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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16226076 No.16226076 [Reply] [Original]

should've become a carpenter, rather than spend years in this environment of sensationalist claims and overly complicated descriptions of simple and boring systems; saturated with pompous basedientists gaping their mouths at consequences and facets of everyday work that are fundamentally trivial. If I hear another trivia science factoid from an ignorant eager dumbass top scoring student I will access all printers in the instotute from a library computer and make them print full pages of fine print rainbow NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER till they all run out ink.

>> No.16226096

Neat blog, you should touch some grass or some ass.

>> No.16226126
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I share your sentiment, however you should remember that any pompous retard can make things bigger and more complex but it always takes a genius to move in the opposite direction.
The years you've spent studying will pay off once you realize that humanity walks in the opposite direction by decreasing the number of significant scientific discoveries (ask your nearest NPC about any creative endeavor at all and they'll advocate for doing nothing because "everything's already invented" even though we live in a Kafkaesque nightmare in regards to scientific advancements).
Discerning shills from actual facts is easy when you actually apply the "fuck around and find out" method of actually arriving at perennial truths and that in the end science will always be different from Science.

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16226074 No.16226074 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific explanation for this?

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16226054 No.16226054 [Reply] [Original]

Why is biology so objectively inferior to chemistry, which in itself is so objectively inferior to physics & math?

>> No.16226062

The lines between these fields are pretty blurry at a fundamental research level. Bio-physics and physical chemistry can be mathematically involved disciplines despite having most of the work being done by MCB types.

>> No.16226072

polluted with tards who don't understand separation of variables

>> No.16226094

the best people went to physics and math.
what left in biology is the mediocre tier with occasionally some MD who have never been trained in the doing research.
resulting in the bottom tier research field with widespread fraud renamed replication crisis in an attempt to fool the public into thinking that the frauds are not delibrate.

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16225972 No.16225972 [Reply] [Original]

Is Retinol good for skin care? does it help with wrinkles or is it a waste of money?

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16225924 No.16225924 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did they figure this shit out???

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16225773 No.16225773 [Reply] [Original]

Can I pass the Actuary CM1A/CM5 actuarial exam on contingencies by simply memorising every annuity formula
Exam in 2 days

>> No.16225776

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

>> No.16225790


This shit looks autistic and easy as fuck ngl. I should have just taken the exams years ago.

>> No.16225796

Its a money printer, I just cbf studying anymore

>> No.16225806

Actuaries are, without exception, the most psychopathic people on the planet. Ever wonder why everyone dies? It's because actuaries refuse to allow their tables to be proven wro-

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16225726 No.16225726 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ - Science & Math

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16225720 No.16225720 [Reply] [Original]

I bet we can agree that fuel is the most annoying part of even the most advanced of the modern space vehicles.
You blow the fuel up controllably making a huge mess, but worst of all, the ratio of fuel per kilo lifted is so bad, that the whole thing is not just inelegant, but stupidly expensive.
Is there hope?

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>> No.16225735
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>> No.16225736


>> No.16225753

Doomed to obscurity because the idea is not viscerally cool and only nerds understand how it works

>> No.16225858

hydrolox is clean. methalox is pretty clean too. You're not going to get any cleaner, more elegant or more efficient than these. if you want to do better you need to look past chemical rockets into the realm of sci-fi, e.g. space elevators.

>> No.16225906
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16225632 No.16225632 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific explanation for why this happens?

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>> No.16225801

Find me 10 million examples.

>> No.16225804

>10 million examples
seems kind of low ball don't you think?
twixer, instagrum, toktok, facebork, etc,, etc

>> No.16225807

9.99 million are your mom

>> No.16225820

Heh. Yeah, my mom's a whore.

>> No.16225841

Grug prove he good builder for tribe
Grugina prove she relatable mate for tribes grugs

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16225628 No.16225628 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I stink 30 minutes after taking a shower? Also have sweat under armpits when not even doing anything but just slight walking and sitting down. I’m in 30s and don’t currently exercise.

>> No.16226024

Are you overweight? Be honest.

Also, how much do you scrub yourself? Consider getting s brush and give yourself a rough scrub all over.

Lastly, it's not uncommon to smell a little after a shower in my experience. Like if you press your nose into your armpit and sniff you can still detect a faint sweat smell

Hope this helps

>> No.16226045

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.16226060

Thanks. Yea I’m at least 30lbs over weight.

I’m a neet so nothing else to do at the moment on this alleged anonymous board.

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16225557 No.16225557 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.16225580
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These debates and discussions are stupid. Humans don’t know how to create any biological organism from scratch…. If atheists can prove evolution from primordial soup, go make a mosequito in a lab or a fly. Should be simple right? Even the most basic cell cannot be created in a lab by a human. Yet atheist love to argue like they know or can do better than the creator of the universe..
God doesn’t exist!!! Ok prove it faggot.

>> No.16225587

What does this prove but deism?

>> No.16225616

it's a fair argument against theories like big bang or evolution tbf. (both of which are held together by blind skepticism unironically)

>> No.16225654

How is it an argument against evolution or the big bang?

>> No.16225883

how is it not

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16225524 No.16225524 [Reply] [Original]

can you fucks agree on what is healthy to eat and how much, for fucks sake, how can you land ships on the moon and make drifting fighters jets and not be able to identify what your own species should be eating. PATHETIC

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>> No.16225595

If you want an actual answer it's that nutrition is a field with very few meaningful studies because all of the evidence is self reported by people who don't want to admit to that 10th oreo or who don't remember to record what they ate. It is very difficult to aquire the information you need to make a proper conclusion.

>> No.16225704

Just let people make free individual choices. Problem solved.

>> No.16225719

back to /pol/

>> No.16225725

wtf you on about? just let people eat what they want

>> No.16225853

If you're not fat, just eat a balanced omnivore diet.
Literally can't go wrong. Having "too much" of something is pretty difficult and rare compared to having a deficiency, so this should cover everything.

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16225451 No.16225451 [Reply] [Original]

What does this mean, scientifically speaking?

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>> No.16225482
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I bet it was hotter than now during or after 1956. If you know, you know.

>> No.16225566

Maybe we shouldn't have banned the sulfur in shipping fuels.

>> No.16225573

It means we're fucked.


>> No.16225676


We have data on the effects of so2 emissions on retracting light and cooling the planet. Can't believe anyone is surprised by this considering the eu and us are using diesel fuel instead of bunker oil. It also give us good starting point for geoengineering projects.

>> No.16225715

Prophecy pending two more weeks.

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16225449 No.16225449 [Reply] [Original]

Can you look like a scientist?

>> No.16225474

I'm a black twink. Should I transition to look like a scientist?

>> No.16225509

I'm a 6'2" aryan, how do I become an ugly ass nigger?

>> No.16225576

you can mate with a black welfare queen and hope your child look just like her while paying child support for the next 18 years.

>> No.16225805
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16225376 No.16225376 [Reply] [Original]


Is there a hotter physicist?

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>> No.16225510

Are you two fucking high

>> No.16225532
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>Is there a hotter physicist?
does my gf count?

>> No.16225641

She's got a thing for round eyes?

>> No.16225816
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Step aside

>> No.16225822

Like a Bond villain

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16225369 No.16225369 [Reply] [Original]

How much are we influenced by our gut bacteria ("I want to eat X.. I need to drink Y"), it seems we are ruled by it but it can be changed over time, tastes evolve through our years and habits..

Am I the megabiome or just a slave to the microbiome?

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16225348 No.16225348 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to find an STL file of the Wigner-Seitz cell of Lonsdaleite, but Google isn't helping much.

>> No.16225458

make your own

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16225324 No.16225324 [Reply] [Original]

Who enforces the laws of thermodynamic

>> No.16225331

First law of thermodynamics:
Do not talk about thermodynamics.

>> No.16225335
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Homer Simpson

>> No.16226008

The cops

>> No.16226047

His name was Homer Simpson.

>> No.16226051

Sadi Carnot

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16225312 No.16225312 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't nonimaging concentrating optics be used to make a perpetual motion machine of the second kind?

>what are nonimaging concentrating optics?
Dunno really, supposedly it's meant to allow you to get past the problem of Etendue, which might stops you concentrating light to a brightness above the source. This obviously cant be otherwise we break entropy.
This is a paper using a NICO to increase the brightness of sunlight to pump a laser. The brightness achieved does not exceed the surface of the sun but gets close.

>> No.16225316
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Here's a perpetual motion machine of the second kind using a NICO to concentrate emissions of a large, cold black body (BB) radiator to a hotter, smaller BB, allowing them to be in thermal equilibrium in a paradox.

If you could "somehow" make a NICO with a sufficient concentrating factor (concentrating the emissions from one area to that of another 16 times less), this would work.

>> No.16225328
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Here is a much simpler paradox which allows two BBs to have their photon emissions in equilibrium, yet their temperatures be different.

The solution to this paradox is solved by making the BBs a finite size, as then the foci of the circle and ellipse no longer match correctly.
Good paper explaining it. Gives pretty pictures for a QRD.

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16225288 No.16225288 [Reply] [Original]

RETRACTED: Drought sensitivity in mesic forests heightens their vulnerability to climate change

The authors of a paper published in Science have retracted their article following the discovery of calculation errors.

The article,“Drought sensitivity in mesic forests heightens their vulnerability to climate change” by Robert Heilmayr of the University of California, Santa Barbara and colleagues found that in drier areas, trees are less sensitive to drought and in hotter regions with a wet climate, tree growth is expected to decrease.

It has been cited once, according to Clarivate’s Web of Science. Since its publication in December, the article has been downloaded 4,641 times, posted by 154 X users, and written about by 20 news outlets and press release sites.

In January, a group led by Stefan Klesse of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research informed the authors of errors in their R script, which was used to characterize weather and climate in these drought-affected regions. When the authors reran their script, the statistical significance of some conclusions, and test results changed – prompting them to retract the work.

>> No.16225289
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“We believe the journal has handled this process incredibly well,” Heilmayr told Retraction Watch. “They encouraged us to work with Klesse et al. to get to the bottom of their concerns, and then followed our recommendation to retract the paper. Although we are disappointed, we were happy we were able to correct the scientific record.”

Klesse and his colleagues did not respond to our request for comment.

Four papers have been retracted from Science since the beginning of last year. The first was a similar case, in which researchers discovered an error and the authors retracted. Two involved the high-profile case of former Stanford president Marc Tessier-Lavigne, and the other was from another high-profile case at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

A spokesperson for Science said “It continues to encourage us to see examples like this where a data user lets the authors know about an error and the authors work quickly to correct the record.”

>> No.16225499

R is not math and they corrected the issue when it was brought to their attention. What exactly is your complaint?