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16224940 No.16224940 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Thunderf00t's live reaction to starship's test flight 4?


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>> No.16225674

>Google will soon surpass them with much more advanced models.
I was with you until that claim. Google has a severe organizational disease. If they were capable of excelling in this field, they would have done so by now.

>> No.16225688

>If they were capable of excelling in this field, they would have done so by now.
Google literally invented the transformer architecture

>> No.16225696

Yes, so they had a head start on everybody and are still behind. They wouldn't be behind unless they were organizationally crippled. They don't need more time to catch up because they already had time and the first mover advantage and squandered both.

>> No.16225737

That's nice dear, but Gemini is the absolute best they could do and it's retarded.

>> No.16225825
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>Google will soon surpass them with much more advanced models.
lol. lmao, even.

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16224937 No.16224937 [Reply] [Original]

Our Earth spins at 1,000 mph and travels around the Sun at 86,000 mph, and our Solar System travels at 450,000 mph around the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, and our galaxy travels at 1.3 million mph through the void of the cosmos. In short, big things move really fast.

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>> No.16225044

Time is also affected by the size of objects. If such a person were to exist, our universe let alone this galaxy wouldn't last the amount of time it takes them to blink.

>> No.16225053

Eventually, we would. It might take significantly more than a billion though.

>> No.16225078

Here is something even more mind blowing: whatever we can imagine, becomes our bigger reality

>> No.16225106

imagine each individual cell in our body imagined themselves assembling into a human that can imagine about each individual cell.

>> No.16225112

Basically another way to describe the properties of physics.

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16224907 No.16224907 [Reply] [Original]

How do you heal from it?

>> No.16224934


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16224902 No.16224902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This thread was deleted despite being an approved meta thread.


This is it's replacement. Do not act in bad faith and delete it.

Ban all the /pol/tards. They have had free reign for too long.

>> No.16224906

POL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH IM GOING INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahahahaaha, cry moar little faggot

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16224691 No.16224691 [Reply] [Original]

Which does an electricity company know which house in an area is bypassing their meter?

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>> No.16225290


Today utility meters radio broadcast consumption information constantly to neighborhood data collection points. They can compare electric to water and gas to see if nobody is home.

>> No.16225361

Orwellian Nightmare. Next you're going to tell me there are cameras on everyone's doorbells?

>> No.16225378

What's next? Everyone willingly carrying a tracking and communication device?

>> No.16225398
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You can leave your phone at home. However, tracking your utility use to compare your usage or judge if you're home or not is another story.

>> No.16225443

Can't avoid utility meter spying or doorbells watching. Orwell warned us.

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16224688 No.16224688 [Reply] [Original]

If you are a vaxxie how does it make you feel that the "conspiracy theorists" and schizos were right? Scientifically speaking of course

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>> No.16224812

Donald Trump: "It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all"

>> No.16224825

the "schizos" and "conspiracy theorists" had the same information you retarded fucking dipshit and no it wasnt the right idea at the time, you are just fucking stupid as are all the other nigger cattle that shot up the jew juice

>> No.16224873
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It was never tested to stop the spread
It was never engineered to stop thd spread

You got sold a flying car with a photo of a concept car beimg driven off a cliff

>> No.16224884
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He only said that to trick vaxxxxxies into volunteering to kys themselves. LMAO that you were low IQ enough to fall for it

>> No.16224908

He did nothing while seniors in red-leaning counties were murdered via ventilators.
Today you keep hearing about how Biden has strong support among seniors. The Trump supporting ones are all dead. Because Trump did nothing to save them.

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16224664 No.16224664 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, Canada need to become the greastest empire on earth.

>> No.16225056

Wait until someone tells her GMO plants are easy to make and they likely already have ways to turn trees and crops into super C02 scrubbers for pennies. Climate change was always just a means to control the plebs. It looks like it failed so now The Powers That Be are telling their puppets to back pedal. Same old story. Same shit happening with EV's, Elon is even looking to ditch Tesla in the next few weeks having failed to cash out $56 billion from his scam empire.

Industrial scale green energy, also a scam to control plebs. The best thing to have is a decentralized off grid system tied to a back up grid powered by a healthy mix of fuels. That means solar/wind on your roof AND a battery bank in your house to store and use your own power. Then if you run out of self made power the on grid switch flips, fills you up, charges you a small fee. EV's are stupid, always have been. The prime vehicle is the gas/electric hybrid. It combines the best of both cars and makes an effective MPG of 60-100 mpg. With that type of efficiency our known oil reservoirs would last 3-4 centuries.

It's all a scam for control by evil people who are greed incarnate. Al Gore is worth like $300+ million. Tesla made most of it's money selling bullshit carbon credits. But people with their own battery bank is anti control. People with hybrid cars capable of cross country trips via the ICE engine make it hard to control people. They can't keep getting away with this...............

>> No.16225084
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Why does this WEF shill now defend climate change? Is this finally the official shift in narrative? Will mainstream journalism follow?

>> No.16225123

Im not even a greenfag, but holy fuck is this gay. I dont like scorching summers. I dont like parasite species creeping up from the south. I dont like snails destroying our crops because the winter wasnt cold enough. This bitch can go fuck herself

>> No.16225251

They don't even have to modify plants to be CO2 scrubbers, though you should push that technology on kickstarter and make yourself a nice gorillion.

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16224569 No.16224569 [Reply] [Original]

I love Polysaccharides

>> No.16224658

Hello fellow mammal. I love them too.

>> No.16225477

Are there any benis shaped molecules? If not biochemists should make one for da lulz

>> No.16225517

Genetically modify cows to secrete cellulase. Can their reliance on bacteria for digestion be reduced?

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16224479 No.16224479 [Reply] [Original]

Is the weaponization of a supervolcano with salted cobalt bombs enough to create a doomsday device (including a dead's man switch) that can eradicate all human life on earth and is such a device possible?

Furthermore, could such a device be used to hold the world and the United Nations hostage and achieve superpower status?







>> No.16224505
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Project Fear

>> No.16224756


>> No.16224762

Nah. The world and its biosphere are bigger than you think. Read about Toba.

>> No.16224784

No destroying earth would take an enormous amount of energy that would be = to the total mass of the earth. What can output that much energy? Uranium or other radioactive material has a lot of energy density and potential. But to build a bomb that displaces enough mass that will vaporize the earth would require us controlling that energy in a sustained manner which is impossible. The energy displacement of a superlarge explosion would likely have a threshold limit and would cancel itself out.

>> No.16224868

>could such a device be used to hold the world and the United Nations hostage and achieve superpower status?
No, because you would not have any control of that weapon.

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16224460 No.16224460 [Reply] [Original]

How far are we from the invention of quantum computers?


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>> No.16224835

Okay, 15 years ago

>> No.16225040

They're here and they suck

>> No.16225094
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Considering it relies on individual atoms instead of circuits to do calculations which are anything but rudimentary, might be a ways off before anything viable is created.
>Quantum computers were invented in 1998
Can it run Doom?

>> No.16225107

The even bigger question is, what have they accomplished so far?

>> No.16225370

i am pretty sure the current quantum computing models are just turing machines, just faster and with different operations at the instruction level, you could run your normal windows desktop on one of them, in theory.

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16224409 No.16224409 [Reply] [Last 50] [Original]

Artemis Milestones Edition

Previous: >>16223077

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>> No.16225854
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>> No.16225855

Yikes and oof-pilled

>> No.16225856

his elden ring build is just as basic as his anime tastes

>> No.16225857

there's a reason why everyone wants to start their own companies. being your own boss lets you work whatever hours you want while still getting paid the most and nobody can give you any shit over it. lots of business owners chill at home doing fuck all while management are slave drivers at work.

>> No.16225860
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16224386 No.16224386 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw the universe could be repeating itself for an unknown time and that we might be experiencing infinite possibilites of how can history proceed itself due to Heisenberg Uncertainty.

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>> No.16225074
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Allow me to introduce a new theory / interpretation which I will call metacryptodeterminism:
1. The laws of physics are incomplete. They do not fully determine the future.
2. The necessary input to determine the future comes from human free will which cannot be accounted for by the laws of physics.
3. Human free will however is not truly free. It is determined by metaphysical laws which are unknowable to us.

>> No.16225213

Have psi-epistemic interpretations been ruled out?

>> No.16225255

Here here! I propose we call this metaphysical force Dark Will.

>> No.16225274

That's so skibidi.

>> No.16225293
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>omg, my brain, it feels so big!!!
>its full of so much schizo kike jargon and fancy basedence polysyllables
>oh no
>i can't hold it in any longer
>i'm gonna…

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16224374 No.16224374 [Reply] [Original]

Consider a point F and a line l.

Let the point P be the foot of the perpendicular to l passing through F.

Let E be the ellipse with focus F, directrix l and eccentricity r.

Then E intersects the line FP at two points A and B. Assuming AP > BP, then AP/FP = 1/(1 - r), which, as you may notice, is awfully reminiscent of the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series. Is this a coincidence?

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16224352 No.16224352 [Reply] [Original]

What if in the future people could tweet their brain patterns as reactions. A device could scan you brain in realtime and share its current state.

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16224260 No.16224260 [Reply] [Original]

At what rate can I extract wealth?

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16224232 No.16224232 [Reply] [Original]

>sucks at science in your path

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16224186 No.16224186 [Reply] [Original]

Can you compute and process using the brain, and complete orders such as updating the Sun/anything?

>> No.16224193


>> No.16224197

Bro - you actually need meds. I don't. Take your quietine and calmifon tablets twice a day.

>> No.16224202


>> No.16224214

I'm trans btw

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16224172 No.16224172 [Reply] [Original]

I keep reading that if the sun became a black hole the orbits of the planets would remain unchanged. Is that actually true? I feel like the curvature of space would be different especially around the inner planets. There's also tidal forces to account for, no?

>> No.16224300

If the mass of the sun stayed the same, the orbits would stay the same. If the sun merged with another star and created a black hole, the orbits would change.

>> No.16224313

The tidal effects would only be significant inside the radius of the sun.

>> No.16224963

what is it about black holes that makes them the number one most popular popsci topic of discussion amongst the brainlet soience fangoys?
is it the comic bookish aspects of the spectacular, unrealistic and completely non disprovable conjectures which go along with the topic that make black holes so popular amongst the scientist posers and wannabes?

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16224159 No.16224159 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many women die during childbirth?
Is nature trying to tell us something?

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>> No.16225427

because modern diets and activity levels are not good for us

>> No.16225497

benefits of whatever makes childbirth dangerous outweighs the risk brought by it.

>> No.16225500

No, it's just dysgenics. 50% child mortality used to kill of the untermensch.

>> No.16225522
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>Is nature trying to tell us something?

>> No.16225578

What anons have already said, human head has evolved to become far too big (because human intelligence) compared to human pelvis. Nature already copes by making human babies retarded and stupid but still dangerous.

Victorian doctors used chainsaws to break mothers' pelvis if they became a problem. Now we do caesarean birth with anaesthesia and antiseptic. Mothers used to die or already dead during caesareans.

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16224111 No.16224111 [Reply] [Original]

Hello. I've realised dropping out of uni after first semester 7 years ago is the single worst decision I've ever made. I was and still am too depressed.
But I still want to reach the levels of those who graduated magisters. This is peak delusion. I know that, I know. But this is what my soul wants. This is what my soul needs. I am so ashamed of myself.
The field was called "mathematics". I don't even fucking know what to tell.. maybe recommend me some combinatorics books? Sorry guys, I know I am delusional and mentally ill, but there's no other way.

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>> No.16224307

Now fart in my mouf. If you don't go soon, I may choose another population.

Cause your skill level is too low.

>> No.16224310

Go on... Think of me as some miner in a coincidental operation who got all the intelligence there is and is ready to share all of it and more with his group. This state is rare, but if we do 'end up playing football in the middle of war and quickly change tides' - we are the best around.

>> No.16224311


>> No.16224320

What you think you're gonna equal me going in similar directions? Without an all against war or natural competition in effect. Oh God fart on my tongue. You are so stupid.

I welcome you to eventually win this war, but more so to prosperity as the best up there, by probability.

>> No.16224324

Hows RH coming along