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22954971 No.22954971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books did the Nazis read?
They obviously weren't stupid, and the elite were arguable supergeniuses, especially Adolf himself.

>> No.22954984

They were chuds, chuds don't read

>> No.22954985


>> No.22954994
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>They were chuds, chuds don't read

>> No.22955000

>16,300 volumes
Not surprising. Kubizek said that he began to read fanatically aged 15.

>> No.22955043

Most of those were publisher gifts hoping to curry favor. Do you think presidents read every book they are gifted? The actual remnants of Hitler's library are of very little interest to historians since they don't contain markings nor do they show signs of being used. The ones that were used and had underlined passages were conspiracy theories about da Joos.

>> No.22955061

>Hitler had one testicle
>Hitler crossdressed
>Hitler turned Jews into lampshades
>Hitler made a masturbation rollercoaster
Add another one to the list
>Hitler ackshually didn't read books his library was secretly a fraud

>> No.22955065


>What books did the Nazis read?
I don't want to share my collection here but there's a shocking amount of archaeology involved.

>> No.22955071

Ha, it's on the list

>> No.22955073

As we all know people are incapable of conspiring. It's just not possible for a group of people to organize together covertly and break the law, it never happens. And especially a race and culture which is utterly obsessed with maintaining itself as apart and pure from other races could absolutely never produce any groups of people who conspire together.

Nope it's all just abstract, emergent systems. Completely impossible for criminal conspiracies to exist or impact anything that matters.

>> No.22955079
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Exactly this. Everyone regarded Hitler as an extraordinarily gifted mind, and everyone used to recall how he could discuss at extreme length the contents of any genre of books, even as the stress of the war sinked in.
I can't say for certain, but I personally believe he was the smartest leader in modern history.

>> No.22955087

>Hitler had books he didn't read bound in human skin

>> No.22955092


>> No.22955103
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>mfw chuds are now complaining on /lit/ about the one testicle accusation

>> No.22955117

Why do you unironically continue to use 'chud' as an insult? It's the most nebulous, inoffensive meme term.
If you truly want to offend a Fascist, refute his ideas in an intelligible way. Not that it happens much of course.

>> No.22955120

Everyone here is a chud, it's used endearingly or as a mock insult

>> No.22955126

fascists aren't smart enough to have a functional world view that doesn't lapse into meme bullshit a la Evola, which is why most internet fascists disappear after they turn 22

>> No.22955129

"Fascist" in e-discourse mostly just means antisemite

>> No.22955151
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>fascists aren't smart enough to have a functional world view that doesn't lapse into meme bullshit a la Evola
Then you've not talked to many of the genuine ones. Liberals and Leftists have no counter to people such as Jonathan Bowden, Jared Taylor, Kai Murros, Keith Woods, Thomas Sewell or even Mike Enoch, Warren Balogh and Simon Lindberg types.
Leftists literally talk for hours without saying anything of substance, but it is so emotionally charged and aggressively repeated that they maintain their minority rule.

The truth is that genuine Fascism is the unseen magma beneath the surface, and it is going to surface eventually. I promise you that.

>> No.22955163

It's always sad to see someone living in such genuine unreality on a place like this, knowing they'll keep spiraling until they kill themselves or get some serious help. Really and truly, good luck to you on your recovery back to humanity.

>> No.22955168

>political opinion i don't like therefore mental illness

>> No.22955171

>Simon Lindberg
stormsnorre moment asg

>> No.22955172

>Leftists literally talk for hours without saying anything of substance, but it is so emotionally charged and aggressively repeated

You literally just did what he described lol. Leftards can’t have a political discussion without pathologizing and breaking into psychoanalyst speak.

>> No.22955175

> Jared Taylor
He’s a retard. Would gladly debate him on the different lies he has told. It’s actually funny that interviewers just accept his dishonesty without challenging it.

>> No.22955179

>genuine unreality
That is rich indeed. Liberal humanism (Judeo-Capitalism) is the unreality my friend. And it currently resides atop a mountain of $330 Trillion of debt.
So please enjoy the final years of your little 80 year experiment.

>> No.22955184

>someone holds up Thomas fucking Sewell as a great thinker that no one can outdebate
>not mentally ill
c'mon now

>> No.22955188

pretty much none of those people are fascists THOUGH. hell one is even a communist so you clearly don't know much substance yourself.

>> No.22955189
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i like Thomas Sowell

>> No.22955191

> Destroyed Germany then killed himself to get out of his mess
> Smart

>> No.22955198

Not Thomas Sowell. Thomas Sewell. There's a LARGE difference.

>> No.22955200

Sewell is a 140 IQ individual lol. His interviews and podcasts make that abundantly clear.


>> No.22955208

Leftists believe in the plausibility of a 'stateless, classless society'. They can't answer even the most elementary and basic questions about how this would function or be structured. Every leftist revolution in history has just been a dictatorship by a mafia that accomplished precisely zero 'emancipation of the people', because there is literally not even the vaguest framework of what their stateless, classless society is actually supposed to be. Their response to this is that the revolution will somehow eventually produce this society, and to nobody's surprise they are incapable of explaining how this transformation will occur.

Someone who can meme themselves into this as a political worldview is so fundamentally divorced from even a shred of integrity and honesty that it should probably qualify as an actual mental illness.

>> No.22955209
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Strongly recommend a New Nobility.

>> No.22955212

>pretty much none of those people are fascists THOUGH
They're all fascists and third positionists.

>> No.22955220

Hitler famously subscribed to the "if you kill your enemies, they win" idea of realpolitik.

>> No.22955221 [DELETED] 

>nice nation you have here, goy. it'd be a shame if something happened to it...
no one is falling for this shit, kike

>> No.22955222

It’s this guy

>> No.22955223

140 iq and yet attacks people like a rabid animal across multiple instances
>youtube video
again, lmao

>> No.22955224

I thought he was black though

>> No.22955229

Leftists aren't motivated by altruism or compassion. They're extreme individualists, as paradoxical as that may sound. They're motivated by self-interest and envy of superior groups and individuals, hence their tendency to kill millions of richer, smarter and more beautiful people if they ever attain power.

Leftism is the religion of retarded psychopaths and gullible university kids. The Unabomber was right when he suggested it be classed as a mental illness.


>> No.22955230

Different guy

>> No.22955244

>I did a big swastika poster in high school and then I found stormcloak
>also i was in the military and completely forgot about white nationalism until an indian or a sikh was in and allowed to wear his turban and why was he allowed to do that but Christians can't?
this is a 140 iq man? Really? For fuck's sake

>> No.22955246
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>> No.22955247

You're not engaging in any of the ideas, just throwing ad hominems. You've lost this argument man

>> No.22955250

Your argument was “he’s 140iq, therefore, he’s a great thinker”

>> No.22955251


>> No.22955254

It's not an ad hom to look at someone who has repeatedly been arrested for physical altercations and say "this person is not intelligent"

and I'm on 4chan with feds and schizos, so there's no point in even trying to tackle any of the stupidity anyway

>> No.22955256

Physical violence is okay

>> No.22955262

>any brown person does it
>person I like does it

l i k e c l o c k w o r k

>> No.22955263

Except if it happens to a group or person you like.

>> No.22955265

It's bad when bad things happen to good people

>> No.22955266

You won’t get consistency from pseudo nazis. Their ideology has many wholes and double standards.

>> No.22955268

There are no good people.

>> No.22955282

>Physical violence is okay
Exactly. When you have Jews using millions of subhumans to destroy your society, the only reasonable recourse is organised violence.

>> No.22955283

> Destroyed Germany
The only reason the allies even struck at Germany in the first place was because it was getting too powerful. Brain dead take

>> No.22955294

Phoneposting underagefaggot

>> No.22955304

That worked out well the last times.

>> No.22955308
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>> No.22955309

It's this sort of hubris that will get you eventually

>> No.22955311

>That worked out well the last times.
It almost succeeded, and it was only a small handful of countries lol. This time will be very different.

>> No.22955333

Hardcore ones would read works taken up into the official SS canon determined by the SS headquarters. Books would be either a stamp that it was official SS literature or that is was official + taken into the canon for the education of future generations. The vast majority of these were pamphlets. Note however some books not deemed official canon at all like myth of the 20th century could still be popular among the general population.

Good examples are:
>Everything from Kurt Eggers
>The book which is a collection of a lot of diaries/pamphlets: The SS order ethics & ideology - Edwige Thibaut
>Some works like that of Johann von Leers. Ex. Odal: Das Lebensgesetz eines ewigen Deutschland

>> No.22955342


>> No.22955345

My goodness this will never not be funny.

>> No.22955349
File: 21 KB, 620x878, Handbook Of The NS Propagandist-NSDAP_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22955361 [DELETED] 
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>niggers brutally assaulting random old people on the subway and stomping on their head every day is the same as fighting men in war
nigger idiot detected

do you simp for niggers like george fenty floyd while they destroy society? you stupid redditor faggot

>> No.22955371

>and yet attacks people like a rabid animal across multiple instances
when has he attacked people? it's only ever been self-defense, like when that shitskin mutt grabbed his friend by the neck, he stepped in and knocked him down, you retard

also, having a high IQ doesn't mean you can't attack people, how fucking stupid are you to make this argument haahaha

>> No.22955379

i'm not a nazi but far right and have around 140 iq, the fact that you disagree with these people just means you're a dumbass, new to the uncensored internet, or a brown invader (going to be sent back hahaha)

>> No.22955383

>it’s good when we do it!

>> No.22955384

based, leftists are inferior

>> No.22955390

>t. simpleton who obviously only knows about these topics through memes

>> No.22955393

The book thing makes sense, thoughbeit.

>> No.22955397
File: 79 KB, 1092x585, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always sad to see someone living in such genuine unreality on a place like this, knowing they'll keep spiraling until they kill themselves or get some serious help. Really and truly, good luck to you on your recovery back to humanity.

see how vapid the average leftist reply is? there is no substance to it or not even any interest in refuting or engaging with the ideas, just a deluded sense of moral superiority to make itself feel better, like a woman!

>> No.22955399
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You will be defeated in time.

>> No.22955403

what is?

>> No.22955405

Doesn't matter I'm going to conflate it with a bunch of ridiculous claims to discredit it

>> No.22955407

I could destroy you both physically and intellectually.

>> No.22955408
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to actually answer the question, they read Wagner

>> No.22955410

>You will be defeated in time.
Just try it. Remember Spain ;)

>> No.22955418
File: 85 KB, 546x485, 1683777160932379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself antifa subhuman

>> No.22955423

>What books did the Nazis read?
Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Goethe, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Meister Eckhart, and Oswald Spengler get referenced frequently in their writings.

>> No.22955424

>makes sense
as if you would know

you're seething at "nazis" on the computer you fucking pathetic, impotent tranny subhuman. do you know what a fucking loser you are?

>> No.22955433

> as if you would know
Hitler made retarded mistakes. A wise reader wouldn’t make those mistakes. It’s also unlikely he read 16,000 volumes. I don’t need to know to know :)

>> No.22955436

> you're seething at "nazis" on the computer you fucking pathetic, impotent tranny subhuman. do you know what a fucking loser you are?
You’re so high IQ that you can’t see the irony here lol some master race!

>> No.22955443

Just try it. Remember Nazi Germany ;)
>pic rel
That’s your average European these days. Good luck with the violence.

>> No.22955453

The fascist worldview is largely just
>hierarchy is necessary
>hierarchy is good, the body of the people serve the state for some greater purpose
>the state should be helmed by superior men who use their judgment for each given situation rather than adhering to some dogmatic ideology
>competition and violence are unavoidable parts of existence and also a measure of health and vitality
>eugenics are important
>it is important to retain a link to tradition but to face the future with a sense of creative progression

It's not really incoherent or particularly complicated.

>> No.22955468

forgot to mention
>a state should be defined by a particular ethnos, and different ethnicities have different natures and requirements
>general affirmation of patriarchy though they were actually a bit soft on this point

>> No.22955504

It’s not functional in real world today.

>> No.22955506

more like
>hierarchy is good, but only when we're at the top because if hierarchy lets groups we don't like into power then that's not okay
>the state will be served by the people for a "greater purpose" they have no say in
>the superior men that helm the state will be qualified as such by them saying so or making up arbitrary reasons they're superior
and so on. Completely inconsistent and fragile when poked at all.

>> No.22955527

I'd consider Israel to be more or less fascist and it works fine.

>>hierarchy is good, but only when we're at the top because if hierarchy lets groups we don't like into power then that's not okay
Well you don't want the group at the top to be hostile towards the masses it rules over.
>rbitrary reasons they're superior
Intelligence and virtue aren't arbitrary. Now the question of how you get intelligent and virtuous men to be the ones in power is harder to answer obviously, but it's theoretically possible.

>> No.22955534
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sure it is, we just need to get rid of people like you

>> No.22955544

Would you consider a white man who works to lift up the oppressed, the poor, blacks, gays, and such as being virtuous? And if he had a high IQ he would be your ideal leader?

>> No.22955547

>I'd consider Israel to be more or less fascist and it works fine.
They’re at war and it’s a conflict that gets larger and larger every day. They’re also not fascist.

>> No.22955552

>we just need to eliminate most of the world and our fantasy will be achieved!

>> No.22955553

>o lift up the oppressed, the poor, blacks, gays,
Depends what you mean by lift up. If it means creating conditions for them sustain themselves and flourish to the best of their abilities then sure, but not stuff like welfare.

I don't think being gay should be encouraged because it's disordered behavior. I don't think they need to be killed or whatever and realistically you can't stop people fucking each other in their own homes, but it shouldn't be promoted. I view it as being kind of like being a drunk or something.

>> No.22955554

>works fine
it's not fascist, but it's also entirely propped up by U.S. bucks. It's a non-functional state without that.

>> No.22955560

>thing that places zero impact on your ability to critically think, work, personal relationships, responsibilities
>the same as being a literal braindump of toxins that can't function
it's okay to admit you've got some kind of same sex longing, anon. Thinking it's on par with being a drunk is just a weirder way of saying it.

>> No.22955565

That's a meme conflict though, they could just carpet bomb gaza in a day or two. I think they are fascist because of the extreme emphasis on the Jewish ethnicity preserving itself and prospering without much regard for other races. Their political figures also say stuff like
>The weak crumble, are slaughtered and are erased from history while the strong, for good or for ill, survive. The strong are respected, and alliances are made with the strong, and in the end peace is made with the strong.
Which sounds fairly fascist to me.

>> No.22955569

The average life expectancy of gays is like 50, it's unironically more dangerous than being a drunk

>> No.22955577
File: 139 KB, 900x894, american_juche_symbol_by_strigon85_ddmtti6-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, did the Norks rip off the Nazis?

What is that emblem?

>> No.22955579

Don’t you understand that its fascist and evil to stop men from fucking each other in the ass until they die???!!!

>> No.22955582

25% of Israel is non-Jewish and they allow non-Jews in their government. Also, politicians may say whatever they want to flex but the real power comes from Amerigoyim’s dollars. They wouldn’t exist without America. They would be destroyed by all their neighbors.

>> No.22955588

They dont allow jews to marry nonjews though. And they work very hard to promote a culture of high fertility in women

>> No.22955611

> They dont allow jews to marry nonjews though
They can, actually, but their religion has to match. If Abigail wants to marry Ahmed she has to convert to his religion, for example. It’s not an ethnic thing like you imagine. It’s religious.
> And they work very hard to promote a culture of high fertility in women
They promote LGBT degeneracy which is counterproductive (they’re one of the gayest countries on Earth). They do extract cum from fallen soldiers so they care to some point about heritage but again, this is a new process if I’m not mistaken.

>> No.22955695
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>>fascists aren't smart enough to have a functional world view that doesn't lapse into meme bullshit a la Evola
>Then you've not talked to many of the genuine ones. Liberals and Leftists have no counter to people such as Jonathan Bowden, Jared Taylor, Kai Murros, Keith Woods, Thomas Sewell or even Mike Enoch, Warren Balogh and Simon Lindberg types.
Calling vermin like Enoch 'fascists' degrades the term. There most definitely were fascist intellectuals and they were men of some depth. Examples: neo-Hegelian philosopher Giovanni Gentile, Ezra Pound, Marinetti, Panunzio, Spirito, Mosley, Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, Montherlant. Do some reading, man. This is /lit/, dammit/

>> No.22955714

The jewish religion is itself based on ethnicity though, so it's both. The LGBT stuff I will grant you is not fascist at all and just standard libtardism, it's a bit odd really when you consider the rest of their culture.

Anyway if you want to argue that Israel isn't fascist you can at least agree that it has fascist elements, and moreover I don't see anything that would prevent it from becoming more so. There is nothing that dysfunctional about fascism that would make it impossible to exist in a modern country.

>> No.22955721

What is the source of your image? I saw it on /pol/ earlier and google couldn't find any other results for it. Is it an AI image?

>> No.22955775
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>> No.22955784
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>> No.22955788

None of that has anything to do with fascism. Israel is no more fascist than any other modern state is. Now, if it was actually run by rabbis and the judiciary was actively enforcing halakha then you could make an argument that it's spiritually fascist in a way that other states aren't.

>> No.22955792

>le irony!
Detecting irony (or whatever delusional bullshit your tranny brain detects) has nothing to do with IQ you fucking idiot

Pic rel is you, the average White man could beat your head in with one hand tied behind his back, you subhuman tranny shitskin

>> No.22955795

> The jewish religion is itself based on ethnicity though, so it's both
They accept converts and some branches are more lenient than others. It’s 100% a religious issue.
> Anyway if you want to argue that Israel isn't fascist you can at least agree that it has fascist elements
Sure but that also applies to other countries tbf
> There is nothing that dysfunctional about fascism that would make it impossible to exist in a modern country.
Depends what kind of fascism. I don’t see anything race-based really being implemented.

>> No.22955797

>source: my ruined tranny ass

>> No.22955804

low IQ leftard post

>> No.22955805

You seem upset. Have you jerk off to pictures of Hitler today? It’s weird that you think about trannies all the time.

>> No.22955808
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where does it say that?

>> No.22955810

>They accept converts and some branches are more lenient than others. It’s 100% a religious issue.
This is a meme tbqhwyf. They view their ethnicity as being completely distinct from gentiles. The biggest rabbis in Israel say outright racial supremacist stuff all the time

If a white country had an ethnoreligion like that I bet you would call it fascist. Like if Germany declared Germans to be God's chosen people and adopted Israeli laws about intermarriage nobody would be like 'oh it's just religious, it's not an ethnic thing'.

>> No.22955811

Most people disagree with your views. You’ll have to fight us all.

>> No.22955812
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>Have you jerk off to pictures of Hitler today?
Learn English before posting you fucking stupid shitskin

>> No.22955816

>It’s 100% a religious issue
We all know this isn’t the case and the jewish religion is a thinly veiled racial supremacy cult. Most Israeli Jews don’t even believe in God. Its interesting that everything about Judaism is designed to be confusing and opaque to outsiders. Including its very nature as a “religion”

>> No.22955821

what view? you were implying that nazis want to wipe out most of the world, which is the stupidest thing i've read today, so good job. but you have some explaining to do, monkey.

>> No.22955827

yup, jews define themselves normally as a race but call it a religion when it suits them

>> No.22955828

>you forgot le -ed at the end!
kek faggot spellchdking redditor.
This is why you lose btw.

>> No.22955838

You have the textual interpretation of a chimp. So much for the based intellectual Nazis. You said:
> we just need to get rid of people like you
Most people are like me, retard. You “just” need to fight us all. Small detail.

>> No.22955848

> This is a meme tbqhwyf. They view their ethnicity as being completely distinct from gentiles. The biggest rabbis in Israel say outright racial supremacist stuff all the time
Legal in Israel for marriage, which was the point.
> If a white country had an ethnoreligion like that I bet you would call it fascist. Like if Germany declared Germans to be God's chosen people and adopted Israeli laws about intermarriage nobody would be like 'oh it's just religious, it's not an ethnic thing'.
Judaism is an ancient established religion. Evil, yes, but ancient. So your comparison doesn’t really work.

>> No.22955854

The vast majority of normies are not anti-nazi in any meaningful way, they just know that the powers that be are anti-nazi so they parrot it. If there was a coup they'd all go along with it seamlessly, they wouldn't even remember even not being nazis.

>> No.22955860

>Legal in Israel for marriage, which was the point.
Yeah but it's functionally the same thing is the point. A handful of converts one way or the other doesn't change the main pattern.

Also Israel doesn't even really believe in other races being allowed to be jews, remember when they were trying to sterilize the Ethiopian jew migrants lmao

>> No.22955875

Hitler declared war on every one of his eventual enemies.
The Entente was bending over backwards in their attempts to appease Hitler pre Polish invasion.
Even Stalin and Hitler decided to sign a non aggression pact, although it is arguable that Germany and the USSR were eventually going to fight eventually.
Hitler declared war on the US despite the American public and political establishment (apart from FDR) being extremely isolationist.

Try again.

>> No.22955886
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This is a great read, really expands on a world-view many people within the Nazi's Third Reich had, or tried to embrace.

>> No.22955890
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>> No.22955891

Listen, pal, I’m not going to start defending Israel like I’m Shlomo Faggowitz just to prove a point or something lmao

I’m actually a nationalist who likes to argue from time to time with the /lit/bros. Have a good day everyone :D

>> No.22955894
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>> No.22955902
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>> No.22955906
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>> No.22955910

reason I'm a fascist and not a nazi is because I wanna fuck with brown chicks and I have chill friends who are brown

>> No.22955934

That's an old Nazi canard. They couldn't believe that a non-ideological state could prevail, yet, look how things turned out.

>> No.22955952

I wouldnt go that far. White people did conspiracies during colonialism.

>> No.22956011

everyone that knew him said that he read endlessly though

>> No.22956016

Doesn't contradict what that guy said, thoughever.

>> No.22956035

I love being monarchist and watching nazis and commies spew shit at each other

>> No.22956051
File: 1.45 MB, 1200x1378, Ed0zugrX0AEaxWb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love being monarchist and watching nazis and commies spew shit at each other

>> No.22956065

There are multiple sources of Hitler referencing all manner of classical literature, from speeches to casual conversation, to his self-professed love for the written word. You can literally view on youtube Hitler free styling a speech wherein he references multiple different classics.

>> No.22956106

Monarchism is not even that different from nazism. You could slap together some kind of legitimist defense of the nazis pretty easily

>> No.22956109

It's very different, specifically the race stuff.

>> No.22956120

All of the european monarchies understood the concept of breeding. If anything they were just more granular in their race analysis, by looking at individual bloodlines.

The way legitimists defend the right of the sovereign is not really that different to the nazi justifications for the fuhrer.

>> No.22956125

Sure but we're talking about elites. They are married well even now. It was not about race but about particular bloodlines like you say.

>> No.22956129

It's the same concept to me. Just genetic lineages, races are bigger than families but it's the same thing. The Nazis basically just thought 'we should apply this concept to the masses as well as the noble bloodlines".

>> No.22956143

>Invade Poland despite knowing this triggers war with France and the UK
>Invade Greece just because, Norway too
>Then, start war with massive USSR despite being unable to win current war
>Then declare war on the USA, an absolute production behemoth
>Refuse to surrender to the West despite this being the only possible way to stave off Russian conquest and mass rape
>Use country as giant funeral pyre
>Blow brains out
Awesome. Very smart play. My favorite is the "no retreat orders," that kept getting huge formations killed.

>> No.22956153
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What you post in every Far-Right thread does more to radicalize Europeans than a dozen of my posts.

>> No.22956162

>It's the same concept to me.
It's really not.
> Just genetic lineages, races are bigger than families but it's the same thing.
I don't see how.
>The Nazis basically just thought 'we should apply this concept to the masses as well as the noble bloodlines.
which changes the whole idea. You go from elite, to everyone.

>> No.22956165
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>> No.22956171
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Why does the Left link everything to sex, but when the Right says the same about trannies, troons. fags and wrose with kids they defend it as purely non-sexual?

>> No.22956174

It doesn't change the concept at all. You can still maintain elite bloodlines, it's just applying the same concept to other demographics.

>> No.22956178

Zizek actually has a good bit on this about how the right are pathologically obsessed with trannies and cuckolding and Jews to such an extent that even if it were proven true their pathologies would have discredited it in the eyes of the world.

>> No.22956184
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>Talks about Sex
>Is himself riddled with dysfunctions

>> No.22956189

>their pathologies would have discredited it in the eyes of the world.
Who cares about 'the eyes of the world', what matters is the truth.

>> No.22956191

Zizek is a fraud and irrelevant

>> No.22956192

Lol exactly right. Leftist academia since 1945 has been a serious of deformed freaks projecting their hangups onto society. Reminds me of the constant jeers of “incel” I see from leftist basedboys who are probably incels themselves.

>> No.22956199
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>> No.22956202

>just applying the same concept to other demographics.
But that's a different concept, that's why it's a different system. Applying the same rules for the plebeians already makes it different. Also, the rules for the elite are not race-based like they would be in Nazism. The priorities are just different.

>> No.22956205
File: 1.89 MB, 950x966, hog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is the alleged "people" calling you an incel

truth is, i fuck and date chicks that are hot, unlike this disgusting pig beast. guess that's why they're mad.

leftists are spiritual children, they rarely possess wisdom or good character

>> No.22956213

>oy vey how dare Germany try to take back territory it held for a thousand years and secure it's own future after mercantile elites literally stole everything from them after ww1!
nevermind the fact that the nazis were constantly requesting truces and attempting negotiations and the allies would only accept their UNCONDITIONAL surrender, which is historically unprecedented

>> No.22956214

>Also, the rules for the elite are not race-based like they would be in Nazism.
They're based on genetic value and compatibility, which are necessarily going to align with racial divisions. A race is literally just a group of genetically related lineages.

I think it's a bit silly to say that applying eugenics to more people somehow changes it from being eugenics.

>> No.22956217

the nazis had nothing against browns, they just didn't want millions of them in their country and threatening the destiny of European people. they called Iranians Aryans and had huge respect for muslims. Hitler stood and applauded when a black person won a gold meddle in his olympics, this idea that they hated and wanted to exterminate every non-White is ridiculous propaganda

i'm not a fascist or a nazi either

>> No.22956220

>You go from elite, to everyone
yes, the Folk. they weren't elitists.

>> No.22956225

i didn't even write that you halfwit, when he says people like you he's talking about anti-White leftist cucks, so much for your "textual interpretation" hahaha

lose what? i'm not even political, i'm just laughing at faggots (like you) who cry about rightwingers on the internet

>> No.22956227

More armed than any trump supporter at the "insurrection" kek

>> No.22956228

>the elite were arguable supergeniuses
>especially Adolf himself
Hitler literally lost the war with his inept retardation, and died in his bunker having said that the slavs were right to obliterate the german people due to old men and women not picking up arms to die for him.

>> No.22956230

>They're based on genetic value and compatibility, which are necessarily going to align with racial divisions.
Not necessarily. In a monarchy the elites first marry due to political and economic interests. Race is not a priority. European royalty can marry royalty from everywhere else if the family sees it fit or allows it. It doesn't have to do with race primary.
>I think it's a bit silly to say that applying eugenics to more people somehow changes it from being eugenics.
It's not eugenics. I think you misunderstand royalty. You think it's the genetically best marrying. It's not. How many sickly and insane royalty there are/were? Plenty.

>> No.22956232
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how many vaccines did you get tho?

>> No.22956235

I figured you would consider that a failure mode of monarchy. If your political system is based around an aristocratic lineage ruling over masses then it is of paramount importance that you maintain that lineage's genetic value isn't it?

>> No.22956236

Correct, the Nazis weren't like monarchists at all.

>> No.22956239

>i didn't even write that you halfwit, when he says people like you he's talking about anti-White leftist cucks, so much for your "textual interpretation" hahaha
He's talking about anti-Nazis. That's most of the world in 2024.

>> No.22956242

yes, most of the world is brown and retarded now, just like you

>> No.22956246

I don't see how aristocrats marrying would be a failure mode of monarchy. It has nothing to with eugenics or genetics. That's coincidental. The paramount thing is political/economic interests.

>> No.22956249

It's a good thing most of the world isn't an evil pseudo nazi like you. Good luck fighting us.

>> No.22956250

The aristocrats need to be competent if they are going to rule, or everything will go to shit. In fact that's pretty much exactly what happened and then they lost their power.

>> No.22956254

Didn’t like 1000 white men conquer south america? I’m not really too worried about the white man’s chances once everyone wakes up

>> No.22956266
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>That's most of the world in 2024.

>> No.22956268
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>> No.22956283

>Didn’t like 1000 white men conquer south america?
I'm not an expert on history but I don't think it was that simple, pal.
>I’m not really too worried about the white man’s chances once everyone wakes up
Suit yourself. Or better, write a book about your genocidal fantasies like that Turner Diaries guy did.

>> No.22956285

You seem upset, bud. Are you alright?

>> No.22956292 [DELETED] 
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>You seem upset, bud. Are you alright?

>> No.22956298

post more midwit redditor cringe, m'fedora!

how many hollywood movies and cable documentaries on the nazis, aka the most evil psychopathic bad White kkk racists ever, have you watched? do you think donald trump is going to put mexicans and gay people in camps again?

>> No.22956302

You're not a serious person.

>> No.22956308

>replies instantly
no, wtf? seriously, post more of your retard normalfag opinions on things, reminds me of my grandma, who sits in front of the tv all day!

>> No.22956322

You just replied at the same amount of time. You're a confirmed troll now, carry on, lad.

>> No.22956342
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NTA but I'll confirm you're a retard.

>> No.22956352

obviously they read all that deviant jewish frankfurt school stuff. people don't burn books just because they have ugly covers.

>> No.22956353

>I'm not an expert on history
Trust me I already know that

>> No.22956357

>South America
lmao nazi intellectuals, everyone. Also, did you see the number of natives on their side there? I don't think you would've posted this shit if you did. You're a massive retard.

>> No.22956362

And I still know more than all of you combined. Pretentious pseudo intellectuals lol

>> No.22956370

Isn’t it interesting how this guy paints himself as an outsider, almost going to battle with everyone here? There are clearly like brigaders coming on here from somewhere lol

>> No.22956374

>a small number of Europeans didn't conquer South America!
They did. For example just over 3,000 managed to collapse the Aztec Empire.

>> No.22956375

I've been here for years. Not every poster is a ridiculous pseudo nazi fyi.

>> No.22956385

Aztecs are not in South America, you pretentious pseudo. And yes, the Spanish had many natives on their side. as well as foreign diseases at the time (which helped eliminating the enemies). Literally every person who knows basic history knows this. Except retarded neonazis for some reason. You're underread and uncultured and waaaay beneath me. Goodbye.

>> No.22956390

Most are. Even fewer have such a womanly and kneejerk reaction to the mention of fascism

>> No.22956392

I'm not that first guy btw. I came mid discussion.

>> No.22956395

Final message: Grow up! Leave the fantasies for the lunatics.

>> No.22956397


Remember when you said you weren’t an expert on history? You were right

>> No.22956400
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Yeah but the guy to whom you're replying is obviously a redditor.
>Aztecs are not in South America, you pretentious pseudo
There was no "South America" back then you absolute retard. If you want to be autistic about geography we can talk about the Inca (which is an even stronger point for that anon).
>And yes, the Spanish had many natives on their side
Which is indicative of great diplomacy. With only a few thousand men the Spanish Empire was able to project it's influence across the ocean and topple the empires that existed there.
>Literally every person who knows basic history knows this
The problem is you're regurgitating facts you've heard and are having a meltdown when someone smarter than yourself contextualizes them for you.

>> No.22956408

Wait until he finds out that Spain was conquered and subjugated by Muslims and how their behavior in the Americas reflects such.

>> No.22956427

>There was no "South America" back then you absolute retard.
The other poster mentioned South America. He obviously meant the people who inhabited what's now called South America. You brought up the Aztecs which are not in SA. You're obviously wrong.
>Which is indicative of great diplomacy. With only a few thousand men the Spanish Empire was able to project it's influence across the ocean and topple the empires that existed there.
They didn't do it alone. That's the point. There's a context to be understood.
>The problem is you're regurgitating facts you've heard and are having a meltdown when someone smarter than yourself contextualizes them for you.
You thought the Aztecs existed in South America. You're not smarter than me and you haven't contextualized shit.
> Lol
Is this not the Nazi thread? Weird because OP is jerking off to them and some are worshiping fascist ideals. I know you're not a nazi, you just larp as one (aka a neonazi).

>> No.22956432

>Remember when you said you weren’t an expert on history? You were right
You mistook the Inca for the Aztecs and N. America for S. America, so you're no expert either, little retard.

>> No.22956441

The Europeans mostly won in the Americas by pitting various native factions against each other. Both in the southern and northern continents that's pretty much the main way it played out. The second biggest factor is probably disease, and then third is technological advantages, which are overblown considering the natives adopted many new technologies pretty easily.

>> No.22956451

>He obviously meant the people who inhabited what's now called South America.
He made a vague comment about a handful of Europeans conquering South America. There was no "South America" back then and crying about the fact I'm not applying 21st century borders to something that happened in the 16th century is pathetic.
>They didn't do it alone. That's the point.
They did do it alone. Sorry, but being able to enact diplomacy in a hostile foreign land toward the overthrow of 3 major empires is more impressive than sending a massive army.
>You thought the Aztecs existed in South America
No but I'd include them as an important entity when it comes to the Spanish Conquest of what we now distinguish as South and Central America.
>Is this not the Nazi thread?
You cried about Nazis because you lost an argument.

Anon, your argument depends on autistic non-points about geography and the semantics over what constitutes "alone." You're an idiot.

>> No.22956457

>ignores inca
You mistook that anon for another. I guess that means you're wrong about everything.

>> No.22956461

That's more reasonable than "10 guys did it all!".

>> No.22956467

I never did. You just are talking out of your ass and won’t admit you are wrong like a hysterical woman

>> No.22956477

>He made a vague comment about a handful of Europeans conquering South America.
He made a cocksure comment and some retard replied with a wiki table or whatever about Aztecs.
>There was no "South America" back then
Not in name but it did exist in geographically and Aztecs weren't in it. They were in North America.
>trying about the fact I'm not applying 21st century borders to something that happened in the 16th century is pathetic.
What even is this cope, dude? Just accept you're wrong lmao
>They did do it alone. Sorry, but being able to enact diplomacy in a hostile foreign land toward the overthrow of 3 major empires is more impressive than sending a massive army.
Nope. They had many allies, as well as diseases on their side which greatly contributed. That's not acting alone. It's like being helped by many friends and colleagues, winning the lottery, and then claim you're a self-made man.
>You cried about Nazis because you lost an argument.
I made a passing comment in an obvious pseudo nazi thread. Now you're crying I called you a neonazi lmao unbelievable.

>> No.22956480

It was the other faggot, then. But someone did but he's not admitting his mistake lol

>> No.22956495

>He made a cocksure comment and some retard replied with a wiki table or whatever about Aztecs.
He made an entirely correct comment and the conquest of the Aztecs was a key part of the Spanish Conquest.
>Not in name but it did exist in geographically and Aztecs weren't in it
Was the conquest of the Aztecs a key component of the Spanish conquest of the Americas? Yes. Being autistic about modern geographical boundaries doesn't change the fact that a few thousand Europeans toppled multiple empires and conquered hundreds of thousands of Indigenous peoples.
Anon, the toppling of the Aztec Empire was one of the key events in the Spanish conquest of what we now call the Americas. The Spanish were able to project their influence across an ocean with minimal manpower. This is the main point of the argument...not what counts as South America and not the retarded idea that the Spanish fought alone.
>Nope. They had many allies.
Again, a few thousand Spanish used diplomacy and warfare to topple 3 massive empires in the process of establishing their total dominion over what we now call the Americas. The idea that they fought all by themselves is a qualification you're mixing into things that only fools retards such as yourself.
>I made a passing comment in an obvious pseudo nazi thread
You cried about Nazis because you're retard.

Still noticing you're avoiding any discussion of the Inca.

>> No.22956502

>Someone made a minor error about which of the btfo indian tribes was being discussed? That means I win!

>> No.22956507

He lost the argument so he's holding on to the idea I quoted another anon saying "South America" while posting about the Spanish conquest, which didn't distinguish between South America/Central America, is a gotcha. That's why he won't acknowledge any discussion of the Inca and can't answer directly when it's pointed out modern geographical borders don't factor into the Spanish Conquest as it took half a millennium ago.

>> No.22956527

Literally yes.
Moral particularism is based and this White excursion into universalism is what got us into this retarded mess. It is good for me to want good things for me and mine and not to care if others get them and vice versa.

>> No.22956558

>He made an entirely correct comment and the conquest of the Aztecs was a key part of the Spanish Conquest.
He said "1000 white men conquered South America" and then some retard provided "proof": an image about the Aztecs (lol) that shows the great amount of natives on their side (lol). Nothing about that is correct. You're just too proud to admit the mistake so you resort to muh it was not called like that or some nonsense.
>This is the main point of the argument...not what counts as South America and not the retarded idea that the Spanish fought alone.
Your foundations are wrong because you don't get what happened. You need allies to win. You need advantages to win (like diseases as unexpected bioweapons that they had).
>Still noticing you're avoiding any discussion of the Inca.
150,000 indigenous allies lmao you're going to claim it was just the Spaniards too under the guise of "diplomacy", right?
>He lost the argument so he's holding on to the idea I quoted another anon saying "South America" while posting about the Spanish conquest, which didn't distinguish between South America/Central America, is a gotcha.
What argument? There was no argument. Just uncultured faggots spreading lies, inaccuracies then coping when called out. It's not my fault you think North America and South America are the same. Or that you think Aztecs are South American.
>That's why he won't acknowledge any discussion of the Inca and can't answer directly when it's pointed out modern geographical borders don't factor into the Spanish Conquest as it took half a millennium ago.
I just did above. Funny that you talk about factors but somehow allies and diseases don't count. It was just a bunch of guys who did it alone like in your vidya lmao

>> No.22956574

>cope reply
l o l

>> No.22956588

>He said "1000 white men conquered South America" and then some retard provided "proof"
Yes. A few thousand Europeans successfully toppled multiple empires and established dominion over what we now refer to as the Americas. This period of history is now known as the Spanish Conquest and it included the destruction of the Aztec Empire.
>Nothing about that is correct.
Pretending that modern geographical borders determine the constitution of a historical event which took place over half a millennium ago is incorrect. Pretending that the qualification must exist that the Spanish fought alone, when it's been referenced multiple times that a diplomacy conducted by a handful of people allowed Spain to project it's power across the ocean, is incorrect.
>Your foundations are wrong because you don't get what happened.
You haven't made any actual arguments as to why I'm wrong. Just pretending that I didn't know the Aztecs were in what is now known as Central America (while ignoring the Inca) and refusing to acknowledge the distinction between diplomacy and active warfare (i.e. that a handful of conquistadors were able to project Spanish power and thus conquer the Americas is all that is necessary for my argument).
>150,000 indigenous allies lmao you're going to claim it was just the Spaniards too
No, because I never made the argument that Spain fought alone. Is that period now referred to as the Chachapoyas Conquest or the Spanish Conquest? Lol.
>What argument?
That a handful of Europeans were able to topple multiple empires and conquer the Americas. This is what happened and all you can do when confronted by it is sperg about geographical errors and pretend the argument was that 100 Europeans physically fought off the aforementioned empires alone.
>I just did above.
You didn't really. You couldn't make the retarded argument that the Inca aren't in South America so you asserted the idea I'm arguing the Spanish didn't establish alliances (which eventually lead to their total control over the territory).

You're a retard, anon.

>> No.22956717
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>nonwhite coping this badly
start arguing any time

>> No.22956720

coping with your child's understand of ww2? just poking fun at a retard. the lead nazis all had 120+ IQs, or do you honestly think they could have done what they had done if they weren't highly competent and intelligent men? you probably thought putin hacked the 2016 election because the tv told you

>> No.22956841

What the hell is a masturbation roller coaster?
Do you masterbate while riding the roller coaster? Or the roller coaster somehow jerks you off?

>> No.22957005

bad White racist kkk men used to put poor innocent good jewish victims on machines that would masturbate them to death, its was pure evil

>> No.22957144

lol so? it's easy to be courteous to people on the other side of the world. The point is I don't want to ethnically cleanse the millions of brown people in my country. I guess most italians aren't white so it's not really a contradiction. Actually the relation between northern and southern italy during its fascist years might be interesting to look into, does anyone have any books on it?

>> No.22957149
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Some classics on National Socialism:
>George Mosse, The Crisis of German Ideology
Good overview of volkisch thought in Germany
>Jeffrey Herf, Reactionary Modernism
Another good overview that will introduce you to many important themes and names, and not too long.
>Armin Mohler, The Conservative Revolution in Germany
Classic overview of the wider milieu of which National Socialism was just one part. The only English translation is poor, so try to get it in German or another language instead. It's not as long as the later German editions look, as much of the later editions are bibliography. The original study is fairly short.
>Thomas Rohkramer, A Single Communal Faith?
An extremely good synthesis of what exactly National Socialism "was" as a historical phenomenon.
>Thomas Rohkramer, The Fatal Attraction of National Socialism
Only in German but one of the most important books ever written on why normal people actually went along with the regime and how they saw it. Pic related.
>Charles Bambach, Heidegger's Roots
If you are at least somewhat familiar with Heidegger's philosophy, this will help explain what Heidegger saw in Nazism, and by extension, what other philosophers and intellectuals saw in it.
>Anna Bramwell, Blood and Soil: Richard Walther Darré and Hitler's "Green Party"
Good and sometimes criticized overview of Nazi ecology. Another good (and much shorter) book like this is "How Green Were the Nazis?"

Primary sources that may be helpful in understanding why people found National Socialism attractive
>Werner Sombart, Deutscher Sozialismus
The English translation is just barely serviceable and doesn't do the work of translating German idiom to English idiom, so it reads awkwardly and loses much of its force. If you read it in English, try to remember this.
>Oswald Spengler, Prussian Socialism
Another classic statement of the need for an "organic" volkisch socialism that isn't mechanistically reductive or atomistically individualist like French and English socialisms.
>Othmar Spann, The True State
Recently translated by Ellery Edwards. Similar to above, but from a Catholic corporatist angle.
>Fichte, Addresses to the German Nation
Very important text for the history of national socialisms of all kinds.
>Fichte, The Closed Commercial State
More challenging. Only read this if you're really interested in national-socialist socio-economic theory, things like Friedrich List and Johann Rodbertus.

>> No.22957150
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Other studies worth reading
>A. James Gregor, The Ideology of Fascism
A very good overview of Italian fascism that debunks many myths about it and idiotic interpretations of it.
>Zeev Sternhell, The Birth of Fascist Ideology
A classic and still probably the single best, overall interpretation of Italian fascism and French third positionism.
>Zeev Sternhell, Neither Right nor Left
More in-depth on the French setting. Alain de Benoist has a good book on French on Berth if you end up being interested in the French angle, and Eugen Weber has a good study of Action Francaise.
>Nicholas Nagy-Talavera, The Green Shirts and Others
Best overview of Codreanu's Legion.
>Stanley Payne, Falange
Best overview of Falange, which is in the same tradition as French third positionism as described by Sternhell.

Other general works on fascism that are useful to consult
>Ernst Nolte, Three Faces of Fascism
Still a great work even if Nolte's ultimate thesis is criticized.
>Roger Griffin, The Idea of Fascism
Griffin's interpretation of fascism as a form of modernism with its own internal logic is now dominant in fascist studies. This is his landmark study.
>Roger Griffin, Fascism and Modernism
This is Griffin's final authoritative statement on his synthetic interpretation of fascism. It's hard to read and I wouldn't read it first if I were you.
>Stanley Payne, A History of Fascism 1914-1945
Just a good overview.

More primary sources that can shed light on the national socialist worldview in parallel or as precursors:
>Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, For my Legionaries
>José Antonio Primo de Rivera, Anthology of Speeches and Quotes
>Ernst von Salomon, anything (Outlaws, Fragebogen)
>Alain de Benoist, Vu de droite
>Georges Sorel, Reflections on Violence
>Joseph de Maistre, Considerations on France
>Thomas Mann, Reflections/Observations of an Unpolitical Man (Betrachtungen Eines Unpolitischen)
>Hermann Löns, The Warwolf (Der Wehrwolf)

>> No.22957201
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Kill yourself

>> No.22957206

lmao no they were all over emotional babies. Himmler was a chicken farmer

>> No.22957208

Suck a cock faggot stick

>> No.22957226
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>> No.22957252
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>> No.22957254
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Join a choir if you want to sing show tunes

>> No.22957257

>waaaaaa I borrowed all this money and they expect me to pay it back?!?!???

>> No.22957276
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>Pound’s poetry is very academic at one level and visceral at another. Philip Larkin once criticized Pound in a post war way by saying he made poetry out of literature rather than out of life, and it is true that Pound’s poetry is fiendishly difficult. The Cantos explores 15 languages, multidimensional realities, the idea of a hell that we’re all in, a group of people that wishes to transcend that and find, if you like, a terrestrial paradise, and enormous amounts of political and economic lore, particularly in relation to the Social Credit theories of Douglas that transfixed from Pound the 1920s onwards and led him to believe that solutions to Western economic privation in the ’30s were ready and were to hand.

>Pound pointed out what should be obvious to all, namely that money—or more accurately credit[27]—should properly serve as a means of exchanging goods and services, and that “money is not a commodity.”
>Pound pointed out the fundamentals of economic realism: that “the state has credit” and that although the sword can protect against foreign invasion, it cannot protect against the serfdom of usury, of which Pound stated: “Usury and sodomy, the Church condemned as a pair, to one hell, the same for one reason, namely that they are both against natural increase.”

>> No.22957281

Tasty chud tears

>> No.22957289

I just want to live in a liberal democracy or something approaching it while not being demographically replaced.

>> No.22957292
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>Volk (“people” or “nation”), which signifies “nationality” in the cultural and ethnic sense, is an entirely different entity and subject matter from society or the whole, but for Spann the two had an important connection. Spann was a nationalist and, defining Volk in terms of belonging to a “spiritual community” with a shared culture, believed that a social whole is under normal conditions only made up of a single ethnic type. Only when people shared the same cultural background could the deep bonds which were present in earlier societies truly exist. He thus upheld the “concept of the concrete cultural community, the idea of the nation – as contrasted with the idea of unrestricted, cosmopolitan, intercourse between individuals.”[11]

>Spann advocated the separation of ethnic groups under different states and was also a supporter of pan-Germanism because he believed that the German people should unite under a single Reich. Because he also believed that the German nation was intellectually superior to all other nations (a notion which can be considered as the unfortunate result of a personal bias), Spann also believed that Germans had a duty to lead Europe out of the crisis of liberal modernity and to a healthier order similar to that which had existed in the Middle Ages.[12]

>Concerning the issue of race, Spann attempted to formulate a view of race which was in accordance with the Christian conception of the human being, which took into account not only his biology but also his psychological and spiritual being. This is why Spann rejected the common conception of race as a biological entity, for he did not believe that racial types were derived from biological inheritance, just as he did not believe an individual person’s character was set into place by heredity. Rather what race truly was for Spann was a cultural and spiritual character or type, so a person’s “racial purity” is determined not by biological purity but by how much his character and style of behavior conforms to a specific spiritual quality.

>> No.22957300

True. Simon Lindberg is a tremendously smart guy.

>> No.22957320

>They obviously weren't stupid,


>> No.22957329
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>do you take this epic race warrior who has dedicated his life and his pocket change to the eternal struggle against the enemies of the aryan people to be your lawfully wedded husband?
>yes, colonel pastor Öberg
>you are now married under the auspices of Thor, Odin and the shitfilled closet. Amen

>> No.22957342
File: 34 KB, 300x429, גידול-מול-מצור-300x429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The LGBT stuff I will grant you is not fascist at all and just standard libtardism, it's a bit odd really when you consider the rest of their culture.
NTA but Israel was founded by a bunch of secular left-wing nationalists in the late 1940s, and if you looked at the seating of the Israeli parliament in the 50s, it would've looked a lot like a European country with a left and a right and a center, although the center was more towards the left in those days, which actually seems odd looking back at it today. But I think the way the state of Israel was supposed to work is representing a wide spectrum of Jews. It's a country of extremes from the most liberal and cosmopolitan people you can imagine to the most conservative people still living like their ancestors in 19th century Lithuania.

The point was to create a Jewish nation-state, but again, one of the ironies of anti-Semitism is that Jews were hated for being cosmopolitans when they didn't have a state, and now they do so they're hated for being nationalists. Either way, they can't win, so why care what the rest of the world thinks? But one of the important things about revolutionary nationalism when it emerged is that it defined the "people" and then held that the "people" succeed or fail, or live or die, according to their own efforts and by their own labor. And that's an important part of the Israeli project since Jews had essentially been at the mercy of kings, emperors and mullahs for centuries. But if they die in Israel, it'll be on them, basically. That became a very attractive idea to Jews.

>If a white country had an ethnoreligion like that I bet you would call it fascist.
If it looked like the Third Reich then yeah probably and creating an Aryan ethnoreligion seemed to be part of what that project was about, but Nazi Germany was also a single-party dictatorship led by Adolf Hitler. But there had been this huge vacuum of ideology created by WW1, crowns of monarchs rolled all over Europe, and there was a big mess, which created the conditions for radical ideologies like national socialism to fill it.

>> No.22957344
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>Democracy and plutocracy are equivalent in Spengler's argument, and he said the "tragic comedy of the world-improvers and freedom-teachers" is that they are simply assisting money to be more effective. He believed that the principles of equality, natural rights, universal suffrage, and freedom of the press are all disguises for class war of the bourgeois against the aristocracy. Freedom, to Spengler, is a negative concept, only entailing the repudiation of any tradition. He said that freedom of the press requires money, and entails ownership, meaning that it serves money. Similarly, since suffrage involves electoral campaigns, which involve donations, elections serve money as well. Spengler said that the ideologies espoused by candidates, whether Socialism or Liberalism, are set in motion by, and ultimately serve, only money.

>Spengler said that in his era money has already won, in the form of democracy. However, he said that in destroying the old elements of the Culture, it prepares the way for the rise of a new and overpowering figure, who he calls the Caesar. Before such a leader, money collapses, and in the Imperial Age the politics of money fades away.

"The coming of Caesarism breaks the dictature of money and its political weapon, democracy. After a long triumph of world-city economy and its interests over political creative force, the political side of life manifests itself after all as the stronger of the two. The sword is victorious over the money, the master-will subdues again the plunderer-will. If we call these money-powers 'Capitalism,' then we may designate as Socialism the will to call into life a mighty politico-economic order that transcends all class interests, a system of lofty thoughtfulness and duty-sense that keeps the whole in fine condition for the decisive battle of its history, and this battle is also the battle of money and law. The private powers of the economy want free paths for their acquisition of great resources. No legislation must stand in their way. They want to make the laws themselves, in their interests, and to that end they make use of the tool they have made for themselves, democracy, the subsidized party. Law needs, in order to resist this onslaught, a high tradition and an ambition of strong families that finds its satisfaction not in the heaping-up of riches, but in the tasks of true rulership, above and beyond all money-advantage. A power can be overthrown only by another power, not by a principle, and no power that can confront money is left but this one. Money is overthrown and abolished only by blood."
- Oswald Spengler

Read the first chapter of this, on "The Romans," to understand what has happened to modern society because of late/finance capitalism:

>> No.22957349
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>one of the ironies of anti-Semitism is that Jews were hated for being cosmopolitans when they didn't have a state, and now they do so they're hated for being nationalists
It's because when you don't have a state, you oppress and degrade the people you live among, and when you do have a state, you oppress and degrade the people you live among

Secular "Jews" are not Jews at all. Judaism is an ethnic religion, not a vague ethnic group that includes international businessman-pedophiles and overseas bankers.

>> No.22957367
File: 3.44 MB, 1797x2697, 1945-united-israel-appeal-poster-by-rudolph-sidner-tel-aviv-20111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Secular "Jews" are not Jews at all. Judaism is an ethnic religion
The secular Jews in Israel basically saw the Bible as their national story that -- while rendered in mythological terms -- explained where they came from, that the land of Israel was the only homeland they ever had, and while became fascinated by critical Biblical history where you look at archaeological sites and then compare it to the Bible and see if it matches up, the superstitious stuff was simply not relevant.

There were religious Zionists in those days but the core people and leaders back then saw that as more of a useful myth. We don't have to get into the whole history of nationalism but inventing myths or borrowing a used one of the shelf to ground your nation-building project wasn't invented by Jews. They were just late to the game.

>> No.22957385

I have nothing against that (though I prefer Oskar Goldberg and Gershom Scholem), what I dislike is the fact that Israel's real leadership was always just European secular "Jews" who have no feeling for true Judaism or Jewishness. What they have feeling for is being a "European Jew," a whiny neurotic intellectual constantly talking about being persecuted while simultaneously having a superiority complex and wanting to run others' countries, with an obnoxious tendency toward commerce and filthy lucre.

Modern Israel is a state of atheist European pseudo-Jews ruling over local Arabs who are just dime a dozen third world country "I hate the guy on the other side of this line"-feuders. The only difference between the latter and their equivalents in any other country, whether Ireland or Quebec or Pakistan, is that in Israel the small pseudo-Jew quasi-European atheist clique that runs the state has a vested interest in arming them and letting them murder children routinely.

The limits of this policy are visible in the IDF's recent humiliating inability to conquer Gaza effectively. This weak coalition of power elite interests and third world pettiness is not sufficient for creating a real army.

>> No.22957389

>Rudolf Hess
>not a complete retard

>> No.22957398
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My sense is that Zionism was an attempt to overcome that whiny neurotic intellectual stereotype for a spartan, ascetic, national, military state. Easier said than done of course. But it's also not the 1950s anymore either and there are more Russians and Jews from Middle Eastern countries. Bibi is 100% Ashkenazi but his base isn't.

>IDF's recent humiliating inability to conquer Gaza effectively
I'm not sure what this means... "effectively." So they did conquer Gaza but didn't do it... effectively? Either you do it or you don't.

>> No.22957411

/pol/tards are monkeys. Subhumans. So dumb that all they can do is obsess over their garbage identities. Vanilla gorilla, mayo monkeys. Uuh uuh aaah ahhh monke like other monke.

>> No.22957414
File: 33 KB, 320x410, R (4) (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US is not an ethnostate

>> No.22957416

>So they did conquer Gaza but didn't do it... effectively?
Yes, look up Pyrrhic victory. Also, they haven't conquered it. They haven't rescued the hostages, they haven't destroyed Hamas, and they have galvanized every enemy in the region AND caused their babysitting superpower to look weak. Do you know what it does to Israel/US hegemony in the region when Blinken has to make 14 trips a month to beg Israel to make overtures to a ceasefire? There is serious trouble in paradise, and every Muslim and anti-US country knows it. This is worse than Ukraine or Afghanistan for the US, just a massive quagmire. And now everybody knows the IDF is a paper tiger. Not only that, but places like Tel Aviv, self-avowedly "the gay capital of the world," are not going to tolerate becoming wartorn shitholes if you get decades of Middle East style mutual bombings and the IDF can no longer rely on the US to normalize things. The country will experience the kind of brain drain that kills it within a decade if it ever has to fight regional powers on anything like an equal level.

>Either you do it or you don't.
That isn't true. There are forms of occupation not worth wanting. Israel has done nothing but kill civilians and make itself look bad. In exchange for what? Zero hostages rescued, in fact several of the hostages have been killed by the IDF. A significantly damaged economy. A very difficult diplomatic situation.

Israel is finally in a no-win position. Previously its trump card win condition was always unconditional US support.

>> No.22957434

US was founded as an ethnostate by the Founding Fathers. Not one of them thought that America would be anything other than a country of Anglo-Saxons and a few closely related, high quality European populations. Immigration from other European regions was a later development and highly controversial. The 1965 immigration act is what really allowed for nonwhite immigration as we now know it, and surprise, it was pushed entirely by a Jew, Manny Celler.

>Among the Founders, Thomas Jefferson wrote about race at greatest length. He thought blacks were mentally inferior to whites and biologically distinct: “[They] secrete less by the kidnies [sic], and more by the glands of the skin, which gives them a strong and disagreeable odor.” He hoped slavery would be abolished, but he did not want free blacks to remain in America: “When freed, [the Negro] is to be removed from beyond the reach of mixture.”

>Jefferson was one of the first and most influential advocates of “colonization,” or returning blacks to Africa. He also believed in the destiny of whites as a racially distinct people. In 1786 he wrote, “Our Confederacy [the United States] must be viewed as the nest from which all America, North and South, is to be peopled.”

>In 1801 he looked forward to the day “when our rapid multiplication will expand itself . . . over the whole northern, if not the southern continent, with a people speaking the same language, governed in similar forms, and by similar laws; nor can we contemplate with satisfaction either blot or mixture on that surface.”

>> No.22957437

>You can see why [in the 1920s] American felt our borders were out of control. [The immigration law passed at the time] stated a preference for Northern Europeans] ... [Restrictions on] Southern Catholics and Jews—this went on to 1964, so all through [World War II] there were incredible restrictions. 1965 comes, we’re reluctant leaders of the world, we have an economic boom, we didn’t have much immigration, and we have a ton of guilt. First, about the Holocaust. [Rep.] Manny Celler was voted in in 1923…he was Jewish, from Manhattan. He was warning about the Holocaust, and everybody was ignoring him. In 1947, he was head of the Judiciary Committee, and he was able to get jurisdiction [over immigration] changed from the Labor Committee. He had control over immigration reform. There was a huge attitude change. Exodus had been published. Israel was popular. The other thing was the civil rights movement. Black soldiers were coming back, and there were Jim Crow laws. Those movements drove the 1965 law. Philip Hart, called the conscience of the Senate, was passionate about civil rights. ... They decided to do away with preferences for work skills, and have preferences for family reunification. That’s pretty unique to immigration law—they gave green cards to extended family members.
>“Manny Celler managed to get immigration into the Judiciary committee,” Orchowski told TAC in an interview. “That changed the whole focus on immigration from a labor thing to a justice [thing].”
>Following the conclusion of the war, Celler worked to liberalize American immigration laws. He helped pass a bill that allowed 339,000 Displaced Persons to come to the United States, including many Jews.
>Over the next few decades, he continued to work to liberalize American immigration laws, pushed by Jews and others who were discriminated against by the current system. That culminated with him writing and passing the INA, which is also known the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965.

>> No.22957466


>> No.22957486

Yeah Netanyahu is a nazi

>> No.22957498

Supergeniuses? So you aren't familiar with them at all I guess.. They had an industrious workforce that had been fucked over by the rest of the world, that's why they went hard but look at the shit that they did their reasoning etc, they were legit brainlets my guy.. it's just that their spite was strong and europe was weak at the time.

>> No.22957524

Hitler is what you get when you roll 10LK

>> No.22957532
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Reminder that pic related was painted the year Hitler was born, and that Hitler was literally summoned and activated by a Thulean mystic:

>Dietrich expressed his anticipation in a poem he wrote months before he first met Hitler. In the poem, Eckart refers to ‘the Great One’, ‘the Nameless One’, ‘Whom all can sense but no one saw’. When Eckart met Hitler, Eckart was convinced that he had encountered the prophesied redeemer.

>The two first met when Hitler gave a speech before the DAP membership in the winter of 1919. Hitler immediately impressed Eckart, who said of him "I felt myself attracted by his whole way of being, and very soon I realized that he was exactly the right man for our young movement."[15] It is probably Nazi legend that Eckart said about Hitler on their first meeting "That's Germany's next great man –one day the whole world will talk about him."

>Although Hitler did not mention Eckart in the first volume of Mein Kampf, after Eckart's death he dedicated the second volume to him,[25] writing that Eckart was "one of the best, who devoted his life to the awakening of our people, in his writings and his thoughts and finally in his deeds."[57] In private, he would admit Eckart's role as his mentor and teacher, and said of him in 1942: "We have all moved forward since then, that's why we don't see what [Eckart] used to be back then: a polar star. The writings of all others were filled with platitudes, but if he told you off: such wit! I was a mere infant then in terms of style."

>Hitler later told one of his secretaries that his friendship with Eckart was "one of the best things he experienced in the 1920s" and that he never again had a friend with whom he felt such "a harmony of thinking and feeling."

Consult this thread for quotes from The Young Hitler, by his childhood friend August Kubizek:
>[Hitler's mother] was deeply disturbed by her son's unusual nature, however proud she was at times of him. 'He is different from us,' she used to say."

>> No.22957548

I have noticed that Israel takes (or at least tries to take) a ton of inspiration from Ancient Sparta

>> No.22957565

>A few thousand Europeans successfully toppled multiple empires
Completely ahistorical yet you keep repeating it like a mantra.
>Pretending that modern geographical borders determine the constitution of a historical event which took place over half a millennium ago is incorrect.
It determines how accurate the reply was. Don't mistake national borders with actual regions. A geographic region is not the same as a political region.
>No, because I never made the argument that Spain fought alone.
If you really want to be a retard about South America, then there was no "Spain" either.
>You haven't made any actual arguments as to why I'm wrong. Just pretending that I didn't know the Aztecs were in what is now known as Central America (while ignoring the Inca) and refusing to acknowledge the distinction between diplomacy and active warfare (i.e. that a handful of conquistadors were able to project Spanish power and thus conquer the Americas is all that is necessary for my argument).
Aztecs were in North America. Mayans were in Central America. Again, you don't know what you're talking about. The conquistadors had massive help yet you claim it was all due to them. 150,000 allies in the Inca thing. Imagine that. You want file that under "diplomacy" because in reality it undermines your claim. You also forget about the plague that did most of the job killing the natives.
>No, because I never made the argument that Spain fought alone.
Yes, you did. There was no nuance in your narrative.
>100 Europeans physically fought off the aforementioned empires alone.
That's what your narrative implies. It has no nuance.
>Is that period now referred to as the Chachapoyas Conquest or the Spanish Conquest? Lol.
It's known by different names depending on what you mean. And it's a name given much later.
>You didn't really. You couldn't make the retarded argument that the Inca aren't in South America so you asserted the idea I'm arguing the Spanish didn't establish alliances (which eventually lead to their total control over the territory).
HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHHA the Inca aren't in South America? I never said that and that was never my argument. Fuck, you're such a retard that you don't even know why you're a retard.

In any case, you don't have the advantages that the conquistadors had like a great number of foreign allies willing to fight for you (enemies of your enemies, no less), diseases that help eliminate most people (40% of people in the Aztec capital died in a single year), etc. I don't know why you compare yourself to them. You're probably not even Spanish. Also there are no reasons for other people in the world to support a white supremacist movement that hates them.

>> No.22957579

I'm don't care about the US.

>> No.22957588

I'm not reading these disgusting greentextfight posts but whichever one of you is NOT the tranny, know that you are being baited by a tranny into an eternal retarded greentext war, and that paradoxically makes you an even bigger retard than the tranny.

>> No.22957594
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>a bunch of highly-educated religious white men have a good idea
>design a country around it for religious white people
>this works incredibly well and the country grows quickly enough to become the envy of the world
>that envy seeps down into non-white trash bin cultures such as southern italians and jews
>original group those highly-educated religious white men wanted to get away from (anglo bankers) ship trash over
>the trash arrive and fuck everything up like always
>anglo bankers use these them like brownshirts for every subversive evil thing possible

>> No.22957614

>You won’t get consistency from pseudo nazis
Why "pseudo"? But no, you just won't get "consistency" on 4chan, from different people, about these perspectives. But then you also won't accept nuance either, so it nullifies the initial point in the first place.
>Their ideology has many wholes and double standards
holes* but it also doesn't. National socialism differs by race, but they all have a pretty solid foundation in their worldview, if you're talking about the various forms of third positionist thought, there will be some differences. It would be like comparing a maoist to a stalinist, you just shouldn't, outside of the foundational worldview.
Of course, if you're talking about the liberal-invented caricature of the "neo-nazi", that one doesn't differ much either because it's just hate and violence towards non-Whites. That's it.

>> No.22957635

ah yes i too renember Hitlers declaration of war on the British and the French, if Hitler hadnt declared war on Poland in the face of their oppression on the german people he would have been an equal cuck to all other leaders then and now. 60iq retards like you cannot comprehend that someone can actually value something and doesnt throw it all away at first sight of resistance

>> No.22957653

Ironically Hitler's obsession with race got the best of him. He was way too lenient with England only because they were "Germanic". This racial favoritism was one of the reasons for his predictable failure.

>> No.22957661

>Why "pseudo"?
Different reasons. The Nazi Party died in 1945, anyone after that is a larper. And apparently if you call someone a Nazi in a Nazi they act offended so you must use something to water down the label a bit. Nazi-adjacent people and white supremacists try to evade the label because of its connotation, despite agreeing with the tenets of Nazism. Something I've noticed. They want to rebrand so bad.

>> No.22957662

doing nothing will surely work out much better

>> No.22957716

>im not an expert on history
youve convinced me

>> No.22957780

Bro was not a super genius, sure smart, but super genius? If he was so smart why did he lose Chud?

>> No.22957789

He was too merciful with the Brits. He shouldn't have declared war on the US.

>> No.22957804

>Nazi-adjacent people and white supremacists try to evade the label because of its connotation, despite agreeing with the tenets of Nazism. Something I've noticed. They want to rebrand so bad.
okay we'll just call you guys commies then

>> No.22957809
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It is very encouraging to see such vigorous support and sharing of this topic, it is only a matter of time before this breaks through in to mainstream politics.

>> No.22957810

You're retarded.

>> No.22957812

It already broke through. Mainstream politicians are talking about what Nick Fuentes was talking about 6 years ago such as the replacement thing. Paganism will continue to be irrelevant fyi.

>> No.22957814


>> No.22957847

Edgar Wallace novels.

>> No.22957848
File: 101 KB, 1024x689, george-lincoln-rockwell-1024x689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sure, just like the Christian faith too. We're entering the terminal decline of Liberalism. The election of a certified retard, an actual mentally deficient woman suffering from Downs Syndrome is a high water mark that may take time to surpass.

The blacksun is an evocative image that i find appealing in that it immediately repels jews, the left and many minorities. They know little of its history, only that it depicts hostility to them.

>> No.22957850

>Germany and the USSR were eventually going to fight eventually.
National socialism vs international communism.

>> No.22957852
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>My entire identity is based off contrarianism
>Surely the masses will agree with me when the time comes

>> No.22957853

>>Blow brains out
Hitler escaped to Argentina and lived out the rest of his life there.

>> No.22957862

Hitler wanted to expand. He was also international, only he failed.

>> No.22957863

"Germany" didn't exist until 1871.

>> No.22957866

4chan literally allowed fascism to incubate for 15 years. God bless this wonderful website.

>> No.22957867


>> No.22957868


>> No.22957870

>Aztecs were in North America
They were in Central America.

>> No.22957873
File: 106 KB, 611x886, azAoxMax_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you post like this because you're unable to counter what was said? Understanding and interpreting Symbolism is one or the things that seperates us from the animals arround us.

Hence the quasi-fascist concept as man as a rising beast is a popular one. Contrast that with the Judeo-Christian one as man as a fallen creation which is rapdily falling out of popular concious.

>> No.22957874

One of the many contradictions in white supremacism.

>> No.22957875

>Hitler wanted to expand. He was also international

>> No.22957883

lol ye that made up statement is such a major contradiction

>> No.22957886

So it is meaningless.

>> No.22957891

So you're saying Hitler was the original Mr. International and Pitbull is dogwhistling?

>> No.22957892

>Hence the quasi-fascist concept as man as a rising beast is a popular one. Contrast that with the Judeo-Christian one as man as a fallen creation which is rapdily falling out of popular concious.
You're only working to appeal to mexispics since that is the only demographic with a positive birth rate, and those (as a majority) will not come around to this ancient notion that whitey is the ultimate lifeform. They will do what they have done historically: pick and choose the most shallow and appealing parts of whatever you are telling them, and then pin you down and saw your head off while someone films it with a camcorder. Then your little "legacy" will be a bunch of those bloodthirsty pudgy goblins reciting something about how Hitler loves them as they continue to exist as the little beasties they've always been.

>> No.22957909

They existed in what's now called Mexico, so North America. The Mayans were in Central America.

>> No.22957913

Generalplan Ost

>> No.22957915
File: 72 KB, 580x428, aYD9xErd_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im European anon, America is a literal dying body that people are carving off whatever flesh is no putrid.

>> No.22957920

>little beasties
You're a bong, aren't you? Stay in your lane.

>> No.22957921
File: 40 KB, 700x541, a2wMVP9P_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not what international means, you utter fucking idiot.

>> No.22957925
File: 75 KB, 1086x486, 9239324929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is.

>> No.22957928

>international: active, known, or reaching beyond national boundaries

>> No.22957938

No, sorry. They were in Central America.

>> No.22957945

It's okay to go against basic facts (like geography), just don't act like you're telling the truth nor acting in good faith. Your whole ideology is based on ignorance.

>> No.22957955

My ideology is that the Aztecs were in Central America.

>> No.22957962

No matter where it was, 1000 whites conquered hundreds of thousands of browns who literally thought they were gods because of their advanced intelligence. We can easily do that again

>> No.22957968

**Old Testament:**
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
- Joshua
- Judges
- Ruth
- 1 Samuel
- 2 Samuel
- 1 Kings
- 2 Kings
- 1 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- Esther
- Job
- Psalms
- Proverbs
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Solomon
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Lamentations
- Ezekiel
- Daniel
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- Zechariah
- Malachi

**New Testament:**
- Matthew
- Mark
- Luke
- John
- Acts
- Romans
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Galatians
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians
- 1 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timothy

>> No.22957971

Pretty sure the Nazis read gay romance shit and detective novels.

>> No.22957973
File: 352 KB, 1522x700, 2342332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping, pseud. Doubling down despite being wrong is typical of your kind.

>> No.22957979

They were in Middle America.

>> No.22957981

Bait used to be believable.

>> No.22958021

What did he say that was untrue? Pizarro literally marched deep into hostile territory with only 168 men to meet an army of 80,000 men. He told them not to fear because they were safe as long as the natives believed them to be invincible; this meant no retreat. They lured the enemy king into a city, he came in with 8,000 men while the rest camped outside the gates, and reports vary but apparently he threw a Bible on the ground so Pizarro's men attacked. 168 men thousands of miles away from home killed 2000 of the enemy's guard and captured the king--the others ran away and scared the rest of the army away.

Say all you want about ethics but the conquistadors were fucking badass.

>> No.22958024

At this point my hatred of Jews is far greater than my love for my own people or yours. I want genocidal antisemitism. I am far more antisemitic than even Hitler fyi. Hitler was controlled OP.

>> No.22958028

>They obviously weren't stupid

>> No.22958036

>Middle America
That's a historical subregion, geographically and geologically they were in what's now North America. It's like saying Spain is not in Europe but in Iberia. Misguided.

>> No.22958041

No. The Aztecs were in Middle America.

>> No.22958044

>At this point my hatred of Jews is far greater than my love for my own people or yours.
You're now a radical Muslim. Congratulations.

>> No.22958052

Debunked (See my two last replies). Try again.

>> No.22958053
File: 60 KB, 330x254, 9BCB65B3-26A1-4D5D-A2B9-EFB30987A9EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Aztecs were middle american

>> No.22958054

Every great man in history has hated the jew.

>> No.22958056

Their section of Middle America is part of North America, geographically and geologically speaking. See: >>22957973

>> No.22958057

In our days, Scandinavia, this fertile peninsula, this sacred earth is no longer inhabitated by a population equal to that who's generous bosom has for so long and with so much profusion spread across all of the surface of Europe. The more the ancient warriors were of pure race, the less they were tempted to rest sloggishly in their odels, when so many marvelous adventures drove their emulates to the Western countries. Very few remained there. However, some returned. There they found the Finns, the Celts, the Slavs, wether descendants of those who othertimes had occupied the place, wether as the sons of captives brought there by circumstance of war, fighting with some advantage against the debrises of the Aesir.

>> No.22958072

Look a little closer. They had territory in central america. Even your pedantic trolling is wrong

>> No.22958073

They were in Middle America though. See >>22958053.

>> No.22958076

Their success was in great part due to plagues (natives had no immunity to foreign diseases) help from allies (hundreds of thousands). You conveniently leave that part out to construct your narrative.

>> No.22958079

The Inca were before the plagues you idiot.

>> No.22958085

See the maps I shared. All falls well into North America, especially the capital.

>> No.22958088

It's in Middle America though.

>> No.22958093 [DELETED] 

Smallpox killed the Inca ruler, Huayna Capac, and 200,000 others and weakened the Incan Empire.

>> No.22958101

>Smallpox killed the Inca ruler, Huayna Capac, and 200,000 others and weakened the Incan Empire.

>> No.22958103
File: 34 KB, 434x634, Banned_books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More recommended reading.

>> No.22958105

See: >>22958036

>> No.22958113


>> No.22958116

So you agree it was in Middle America?

>> No.22958124

Spain is in Iberia, not in Europe.

>> No.22958126

So Middle America.

>> No.22958128

>I wanna fuck with
>I have chill friends
You're already black

>> No.22958151

Their territory was part of North America, thoughbeit.

>> No.22958152

Aztec and Inca touched each other by few kilometers, and yet all evidence points towards the sad supposition that the two empires ignored each other. The tribes who inhabitated the borders of their empires were socially so retrograde that they lacked the capabilities to communicate to their neighbours the type of political situation they were located in. Mexico touched both the Pacific and the Caribbean seas, yet the navies they were able to build didn't go beyond a few miserable one-logs when necessity required them.

>> No.22958162

All of Abr*hamism has origin in J*daism.

>> No.22958166

168 European men faced an army of 80,000 Inca and beat them.

>> No.22958183

>Aztec and Inca touched each other by few kilometers
4000 kilometers away from each other.

>> No.22958195


>> No.22958200

Has nothing to do with North America, thoughever.

>> No.22958207

So you're denying the fact Pizarro and 168 men marched deep into hostile territory and beat an army of 80,000 Inca?

>> No.22958245

I mean their borders not their capitals

>> No.22958280

NTA but are you thinking of the Maya?

>> No.22958341
File: 93 KB, 900x628, Ethiopian_immigrants-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about Jews who aren't ashkenazi

There's Ethiopian Jews in Israel. And if a Jewish woman has sex with a gentile the kid will be considered Jewish enough to have the right of return even if the father is an Australian aboriginal. Do some reading, nigga.

>> No.22958496
File: 190 KB, 850x446, jewplaybook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's Ethiopian Jews in Israel
Not many now, Mohel.
