limit to our knowledge and capabilities over there.

>> No.13554658

I'm not talking about morphing. Can I spawn, raise and grown(possibly instantenously) another conscious life form whose only desires are to please me sexually? What if I'm into rape? Can I spawn a conscious victim to abuse?

>> No.13554660

> they all thought it was very thought provoking
How representative of "everyone" were they? is it just those professors or did it include non academics?

What did they think of your writing style?

> So it is a mixed bag, I guess.
Do you think it would translate well into a video format (and I mean a proper video done by a professional animator/ director)

>without giving too much away, was even really fun to think about.
Are you concerned about people here stealing your idea?

>Out of curiosity, how would you answer those questions?
Thats something I cant really do in the absence of understanding your heaven and its proof.

>> No.13554661

Can I leave this heaven?
Can I have infinite knowledge off all things?

>> No.13554663

Which books and thinkers have been the most helpful and inspirational to you ?

If you do get it published will you let us know?

>> No.13555513
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I am not going to pretend to have the answers to those questions. What I will say is this, however: If something can be done in theory on Earth, then it can be done in heaven. You will always find a soul there that you can roleplay whatever scenario you want with. If you want to live 10^10000000 lives in a row as a rapist, you can. Eternity is our playground to do whatever we want with.

However, I do not know if we can create other souls from scratch. Good question though.

>> No.13556899
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Not ultimately, and yes.

>> No.13557147

Best option is to post your proof here and let it be spread by word of mouth.

>> No.13557200

>Would you say that the existence of Neptune has been proven?
are you retarded

>> No.13557231

What lives on after the death of bodily cells? And what role does this thing play during life? Because it seems to me that there would have to be a non physical thing causing physical events, presumably in the brain, in order for such a thing to live on after life. How do you reconcile the laws of thermodynamics with such an entity?

>> No.13557233

Those are only found in a handful of books written by non-historians. Kind of jewish to attack an historic event from this angle, is it not?

>> No.13557237

No he did not you goddamn dumb fuck he assuned what he set out to prove.

>> No.13557242

I've experienced whatever you would call the "afterlife" three times, but there's no way one could possibly prove it exists.

>> No.13557250

Your brain was still firing synapses. You experienced shit. Dmt is a pathological deconditioner. Not a spirit molecule.

>> No.13557337

i agree, im not some /x/ poster trying to say the gates of heaven and angels are real, but I think that what people historically have experienced and described as "heaven" is exactly as you say, unconscious brain activity. when I say "afterlife" I mean whatever you're experiencing in those final moments of synapses firing before complete death, which feel like an eternity (literally). my argument with Opie is that you cannot "prove" any of this shit. I'm highly sensitive to opiates and was overdosed 3 times in medical care- before, during and after a surgery. I've never done dmt but I would like to try it to compare the experiences.

>> No.13557386

>The core of life is existence
The core of YOUR subjective experience (i.e. life) is the continuation of that subjective experience. All you've claimed is that others will remember you, that's not an afterlife, that's trivial. You should feel ashamed for thinking your take is novel or clever, I've heard so many middle-aged women and hack public speakers repeat the exact same bromide (Along with others like: When you die you no longer exist so there's literally NOTHING to be afraid of geddit?)

>> No.13557452

Pretty much this

>> No.13557624

Well, OP?

>> No.13558245
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The death and rebirth of cells, like any such ship of theseus issue, is largely irrelevant. And once the body finally dies permanently, our soul/spirit/consciousness/inner self just leave it effortlessly.

Believe it or not, the complex details of our world, like all the atoms, molecules, etc., while real and all that stuff from our perspective right now, are all seen as kind of an illusion when we view this life from heaven's perspective.

Think of a video game. The pixels might seem real to the video game characters, but you know that it is just an illusion at the end of the day. It is something similar with atoms, molecules, and cells. A cell dying and a new replacing it is just like a pixel switches on and off in a video game. It means nothing.

>> No.13558294
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Do the right thing, and just keep it to yourself.

>> No.13558340
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(pic related)

>> No.13558621

Are your goals to provide information to society at large or bring yourself wealth and opportunities for guest appearance on the Oprah/Dr. Oz show in front of crowds of obese middle aged women to the ultimate benefit of nobody. Pick one.

>> No.13558633

What is it then?

>> No.13558682

I always figured that if an afterlife exists, then it is affected by the collective unconscious of any particular society.
That being said, I'd need to see proof of an afterlife before I could believe in it. I desperately hope there is one however.
Nothing to me is more terrifying than complete oblivion.

>> No.13559070

op is literally a mentally ill lolipostet and you based retards believe him

>> No.13560218
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The former, without a doubt.

>> No.13561795
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>How representative of "everyone" were they? is it just those professors or did it include non academics?

Not all have been actual PhDs, but the vast majority have studied at university at least as far as I know.

>What did they think of your writing style?

That I write with a lot of clarity. Unlike most academics, I do not write with dry academic prose just because that is the tradition.

>Do you think it would translate well into a video format (and I mean a proper video done by a professional animator/ director)

Absolutely. In fact, I think the argument would go over much, much better in a video format than in paper format. Animations would help a lot.

>Are you concerned about people here stealing your idea?

Not really, but I do not want the argument to get out there before it is published. As Sean Parker says in the movie The Social Network, "This is a once in a generation "Holy shit!" idea". Philosophically, that is.

>Thats something I cant really do in the absence of understanding your heaven and its proof.

Well, I will not go into details about the proof, but I can say what the conclusion is: That the existence of an afterlife is so likely that it is basically as certain as anything that we have good scientific evidence for in abundance.

As for the afterlife itself, everyone is unconditionally accepted there, no matter what they have done here.

>> No.13561816

Novel question: Suppose in Heaven I decide that I want to become Napoleon or Caesar and experience their life, is that possible? That is, I want to leave Heaven and experience life on Earth as a different person.

>> No.13561859

Another question: What about relativity of simultaneity? Assuming as Einstein did that all moments are equally "real" then you can be both inside of it and outside of it, am I not already inside of heaven in a sense?

What I'm really getting at is: Does heaven constitute a kind of preferred/privileged reference frame or does it obey the Lorentz invariance?

>> No.13562129

>I have the unironical proof
this line has no right to be as funny as it is

>> No.13562134

Do you surf? I'm guessing you don't.

>> No.13563143

Way to avoid the question.
How do you reconcile the laws of thermodynamics with a non-physical soul that has apparently causal influence on physical things?

>> No.13563423
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I can not develop that argument in detail here for reasons of brevity, but I can say that other scholars have already done so extensively in text. See for instance Chris Carter's book "Science and the Near-Death Experience: How Consciousness Survives Death" where he goes into great detail on how physics is compatible with the idea of an afterlife.

Essentially and crudely speaking, the mind, soul, or whatever you want to call it has an influence on the brain at the quantum level, which then reverberates on the higher-order structures of the brain.

Of course, the exact mechanism is far from known at this time, but that is the general way in which it can make philosophical sense. But again, I would encourage you to read that particular book if you want to delve deeper into the issue.

>> No.13563498
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>Suppose in Heaven I decide that I want to become Napoleon or Caesar and experience their life, is that possible? That is, I want to leave Heaven and experience life on Earth as a different person.

Yes, absolutely. In fact, in heaven you have the multiverse as your smorgasbord. You can choose to experience precisely whatever you want, any kind of physical life you can possibly imagine. If you want to live a life as Frodo going on such a quest in such a world, or as Luke Skywalker, or as Jamie Lannister, you can. If you can imagine it existing, you can choose to experience it when you are in heaven. In fact, there are even an immeasurable amount of things we can not even imagine with this limited mind that exist as options there as well. And in eternity, we get to experience everything that we want to experience. Nothing is denied us, and we really just have to ask for it.

But again, we live one life at a time. Whatever you ask for will not materialize in the here and now, because the plan for this life, which you chose and designed before you came here, is already in motion. But if down the line in later incarnations you want to play different roles, you will have that opportunity.

>That is, I want to leave Heaven and experience life on Earth as a different person.

Yeah, you can stay in heaven for as long as you like or just leave immediately when you get there and start a new life if you want that instead.

>What about relativity of simultaneity? Assuming as Einstein did that all moments are equally "real" then you can be both inside of it and outside of it, am I not already inside of heaven in a sense?

Yeah. We are all "in" heaven right now, as the entire universe is really just a little pinpoint of size from heaven's perspective, and the universe exists inside heaven in a very real sense. It is a created objective existence for us to live out the dramas and peculiarities of physical life. We are essentially participating in an existence right now, and we do so voluntarily.

>Does heaven constitute a kind of preferred/privileged reference frame or does it obey the Lorentz invariance?

The former. The laws of physics do not apply there, and the laws of physics of our universe are just one instantiation thereof. Other universes have entirely different laws of physics, designed to create a different kind of world.

>> No.13564289

>What would you do with it if you had it?
I would give the information out for free because it should be universally known as we are all going to it one day.

>> No.13564350

Where do animals fit in to your concept of heaven?

>> No.13564363
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makes suicide sound like fun!

>> No.13564366

>existing for eternity
I know this is probably a brainlet post but an afterlife would make life meaningless.

>> No.13564399

What are we when we die then? On earth we are humans. What are we truly when we go back to this heaven realm?

>> No.13564421


>> No.13564489

Both. Get the article published so you have a name, and then publish the book.
The article is an advertisement to publishing houses and then to the public.

>> No.13566094
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Do you mean that the existence of an afterlife would make this short life meaningless, or all of eternity meaningless?

>> No.13566388


>> No.13566394

proof that 4 is divisible by 2:
4/2 = 2
2 is a whole number thus
4 is divisible by 2

>> No.13566415

Quietly as an article. It's not like You'll convince anyone That doesn't already believe in the afterlife anyway.

>> No.13566438

>Would you say that the existence of Neptune has been proven?
We can see It with telescopes so yes

>> No.13566484

Now proove something outside of the mathematical axioms from which mathematics is derived...

I'll wait.

>> No.13566748


>> No.13566764

>The former
I'm sorry to say that you're wrong then. Firstly you claim that we're "in" heaven perfectly in accordance with relativity of simultaneity and then you claim that Heaven constitutes a privileged reference frame, which is it anon? You can't have both.

What you have told us without knowing that you did, is that ultimate reality (Heaven) is actually the universes (Here I mean everything, including a multiverse, universe meaning all that is) preferred reference frame temporally speaking, if so then the universe has a preferred reference frame and General Relativity is wrong, there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to suggest that it is. And you can't get around it by suggesting that the laws of physics don't apply there, you've simply suggested different laws of physics apply there, and if for instance the Lorentz invariance is broken ANYWHERE it's wrong, and if it's wrong then so are SR and GR.

Next time you claim to have discovered ultimate truth make sure you understand the theories you'd be contradicting.

>> No.13566864

You are retarde

>> No.13566911

What is the limit between people who know you and those who know about you through your intellectual property? Is the thing that constitutes "you", your life and subsequent afterlife formed only by your immediate interactions with others?

>> No.13566925
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The problem, as far as I can discern it, is that you are approaching the entire issue from a very inside of the box-mindset, whereas I approach these questions more philosophically.

See the entire universe as a bubble. Now, inside this bubble is all matter, time, energy, space, and the laws of physics. Outside of that bubble, however, none of that stuff matters. Why should the laws of physics of this particular universe matter at all in heaven? It is, after all, just a contained bubble.

If you apply any laws of physics in your answer to this question, you have misunderstood it.

>> No.13566956

Big if true

>> No.13567007
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Sorry to burst your bubble dude, but the whole existence through the minds of others has been a concept often visited by several cultural tropes. Pixar's "Coco" is one of many whose sole message is about the importance of lineage remembrance.

>> No.13567582

Answer my question. What are we and how do animals fit into the equation of heaven?

>> No.13567736
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>> No.13567748

Why tho?

>> No.13567760
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>> No.13567779

If it was true then you could publish it and afterwards write as many books as you want and sell all of them.

>> No.13567803

Do you have all of this written somewhere? I think your ideas are fascinating

>> No.13567818

wow that's deep but desu is the other way once i die all you NPC's die with me

>> No.13567840


Heaven is just the best Virtual Simulator, and there are no age of consent laws there either!

Hard pass.

>> No.13568120
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When it comes to animals, I do not have any concrete answers. However, I tend to ask the question backwards. If you were an eternal spirit being in heaven, would you want to experience physical life at all cognitive levels? As a human, as a dog, as a mosquito, as a blade of grass, as a cell, as an atom? Could you incarnate as a SNES as well?

I do not have those answers. Maybe the line is drawn somewhere, or maybe it is not.

Yes, but I would have to get the recognition of having proved it first, and as we all know, that is independent of whether I have actually solved it or not. Truth may not be democratic or a popularity contest, but this world certainly treats it this way.

Thank you! I am trying to write a book as well about what it all means and implies - the nature of a rational and emotionally mature afterlife, what implications this has for the objective meaning of life, etc. It is where my true interest and talents lie. But of course, demonstrating the existence of an afterlife beyond all rational doubt is something I feel the need to do first.

>> No.13568154

I have it already published it's called The Bible

>> No.13568200

>I would have to get the recognition of having proved it first
Is there an objective way to prove that your concept of heaven is the ultimate one?

>> No.13568215
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So if I were to make a book about it, which publisher do I contact? Or perhaps rather, which type or category of publisher do I contact?

>> No.13568225
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Yes, the concept of heaven can be proved in a very similar way as its existence can be proven. Slightly differently and with a little less degree of certainty, but it can still be done.

>> No.13568564

Assuming this is true, how on Earth did you prove this with absolutely certainty? Not even the most faithful of theologians has reached this level of absolute detail within their reason.

>> No.13568572

Prove it faggot

>> No.13568738

what fiction is this from?

>> No.13568872

How does Kant fit into your "proof"? Do you use the noumenal to get to your "proof"? What about Plato and his theory? Will you engage will philosophy or will you give a "common sense" argument?

>> No.13568885

can you tell me it now

>> No.13568915

LMAO. what makes you think the universe is like a bubble? is it not expanding? how do you even KNOW there is something outside of this? What are your epistemic methods, huh? what do you base knowledge on?

>> No.13569769

lemme guess, reincarnation is real and occultists are right?

>> No.13569997
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>how on Earth did you prove this with absolutely certainty?

I have not proved it with absolute certainty, but I have proved it with empirical certainty. That is, it is demonstrably much, much more likely to be true than not.

>> No.13570031
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Outside of time, there is no after.

>> No.13570048

Publish it here

>> No.13570063
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will my mama still be there waiting for me?

>> No.13570732

Nah you should just post it on a anonymous Native-American wood carving forum.

>> No.13570827

This is literal satanism

>> No.13571088

no, it's called pseudo-amaranthism (without Love under Will)

satanism would be wanting to it all go to shit forever

>> No.13572040
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Absolutely, with wide arms and warm laughter of joy and love.

Also, everything you feel about her, all the things you think about her, and what is really in your emotional heart of hearts, she already knows everything about with perfect clarity and detail.

But I need to add another detail. When we are here on Earth, we are really just role-playing these characters. And we choose these roles far in advance. So your parents and your children, your friends and your relatives, these are just relationships that we role-play as well. In heaven, all of us are family, and we have always already been existing together as such. So your mother will initially greet you as your mother, but soon enough you will come to learn that you are actually family members or friends who have known each other forever, and that in other lifetimes you have played different roles with each other. For instance, you could have been her mother in the life before, and now you just switched roles this incarnation.

Which brings me to the final point, which is that we have friends in heaven who we are much, much closer to than we are to anyone on this planet, including family members. It is not even a contest really, when we contrast the love between them and the people here. So there will be more than thousands of dear friends of old who will greet you there as well.

>> No.13572072


every time

>> No.13572081
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drop the entire article in this thread OP
>4chan goes down in history for proving the existence of a satanic afterlife

>> No.13572956
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The point I was making was that the existence of an afterlife can be proven with a degree of certainty roughly equal to that of the existence of Neptune.

That is, it is and always will remain logically possible that it might not be there, or that Neptune really does not exist, but it is certainly not likely.

>> No.13573171

Well okay, neato, when are you going to post an explanation of your theory rather than just telling us you have it?

>> No.13573207

Based boomer schizo. Go touch your energy crystals again before you post.

>> No.13573317

Your concept of heaven seems so interesting. Can you tell us more about what we are in the concept of heaven then? Is there a "god" or are we just a collective consciousness split into thousands of pieces or something different altogether? Who made us? Have we always existed? What is our supreme purpose?

>> No.13573380






>> No.13573400

Nice Morrowind lore my nigga.

>> No.13573461

If your idea is correct, what reason does anyone have to not kill themselves immediately?

>> No.13573501

Also, what reason is there for me to not go out and kill someone immediately?

>> No.13573739
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An afterlife of unabated hedonistic pleasure is literal Hell. I'd rather stay in the present world in which the existence of suffering can provide the basis for meaning. The existential dread I feel when I imagine endless uninhibited materialistic pleasures is far worse than whatever this shitworld can give me.

>> No.13573743


>> No.13573754

If OP is correct that's 100% why people leave Heaven. Heaven is not a place where meaning can be found.

>> No.13573756

I always wanted the afterlife to be a neverending series of lives in various realms, some far different from ours, some nearly the same, where you get to keep your memory.

>> No.13573780

Are you saying you have a take on quantum mechanics?

>> No.13573856
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>Can you tell us more about what we are in the concept of heaven then?

Well, there is really no way to describe the higher heavens. What I can say is that there are way, way more colors, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations, and even senses than are here, things we currently have no memory of or are capable of imagining, and they shine and are alive and are kind and sing with an intensity and beauty that we can not relate to. Everything is incredibly gorgeous, and the best way to describe how beautiful it is is probably to just imagine a person sitting down and crying the hardest they ever have when even just thinking about it.

And in this realm we are unlimited spiritual being. We can be however gorgeous, intelligent, capable, rich, or talented in whatever we want, and all of eternity is our playground to do whatever we want. And everyone are laughing, dancing, doing sports, exploring magical forests, creating interesting things, and are happy and pursuing their own interests.

>Is there a "god"

Yes, there seems to be a creator entity of some kind, of whom we are its beloved children. But this entity really just thinks about love all the time, and can be thought of as an endless ocean of infinite, sparkling, colorful light, who plays extremely beautiful music. This entity loves us more than anything else and it also does not care about anything we do in the negative sense, and has a kind of childlike quality to it in terms of anything goes. In essence, there is nothing we can do to upset or bother it in any way, shape, or form, ever. It is quite literally the ultimate parent who will let us do whatever we want forever.

So we are parts of that entity, eternally connected to it, and it is impossible for us to ever escape it, even if we would want to. Right now, all of us are inside its unlimited mind in the voluntarily chosen illusion of being in a physical world.

>Who made us?

That entity made us forever ago. I do not know which "generation" we are, but once every eon there is an explosion of light wherein tons of new eternal beings are being created and allowed to learn and grow, and then once their incarnation careers are over they go back to the source to celebrate, and then creation expands again with even more new eternal beings being created. This is how it has always been and always will be, forever.

There is nothing outside of this beings mind, for everything is its mind. Time, matter, space, energy, the laws of physics, those are just ideas or concepts within its mind, not something that exists externally from it. It is not made of anything and is therefore not dependent on anything for its eternal existence as itself.

>Have we always existed?

In practice, yes. Our soul or spirit is ancient and have lived an innumerable amount of lives and years in heaven already.

>What is our supreme purpose?

We are all on an eternal quest to become infinite love, just like the entity that made us. And given eternity, we will.

>> No.13573888

>Anon takes DMT

>> No.13573912

OP said heaven is unlimited and we live as unlimited beings. I would imagine meaninglessness would be meaningless to an omnipotent being. We tend to frame it from a human perspective.

But even if you're correct, wouldnt that just mean you go to heaven and you're miserable and then you come here where we know we're miserable... so, all existence and non existence is hell?

Something doesnt add up.

>> No.13573942
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>If your idea is correct, what reason does anyone have to not kill themselves immediately?

This is part of why this stuff is so controversial. There really is no reason not to kill yourself if that is what you want to do. You will not be punished or judged at all for it, and paradise literally awaits whenever you want to claim it.

However, there are essentially three different meanings to this life:

1. To just experience these lives as these human beings.
2. To do whatever we want with these lives.
3. To grow in our ability to love everyone and everything unconditionally, no matter what.

As discussed earlier, the only way to "level up" in this game is be loving and kind, even when the world challenges you to be so. It is, admittedly, much easier said than done. But when you are loving on the inside to someone or something, that is when you truly grow.

So if you commit suicide, the only slightly negative thing about it is that you are delaying your eternal quest to become infinite love. But you will be able to grow in later lifetimes anyway.

>Also, what reason is there for me to not go out and kill someone immediately?

And this is why this stuff is really controversial. Even people who kill others still go straight to paradise when they die. So if you mass murder people and then kill yourself, you are welcomed into paradise immediately anyway.

However, you will get to reexperience everything that you did to others as if it were happening to you. So if you cause others suffering, you will experience that suffering with perfect clarity in the presence of divinity. But they will not judge you for it, and say something like "Oh you bad boy you should not have done that!"

Rather, their and your reaction will more be like "Oh, so that is how that is like!" And then the partying in the light begins for real. Of course, this rubs many people the wrong way, and they think that "very bad people" need to be punished intensely and for a long time. But heaven is a place of infinite love that can not even be upset with us for doing anything whatsoever. This is just a voluntarily chosen game, a matrix, a book that we are writing, and everything goes. "Bad" things happening are really just plot twists from the meta-perspective of heaven, and there are even worlds out there where people explore the dystopian and post-apocalyptic scenarios.

It may sound ridiculous, but it is extremely important to understand why this stuff is so controversial: It challenges, or at least has the potential to challenge, the social order at its very core. The belief that death is a bad or unknown scary thing is very central to our current way of life. It is said by some that heaven is the ultimate bribe and that hell is the ultimate threat, but the reality is that there is no reason to bribe anyone with heaven because everyone is guaranteed to go there no matter what, and hell does not exist so it is impossible to threaten anyone with it.

>> No.13574007

>do not know which "generation" we are, but once every eon there is an explosion of light wherein tons of new eternal beings are being created and allowed to learn and grow, and then once their incarnation careers are over they go back to the source to celebrate, and then creation expands again with even more new eternal beings being created.
Then what happens to us in this time? Do we die or are we reborn into a new generation with more "siblings" or what? Also, how did you come to know this? Did you have a near death experience or something?

>> No.13574041

I can see what you mean by controversial. There are people in this world who have murdered and hated to such an extreme that for some of us, it is a challenge to even accept them let alone love them to that degree. Can you explain more about the punishment someone who hurts others goes through on their way to heaven though? Is it enough for them to feel bad about what they have done?

>> No.13575062
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>Can you explain more about the punishment someone who hurts others goes through on their way to heaven though?

Well, you get to reexperience it, and that goes for everyone of us, no matter what we did. So if you are kind to someone, you will feel that kindness as if you gave it to yourself, and vice versa for everything.

All of us will reexperience our lives from first, second, and third person perspective. That is, we will reexperience our lives as we lived them and as we are living them right now, but also how everyone we interacted with experienced us from their perspective, and also a kind of objective viewpoint where we will be able to see and experience everything in its totality.

So those who live "negative" lives have no different reception in heaven, they just have to reexperience a lot more unpleasant things when examining their lives in perfect detail. For many, it will not be a fun experience.

But it will be over relatively quickly, as everything happens simultaneously, and a lifetime on earth is a second in the spirit realm. And then, once we are done with analyzing our lifetimes, we will have such a wonderful, fun, and happy time there that it can not be explained with human words.

So even if someone lived the worst human life possible where they raped, tortured, and murdered everyone and everything on not just earth, but all over the galaxy, what they have in front of them is one second of hell followed by an eternal paradise. And I can not imagine anyone not wanting to make that deal even if they had lived a great life. There is no finite, extremely short-lived suffering a rational entity would not endure for infinite bliss and pleasure forever after anyway.

>Is it enough for them to feel bad about what they have done?

Yeah, but I am not sure whether we even feel bad about things. It is more like "I did some things and there were some things I did not do", it has a very whateverish touch to it. What will be celebrated are the moments where you grew in love, kindness, and acceptance. All other things are fairly irrelevant in the long run, and it is not nearly as big a deal as we make it out to be if we fail in life from a moral perspective. We have the freedom and the time to fail an infinite amount in of times on our quest to become infinite love, or morally maximized, or however one may want to think about it.

There is no such thing as a failure, because there are no expectations to begin with. We chose these lives for our own sake, and so we have succeeded just by coming here. And also, we are already considered brave superstars just for having the courage and ability to come to and handle this shithole planet, this extremely challenging physical world to begin with.

If incarnation is a video game, then everyone on earth is playing on at least expert mode. Of course, some are playing on nightmare or hell mode, but very few people have a total breeze on cloud nine at all times here.

>> No.13575180

>All of us will reexperience our lives from first, second, and third person perspective. That is, we will reexperience our lives as we lived them and as we are living them right now, but also how everyone we interacted with experienced us from their perspective, and also a kind of objective viewpoint where we will be able to see and experience everything in its totality.
That sounds supremely embarrassing, honestly.

>> No.13575269

>We are all on an eternal quest to become infinite love
What does that mean really? Having the capacity to love irregardless of circumstance? In agape sense or eros sense? Is that even possible on this plane of existence.

>> No.13575385

How can I read this when you eventually publish it somewhere?

>> No.13575921

OP you have no idea how important this is to me, ive included my email, can you please contact me, or otherwise allow me to access this information when you get it up and running/ published?


>> No.13576478

>or as Luke Skywalker, or as Jamie Lannister

>> No.13576520

>happy happy joy joy
kill yourself lolifaggot

>> No.13576657

So many mental gymnastics, it's nauseating. Being in a void after death would be preferable to being in a hedonistic hellhole.

>> No.13577132
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>> No.13577648

PhDs are a joke.
You can get a PhD by studying literally anything you want as long as your GPA in undergrad was good.
“The Reality of Woman; the Evolution of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl and the Trope’s Effect on Cultural Gender Identity” for example.

Cite strong minds rather than nonsensical titles given to anyone who decides to claim one by overly funded universities

>> No.13577663

>The Reality of Woman; the Evolution of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl and the Trope’s Effect on Cultural Gender Identity
While not groundbreaking in any practical sense, there's nothing about that that sounds illegitimate as a subject of research

>> No.13577671

The point was that just because one can go through the required motions to be given the title PhD, they are not by any means more intelligent than anyone else. It’s a testament to persistence more than knowledge or intelligence, yet people who know nothing about it tend to think anyone with a PhD is a genius. I know some incredibly stupid individuals with the title PhD. I am a “doctor” as well and I am as average as they come.

>> No.13577721

Destroy it so all normies go to hell

>> No.13577797

>Shelly Kegan, Yale professor of philosophy, literally agrees with my take on the after life. I can probably find the email.
Produce it or you're full of shit.

>> No.13578105
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I can certainly sympathize with that reaction, and I hardly think that you are alone in feeling that way. Most people would probably have some kind of reaction like that when reflecting on this possibility, to know that everyone will be able to know everything that you have ever done or thought or felt. But there are no secrets in heaven, and your loved ones there will be very humble and loving and kind when your life will be revealed for all to see. Even when it comes to your deepest, darkest secrets, wonderful warm understanding-filled laughter will just be exchanged between you, as a great family would laugh if someone accidentally farted for all to hear.

>Having the capacity to love irregardless of circumstance?

Yes, that is the ideal. Again, it is much easier said than done, but that is why we have this ego mind right now, this inner liar that we all have. It is constantly showing us what love is not, by constantly telling us that we can not do or be this or that because we are not good-looking, intelligent, charismatic, confident, worthy, funny, etc., enough. The primary purpose of life is to learn to recognize this liar for how ridiculous he or she is, and just be awesome and loving and kind anyway despite the eternally nagging presence of this voice, and to bloom as people into who we truly are at the core already.


Well, there is nothing wrong with hedonism, but that is not what I was getting at either and I apologize if it has come off this way. The larger point is that we can do whatever we want. I, for instance, look forward to go on great adventures and feel magical feelings of wonder, and to fly through the rainbow forests of pure mystery as a Peter Pan-kind of entity. Others might look forward to eating ice cream 24/7/eternity. Again, anyone can do whatever they want there and we are all different.

While I absolutely sympathize with and even share your justified disdain for credentialism as a relevant concept, it was the simplest way I could imagine to quickly impart the fact that this is a seriously valid argument based on valid premises.

>> No.13578244
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>How can I read this when you eventually publish it somewhere?

Share your mail or something here so that I can contact you.

Thank you for showing interest, I have sent you a mail.

>> No.13578247


>> No.13578299
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>there is nothing wrong with hedonism

You're losing me OP.

What are your credentials? What was your MA in? Do you have a doctorate as well? Neuroscience? Physics? Philosophy?

Also the PhDs you mentioned... can we know who they are? Or what their background is in? Or at least where they teach?

I think we could at least get this without ruining your anonymity or discovering your idea.

>> No.13579429


>> No.13579454

TLDR for me, what's the idea? Or just big bait?

>> No.13579554

bait but intriguing bait

>> No.13581033

You should really put this on Reddit or something so that some of us can follow you when you finally decide how you want to go with these ideas