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/lit/ - Literature

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16166744 No.16166744 [Reply] [Original]

i fucking hate religion, i fucking hate religious people, why the fuck should they control what i want to read? fuck them, fuck them all

>> No.16166749

Plato is the foundation for Christianity. Religion isn't the problem. Your mother is. This is just a cope to blame religion and not her. Beat her.

>> No.16166769

His mom is muslim.

>> No.16166776

she´s pentecostal

>> No.16166787

Plato is almost like a prophet instead of a philosopher, when he starts making up all that shit about another world and the demiurge and the perfect ideas and all that shit makes me wish I lived in those times to beat the shit out of him. Whenever he started talking about all that pseudo-religious bullshit I would throw a right hook right to his chin that would knock him the fuck out right there, good night Plato.

>> No.16166793

Based mother trying to save your soul from (((philosophy)))

>> No.16166799

based mom, fuck Plato, fuck philosophy and fuck trannies and niggers. read Augustine's "City of God" instead

>> No.16166811
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>read Augustine's "City of God" instead


>> No.16166813


>> No.16166823
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1490, 1920px- The_School_of_Athens _by_Raffaello_Sanzio_da_Urbino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her that the Church built a large part of its scholarship on Plato's and Aristotle's teachings. Aristotle was basically an unofficial saint. In Dante's Inferno, the Greek philosophers and poets are chilling out in Limbo. Then you should show her the School of Athens (pic related) which happens to occupy the Papal Palace.

>> No.16166826

Jesus and Jewish tribalism are the foundations for Christianity. Plato is how they polished the turd that was Christianity for a western audience. Based OP knows that even a polished turd is still just a turd though.

>> No.16166835

City Of God is so fucking boring and shitty. I even got the Great Course "books that matter" class on it in case I was missing some shit, and it's like nope, this guy is just a north African pseud who the fact that his shitty writing and specious arguments are being taken seriously by Romans is just another indication of decline and decadence in late Rome.

>> No.16166840

Good luck, Plato was an accomplished wrestler, he would mog your materialist ass

>> No.16166847

pentecostals are rabidly anti-catholic, if you tell her the church was built on plato then she'll really be sure it's satanic.

>> No.16166859

This. Philosophy has never accomplished anything in isolation from experience, which means that there is no real philosophy, just a bunch of old, bad ideas.

>> No.16166863

ok maybe op should just punch her in the face

>> No.16166865
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>Tell her that the Church built a large part of its scholarship on Plato's and Aristotle's teachings.

she doesn´t care, her logic is pretty simple, if the book isn´t the bible or whatever pop pentecostal garbage like pic related is, then it must be the work of the devil

same with music, movies, whatever media there is

>> No.16166878

post skin complexion. I smell tea

>> No.16166885

Something similar happened when i was younger, make sure you keep books like that hidden from her next time lol.

>> No.16166895

at least you can listen to Bach I guess.

>> No.16166898

Feels bad. I was raised Pentecostal but I'm now Reformed. My parents hardly even read the Bible but I try hard to get them to.

>> No.16166906

yooo get a load of that chick's mouth, what the fuuck

>> No.16166911

>make sure you keep books like that hidden from her next time lol.

actually i´m doing this with the most trangressive stuff that i own like Nietszche, Sade, etc... but i never have guessed that she would throw The Republic because it´s really tame for a religious person

>> No.16166921

>at least you can listen to Bach I guess.

nope, devil´s work, i can only listen to gospel

>> No.16166927

I guess you start seeing the devil everywhere you look when that includes the mirror.

>> No.16166954
File: 140 KB, 300x256, FEF3252C-5103-4BA0-9ABA-83FA9461C562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s especially retarded about that is there’s nothing in The Republic against Christianity besides some references to the Greek Gods. Ok fact Christianity, especially the most vital elements such as the golden rule and ‘love thy neighbor’ if not directly taken from Platonic philosophy were certainly influenced by it to come to those conclusions, as Christianity itself was born out of the Hellenistic world and philosophy.

>> No.16166960

*In fact
Anyway op the real problem is western society gives females sovereignty, you should beat the birch until she accepts white sharia.

>> No.16166967

Yeah I'm Anglo

>> No.16166968

my mom throws away all my stuff too. I lost nearly 2k or 3k due to her.
She does this to keep all her cheap chinese crap

>> No.16166971

I guess that would depend on whether she is catholic or proddy.

>> No.16166999

read the thread kid she's pentecostal

>> No.16167250

I feel for you anon, but don't blame religious people as a whole. I regularly have fruitful discussions regarding theology and philosophy including Nietzsche, Deleuze and Heidegger with my father who is a dean at a protestant seminary. How old are you that your mother can just take your stuff anyways? Maybe you should sit down and talk to her about how you feel about her behavior or something (I assume you are at least 18).

>> No.16167257

Lit is a catholic board

>> No.16167268

Cucks want Mommy to pick out books for them.

>> No.16167282

Just find something she cares about a lot, like an old wedding photo or a memorabilia of her parents, and destroy it.

>> No.16167469

i know how u feel

i plan on joining the army so i won't be home anymore
fucking hell

>> No.16167483

You have to be at least 18 years old to post here

>> No.16167603

My mom got me some book by a guy named Warren called "a purpose driven life" for christmas. what was she trying to say, bros? Is it worth a read?

>> No.16167608

If you are 18, (which you must be in order to post here), just fucking tell her to not throw your stuff out. If this doesn't work either threaten her or just move out, have some fucking self respect.

>> No.16167623

>or just move out,

i´m planning to do that but the chinese pandemic is putting me on halt, after that i will try to get a job, save money and get out of my house

>> No.16167786

Based mom.

>> No.16167801
File: 6 KB, 237x213, download (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you move out of mommy's basement then?

>> No.16167820 [DELETED] 
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>religious mother never bothered with my shelf of edgy existentialism and encourages new ideas

>> No.16167824


>> No.16167832
File: 7 KB, 191x265, received_1634271520074381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John, this is your mother.

Christine just let me know that you posted here and I'm shocked you shared what I've done and such a dangerous website.

You are grounded for a month and I'm confiscating all of your books. No chicken tenders for tonight, either.

>> No.16168584
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>> No.16168595
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>> No.16168611

You are raising an incel school shooter freak, are you aware you over zealous whore? Let the nigga enjoy his youth

>> No.16169089

when i was a kid and had nasty thoughts, i would think an apology to anyone who happened to read that thought

>> No.16169543

Do people really have incredibly religious parents like this? My parents where Muslim and they didn't mind me reading Plato and Aristotle. They actually encouraged it.

>> No.16169562


based pentecostal mom. rejection of all sissy reason and btfo her faggoty son

>> No.16169762

Shirk. Your parents are as Muslim as you are, drunken degenerate.

>> No.16169833

Ok whatever you say man.

>> No.16170028

luckily the dude has been dead for thousand plus years and his work is freely available