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/lit/ - Literature

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23049462 No.23049462[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>click click scroll
>select board
>scroll scroll scroll
>click click scroll
>scroll scroll scroll
>leave thread
>scroll scroll scroll
>change board
>scroll scroll scroll
>see the thread I commented on went from 12 responses to 13
>go to bottom
>the message was not addressed to me
>close thread
>change board
>scroll scroll click
>click click scroll
>change board
>scroll scroll scroll
>get bored
>go to /gif/
>look for that one webm with no source that is only posted once a month
>”what am I doing? Yesterday I discovered the secret to life, the ultimate motivation. The 40 attempts before this were false, but I actually found it, and here I am watching porn again, a slave to pleasure”
>click click scroll
>”now I will turn my life around for good”
>”but a bit more philosophy, a bit more discussion, that will do the trick..”
>opens /lit/
>click click scroll
>scroll scroll click

>> No.23049486

One of the most enjoyable reads I've had. Good job.

>> No.23049496
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long time no see

>> No.23049502

yeah you have to learn math

>> No.23049509

beautiful painting though

>> No.23049514

Lol are you dumb? Leave the interesting threads open and do other stuff at the same time. Return once in a while to check if there's anything else in said thread.

I think you need a hobby anon. Like idk, reading?

>> No.23049522


>> No.23049533

We are facing issues with our reward function. Short term reward seems to overrule long term planning and goals if the outside pressure is not there and we have a choice. Is this something without technical solution? Or can we learn to reprogram our reward function with biofeedback, brain implants, meds or application in Apple watch? I think the subject deserves a Black Mirror episode and few startups.

>> No.23049538

i just think people are starved socially, i dont even go on 4chan that often anymore but when i do it really feels like im fulfulling a need on the level of hunger or thirst, like i need to see peoples takes and share my own

>> No.23049556

the answer is simple. We don’t have free will, we are barely above chimpanzees, we evolved to live in a world without distractions, but here we are. Evolution is slow and torturous, consuming many in its unforgiving path. We must master genetic engineering and save ourselves from years of suffering.

>> No.23049562

i look like this and say/do this EXCEPT:
>look for that one webm with no source that is only posted once a month
i look back in the archive every time i want one of these webms, i don't save them to my computer because, uh....
>”what am I doing? Yesterday I discovered the secret to life, the ultimate motivation. The 40 attempts before this were false, but I actually found it, and here I am watching porn again, a slave to pleasure”
i don't think this i'm pretty jaded about self improvement but i do wallow in my misery like a bitch
>”now I will turn my life around for good”
nope i just feel self-disgust with no direction to it at all
>”but a bit more philosophy, a bit more discussion, that will do the trick..”
is there anyone here that hasn't overcome this meme?

>> No.23049564

Yeah you have no control, wtf do you want me to do about it OP

>> No.23049571

Don't you like interacting with real human beans? Would you rather sit in front of your tv doing nothing but watching and listening?

>> No.23049575

Relatable until you revealed you were a gif tranny

>> No.23049582

just replace it with
>goes to xvideos
or whatever it is you do instead

>> No.23049584

for me it's /wsg/

>> No.23049593

I am your fix

>> No.23049599
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>> No.23049606

what does that mean

>> No.23049609

this is me but at least i read a book and have a job, i guess...

>> No.23049622

have one for free

>> No.23049624

this is unhealthy behavior and I've been on 4chan 20 years at this point

>> No.23049628
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she's going to be op's loving wife and have lots of children with him to give his life meaning

>> No.23049639

I doubt it. She’s probably ugly anyway

>> No.23049644
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it's ok if she's ugly, i'll have her

>> No.23049653

Turn your phone off, go outside, visit a church

>> No.23049658

sorry didn't mean to have sage as name, was still there from another thread

>> No.23049660

troon troon troon troon
I want you in my room

>> No.23049665


>> No.23049683

actually i changed my mind just gonna stay inside and jerk off to tranny cumshots, you can still go outside if you want to though

>> No.23049708

original sagesister here this post wasn't me but i can endorse it

>> No.23049730

I am a top btw

>> No.23049773

that was not very satisfying desu

>> No.23049779


>> No.23049785

>save ourselves from years of suffering.
And invent new kinds of arguably worse suffering in the process

>> No.23049792

>lots of children
why do you morons think having a family will solve your problems? there are more unhappy families than happy ones

>> No.23049799

nobody is happy, kids are a distraction to ground you and help keep you from killing yourself

>> No.23049838
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This, except every night I plan to watch a "life changing kino" and vow to turn things around. What actually happens is that I re-watch something from the same pool of 100 films for the hundredth time, gorge on junk food (swear it'll be the last time), sleep at 03:00, wake up feeling like Hell and repeat it all. I gave up on life about 6 years ago. Thus far my parents still spend money on me because they think I'm still trying, but I'm not. I'm apathetic to a degree I never thought possible. I lie, I cheat, I basically steal their money to live alone and "study", I do nothing all day, I don't even enjoy anything; I'm just marking time. No joke, there are days where I have the same song on repeat while I'm F5ing the same few pages, and waiting for the time to take a nap/go to sleep. Going to sleep is the best part of my day (when the upstairs fossils don't blast their tv; I literally pray to God every night and beg him to give them a stroke).

The worst part is that I know that if I tried, just a little bit, my life would move forward. But because I'm scared, because I'm terrified of admitting that I'm not special or unique and that my life will be an average wagecuck's one, I'm trying to prolong this period. But this way I'm killing even that small chance of my life turning out "good enough". I'm killing everything. I'm killing my body, I'm killing my spirit, I'm killing my future. I reached 110 kgs. Whenever I lose a couple of kgs, be they 2 or 10, I immediately start binge eating and coming back to this weight. Last summer I reached 90 and now I'm back at 109. I was 105 a few days ago, and the last two days I spent gorging on sweets and junk food. I do this all on purpose. I hate myself, and I fear the new day, so I just destroy everything I touch.

Lately I've been feeling as if there's a crater where my head should be. I feel lighter, as if there's nothing there. I have this genuine sensation that there's something pulling my brain and head to the back, like a sort of aura that keeps me trapped. I wish I could go back. At the very least to my old self. I used to be serious and autistic, but I was constant. Now my moods change within minutes, I lose my temper and composure, I play the fool and happy-go-lucky dude because I'm terrified of having an identity. Even when I do classes with my tutor I stutter on purpose, so that he'll take pity on me and pay attention and help me. I have reached lows I never thought possible. I have not the faintest idea who or what I am. I truly feel as if I'm a pale imitation of a man, some discarded project that God just cast down to Earth. I think my soul is broken and the worst thing is, it never even went through any crucible...

>> No.23049848

A passable one?

>> No.23049852

Lmao imagine being fat

>> No.23049863

lmao right? Why doesn’t he just adjust his biology to stop being fine-tuned for an environment of scarcity and just stop desiring food every time he sees it? Obesity is clearly a sign of low intelligence and willpower, not to mention metabolism *laughing emoji*

>> No.23049874

You can only eat so many ho-hos before they taste like sand

>> No.23049879
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it really do be kinda like that but I still managed to graduate uni and albeit still an unemployed loser even learn some ancient languages and keep reading at least a bit every day

>> No.23049897

you can only watch so many porn videos before they look disgusting
you can only read so many 4chan posts before they become boring

>> No.23049906

I agree

>> No.23049911


>> No.23049914


>> No.23049916

there’s no difference between you and the fat person. He simply has different problems than you. Case in point: you are on 4chan

>> No.23050001

hobbies are kinda gay

>> No.23050018

not sure if this is hell or purgatory

>> No.23050047

I mean, if your hobby is sucking dick that is pretty gay

>> No.23050056

give us an hour-by-hour overview of your typical day.

>> No.23050066

How do you treat hypofrontality?

>> No.23050141


>> No.23050430

just use your free will bro

>> No.23050431

Cool, then stop scrolling. Retard.

>> No.23050450

give us an hour-by-hour overview of your typical day

>> No.23050508

We must do something about this.

>> No.23050543

I’m at the bored stage but I’m not horny so porn isnt even doing it for me. I have no idea what to do right now. I’m literally jumping back and forth between boards like I’m high on crack or something. I seem to have a horrible combination of ADHD and a complete lack of interest in most activities. I have a job, I’m a good worker, I like to be busy, but at home I have no idea what to do with my time. I can’t even envision a perfect day, what exactly I’m seeking with 4chan even. But this place is my default, I always return here. Maybe it’s the freedom I like, the ability to say whatever I want. And of course the humor here is distinct from other places. The YouTube comments are depressing because of how cringe and NPC they are. You also get reminded that the whole game is to get views and comments and improve the algorithm blah blah blah. The same is true here but to a lesser extent. Anons try to get (You)’s by being deliberately vague, controversial, and shocking. I try to have genuine discussions but they’re always disappointing because people are morons and I am coincidentally right about everything. Consequently I am constantly bored to death because nothing surprises or excites me. But anons here can be funny at least, so maybe that’s the high that I seek, and of course having the opportunity to embarrass people with how dumb their beliefs are.

>> No.23050550

Genuinely me

>> No.23050557
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This is why I spend more time in crypto now than doomscrolling fochang. At least I'll make some money at the end of all the click click scroll. I guess I am le crybtoe chud, but I don't see the point in wasting time on the internet if you're not trying to learn a skill or make money.

pic rel someone being unnecessarily mean to me for talking about crypto when I am just trying to live my life :(

>> No.23050568

if I had infinite money I would also spend time with investments. Unfortunately I have already invested most of my money and I don’t like the idea of constantly selling and trying quick schemes. I’m up 20% and I want to keep this going for years. This also motivates me to go to work, to have more money to invest. Otherwise I would take off work when everything is slow and they allow me to stay at home. I think about alternative ways to make money but I can’t find a solution.

>> No.23050596

>if I had infinite money I would also spend time with investments.
I started out pretty poor in crypt. You can start with a couple hundred dollars, if you're willing to do your homework.
>I think about alternative ways to make money but I can’t find a solution.
My recommendation would be to find "utility" plays in crypto that are very new and low market cap. Take your initial investment out as it starts to do well and stagger out your profit taking of the rest at certain preplanned levels. Have a plan and stick to it. Then rinse repeat this process with other new and under the radar "utility" projects that you find. You'll have a portfolio of coins to watch over, plus your initial investment still in hand.

That's what I would do - but then what do I know?

>> No.23050617

I refuse to invest in something I don’t understand. There’s so many cryptos, I just don’t see the difference. Even if I got rich off of them, I can’t even pretend that this took any skill. It’s mostly luck and being risky, which is arguably dumb. I’m playing the long game. I will have plenty of money, I will have everything I need. Money is not a problem for me. It is my health, my mind, my energy. I’m sure that if I were a billionaire, I would try to be like Bryan Johnson, but not in an autistic attempt to make myself younger, but simply to have more energy and vigor, to make even more money, to be more powerful. Yes, I would have slave-girls to monitor me and prevent me from fapping, if necessary. They would handle all my communications, I would never use a device. I would have personal chefs, since I hate cooking. I suppose I could have this to an extent if I had a girlfriend. I’ve been thinking about seducing a black girl from work (there are several to choose from, and they all like me anyway) and making her my helper. The problem of course is that she will try to drain my money and my sexual energy. I know it is dumb, it wouldn’t work, but I like the idea. Yes, I need a woman, I think that would help. But I don’t want to waste resources on a temporary girl, and I don’t want to devote myself to a woman that is below me, because one day I would like to have children, and they should have the best genetics. The more I wait, the more money I will have, and the better my options, and the better their genetics. This would please me

>> No.23050628

All I have to do is just not do it. Say it with me. Really. If I just do nothing then I will have everything. Go to work, come home, eat rest. Do nothing on the weekends. It’s so simple, so certain. Yes, but I want to scroll. But you know it is bad for you. Of course, but we all do things that we know are bad for us. And yet I want to do it. So just don’t do it. But I want to. Then you are retarded. Yes, that is the problem. So try to not be retarded. I suppose that’s what I am already doing, but failing. Then perhaps you are destined to fail. Maybe you’re right. I am just a monkey after all. There are winners and losers, it is determined largely by genetics, these things must be improved over time, lots and lots of time. If something is wrong with me, if I am too impulsive, if I am not suited to thrive in a modern environment full of distractions, then perhaps it is good for the species that I… die out. And yet, don’t want to die. I want to win. But then, what about my children? But won’t I be a good father? Yes, I’m sure that I will (most parents are idiots, they do not know how influential they are, how easy it is to guide them on the path of greatness). So is it my genetics or my conditioning? I like to think it’s the latter. Habits and experiences, they are important, too. It’s all wiring and re-wiring, programming the conscious and sub-conscious. Yes, do the affirmations, manifest your desires, be positive! But like all things, this too becomes… boring

>> No.23050633

>haha I tricked u into reading my silly goose shitpost
Glad I am only partially here forever these days. Don't have the patience for these wannabe flaneur antics anymore.

>> No.23050638

>the road to hell is paved with good intentions
Sounds like 1984. What if you are good?

>> No.23050647

Come now, you know that you are a spectacle, why not profit off of this? Well, what exactly would I gain? I have already laughed, I don’t see much more to gain than this. Hmm, but if you tune your work a bit here and there, then you could direct your forces into something more palatable for the masses, you are very talented and funny, but you must not present all of yourself, while also preserving that genuine personality that is all-too-rare in this world. Well, this is a lot of effort, and quite risky, and I think you are being a bit too optimistic, maybe even narcissistic. Do you really think people like you? Do you really think more than a handful of people agree with you? You yourself know that fewer than a dozen people would agree with you on politics alone, which is already so full of strange opinions. You are different, too different, too alienating, and you want to unite everyone! What a joke. Better to be mysterious, because you are mysterious, even when you reveal everything. All of these things are perceived quite subconsciously, by the eyes, the face, the movements. But now we have already returned to the self-improoover auramaxxing obsession that is so… repetitive

>> No.23050648

4chan is not a blogging platform.

>> No.23050651

I know when you're in your early 20s you think this sort of jesting is terribly clever but then it hits you what a timesink it all is and you feel like a prize fool.

>> No.23050659

If only this were more degrading, more offensive. Shame really helps a lot of things. We shouldn’t be alone all the time. If everyone in the world were watching me right now, what would I be doing? Not just watching from a distance, but seeing these words that I type. Well then I probably wouldn’t be doing this, would I? So what would I be doing? But does it matter? I can’t just pretend that the 10/10’s are all actually observing me, I have already tried this. And I don’t have enough faith to believe that God is watching me, either. Because when I did, everything was going smooth. Eighteen days without 4chan, do you believe it? And then suddenly my faith disappeared.

>> No.23050663
File: 125 KB, 381x309, 1701795766156903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring back "Monsieur!" poster. This guy stinks.

>> No.23050673

>These are the people who browse /lit/ daily

>> No.23050675

All of this is a timesink, there isn’t much difference. Am I jesting? No, that’s not the underlying purpose. In fact I’m quite serious right now. Though before I decided to do this I admit I was laughing a lot. I kept bringing the cup of milk to my lips, hoping this would dissipate the laughter, but it only worsened it, and I kept laughing like a maniac, until I got it out of my system. But I also needed to hurry as the honey on my sandwich kept dripping onto my hands, and this is unpleasant.

>> No.23050676

You won't overcome human nature, you need a family of your own and then you simply won't be the same pathetic loser you see yourself as now (no offense meant, I am as well) if you do something new enough, eventually you'll actually start to feel new, then you won't need the satisfaction you're trying to find on this image board or through porn or even through books, but books are actually a helpful domain mostly, you can understand yourself better through understanding people better, the difference between doing what I'm doing right now; rambling to nigger faggots on 4channel.com, and actually just writing a novel are that you can get
money and a bit of acclaim, problem is I feel intellectually minded people innately see themselves as a burden so they project through their behaviour what they feel society wants them to do, and that does not include being a writer, we must brandish a will to power and having a family is the based way to do it, you don't need society's scraps then. I however am in no rush, I feel it's kismet I'll be payed off eventually, till then I'll simply bang my ugk and my screw tapes, gradually increase the weight I can lift and try to prepare for moments of idle hands as best I can, but I'm extremely self sabotaging so who knows how good that'll turn out, peace out and fuck all of you degenerates

>> No.23050683

Yeah dude it's simply your life drive trying to distract you from the fact you're gonna be forgotten, that's why we do literally fucking everything that's why we don't just go become jungle people, we're trapped in samsara negro

>> No.23050686

Yep. And they'll still be renting and living paycheck to paycheck in their 50s.

But not to worry, they are Terribly Clever.

>> No.23050689

Wrong. I have $19,000 saved up. And this will keep growing. Wasting money is not one of vices.

>> No.23050692


>> No.23050697

Yes, factually you are wrong. You have already displayed your character, you are the type that won’t admit his mistakes, if you are even conscious enough to see them in the first place.

>> No.23050709
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His playfulness and bon-vivant detachment: Gone.

>> No.23050726

his wrongness: still present

>> No.23050739

>mon visage quand this 404s and you waste another five years being le clever rhetorician on fochang
Anon I am actually trying to help you. It's not worth it. I found out what you have yet to.

>> No.23050741

> Anon I am actually trying to help you
well you stink!

>> No.23050747


>> No.23050755

yes, that is how I felt as well

>> No.23050763
File: 150 KB, 720x730, doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically.

>> No.23050880

free will doesn't exist, retard

>> No.23051236

>if you're willing to do your homework.
Any recs for reading or watching?

>> No.23051275

you used your free will to type out that post

>> No.23051329

just get a job

>> No.23051388

Brother, should we go to the /lit/ board? It is a fine board, engaging in intellectual discussions about books, philosophy, among others? Maybe you would not want to browse the other boards, for now. And as you have actually work to do, books to read, exams to study for, it would be best if you keep your mind away from unintellectual things. Atleast you can read the /lit/ board. Hey look, there is the /wg/. You are a writer, you've been writing that book now. Great book, ingenius. It is on the first page, somebody posted something, hmmm.. that's interesting. Let me move on now, is there something else here, let's check the catalouge. Yes, I see all of this, but nothing seems to catch my attention. What is that? "God is dead" says anon. Our anon here posted a frog picture of Nietzsche, it looks sad. He isn't happy that God is dead. That is the viewpoint of Nietzsche, he said that "God is dead and we have killed him". I wonder how it was received in his time, though the statement "we have killed him" does not indicate a hatred or maybe even, a denial of God. It is an interesting statement. But I don't even pay attention, my mind is on automatic mode, and I am reading these texts and thoughts pass through my head. Hmmm... the clock is so much already, I should read that book. I should read Dostoyievsky before I need to go to the store. How will I manage to go to the store, I feel unsocial because I have been on the internet. Let me browse a little more, in fifteen minutes I am going to read the book, then I will go to the store. Isn't this hilarious, how you don't want to go to the store? Oh, brother, what madness. What madness!

>> No.23051662

I didn’t find that thread interesting, nor do I care to read Dostoyevsky. I hope you are talking about yourself only

>> No.23051665

I have a job

>> No.23051685

Yes that was what I was talking about. Don't read Dostoyevsky? What do you read? Btw: I didn't read anything but fapped then scrolled for 2 hours. Now going to the store. Lmao.

>> No.23051697

You can make a change Op. Just mitigate time on this website and don't go the nsfw boards.

>> No.23051706

Haha, wow, he's literally me (I'm going to kill myself).

>> No.23051723

no lol

>> No.23051742

I currently have no interest to read anything. It’s all just a product of a flawed human mind with an agenda, to spread a boring idea or sound smart or worse, to make money. I’ve already understood everything anyway. We’re just monkeys trying to survive. Why is time so slow? Why are we not evolving faster? Do you know hard it is to see their ugly faces and their protruding teeth and their big butts and hear their laughs and pretend that they aren’t monkeys? That we’re not all monkeys? How do you forget this? It is so obvious. If we were to let evolution take its course, then who knows how long it would take until we reach a state of semi-perfection? An optimization of the mind and body? Apparently most people think we are already perfect, that evolution has already ended, or that God created us in his image, that we merely need to choose what is best in any given situation. But that is clearly false. You can give a chimp human technology but it will always be a chimp. True progress starts with DNA.

>> No.23051786

Human beings have established society thousands of years ago and have been evolving ever since. Literature of various times gives us knowledge of our stages of evolution and how the great minds thought we should move forwards. Obviously none of it is perfect, but ignoring those texts will not help you develop further. Other than that I didn't get what you talked about. How are we still chimps [as we're already evolved past that]?

>> No.23051814

What's wrong with this? Rich posh people all throughout history did something similar because they didn't have to work. The only difference is that they did it outside. The depression comes from the constant societal shame more than anything else.

>> No.23051831

We are chimps compared to the species that will replace us. One day we won’t be humans, or at least not “homo sapiens.” The smartest human alive today, with the most self-control and strongest force of will, if discovered by an advanced species, would be nothing more than a curiosity, perhaps worthy of a 4 minute YouTube video, comparable to Koko the gorilla or Alex the parrot. Before I internalized the truth of evolution, I was always so jealous of the animals, how their movements are so efficient, especially the insects. But now it’s clear to me that this is simply because these animals have evolved for hundreds of millions of years for their environment. They are more or less perfectly adapted. They are never confused, they never question their purpose, or what to do. It’s an interesting thought experiment, to wonder what would happen if humans could somehow maintain this exact type of society for millions of years, to see how we would evolve in an unchanging, technological environment. Would mental illnesses like depression disappear completely? Would anyone ever procrastinate? Would there be incels? How many car crashes would there be? What would people do in their free time? But society is always changing, and ADHD hunter-Chads like myself are only becoming more disadvantaged, at least in the sphere of free time. That is my main enemy: leisure. If only I had the energy to work 70 hours a week, then I would.

>> No.23051833

Evolution does not evolve 'towards' anything

>> No.23051846

You are a moron. A midwit. A buffoon. An idiot. A retard. Does bacteria not evolve TOWARDS resistance to bacterial treatment? That is not to say that it consciously does this, that there is some force in nature that WANTS to evolve into something “better.” And yet it is the case that bacteria often finds a way to evolve into something that is immune to our ways of killing it, because that is how natural selection works. Don’t even respond.

>> No.23051860

And where is the evolutionary pressure that is causing for intelligence to be selected? If anything the reverse is occurring. Smart people are breeding less. IQ scores are declining.

>> No.23051876

who do you think will survive the AI labor replacement and will be allowed to go live on Mars? It won’t be the dumb masses. Stupidity and mediocrity won’t be tolerated forever. At the moment the masses are useful, but one day they will only be a burden.

>> No.23052514


>> No.23052527

No, actually. I typed out that post because of a combination of the biology I was born with and a culmination of my life experiences up to this point. Your life is a series of circumstances beyond your control, deal with it.

>> No.23052583

Please guys help me I discovered 4chan last summer and just can't stop. Sometimes I'm the whole day on 4chan. Why is this so addictive? When does it end? When will I be satisfied?
The dopamine is just too good argggggggggg.

>> No.23052592
File: 121 KB, 619x1070, 1707209127943532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget: you're here forever.

>> No.23052618

nigga just turn off yo device, like go outside stupid ahh

>> No.23052688
File: 70 KB, 570x1024, 1707321363306823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know why I still come here since this was me two years ago. I began learning Ancient Greek and that got me out of it. Now I'm also learning German and I've started writing articles and fiction. Ik it's basic advice but get some sort of hobby. The worst bit is that I totally quit porn but some is just totally burned into my memory. I've even seen it in dreams. I also just want to punch myself whenever I think about how I burned YEARS on the internet. So many things I could've done instead.

>> No.23052744

imagine if we could just like be perfect haha. Hmm, I wonder what that looks like. What is the perfection of masculinity? Or confidence? Or health? It probably looks like my favorite anime characters, maybe even better. I could literally be an anime character in real life, how cool is that? But other people don’t know it. Why can’t they feel my aura? I have a really strong will to power, can’t they feel it? Maybe I’m just being too negative. Gotta be positive, gotta be positive. No more dopamine, let’s do it cold turkey, once and for all. The beginning is the hardest part! It just gets easier from there. It’s not the intensity of the desire, but the duration of the desire, that distinguishes higher men. It’s literally just a memory problem. How hard is it to always remember my goal? I’ll just meditate on it all day if I have to. But does this burn a lot of calories? My mind is already busy as it is. Could I actually meditate on the same idea all day? I think I will need to buy some sugary foods to give me energy for this. Then again, if I go for a fat-based diet, then maybe my body will become more efficient at using fat for energy, which is healthier, I think. Ok but what exactly should I meditate on? This whole thing doesn’t seem natural, maybe I am just doing too much

>> No.23052752

id rather castrate myself and then encourage others to do the same online.

>> No.23052779

I would unironically fall into a deep depression if this site dies.
Where the fuck would I go?
>just go to a clone dude, people will make them
I've seen this happen with other sites and it's never the same. Clones are dogshit and die pretty fast.

>> No.23052822

you would waste time on YouTube, maybe Reddit, Twitter. Maybe go back to video games and be a kid again. You probably wouldn’t kill yourself.

>> No.23053133
File: 127 KB, 1024x1024, 1707497614232634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up 10am
>plow gf/get footjob
>get up at 11 to 11:30 am
>play vidya with gf
>teases me with her feet in my lap
>she gets up makes lunch at around 2pm
>scroll 4chins while she is cooking
>eat together
>4pm hobby time (we got several hobbies we act out together or alone)
>8-9pm we watch some kino together while having dinner
>go to bed
>fuck/watch more kino
>talk till we fall asleep

we are both NEETs, she reads alot of books
i just came here for recommendations for a book as birthday gift for her

>> No.23053148

Start learning a language
Language learning unironically gives you an artificial sense of accomplishment and purpose

>> No.23053224

I did that, became fluent, but only because I learned while talking to foreign hotties on language apps. But I can’t do this anymore because it’s just too difficult to maintain nofap. They literally start sending nudes out of nowhere, it’s not easy I tell you. And yet that’s how I learned so quickly, by having tons of conversations as a young horny man trying to tactically use every word to his advantage to seduce milf’s and cunny all alike

>> No.23053230

>but the normies
yes yes but it's not any better here these days frankly.

>> No.23053236


I think my problem is that I just don’t feel like there’s anything else in particular to do or worth doing, not that I believe I could do anyway.

>> No.23053332

just exercise bro. Just stop using 4chan and go outside bro. Just read bro. Just learn that instrument or that language or that programming language bro. Just talk to that girl bro. Just be perfect bro. Just chase your dreams bro.

>> No.23054072

mods please stick this forever

>> No.23054104

reads like chatgpt

>> No.23054112

>maybe Reddit, Twitter
fuck no, honestly. 4chin is a cesspool, but these are unbearable to scroll longer than 5 minutes. It's more likely that if 4chin died anon would just either go outside and force himself to do something that interests him or just kys after falling in deep depression. That's at least the way I see it

>> No.23054138

thread over, descended into longposts and retardation

>> No.23054219

it’s a warning

>> No.23054542

Literally me
Get the fuck off this site while you still have some brain plasticity. Screens literally give you brain damage. Challenge yourself.

>> No.23054602

Is this what it is like being a 105IQ midwit with zero self-control who finds himself addicted to 4chan? I've been here 16 years and never fucked my brain the way you seem to have. Get offline, retard.

>> No.23054606

You need to balance internet consumption with creative endeavour, If you aren't creative person then just producing something through hard work will suffice.

Creative people naturally have an easier time maintaining this lifestyle because they feel sick the longer the consume without creating, So they've natural alarms that keep them from screwing the balance.

>> No.23054610

/lit/ sucks. It is useless most of the time at best. Terrible for your mental health at worst. Once you grow up you break the chains of /lit/ as it offers little. 4chan as a whole has gotten worse at the same time. Everyone who’s taken a long break always speaks of an improvement in their wellbeing. How the fuck do you spend so much time here and why? What do you find so interesting to post about? Go read a fucking book and don’t come back till you’re done and then make a post about the book

>> No.23054629

This is it, imo.

This is wrong and confusing causation and correlation.

This part is the most telling:

>see the thread I commented on went from 12 responses to 13
>go to bottom
>the message was not addressed to me
>close thread

Many people wind up on 4chan because they are atomised. True autists are on Pinterest or Imgur, just mindlessly scrolling images, saving them as pins or in folders on their drives. There is little to no interaction. Most of those users are female btw, who have plenty of social contact in their real lives. The people who get addicted here are lonely, and mostly all male. They want social stimulation. The porn addiction is actually again another symptom of this. They don't have intimacy in their real lives and often times they mistake "feeling horny" with wanting intimacy. Their masturbation is an ineffective substitute to what they need. They overdo it and feel bad because they are exhausting themselves physically in a way they never would if they had a sex life.

Houllebecq summarises this issue well in his work. And the title "Atomised" is a perfect description of it. You guys need to put effort into making real friends and relationships. Being part of actual communities, even if they are work related. Human beings are social animals and your case is incredibly sad because you are surrounded by people as our communities and cities swell in number, but simultaneously you are dying internally from being alone.

>> No.23054657

You simply have arrested development. You are not special or unique. In the past, before the internet, retards like you would self-annihilate with alcohol. Boring wage-cuckery is not the only option, there are many ways to make your own way in life. You are just hyper fixated on some childish fantasy though. This is why it is important for parents to kick their children out of the home early if they haven't committed to one direction yet (e.g. going to med school or similar). Simply take the plunge in some direction (join the army, get a wage job, move to a new city, become a hobo, whatever) and you will free yourself of this condition. It really is that easy and you are killing yourself in anxiety out of fear to grow up.

>> No.23054663

You need some friends on your IQ with semi-relevant interests. You are lonely for people who are like you and that's why you are trapped here.

>> No.23054710

>If only I had the energy to work 70 hours a week, then I would.
I somehow doubt this is the case. Millions of people in China and elsewhere work this amount and even more, multiple jobs, side-businesses etc. You could do more.

>> No.23054713

Horrible advice.

>> No.23054719

>Creative people naturally have an easier time maintaining this lifestyle because they feel sick the longer the consume without creating, So they've natural alarms that keep them from screwing the balance.
I can agree with this. I have 4 different creative hobbies and numerous platforms online to share them. I feel a bit anxious if I am not creating something every day.

>> No.23054782

Be around real people. Not around people, you stop wondering what they think as individuals and you stop considering feedback about yourself. That can be destructive and lower your self esteem or it can be good, raising it and giving you the confidence to face the world. They also hold you accountable. That guy you respect asks how that project you are working on is going. Do you want to tell him you blew it off and gooned all day? No. Will you lie to save face? Are you someone who just lies all the time now? Thats not a fucking good thing.

>> No.23054828

>We are facing issues with our reward function.
I'm starting to think that mastering this has become like an unofficial rite of passage into manhood for modern day men.

>> No.23055174

/// The soldiers were ready at a moment's notice /// Additionally, about 96 percent of the land is under conservation easement, meaning it can’t be developed /// He's a mouthpiece for the pharmaceutical industry /// The army has been whipsawed by a shrinking budget and a growing pool of recruits /// It’s been really hectic here. When things settle down, I’ll give you a call /// He had developed a reputation as an automotive savant and tinkered on cars in his spare time /// Although exports are in this sense an epiphenomenon, they are the most measurable of the two /// She strapped the children in and drove away /// The lotion alleviated the itching /// I'm sure they will charge up the wazoo for tickets /// Farming may seem bucolic, but it is an inherently volatile industry, subject to the vicissitudes of weather, disease, and disaster /// Kept the truth from their unwitting friends /// The wily City veteran is rarely caught on the wrong side of a trade /// He saw no fulsome eulogies carved upon the headstones, often nothing but a name and the two dates of birth and death /// And our blithe drift towards becoming a cashless society is coming at a cost /// The movement promotes female supremacy and misandry /// I've got some bits and bobs to get done before lunch /// Noticing my slightly glazed eyes, he quickly summarized his points /// I initially dismissed the idea out of hand /// I wouldn't set foot in that haunted house if you paid me /// Taking a sheet of hotel stationery from the drawer of one of the desks I wrote: Any chance of seeing you for a moment? /// The show is well-acted, and the dialogue is snappy /// The plan vests workers with pension benefits after 10 years of service /// I sometimes wonder if people like Klein are just hustling the rubes, as they say /// History is littered with the astounding scientific and artistic achievements of some pretty glum, dissatisfied people - who let their minds wander /// Happily, inlaid game tables sell well, especially florid examples /// For an hour I was walking around in a daze /// The chairman caucused the water pollution committee before making recommendations /// They pursue other birds, forcing them to disgorge the fish they have caught /// Many men's briefs are called "Speedos" even if they aren't made by the company /// Bran and straw are placed between layers of discharged sludge until the pit is full /// It is neither here nor there why the individual has reached such a decision /// Don't shuffle your feet like that! Walk normally /// Imperial conquest, here, was represented as just retribution for egregious sin ///

>> No.23055300

Yeah passing his genes in your ass

>> No.23055305

Make yourself do things that are hard for you for prolonged periods of time and refrain from feeding goyslop like 4chan to your brain

>> No.23055319

I think after quitting porn and booze my dopamine pathway is still fried because of this goddamn site. Every click and scroll is a desperate search for a dopamine high. I'm a fucking junkie and should end this addiction already.

>> No.23055321

At least vidya keeps your attention in one place. I can't even do that much

>> No.23055325

Making 4chan monochrome helps. That or removing the pictures