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23379635 No.23379635 [Reply] [Original]

noobs in philosophy are normie naive realists. Their default mode is materialism. You can't just tell them "bro materialism is false bro bc it just is ok", you have to actually show them. Plato is too highbrow for them at their present stage; they won't "get" him because the Ideas are not even a possibility for them. But Kant gets down to their level, uses this normie midwit state of consciousness as the starting point for his system and leads his readers to see the falsehood of materialism, to despair of the consequences of the combination of this falsehood with the limitations of the normie midwit mind, and only then even begin to understand the significance of Plato. Through Kant's meticulous analysis of the mind, and likewise meticulous investigation into what the conditions of knowledge of a transcendent realm would be, and also whether the knowledge derived from this preceding analysis reveals the mind to conform to these conditions, the reader is provided with possibly the best material with which to develop a system under which the analysis of mind would find it (the mind) commensurate to the task of knowing a supersensible reality: the intelligible or ideal realm--- the realm of the noumena in a positive sense, in the sense of actualities, in the sense of the noumena as real rather than simply products of our subjective imagination. From this point, the transition to the study of Plato would be a natural and satisfying decision for the reader, and he would be able to really appreciate Plato. Don't listen to the naive realist materialust normie faggots. Read Kant, but don't be a dilettante, because then you're just wasting your time and you'll end up being another one of those anons seetheposting everyday because they got filtered but blame the author instead because they have fragile egos. Take it seriously and maybe you might develop intellectual intuition, or as some call it, the third eye, and see the noumenal realm for yourself.

>> No.23379642


>> No.23380468

What the fuck does "ourhanoz, orhatoz" mean?

>> No.23380490

I can't tell if I want to laugh at you for reading plato for the substance of his arguments or for coping so hard you turned plato into escapism from the technocapital singularity. I very much need you to go touch grass. And not the platonic form of grass, nor the nomological character of grass. Real grass. Outside.

>> No.23380514

>the intelligible or ideal realm--- the realm of the noumena in a positive sense
Conflating noumena with platonic ideals. You're hopeless.

>> No.23380518

To be fair materialism and demonology are closely correlated


>> No.23380521

What if you are talking to a homeless person who sleeps in the grass

>> No.23380525

When I meditate I commune with Athena and Buer. They grant me wisdom and clarity in my struggles to reduce humanity's suffering.

>> No.23380741

>in a positive sense
you need to actually read Ksnt

>> No.23380939

isnt that sort of how schopenhauer reads it

>> No.23381800

you mean outside of the cave, right?

>> No.23381809

Recommend a book aimed at a modern audience that makes a compelling case against the sort of materialism that is the default outlook today.

>> No.23382182
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>> No.23382195

do you smell your own farts?

>> No.23382562

>noobs in philosophy are normie naive realists. Their default mode is materialism.
Literally the opposite is true, fuckface. It's almost impossible to find genuine materialists.

>> No.23382762

I always had the feeling that most people getting into philosophy gravitate towards Idealism.

>> No.23382771
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Every philosophy is essentially an idealism or at least has idealism for its principle, and the question then is only how far this principle is actually carried out. This is as true of philosophy as of religion; for religion equally does not recognise finitude as a veritable being, as something ultimate and absolute or as something underived, uncreated, eternal. Consequently the opposition of idealistic and realistic philosophy has no significance. A philosophy which ascribed veritable, ultimate, absolute being to finite existence as such, would not deserve the name of philosophy

>> No.23382784

>t. never heard of YOLO
you have to be at least 18 to be on here