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23398296 No.23398296 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get back into reading?
My brain is fucked from like 20 years of porn abuse

>> No.23398304

Don't go reverse cold turkey. Start slow. Read eroticas, and slowly branch out into fantasies

>> No.23398321

I'm getting tired of seeing this type of images.

>> No.23398324

Stop watching porn. Start taking stimulants like Adderall and nicotine. You'll have the motivation to read. Coomers ruin stimulants by associating porn with them but if you never did this, they will serve to help focus and willpower and condition better habits in the place of porn and masturbation. It's nice to go to sleep after a day of studying knowing you did something better than masturbate. It's like going to sleep when you were young before cooming thoughts/goals were polluting the mind. Imagination is active and you take pleasure in knowing you beat the most difficult thing in the world. It's harder to cease masturbating and porn use than it is to cease opiates which are incredibly overrated anyways.
Worse to read erotica than it is to watch porn because your brain will simply realize that words can be organized in such a way for a sexual arousal response to be triggered so if you're reading literature deep down your brain will realize it could accomplish what it perceives as a more important task and then the brain drifts from a productive session of reading something useful to smut. Doesn't matter what it is. It will be discarded and thrown out the window when it can coom doing a similar thing.

>> No.23398333

Just read

You retards overthink shit. God damn

>> No.23398334

I was going along the pragmatic reasoning that since cooming is already a habit for op he can put it to good intellectual use and fulfill his dream of getting back into reading.

>> No.23398345

adderall makes me 300% more horny than normal. not the best advice

>> No.23398373

People blaming porn is a huge cope

>> No.23398416

This one is the best I've yet to see

>> No.23398435

Reading comprehension 0/10. You ruined stimulants by associating them with porn and now experience arousal on them because of the previous conditioning. The drug didn't do it. You did. If you avoided porn on them, they would have served to reinforce better habits instead.

>> No.23398451

I've been watching porn since I was 8 years old. I goon until my balls and prostate hurt every other day and I have no issue reading books in English, Spanish and French.
Sounds like a you problem.
Skill issue.

>> No.23398458

70 IQ people from Africa and India can speak multiple languages and read. Neither are indicative of intelligence or accomplishment even.

>> No.23398461

Are you OP?

>> No.23398468

MLP FiM fanfics. It's the only way.

>> No.23398481

You have to think about the why first and develop some type of motivating theory behind reading and why you want to do it. I recommend Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.23398700

Read food packaging. That's short enough for your attention span. Keep doing that and before you know ot you're reading The Histories by Herodotus in Greek while standing.
>testimony: I did precisely that

>> No.23398745

Nofappers are cringe faggots but porn is pretty disgusting, physically, mentally and spiritually. It's a whole business selling you you're disgusting, reptile desires. That being said, there's nothing wrong with getting off. There is such thing as "good" pornography, like erotica, and it definetley doesn't damage you as badly as nofappers claim. I find it hard to believe anyone can suffer serious addiction in the same sense as alcohol or hard drugs. It's probably a lack of willpower and it's easier to play victim than to address issues at hand.
t. exposed to porn at 11 and have gooned to it off and on for years

>> No.23398747

I was in the same situation, I’m still a coomer but I went from reading 0 books in 10 years to reading ~50 books/year.
You need quantifiable goals to start. The same portion of your brain that gets hooked on stat farming in video games can be exploited to make reading a compulsion. For example, I really like Africa so the first books I read were part of a mission to read one book from every African country. Set yearly or monthly reading goals, but don’t set weekly/daily goals, that just stresses you out and increases chances of failure.
Also start reading on your phone. You’re a screen addict, so be a screen addict. I put a piece of sticky note on the screen over the page number so I can’t count pages as I read.
Lastly, read only what interests you. Ignore the garbage in charts you see posted here.

>> No.23398782

I watch porn. Watch TikTok. Still read four hours per day. Either you're retarded, or I'm a genius.

>> No.23398868

Just read a fucking book. Open it, and read from left to right.

>> No.23398907

>Open it, and read from left to right.

Arab bros...

>> No.23398912

True, also you underthink