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22414608 No.22414608 [Reply] [Original]

>There Ignatius stood like the boy on the burning deck. The music rose from the tabernacle once again. Dorian fled to speak with a group of his guests, actively ignoring Ignatius, as was everyone else in the room. Ignatius felt as alone as he had felt on that dark day in high school when in a chemistry laboratory his experiment had exploded, burning his eyebrows off and frightening him. The shock and terror had made him wet his pants, and no one in the laboratory would notice him, not even the instructor, who hated him sincerely for similar explosions in the past. For the remainder of that day, as he walked soggily around the school, everyone had pretended that he was invisible. Ignatius, feeling just as invisible standing there in Dorian’s living room, began feinting at some imaginary opponent with his cutlass to relieve his self-consciousness.

>> No.22414852

what are you trying to say, OP? Spit it out.

>> No.22415373

It's an unexpected passage garnering sympathy for this obese, delusional man-child the reader only knows to hate or laugh at for everything he's done to his mother, employers, acquaintances, and just about every stranger and attendant who's had the displeasure of incurring his scrutiny, demands, and simple proximity. The reader is shown a less-depraved Ignatius rejected for his repeated blunders. But Ignatius changed only for the worse, riding the echoes of that trauma to the bottom of hell—shunned by the shunned—granted torment for torment—with only himself waving a fake sword to fake out a fake enemy. Ignatius has left communion with reality.

>> No.22415441

Just read the synopsis of this one, sounds entertaining. Ignatius sounds like your average 4channer. Do you reckon I'd like it?

>> No.22415502

It's really funny and remains as relevant as ever.

>> No.22415533

Are you the average 4channer?

>> No.22415572

He sounds like me in high school except I’m not fat and instead of feinting a cutlass I set fires and boxed to deal with my problems.

>> No.22415701

There but by the grace of God go I

>> No.22415887

Not exactly. But I share this site's nihilism to a more healthy level

>> No.22415904

Favorite books as a kid, probably still is

>> No.22415935

I usually hate anti-heros, but I had nothing but support for ignatius. I at no time wanted him to fail.
The best quote in the book is
I have found you guilty of corrupting the youth I sentence you to be hung by your under developed testicles

>> No.22415997

Mine is "I also told the students that, for the sake of humanity’s future, I hoped that they were all sterile."

>> No.22416408

Just finished this. Every publisher who rejected the book is an unequivocal failure.