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File: 55 KB, 973x868, World Oil Statistics - Worldometer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15799577 No.15799577 [Reply] [Original]

Oil, natural gas and coal are all running out. These are limited resources that we're using up faster and faster.

With less than 1.4 trillion barrels of oil left in reserves we have about 38 years of oil left with current consumption. Natural gas will last about 100 more years and coal 400 more years. As one energy source runs dry the others will be consumed faster to compensate.

How are we to solve the global energy crisis?

>> No.15800044
File: 115 KB, 675x675, 6u345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask yourself why oil pumps are not dismantled once they pump all the oil out

>> No.15800055

No go figure out how much new oil wells we find anually.

>> No.15800072

The only crises we have is ever increase government over reach, and dysgenics. We've plenty of FFs in Europe, the government forbids it's use.

>> No.15800229


>> No.15800241 [DELETED] 
File: 450 KB, 620x620, 1684215059719880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak oil shilling has been going on for the past 2/3 of a century and its always been a lie,
its almost as old as the global warming shilling, which has also always been a lie
end of the world fantasies are always lies

>> No.15800243

Humanity is a meme.
In a hundred years the scattered remnants of civilization will exist in barbaric iron age fiefdoms.
In a thousand years a few million tribal humans might eek out a some sort of neolithic existence in scattered temperate climate zones.

>> No.15800248

It's interesting that science illiterate religious whackos like you put all their faith in science for the future of humanity.
Are you a flat earther too?

>> No.15800252 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 1500x500, stonetoss zings soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projection & reductio ad absurdum
religious whackos believe in end of the world fantasies, its especially prevalent amongst the soiyentism religion

>> No.15800257

so you are a flat earther...

>> No.15800267

So do you believe there's a literally infinite amount of oil in the ground? goddamn this board is full of retards

>> No.15800276
File: 158 KB, 800x670, 1482182289089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil is abiotic and infinite.


>> No.15800281

What's the replenishing rate? Because without that, your argument is no more than a fart in the wind.

>> No.15800286


>> No.15800288

They're far too stupid to understand concepts like rate.
They're about as capable of rational facts-based thinking as any drug addict on the streets.

>> No.15800291

70 years average for a surface well in the USA.
No idea about other geographical locations, or differing depths, but pretty sure middle-east oil is literally infinite, as in you'd need more than a hundred times current plane consuption to even start to overcome the rate, which is simply impossible.

>> No.15800292

It's the new religion
Any kind of bullshit which justifies gluttony and consumerism is in their playbook.

>> No.15800295

its utter bullshit, its based on proved reserves. Proved is basically what you can get out of ground now with current infrastructure. It does not include P2-P6 reserves (long story short those classifications is oil out there but unrecoverable unless you drill more or improve technology). Probably at least 500 years of oil in place that has already been discovered (not including non discovered oil). Running out of oil is global warming for right wingers.

>> No.15800342 [DELETED] 

hydrocarbon fuels are all over the place, they're on planets with no biological life. the kola borehole found them miles below the deepest signs of biological life, where they couldn't possibly be of biological origin.

>> No.15800353

And how are these numbers arrived at? I need sources.

>> No.15800854

see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carboniferous

>> No.15800882

Just let the retards starve. Get yourself some solar panels, 24 hours worth of batteries, start composting and growing your own food, and buy some guns for when the retards start to realize how bad things really are.

>> No.15800895

are you retarded?

>> No.15801106

I also think that the Earth is flat, and that the vaccine is a mutagenic poison.
So make sure to show how retarded i am by vaxxing to the max, my friend.

The holocaust is definitely, though.

>> No.15801112

>motte and baily argument
Dishonest too

>> No.15801114

Nah, humanity will most likely transition back to an early 20th century level of industry, only replace coal and oil with renewables of course.

>> No.15801124

A curse upon your blood, may you die a painful and prolonged death.

>> No.15801248

Hateful too
Is there anything good and true that you do not despise?

>> No.15801368

Fast enough to become available to the following civilization after this one has collapsed due to dysgenics.

>> No.15801401
File: 198 KB, 1378x696, Henry Adams curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a liar.
You can prove me wrong by posting how the replenishment rate is determined.

Real question is, what is the purpose of these lying shills that want you to believe that things like peak oil aren't real?

>> No.15801532

Damn, I guess the lakes of methane and ethane on Titan were also created in the Carboniferous by extraterrestrial space dinosaurs, dumb chuddie

>> No.15801536

What's the replenishing rate?

>> No.15802025
File: 501 KB, 2000x1400, 3-stovetop-types-comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best idea. Make sure that you're as self sustainable as possible. Try to switch as much stuff away from oil and gas as possible/you're comfortable with and get that into electricity that you can produce yourself.

>> No.15802032

they're been saying we're running out of oil in 10 years for the past 50 years.

>> No.15802041

>How are we to solve the global energy crisis?
People can live fine with no energy, the problem is only when others have more. Its a matter of relative military and industrial power, you dont want to be easy to enslave.
So the solution is to fight for oil and hope it runs out when you are in control of the last field

>> No.15802081

it's not infinite but it's more than proven reserves. The issue has nothing to do with whether we we will run out, it has more to do with economics where it gets increasingly more difficult to extract more oil and we have to rely on increasingly unconventional methods to extract oil which will drive up the costs

>> No.15802204

So when they discover a new source of oil they update that number? What do they estimate the final number will be?

>> No.15802286

Theres this unproven pop theory that free atmospheric oxygen came to be due to photosynthesis taking in CO2, capturing the carbin and releasing the oxygen. If this was true then there should be enough free carbon, as coal, gas or oil, to match the levels of oxygen, i.e theres enough fuel as theres enough oxygen to burn it. So like 2000 trillion tons
Carbonate rocks make sense as a sink for CO2, but not for free carbon.

>> No.15802357
File: 60 KB, 493x765, era.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carboniferous was wayyy before dinosaurs

>> No.15802424

It doesn’t have to be infinite
But alarmists tend to ignore unexplored fields, improvements in extraction techniques and yes, fields refilling over time (probably from deeper deposits)

>> No.15802429

We need to rely on nuclear 100%, that's the only way. until someone figures out fusion.
and we need to lower the global population down to a 100 million.

>> No.15802441

>not having a wood burning stove

>> No.15802861

We can run out of oil just like we can run out of water.
i.e. locally, and temporarily, if overused.
And for oil it doesn't matters, since you need to ship it to a refinery anyway so who care if a given well goes dry for some dozens decades or so.

>> No.15804204

>It does not include P2-P6 reserves
Where can I read more about P2-P6 reserves?

>> No.15804220

It's utter bullshit from you as well. Oil has to be rare in order to make rich people richer.

500 years of oil means the price will drop so dramatically, good citizens will become hobos. We cannot allow this to happen.

>> No.15805265

In the 2000s we were gonna run out of oil in 40 years. 20 years later we're gonna run out in 50 years. Seems like an improvement

>> No.15805276

They do get dismantled so I'm not sure what your point is.

>> No.15805329

Hi, actual geologist here. This is absolutely not true. We won't run out of oil, coal and natural gas for about 10,000 years. Peak oil is not about running out of oil, coal and natural gas it's about diminishing returns.

When you mislead people with faulty information and they learn the truth your entire point evaporates. Simple link


>> No.15805333

>Oil, natural gas and coal are all running out.
no, they're not,
the US alone has enough known deposits to power our country for the next 300 years. granted that's not infinite and we should do working intelligently and practically towards actual practical working alternatives, but we have time, if the lunatic climate change freaks don't destroy us fist

>> No.15805509

We won't ever run out of oil, it will simply become uneconomical to exploit for power. Current estimates for when that will be all seem to be around 2070. When we begin to exhaust oil we will increase our use of coal and natural gas, cutting the supply by decades until we finally run out. Unless we find a lot more oil that is economically recoverable or adopt renewables and nuclear, we will see the end of fossil fuels in our lifetime.


>> No.15806718

uranium, thorium, and sunlight are cheap and plentiful, i see no issue

>> No.15807113
File: 183 KB, 1362x855, Natural gas flow in the United States 2022 - eia numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he US alone has enough known deposits to power our country for the next 300 years
Not really. For natural gas the US has 17 years left at current production


Shows that the US has 625.4 Tcf (trillion cubic feet) of natural gas reserves. And

Shows that the US produces 36.4 Tcf (trillion cubic feet) a year so the US has less than 2 decades of natural gas left at current production levels.

>> No.15807163

I dont believe it

>> No.15807543

It's different for every well but it must correspond with the maximum production rate of a depleted reservoir. Most "depleted" wells in America produce 1-2 barrels/day on a permanent basis so the reservoir as a whole is replenishing at a rate which satisfies all active wells on the reservoir for that amount.

>> No.15808440


>> No.15809730

greenfags btfo

>> No.15809768

Take your meds and reread the thread.

>> No.15809841

Proven reserves have been increasing at a higher rate than they've been exhausted for the past century. It's just getting more expensive as countries turn to less efficient sources (i.e. oil sands or shale oil).

>> No.15809844
File: 89 KB, 865x616, figure_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. But somehow national reserves keep increasing? Almost like proven reserves are still significantly lower than the true reserves.

>> No.15809894

>Oil, natural gas and coal are all running out
And yet the reserves continuously go up. Curious.

A better question is what happens if we cannot free this carbon before full synthetic alternatives make petrol obsolete? We need to ramp up usage FAST or we're gonna be stuck with this worthless stuff.

>> No.15809897

Show me any study for any well you fucking liar.

>> No.15809898

>cubic feet
How do you know they're not just reducing the pressure?

>> No.15809936

Least psychotic green party member.

>> No.15810197

Theres 2000 trillion tons of coal, gas and oil

>> No.15811541

It gets a revision down and up all the time. But the total natural gas that's recoverable is steadily declining due to our large extraction of it.

>> No.15811559

We'll experience large scale energy crises well before every reserve is exhausted. Remember all that plastic shit you buy at the store? Milk jugs, cottage cheese containers, plastic bags, etc. All that only gets used because it's cheaper than alternative containers like glass. When oil reserves get low enough supply and demand will start to kick in, the pricing of plastics will go up massively and it'll start to be cheaper for companies to use something else like glass.

There will be plenty of oil left in the Earth, just nobody will care enough to extract the last of it because you'd basically do it at a complete loss. Also consider that after enough time oil refineries will get dismantled so that will basically seal away the remainder of it forever. Expect massive changes in consumer good, no more polyester clothing, acrylics, a fuck ton of petrol derived shit like dyes. It would be unimaginable, petrochemicals have changed basically everything about human society since they were discovered. Massive energy crises, changes in clothing production, food shortages due to lack of petro derived fertilizers/pesticides.

So far human tech has kept up with the demand, we've developed new methods to extract more from previously stagnant wells, but at some point technology will slow down, it'll plateu it has to. The period after that will be painful and slow.

>> No.15811716

There are thousands of mom and pop wells in Texas extracting a few barrels a day in perpetuity, which have been active for nearly 100 years. The supply of oil increases over time. Fields self-replenish if allowed to rest and if the underlying rock isn't hydraulically fractured.

>> No.15812156

Nonsense. You mean there are thousands of people who've been grifted into buying unproductive wells that haven't completely been drained yet because it was more economical for the oil company than dismantling them.

>> No.15812182
File: 931 KB, 1050x1050, jys_iamgoingtojillmyself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an insane amount of our systems rely on oil. like oil gone, everything is essentially gone. there will be riots in the streets. just look at how global inflation spiked when opec decided to cut production in 2022. its so deeply fucked; we are so deeply fucked, our infastructure is so fucking fucked.
not to give props to joe biden but i genuinely think hes doing the right things in terms of energy policy rn. bc all we can do is invest in alternatives and create alternate systems to our current oil based ones. getting ppl to switch off oil wont happen until we make the alternatives the better, cheaper option.
i do think we should start gas rationing. if u look at the biden admin's current policies this would seem in line- biden wants to be fdr 2.0 (who doesnt) and is treating the economy like it needs wartime stimulus despite there not being like ww2 happening. this is precedent for wartime era esque energy rationing policies. (neo-keynsian economics!)
but nooooo, he wont, he doesn't wanna piss off donors which is fair i guess but ugh. energy rationing just makes sense. same with water, also, bc the ways we use it is so inefficent. but again then creating rationing systems r gonna be deeply corrupt because the government is deeply corrupt and theres no winning ever. and theres not even any great precedent for resource rationing because our globalized society uses resources on such a large scale and so much of this is tied to land ownership and property rights. Cuius est solum, eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos and all.
small scale methane reactors r where its at tho.

>> No.15812281

Are the dead dinosaurs with us right now ?
What are they saying to you ?

>> No.15812290

Are you illiterate or just stupid? All the voices in my head right now say "anon needs to take his meds and learn how fossil fuels are formed."

>> No.15812296

Gas, oil and coal are abiotic and infinite tho
sry m8, diny the dino isn't real, stop huffing petrol.

>> No.15812302

Take your meds and learn how fossil fuels are formed. Dinosaurs do not figure into it.

>> No.15812314

I'd much prefer to see you vaccinate yourself to be tbf

>> No.15812322

Cope and stay ignorant, useful idiot.

>> No.15812461

>implying there aren't still a lot of untapped oil reserves
we're never running out of oil bro

>> No.15812549

>Take your meds and learn how fossil fuels are formed.
The current scientific dogma is that theres 2000 trillion tons of coal, gas and oil, and assorted fuels like these methane hydrates. Enough for 100.000 years

>> No.15812595

Ironic post coming from an oil lobby bootlicker.

>> No.15813288

And the vast majority is not economically recoverable. We will stop producing fossil fuels by the end of the century. Probably much sooner. It's not the Earth that will run out. It's humans.

Take your meds. Oil is not abiotic or infinite. Oil companies want you to believe it is so you continue to burn through it with no thought of consequences.

>> No.15813527

>to burn through it with no thought of consequences.
What consequences?

>> No.15813576

Fossil fuels damage the environment, change the climate, and if we don't switch away from them before we exhaust our supply it will cause a societal collapse. This will happen in your lifetime.

>> No.15813587

I have AIDS and dont care

>> No.15813588

Have you considered killing yourself? I think the world would probably be a better place without you in it, and you'd prove me wrong about fossil fuels being exhausted in your lifetime. We all win.

>> No.15813711

I don't see how it would become uneconomical. There's no real alternative that's anywhere near as economical and effective.

>> No.15813714

When you exhaust the easily accessible resources it becomes more expensive to get at the remaining resources. That's why the price of oil keeps going up.

>> No.15813909

I pray that you demonic filth all vaxx, and to the maxx.
I don't known whether you're a retarded goylem, or a malicious demon, and i don't care, i just want you dead.

>> No.15813940

Take your meds.

>> No.15813947

79% of jews are clinically insane, schizophrenia being the top jewsease.

>> No.15813960

Are you telling me that you're jewish? Take your meds.

>> No.15813973

good to see you again peak oil anon! your threads are always fun, don't let them deter you!

>> No.15813991

>Oil companies want you to believe it is
Oil companies invented the term "fossil fuel."

>> No.15814004

How can you be this ignorant when search engines are free?

>The theory that fossil fuels formed from the fossilized remains of dead plants by exposure to heat and pressure in Earth's crust over millions of years was first introduced by Andreas Libavius "in his 1597 Alchemia [Alchymia]" and later by Mikhail Lomonosov "as early as 1757 and certainly by 1763".[23] The first use of the term "fossil fuel" occurs in the work of the German chemist Caspar Neumann, in English translation in 1759.[24] The Oxford English Dictionary notes that in the phrase "fossil fuel" the adjective "fossil" means "[o]btained by digging; found buried in the earth", which dates to at least 1652,[25] before the English noun "fossil" came to refer primarily to long-dead organisms in the early 18th century.[26]

>Whether it was Neumann in the early 18th century, or Lewis some 40 years later, the writer believes the term fossil fuels reported in 1859’s book has to be accepted in the 17th century meaning. The expression fossil fuels appear, matures and gradually establishes between the 17th and 18th centuries through a process of overlapping of meanings in a time frame of semantic transition for the early geology and paleontology terminology.


>> No.15814053
File: 129 KB, 455x634, IMG_0085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine believing in “Fossil fuels”

>> No.15814086

>le fact check
>fossil fuels used to mean "underground fuels" until the definition was changed to mean le dinosaurs
>checkmate atheist

>> No.15814157 [DELETED] 
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x9651, tmEdsHefB3xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I come to 4chan.org to regurgitate the mainstream media narrative from wikipedia and reuters
do you do it for free?

>> No.15814283

>Imagine being this mad about being wrong about something you could have easily looked up
You know that it doesn't cost anything to use search engines, right? I can give you a list of them if you'd like. Some of them even advertise that they don't record your search history so you don't have to be embarrassed about using them.

>> No.15814286


>> No.15814289

Do you do it for free?


>> No.15814291

It's funny how much a single image hurts you. Maybe that's why people keep posting it.

>> No.15814292

The irony. Did you want that list? I could even teach you how to use them. I'm sure even you could learn how to do it.

>> No.15814294

You mean you. You know how this site works, don't you? If people were downloading the file then the name would change. It doesn't so either every single person who posts this image has renamed it to exactly what you've named it, or it's all you posting it.

Do you do it for free?

>> No.15814295

Is it really this hard to accept that you've been fooled? By now you should be used to the idea.

>> No.15814303

The irony. Do you own a mirror? Use it for some self reflection.

>> No.15814309

>Take your meds. Oil is not abiotic or infinite. Oil companies want you to believe it is so you continue to burn through it with no thought of consequences.
Oil companies want oil to appear rare and difficult to obtain in order to justify the unreasonable cost to consumers. They have a well-known multinational cartel dedicated to setting the price of oil and sanctioning countries who refuse to play ball.

>> No.15814319

Oil companies don't need to make oil seem scarce because
>They have a well-known multinational cartel dedicated to setting the price of oil and sanctioning countries who refuse to play ball.

Take your meds.

>> No.15814325

You seem to have a strange grasp on reality, schizanon. If oil were widely known to be as plentiful as it really is, the cartel would be hated by everyone in the world. Whereas if they can keep people convinced that oil is scarce the idea of the cartel's malevolence in policing an abundant resource for profit is dismissed.

Just look at how Nestle was hated for buying water rights in third world countries and forcing people to pay to use their own groundwater and rivers.

>> No.15814338

Nonsense. It's much cheaper to control the market and then say "hey, that's just the market" than it is to fund a global conspiracy for a century or more to justify why the market is the way it is.

>> No.15814341

And yet they are funding a global conspiracy, so maybe the calculus is different than your uneducated opinion assumes.

>> No.15814352

Not one that's been around for a century, and their paper trail is very clear. Why is it that we see them funding anti-climate science narratives globally if they've already been funding, and continue to fund, the idea that oil is scarce with no evidence of that conspiracy? You'd think if they had the ability to perpetrate a global conspiracy for a whole century with no evidence whatsoever then they'd at least know how to perpetrate a global conspiracy without leaving any evidence.

>> No.15814353

>Why is it that we see them funding anti-climate science narratives globally
We don't. They fund every green organization though.

>> No.15814359

>source: numbers on website

>> No.15814375
File: 959 KB, 1x1, DunlapMcCrightOxfordHBChap.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonsense. They spend money on greenwashing to win public opinion. There are well evidenced climate change denial campaigns funded by the biggest oil companies. You can look them up if you'd like. Here's a paper and some wikipedia links to get your started. Look up anything you don't believe.


>> No.15814376

Just admit you bought the bait and go home.

>> No.15814386

Which part are you incredulous of? I can do the legwork of verifying any fact you have difficulty accepting from wikipedia. I notice that you don't have any evidence of the conspiracy that you claim exists. Is that because there is no evidence of it? That bring us back to this
>You'd think if they had the ability to perpetrate a global conspiracy for a whole century with no evidence whatsoever then they'd at least know how to perpetrate a global conspiracy without leaving any evidence.

>> No.15815684

Wikipedia is a good compilation of sources. All their sources are cited at the bottom.

>> No.15815900

>He doesn't know.

>> No.15815903

>Wikipedia is good
You've got to be fucking kidding me.

>> No.15815919

We shouldn't be using oil because it's fucking EMBARASSING as a species that we are still burning dino juice. If half the military spending was dumped into battery research we could have had something that makes solar grid power and electric transport truly viable.

>> No.15815928

That's like saying it's embarrassing we still use steel. Both gasoline and steel are refined from natural mineral products.

>> No.15815945

Regardless of what you believe about global warming, fossil fuels are dogshit from every angle except energy density. Filling city streets with tremendous amounts of noise and atmospheric pollutants, catastrophic spills into the ocean a fairly frequent event, internal combustion engines are tremendously complex and maintenance intensive compared to electric motors. Yes, it's embarassing we are still using it.

>> No.15817349

"OIL" generation at home has already been solved,

Farmers can get biooil for any of their needs with just a DIY Oil refinery right now even

>> No.15817401

Every alternative releases more environmental pollutants. Anyway if you improve combustion with good compression and fuel-air mixing you generate only CO2 and water vapor which are both beneficial.

>> No.15817953

But farmers need to build those facilities before oil starts running out. Farmers only have 30 years to do it.

Also a field doesn't produce that much organic material for biofuel production so it won't solve future oil shortages.

>> No.15818086

I dont see whats so embarrasing about it

>> No.15818956
File: 120 KB, 1125x1315, oil sources.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the discussion isn't about CO2, global warming or pollutants. It's about the fossil fuels running out. They're all limited resources and will eventually run out, we need to develop a strategy for when that happens.

>> No.15820040
File: 151 KB, 768x768, consumer51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just schizobabble rationalization on par with the neighborhood bed ridden morbidly obese fatso talking herself into another uber eats extra large double meat pizza.
These idiots really like >muh trook

>> No.15820131

Oil is abiotic and infinite.

>> No.15820140

Fake. Oil will last over two hundred years.

>> No.15820186

The only thing we will actually run out of in our lifetimes is Helium

>> No.15820337

Take your meds

>> No.15820341

Which part are you incredulous of? I can do the legwork of verifying any fact you have difficulty accepting from wikipedia. I notice that you don't have any evidence of the conspiracy that you claim exists. Is that because there is no evidence of it? That bring us back to this
>You'd think if they had the ability to perpetrate a global conspiracy for a whole century with no evidence whatsoever then they'd at least know how to perpetrate a global conspiracy without leaving any evidence.

>> No.15820343


>> No.15820346

The fact that you still believe in the scam about ExxonMobil "knowing about global warming" is proof that their disinformation network is nearly perfect.

>> No.15821024
