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23398128 No.23398128 [Reply] [Original]

>just stop being a whiny bitch
Based lol

>> No.23398295
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Let me start pushing this rock up the hill bro

>> No.23398752

>just don't give into desire, bro
>oh you want to break the samsara, well that's desire! you can't do that
>just don't have to work, be social or have family and you're on your way
>oh you have cancer? you must have been an awful person in your past life. heh

>> No.23398819

>oh you want to break the samsara, well that's desire! you can't do that
According to this sutta, that's wrong: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN51_15.html


>“If that’s so, Master Ānanda, then it’s an endless path, and not one with an end, for it’s impossible that one could abandon desire by means of desire.”

>“In that case, brahman, let me cross-question you on this matter. Answer as you see fit. What do you think? Didn’t you first have desire, thinking, ‘I’ll go to the monastery,’ and then when you reached the monastery, wasn’t that particular desire allayed?”

>“Yes, sir.”

>“Didn’t you first have persistence, thinking, ‘I’ll go to the monastery,’ and then when you reached the monastery, wasn’t that particular persistence allayed?”

>“Yes, sir.”

>“Didn’t you first have the intent, thinking, ‘I’ll go to the monastery,’ and then when you reached the monastery, wasn’t that particular intent allayed?”

>“Yes, sir.”

>“Didn’t you first have (an act of) discrimination, thinking, ‘I’ll go to the monastery,’ and then when you reached the monastery, wasn’t that particular act of discrimination allayed?”

>“Yes, sir.”

>“So it is with an arahant whose effluents are ended, who has reached fulfillment, done the task, laid down the burden, attained the true goal, totally destroyed the fetter of becoming, and who is released through right gnosis. Whatever desire he first had for the attainment of arahantship, on attaining arahantship that particular desire is allayed. Whatever persistence he first had for the attainment of arahantship, on attaining arahantship that particular persistence is allayed. Whatever intent he first had for the attainment of arahantship, on attaining arahantship that particular intent is allayed. Whatever discrimination he first had for the attainment of arahantship, on attaining arahantship that particular discrimination is allayed. So what do you think, brahman? Is this an endless path, or one with an end?”

>“You’re right, Master Ānanda. This is a path with an end, and not an endless one. Magnificent, Master Ānanda! Magnificent! Just as if he were to place upright what was overturned, to reveal what was hidden, to show the way to one who was lost, or to carry a lamp into the dark so that those with eyes could see forms, in the same way has Master Ānanda—through many lines of reasoning—made the Dhamma clear. I go to Master Gotama for refuge, to the Dhamma, and to the Saṅgha of monks. May Master Ānanda remember me as a lay follower who has gone for refuge, from this day forward, for life.”

>> No.23398985

>this desire is ok though if you feel relief from action even though it's not remotely possible to see it to completion unless you are born again as a monk. heh.

>> No.23399284

I more read it
>Death and decay are inseparable parts of a whole object, and understanding that diminishes their sting.
Basically it's harder to be hurt by stuff when you have already accepted it, and ultimately you'll have to accept it either way.
I mean your real enemy isn't desire itself but the delusion that the object of your desire will actually satisfy you.
If your desire is attainable and will really improve your situation it's fine.
But people are really bad at estimating what they're capable of and what is really good for them after considering all the strings attached, so for most it's better to start by reducing desire all around.