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/lit/ - Literature

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23276549 No.23276549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can you refuse him?

>> No.23276553


>> No.23276556

look at the shape of this monkey's head
imagine taking advice from this 'man'

>> No.23276565

Say all you want about Tate but this is very dionysian and life-affirming. Nietzsche would be proud.

>> No.23276569
File: 890 KB, 1079x2149, Screenshot_20240411_193150_F-Stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do both, nigger

>> No.23276578

He could beat you in a fight though

>> No.23276581

And an average chimpanzee would beat him in a fight. They go straight for the dick with lethal intent

>> No.23276589

Is that you?

>> No.23276590

>They go straight for the dick
So are you saying this is your strategy in a "fight"?

>> No.23276593

Just describing chimpanzees bro. Learn to read

>> No.23276595

Do u have more? Asking for a friend

>> No.23276596


>> No.23276597

faggot probably has aphantasia or dyslexia and can't enjoy the beauty and world of written text and instead of admitting this to himself and his retarded audience, he chooses to berate them. good thing he is not as smart as he thinks going by his recent self-doxing that led to his arrest

>> No.23276598
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I don't listen to mutts.
Hope the Romanians kill this nigger for raping their women

>> No.23276599

So basically, he's saying he's a nigger

>> No.23276600

anon are you fucking the books

>> No.23276605
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>> No.23276611

Or maybe he just prefers real life over words written on paper.

>> No.23276623
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>Or... or maybe he... *sniff* j-just prefers real life over words written on paper....

>> No.23276624

If he did only PREFER he would not be so dismissive, that kind of attitude stems from a lack and not from mere preference.

>> No.23276625
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>to feel contempt

>> No.23276661

I would shoot him dead in a blink if he tried
professional fighters aren't something to brag about, it's literally a path for the dumbest people with the fewest options

>> No.23276668

We're sending this inbred looking retard back to the UK, they can deal with him.

>> No.23276671
File: 78 KB, 408x660, Smuglifepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon I come here to look at tiktok /s

>> No.23276690

This, reasonably intelligent people try and avoid fights whenever they can as one punch can kill you or somebody else, only low IQ sub-humans go around trying to start fights. They even tell you in self defence and jiu jitsu classes to avoid fights, self defence is only used as a last resort.

>> No.23276767

Funny how guys like you always have a plan

>> No.23276785

I'd rape you, 100%

>> No.23276789

>They go straight for the dick with lethal intent
And a human with superior intelligence, more dynamic range of motion, and superior reach can't do this, because...?

>> No.23276790

>I would shoot him dead in a blink if he tried
t. wristlet
>muh IQ
Effeminate "male" detected.

>> No.23276794

I'm Trans btw don't know if that matters

>> No.23276795

People who deny the benefits of physical strength and masculine aggression tend to be so.

>> No.23276798

Starting random fights is nigger tier behavior
You're not an alpha warrior
You're a white guy from Nebraska

>> No.23276801

>Starting random fights is nigger tier behavior
When you assume all fights are 'random', it shows how feminized and buck-broken by society you are.

>> No.23276804

So true brvther
We need to go back to xitter

>> No.23276806

You realize that your society will revert back to an honor based one in barely a century's time, right?

>> No.23276808

lmao what will that do compared to the chimp's massive teeth, superior reflexes and powerful grip strength, keep in mind the chimp also has better dynamic range than you do, you can run, it can jump and the chimp is not afraid of you

>> No.23276809

I'm going to crash this plane

>> No.23276814

Barely 100 lbs
Can easily reach the 200+ lb range while maintaining a low body fat percentage.

Do the math retard. Sheer stats win every time. Chimps being 5 times stronger than humans is pseudo-science. Also
>keep in mind the chimp also has better dynamic range than you do
I mean they lack the necessary to do anything besides grab onto things. You'll never ever find a chimp that can perform a spinning back heel kick.

>> No.23276817

*necessary manual dexterity

>> No.23276847
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>You'll never ever find a chimp that can perform a spinning back heel kick.
I can't believe people are replying to this guy lmao

>> No.23276870

He never raped anyone, you gullible man. Some cam whore wanted to retaliate for not giving her a bigger slice of the pay.
You won't do shit, pencil neck. Besides, most Greek philosophers were athletes, some even wrestling in contests. Stay weak.

>> No.23276873

He's still a nigger

>> No.23276875

>Effeminate "male" detected
Starting fights to try and prove your own worth to others is the opposite of ''masculine'' as you are reliant on what others think of you and harming others to feel good about yourself, it is pretty much weakness encapsulated.

True masculinity and strength lies within us, in our characters and our mental strength, a truly strong person does not need to prove anything to anyone else, so he would feel no need to get into a fight unless innocent or defenceless people were being threatened and needed to be defended.

This is why for example people who adopt gang uniforms and try intimidate others are the weakest, because it all stems from a lack of self esteem and a reliance on the perception/opinion of others.

>> No.23276903 [DELETED] 

That means nothing retard, the chimp has massive teeth, how will your 200 pound lifting ability help here? The chimp's arms can break yours, they are as strong as your legs are, they can haul the chimp's body weights several feet into the air just like your legs can lift you several feet into the air.

>> No.23276905

That means nothing retard, the chimp has massive teeth, how will your 200 pound lifting ability help here? The chimp's arms can break yours, they are as strong as your legs are, they can haul the chimp's body weights several feet into the air just like your legs can lift you several feet into the air and they are also more dexterous than your feet or your puny arms.

>> No.23276968
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>> No.23277007

I don't listen to brown people, sorry.

>> No.23277012
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1708683524707245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me laugh, thanks anon

>> No.23277021

He's just another influencer hedonist lol. Doesn't say anything of interest here. It's not that reading in of itself is smart. It is the act of thinking, discussing, building off or responding about the things in the text that makes one "smart". Sure fucking women, fighting people, driving a "sick car" can be fun for a while. But for how long? These things have a limited amount of interesting value before they become boring.

Meanwhile you can learn, discuss and write about many different subjects with grand availability. That's the kind of world books open up. I'll say it is incredibly hard to find a good discussion partner though.

>> No.23277024

One must have balance between dionysian and apollonian ideas.

>> No.23277029

Real life is when you just have sex, drink and ride car. Of course lmao.

>> No.23277129

That's a man, baby!

>> No.23277137

The worst part of that image is that it's clearly taken in a public library.

>> No.23277185
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>people with slow brains
Hey, that's me!

>> No.23277212

>Can you refuse him?
I'm not a drunk/high 18 year-old thot with a 95 IQ and dreams of social media stardom. So yeah.

>> No.23277327


>> No.23277349

Was there a bigger faggot in the history of mankind? I'm chudmaxxed af and I hate that worm. He's the honeypot for braindead fratcels who were too dumb for the Jordan Peterson honeypot.

>> No.23277355


>> No.23277358

This time he went too far thoughbeit

>> No.23277362

I don't have a plan. I have a gun. The end

>> No.23277369

the skeletal and muscle structure of a chimp is optimized for far greater destructive power than a human. doesn't matter if they weigh half of what your fat ass lugs around

you'd get your face ripped off in seconds, retard

>> No.23277688

There are people in this world so low inhib that they will strip completely naked in a public library. Meanwhile I'm so socially anxious I can't even order food sometimes. Life's not fair.

>> No.23277740

>Man who made a fortune saying controversial things, says a controversial thing
What a shocking turn of events

>> No.23277768
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Probably the most retarded thing I've read today. A chimp can literally rip your face off with one hand and that's not even a joke.i don't think most bodybuilders can do that to a grown adult. Take a video of yourself fighting a chimp and post it here to see those stats win every time lol

>> No.23277773

first funny thing posted on /lit/ all year

>> No.23277782


>> No.23277825

yes he was recently arrested again lmao

>> No.23277996

I think the more you expose yourself to social situations, the less anxious you become. Also, this behaviour of striping naked in public could be exactly caused by social anxiety, hence it would to be a taboo, a fetichistic taboo

>> No.23278004
File: 540 KB, 1290x912, 1711047656376214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao why does he say "contempt"

>> No.23278012

He's write for the most part. Unless your reading at a very high level you might as well watch tv

>> No.23278051

i can't disprove him and have no desire to. not everyone is intelligent enough for reading and that's fine, to try to convince retards to read is playing with fire, making retards think they're not retarded. the world needs people 'intelligent' at digging ditches too.

>> No.23278082

You have to fight for status if you want to have it. Just being internally strong isn't enough, what counts is action unless you want to be a monk, which is fine but not really alpha.
Fighting is usually not physical but you have to do something.

>> No.23278099

if you were really intelligent you could disprove him.

>> No.23278132

Well his best example of literature was
"Oh, and the Pirate on the boat"
This muslim faggot's brain is on the same level with that of a per-schooler, which would place him a little bit above profit muhammad.

>> No.23278133

Can a man have those kind of hips?

>> No.23278141

>for status
Worthless chaff for people who are slaves to external things, what are you trying to prove?
>Just being internally strong isn't enough
It's the only thing what matters and will get you through most things in life with equanimity
>what counts is action
Walking away from conflict is a deliberate action and you get to live another day with no loss whatsoever, you win every fight you walk away from.
>but not really alpha
How is allowing yourself to get upset by what someone else may say ''alpha'' whatever that bullshit means, anybody who considers themselves to be such a fictional thing in all likelihood probably isn't one.
>but you have to do something
You do not have to do anything and you are under no obligation to do anything if someone says something to you or threatens you, their behaviour is a reflection of themselves, not you.

I have no reason or obligation to prove myself to anyone, what matters is what i think of myself, i am not reliant on what others think of me. If someone thinks i am weak or cowardly for not playing childish schoolyard games, then that is entirely their problem, i am nearly a 40 year old man, not a 14 year old in the schoolyard.

>> No.23278175

>You can distort however you want the meaning of strength, but it is related to physical force only. And in situations where strength is required, no ammount of "inner strength" will be able to suffice. Not saying that what you call strength is useless, buy you are clearly underestimating physical strength

>> No.23278180

sorry, that green text was unintentional

>> No.23278232

>but it is related to physical force only
I think you just contradicted yourself by saying this
>Not saying that what you call strength is useless, buy you are clearly underestimating physical strength
So inner strength can be called a strength then? so there are two kinds of strength then, mental and physical? wouldn't you also agree that it's possible to be physically strong but mentally weak and for example let every impression what comes to your senses upset you?

I don't think i said physical strength was useless either, of course it has it's uses, i was referring to people who go around causing trouble just to prove themselves, wouldn't you agree that is weak as it relies on what others think of you?.

>> No.23278265

who says people who actually have the ability to fight well do it incessantly?

However, your inability to defend yourself in a physical confrontation shows in how you present yourself. It's exactly why people open-carry always seem confident. You'll rarely see someone who seems timid carrying a weapon. It's the same with physical strength, except the difference is that this is real strength. You worked for it and the confidence therein will be apparent, moreso than than the illusion of confidence that a firearm will give you.

The point isn't to be physically fit so you can fight a bunch of people. No one is claiming this and this is the kind of erroneous thinking that comes from the weak, both mentally and physically. The point is to be as a sword in its sheath. You don't go around cutting down your enemies but when you need to, it is ready to protect you. Thus, a true fighter never needs to use his fists only until absolutely necessary.

>> No.23278280

>and the pirate on the boat
which book is it? now that i think about it i don't think i have ever read a book about pirates

>> No.23278283
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based and true

>> No.23278316

Guns are cool
Shooting niggers and white niggers is good

>> No.23278366

You're both basically saying the same thing.
That said, after 10+ years in MMA adjacent martial arts at this point, you'd be surprised at how common the overly and overtly aggressive type is.

For instance, I've had more than one conversation with middle-aged men who were in the midst of vigorously training for a fight with a co-worker. 2 to be specific, but that's still too many imo.