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22355226 No.22355226 [Reply] [Original]

>Any theologians here?
>Aspiring seminarians or monastics?
>What is your theology and why?
>Favorite theologians?

Please keep argument to a minimum.

As for me...

>Not now but perhaps one day
>I'm leaning in that direction I would say
>I am Christian of a sort of mystic stripe; a tad esoteric, universal, perennial
>Hermes, Pythagoras, Plato, Proclus, Augustine, Pseudo-Dionysius, Symeon the New Theologian, Al-kindi, Patanjal, Adi Sankara, Sri Abhinavagupta, Sri Aurobindo, Hegel, Solovyov, Bulgakov, Florensky, Eckhart, Boehme, Hegel, Schelling, Novalis, Balthasar, Lubac, Ulrich

If you'll pardon a brief schpiel, to stimulate further convo, I am a philosophy graduate. Contemplating grad school. But recently I have felt the call of a spiritual life beyond empty intellectualisms and the rat race.

Is seminary or monasticism worth it? How does one go about pursuing such?

I have taken several classes on religious studies, religious philosophy, and philosophy of religion. I was also raised in a Catholic family and feel connected still to the religion despite there obviously being some bad actors within the church.

I have considered entering a esoterica and gnosis graduate program in religious studies at the suggestion of peers since that is guilty pleasure of mine and have studied a bit of classical languages. However, academia seems a shitshow from all I know who have gone.

In any case, I have begun a deep dive into theology. It has been quite spiritually fulfilling. And I have slowly but surely found my life and mind changing. Becoming lighter and freer. Alas, paradoxically, it seems to make more keenly aware of injustices of world.

And yet ! and yet !!!

I identify with Augustine: "make me celibate but not yet" and/or sobriety for celibacy -- lolz :/

I feel torn between household and clerical life. I wish I could study and know God. But also know a wife and have progeny.

Any anons in a similar boat?

Idk. Maybe just venting. Sorry for personal blog

>> No.22355256
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>> No.22355267

>Any anons in a similar boat?
Kinda. I'm completely sober, despite a history of addiction, and I'm completely celibate (nofap), despite not having sex for years. Part of my motivation comes from simple self respect, and part comes from entertaining the possibility of existence having a metaphysical purpose of separating the wheat from the chaff.

>> No.22355269

good job

>> No.22355275


>> No.22355310

>And yet ! and yet !!!
You'll fit in perfectly with all the other faggot kiddy diddlers.

>> No.22355316

>Aren't we all?
>Lived as a temporary vowed member of a monastic community for the last two years (I am only 21), now live in an adjacent mostly-lay community. I continue to do some ministerial work but I doubt I'll pursue any sort of ordination in the foreseeable future.
>I'd also say I have a severely mystic taste, from the perspective of seeking a theology of praxis, a liturgy of life, wanting to, as St. Francis exhorted, preach at all times, and only occasionally with words.
>That being said, I've been influenced by the Franciscan tradition, particularly St. Bonaventure, the Brazilian liberation theologian Leonardo Boff, and the contemporary writer Sr. Ilia Delio. Other favorite theologians would be, in no particular order, St. Maximus the Confessor, St. Symeon the New Theologian, St. Sophrony Sakharov, St. Ignatius of Antioch, Fr. John Behr, Hans Urs Von Balthasar, Karol Wojtyla, Teilhard de Chardin, Michel Henry, Jean-Luc Marion, Christos Yannaras, Alexander Schmemann, Julian of Norwich, Meister Eckhart, Karl Rahner, Jurgen Moltmann, and Adrienne von Speyr.

>"recently I have felt the call of a spiritual life beyond empty intellectualisms"
follow this call as lovingly as you can, brother. Give glory to God through earnest labor, living engagement with your neighbors, and enjoyment of Him in all things. Let nothing in you be poisoned by distance from His call.

>Is seminary or monasticism worth it? How does one go about pursuing such?
Yes. It is. Contact a community, or talk to a priest about your interest, or do both. Be patient, humble, and as real as you can be. Don't give up. Be creative in how you can give up whatever you need to give up.

>Any anons in a similar boat?
Yeah for sure. I have to ask myself all the time, "Which is the love you would be able to not step away from?"

>> No.22355342

Wow OP, you list a large collection of thinkers. It is interesting to consider what intersection perennialism has with Christianity. I assume not much beyond a respect for tradition and hierarchy but I am not very well read on the topic.

You say you wish to study and know God, but also have a wife and progeny. My question is, how are these in conflict? Certainly monastics have a generically superior relationship to God, but if God has given you the holy desire for matrimony, this is probably a sign that for you particularly it might actually be more holy for you to pursue matrimony.

Regardless, it sounds like you still have mortal sin that you are struggling with. As you conquer that with the grace of God, you can use the time to pray and discern what the true interior movements of the soul are pulling you toward.

>> No.22355346

why would you go on this unholy site and expose yourself to the constant risk of viewing pornographic imagery?

>> No.22355362
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>> No.22355367

4Chan is the last place that would make me horny. The temptation for me comes up much worse on instagram.

Besides that, I've got myself held accountable in enough ways that it isn't a huge fear for me -- if I see something that activates some dangerous feeling in me, I will simply turn off the computer and pray. I attend to myself when needed, and God is with me always.

>> No.22355386

Good job. I am on nofap myself. I have quit all illegal drugs but still use the legal ones now. It's a struggle >_<
Thank you for this post. Very thoughtful. Much to chew on. Bonaventure is indeed a beautiful theologian. My father was actually named Francis hah. I do indeed need to act on such thoughts I feel. Even if my path does not lead to priestly life necessarily. I have however been getting back into communion with church after covid laziness induced apostasy. I do have all sacraments tho. So yup. Good advice.
I suppose I fear householder life will be unsatisfying. Waging isn't fun. I haven't had regular sex in years. Most girls who express interest end up being psycho after a short reveal. But otoh I worry that clericism may be an attempt to run away rather than engage desires properly. Some of my fondest memories are young love. I dunno. Prayer is good idea.
>mortal sin
You mean addiction? I mostly just ocassionally drink beer n smoke tobacco n cannabis which is legal. I suppose I am reluctant to be ascetic for some reason. Perhaps because waging is depressing?
This is my only board and I use catalog and hide lewd threads.
I suppose I refer to a ethical perennialism a la the virtuous pagan meme. Metaphysics is just interesting to read from all over insofar as I believe it is not static or revealed in full in the gospel so you know there is a developmental dialectical sort of movement. At least if only due to linguistic drift and generational cycles.

>> No.22355402
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>> No.22355411
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>> No.22355414
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>> No.22355431

let's turn this into a post books on mysticism thread

>> No.22355456
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>> No.22355473

Check out De Trinitate if you haven't yet. It's quite Hegelian in a way despite coming like 1400 years earlier. It's a work where Augustine is really able to explore in a way his pastoral duties normally kept him from.

Light from Light is a really good anthology of Christian mystics as well.

>> No.22355494
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>> No.22355635
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Relatively new to theology, I read the KJV OT & NT last year, and have exposure to Simone Weil, Kierkegaard, etc. I'm interested in the ideas of divine geometry or geometric derivations of divinity (i.e. Pythag).

Does anyone in the thread have recommendations on theological textbooks or books on Christian mysticism? Metaphysically (& intellectually) I'm aligned more with Buddhism, but I've had some experiences that appear unreconcilable with my cognitions and I'm looking to explore.

I would appreciate any help and guidance! God bless :)

>> No.22355705

Simone Weil and Kierkegaard are great!
>pythag stuff
I'd suggest The Pythagorean Sourcebook for general fragments and sentences and biographies as well as Iamblichus' Theology of Arithmetic and Nicomachus' Manual of Harmonics.
>theology textbooks
History of Theology by Hagglund
>books on mysticism
If interested in compilations, The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism is worth a look!

>> No.22355720

These look perfect, thank you so much!

>> No.22355901

Dear anons, I've been meaning to read Simone Weil for such a long time, where should I begin with her? Or, alternatively, what should I read before I read her?

>> No.22355908

Waiting for God then Gravity and Grace

>> No.22356296
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>>Any theologians here?
Every Christian must be a theologian.
>>Aspiring seminarians or monastics?
Aspiring teacher/catechist.
>>What is your theology and why?
Reformed/Calvinist theology.
>>Favorite theologians
Cyril of Jerusalem
Gregory of Nyssa
John Calvin
Thomas Boston
Geerhardus Vos
J.I. Packer
Pope Benedict XVI