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File: 331 KB, 1944x2048, enoshima_junko_danganronpa_and_1_more_drawn_by_inu_totemo__b219d0e319372e0b206c7f44da4a74d4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22680027 No.22680027 [Reply] [Original]

How do I understand the female mind? Any books for that?

>> No.22680034

The big book of warosu. This thread has been made bazillions of times. Be original

>> No.22680036

Jane Eyre

>> No.22680068

Ayn Rand
Madame Bovary

>> No.22680073

No More Mr. Nice Guy
The Rational Male
Was in the manosphere before it rotted away. I still detest women but at least they make sense now...

>> No.22680083
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Which one?

>> No.22680108

>How do I understand the female mind?
Imagine a male mind and take away reason and accountability

>> No.22680212


>> No.22680283
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Empress Theresa

>> No.22680409

50 Shades of Gray

>> No.22680684

you can honestly give me the sluttiest anime script and i will still turn it into 'how to get a job'

>> No.22680875

Nonironically this is how the modern woman thinks. If you think I'm joking just scroll through "fashion" tiktok

>> No.22680978

Get female friends. Unironically.

>> No.22681087

>Madame Bovary
Wrong, Flaubert said "Madame Bovary, c'est moi".

>> No.22681264

You already posted it. Danganronpa is the best you'll get.

>> No.22681293
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Blows the whole female conspiracy wide open. She received death threats for exposing this.

>> No.22681318

He never said that. It was invented by René Descharmes out of hearsay.

>> No.22681337

Benito Pérez Galdós - Tristana

>> No.22681365

What are you trying to understand about it?

>> No.22681429
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Women like tall men.

>> No.22681450
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>My green outfit was modest, only five inches above the knees

>> No.22681554

for that you would have to understand one of the oldest questions in philosophy

>> No.22681713
File: 27 KB, 461x461, IMG_3059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I always set my height to 7’0 on dating apps even though I’m 5’8
Nothin personnel, kid

>> No.22681799

>Ayn Rand
>female mind

>> No.22681848

holy topkek

>> No.22681949

Libertarianism is a peak of roastie mindset

>> No.22681970

Rand is an idiot. Capitalism is inherently fragile.
If freedom from state and capitalism is masculine, then lets get that. But please stop talking like a twelve year old

>> No.22682222

There aren't any books that explain the female mind because women don't know themselves on purpose. It's not that women CAN'T know themselves, it's just they tactically choose not to.

In the Season 1 finale of Yu-Gi-OH!, lowly Yugi duels PegaSUS, who is a powerful billionaire with the ability to read minds. Yugi doesn't stand a chance, because pegasus just knows all of the cards that yugi holds and every move he is going to make. However, in a last ditch move, Yugi places a card face down and employs his multiple-personality schizo consciousness to switch minds. Now Yugi is not a powerful pharoah, but is a child and is unaware of the card that he played. He ultimately wins because pegasus cannot possible read his mind, since the truth of the matter isnt even known to yugi.

This is exactly what women have to do to compete with alpha giga chads. They know these dudes will always outsmart them, so they do irrational and self-ignorant actions constantly because there's no counter to that

>> No.22682416

>the female mind
Anon, women aren't part of some Platonic superintelligence. They are individuals with their own brains and their own minds. They are raised in a common female culture which influences how they think. Basically, you need less psychology and more anthropology, specifically studies of women in your location and culture.

>> No.22682458


>> No.22682478

female mental anatomy is clearly just a front for evopsych calculations involving optimal personality to raise children and whether the man can be convinced to stay. If you take them out of that context there's nothing in there, completely hollow

>> No.22682479

>women are NPCs, as they just mindlessly adhere to social norms
I agree

>> No.22682481

legendary get

>> No.22682712


>> No.22683030

women are repulsed by circus freaks

>> No.22683211

No More Mr. Nice Guy is probably the most tasteful of all the manosphere drivel. You needn't read anything else on the subject after it, and it doesn't say anymore than it needs to either.

>> No.22683218
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checked and I hate women

>> No.22684732


>> No.22684742

Paradise Lost

>> No.22686129

Based reference

>> No.22686378

Pretty good.

>> No.22686393

>that drop between 6'0 and 5'11
It's literally just so they can say he is six feet.
Another reason why the metric system is better. The "pussy-wetting" height is 180, or 5"10

>> No.22686503
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Treat "precious" as substitution code for "vagina" and you have a comprehensive model of the female mind in Gollum.

>> No.22686546

There's a slightly oversized gradient there but the overall distribution is not that far from a normal. It's still very representative of female preference with a slight glitch from the meme number.

>> No.22686609

Ayn Rand has Autism.

She is too smart to have a female mind.

>> No.22686663

Out of all the rewriting of history about trannies everywhere, Ayn Rand gives me FTM vibes.

>> No.22686665

Don’t do this.
They’re all fucking retarded and it’s nothing more than mentally crippling for you to be around them in a platonic setting.

>> No.22686691

Look at research done on mental patients.

>> No.22686726
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This one is good

>> No.22687024
File: 138 KB, 768x719, 2D8BEDC1-2F91-419B-80A6-C07E22C411A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I understand the female mind? Any books for that?