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/lit/ - Literature

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22782198 No.22782198 [Reply] [Original]

Have anyone noticed the midwit has gotten a lot more vicious in the last couple years? People used to know their place. Now every audience thinks that they should be in control and dictating things. Almost anything that you do nowadays provokes the defiance of the mediocre. This is not just prevalent in literature but in music, videogames, and film as well.

>> No.22782201

It will only get worse now with A.I.

>> No.22782222

>Reddit meme
>Utterly retarded, low-effort shitpost
Go back

>> No.22782223

quads prove that OP is a redditor faggot

>> No.22782260

This is what I'm talking about. Internet was not like this even one year ago. Now everything provokes the rage of retards, without exception.

>> No.22782271

A lot of it is bots. The NWO want to create an environment everyone is at each others throats, so that they can hold onto power easier. This means creating opposition at even a micro/macro level, and turning disposable culture into tools for division and warfare.

>> No.22782287

if you run into midwits all day long then maybe you're the midwit, son

>> No.22782292

This is increasing each year ever since the implementation of social media. The thing is, before the internet, non-intellectual people had no platform to express their opinions. Now they not only have a platform but are also encouraged to do so."Everything is political" is a sort of mantra in online discourse; people are induced to get angry at trivial issues, like corporations neglecting their needs. They get instigated by other "social influencers" who are also just echoing the status quo of their ideology without a single original thought.They're not well-educated, lacking basic knowledge to support their arguments, but they have the urge.
It will get worse

>> No.22783476

The quads have spoken.

>> No.22783506

We lost every space we had
Normies invaded everything
Nerd culture, the internet
Theres no more male only spaces
Theres pression against gatekeeping of all sorts - except to keep white, straight men out
Intelligent people lost the ability to organize
Everything got dumbed down to the lowest common denominator
But its all just the continuation of a process that started over 200 years ago
Either a neo Luditte, back to the land movement comes or it will be a slow cultural death

>> No.22783509

Universities are midwit factories, they will only increase.

>> No.22783512

Read Revolt of the Masses

>> No.22784212

How fucking new are you? 4chan has always been like this, and the internet at large as well. There's no way you aren't underage.

>> No.22784215
File: 399 KB, 1280x1280, Hegelisthebest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But in these times of freedom and equality, in which such a large educated public has been formed, that will not allow anything to be shut away from it, but considers itself good for anything – or everything good enough for it – in these times even the highest beauty and the greatest good have not been able to escape the fate of being mishandled by the common mob which cannot rise to what it sees floating above it, until it has been made common enough to be fit for their possessing; so that vulgarization has forced its way into being recognized as a meritorious kind of labour.

>> No.22784220

This. OP is a faggot, this thread is not /lit/

>> No.22784221

I notice normies use the basedjak/chad format to voice their completely banal opinions. There's no zest or hint of irony or counter-intuitive twist — it's played completely straight. It’s very bizarre. I also notice that normies use 4chan rhetoric but without any of the transgressive grist associated with it, it is used instead as a tool to ostracise deviants and enforce conformity.

>> No.22784226

This post reeks of newfag. I am smirking so fucking hard right now reading this

>> No.22784256

people will go insane lengths to cope, some people will be so driven to insanity they will invent wwii tech that already exists. the average midwit lives by comparison and that isn't allowed in egalitarian societies, so the seethe copounds

>> No.22784263

Neo-ludditism will never take off, keep dreaming

>> No.22785412

Yes people have always mistook the excesses of capitalism for their own self actualization. Now that capitalism is falling apart, there is only ruin and despair left over.

>> No.22785420
File: 49 KB, 550x400, ry1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if capitalism is falling apart
You can stimulate the economy easily by hiring enough people to solve a different problem. a positive solution should trend upward, after all

>> No.22785432

Yes, even down to posts on /lit/. I make posts responding to the topic at hand in a thread, the post is mainly an uncontroversial analysis/interpretation of/response to the literature at hand, and many cases in just what feels like the past year or two, there’s absolute retards trying to pick an online fight with me about imaginary stuff they’ve hallucinated is wrong in the post, and often they’re even extremely confidently incorrect. Also see it happening to other posters. Been here for maybe 7 years now (?) and it hasn’t been that bad, I don’t think I remember it being like that.

I don’t even remember the exact examples but it’s stuff that isn’t controversial getting irrationally angry responses. Like “Parmenides wasn’t a monist you fucking retard” (an exaggeration, but pretty close to some responses I’ve gotten). At least here, people are certainly becoming both much more retarded and much more vicious, as well as narcissistic.

>> No.22785519

It's just a meme

>> No.22785532

>Neo-ludditism will never take off, keep dreaming
Neo-ludditism is the only true and uncompromising answer to climate change, the rest is lip-sync.

>> No.22785542

I've noticed this too. Like, people were always wrong on /lit/, but now they're aggressively wrong, and they will get even more aggressive when you point out their errors to them. Used to be when you BTFO someone they'd just leave the thread and you wouldn't hear from them any more, a tacit acknowledgment of your victory. Now more and more people will just stick around and continue to be stupid.

>> No.22785553

>a tacit acknowledgment of your victory
>t. definitely not part of the problem

>> No.22785862

I mean, sometimes you ARE right. This sort of neo-postmodern view that “every interpretation is just as right as any other” itself seems part of the problem. I remember being younger and trying to bullshit here about Nietzsche and getting a response like, “This is such a fucking retarded interpretation of Nietzsche, have you even read him?” I was embarrassed enough to realize and silently admit I hadn’t and didn’t post in the thread anymore.

Now it’s more like “I’VE READ WIKIQUOTES AND WIKIPEDIA SUMMARIES OF NIETZSCHE’S THOUGHT, HERE’S WHY I THINK HE’S A DUMB CÜCK LMAO”, and that’ll be about 6 or 7 of the threads up on the catalog at any given time.

>> No.22785893

I will never understand why there have to be so many Nietzsche threads up at one time. Especially when it is blatantly obvious they were all made by the same person.

>> No.22785914

People think they’re a lot more intelligent and interesting than they really are. When they get even negative attention in response to this (“You’re a dumbass and not as intelligent, insightful, or interesting as you think you are”), negative attention is still attention, hence = a good thing, so they disregard it as “just haters hating” until they ignobly die then get recycled on the Earth into similarly hellish, stupid conditions, perhaps with a slight boost in intelligent and moral reasoning and action from what they’ve already suffered (the “don’t-put-your-hand-on-a-hot-stove” principle, whereby you learn not to burn your hand, just as you hopefully eventually learn not to be an arrogant ass, as it makes your life feel empty, especially when viewed in retrospect upon your deathbed).

>> No.22785917

It may be CCP bots, they want to make regular discussion impossible therefore they spam every forum with auto troll replies.