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15907342 No.15907342 [Reply] [Original]

In 1952 scientists predicted that by 1975 overpopulation would be causing massive famines in America. Its now 50 years past the famine deadline and theres still no lack of food in America regardless the continually growing population, in fact America has such a massive overproduction of food that vast quantities are converted into ethanol to be used as fuel.
Why are scientists' predictions so routinely awful? Why are the scientists always wrong? Is it because scientists are low IQ?

>> No.15907352

The article was probably assuming a 1950's level of technology in the agricultural sector. For instance, the Haber process developed in the first half of the 20th century now feeds half the global population.

>> No.15907359

Did you consider that these predictions were asserted to and the preventitive measures were implemented as a result of it?

>> No.15907386

Exactly. I say that due to this article we should disregard all science henceforthwise

>> No.15907390

We should absolutely disregard all
>experts say
in the headlines

>> No.15907391

They were right. Here in the US there isn’t enough real food to go around so most of us get by on goyslop to survive.
The only mistake these scientists made was not anticipating that people would willingly consume industrialized slop meal.

>> No.15907816


"Famine" is an affective term anyway. It doesn't exist.

>> No.15908407

All Malthusian predictions have been wrong.

>> No.15908474

famines dont exist or the word doesnt?

>> No.15908494

Nobody said this. Science is never wrong.

>> No.15908837

You can say the same for current "expert opinion" on anything and not take their "science" religiously.

>> No.15908864
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still, you should always trust the science

>> No.15908918

No, they've never been proven wrong. The Science simply evolves.

>> No.15908934

If you actually read the article, it's very factual instead of alarmist, in fact it doesn't talk about famines at all. It simply states that the US would need to fertilize and mechanize its agriculture and "scientifically utilize" the available land to keep up with the increasing population's demands because it's running out of unused arable acres. In videogame lingo it's a plea to go tall instead of wide because there is no more room to expand.

Which is exactly what happened btw. The US is cultivating 1,681,826 square km (that's 415,454,818 acres), slightly more than the 1,652,028 square km of arable land it now has available, and a bit less than what they had available back in the 50s (I'm not sure if land was ruined by overcultivation/desertification or they're just using slightly different criteria for "arable")
And the reason it can supply 300 million people and even export is that yields improved massively.

>> No.15908936

While humans have avoided complete "famine", our food supply has degraded quite a bit. Ask anybody older, meat today tastes quite different than meat 40 years ago. Fruits and vegetables have lost nutrients, etc. Overall we have extended the carrying capacity of the planet with synthetic fertilizers, and by a lot. As a cost food has lost a significant amount of its vitamins/minerals, which is contributing to obesity.

>> No.15910539

>yields improved massively
because of the positive impact that increasing atmospheric CO2 levels has

>> No.15910541

>Ask anybody older, meat today tastes quite different than meat 40 years ago.
Because it's frozen and shipped rather than cut fresh locally. And this is solely due to FDA regulations forcing everyone to rely on a handful of meat packing plants for all their meat.

>> No.15910568

>implying that modern groceries riddled with palm oil is food

>> No.15911136

>Is it because scientists are low IQ?
Its because they're effeminate, so they're always looking for excuses to scream and cry and demand attention. And that is in turn because they're unproductive.

>> No.15911173

stopped reading here

>> No.15911939

Real science has been dead since the 1920's when they started taking all the retards to college and letting them graduate. The space race was the swan song for the science of the past, and all modern "science" is nothing but a monotonous display of virtue signaling. You're better off becoming and independent researcher without a degree than getting into academia and becoming an educated fool.

>> No.15912842

Really makes you wonder what else the soientists might be lying about

>> No.15913225
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>> No.15913307

they'll shill whatever political narrative they're paid to shill, they don't have consciences

>> No.15914294

Eschatology has been a common feature of human society since before the dawn of recorded civilization. Its always been a lie

>> No.15914773

Claiming that "the world is going to end unless you become my slave and give me all of your money" seems to be a pretty popular grift. Amazing that some people are still ignorant enough to fall for it after thousands of years of the same scam.

>> No.15914779

Why were you looking in that mirror when you were typing that description, anon?

>> No.15914780

That’s because you are retarded.
Look at every single civilization since Sumeria in 5000 bc, they all share the same structure of the ruling class, the middle managerial class and the broad, unwashed masses beneath them. Civilization is the state of inequality, as individuals are innately unequal in intelligence and skill

>> No.15914839

maybe America is the youngest country in history and they are prone to errors, despite the fact that i love Cali

>> No.15916113

germany is younger, so is poland, ireland, italy and a lot of other places

>> No.15916736

>in fact America has such a massive overproduction of food that vast quantities are converted into ethanol to be used as fuel.
We also ship vast quantities overseas to support foreign populations. America produces enough food to feed billions people. 1 acre of land can produce the annual caloric intake of about 30 people

>> No.15916905

They were correct.
Your civilization is being aided by another. I can not provide explicit details on your internet.
You'll learn more starting next year.
You will not be allowed to destroy yourselves or this planet.

>> No.15916917

>Why are scientists' predictions so routinely awful?
Why are you posting a newspaper article to "prove" that scientists are bad at predictions?

>> No.15918037

The article is about a prediction made by scientists.

>> No.15918059

The newspaper article proves that scientists are bad at predictions

>> No.15918678
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How many times have scientists predicted the end of the world and been wrong?

Every time

>> No.15920020

this but unironically

>> No.15921494

he looks gay

>> No.15922343

Neil Ferguson is a homosexual

>> No.15923467
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Scientists are morons, their predictions are always wrong. Being a scientist is a profession for low IQ people

>> No.15923494

The cause of obesity is eating too much. Why people are able to eat so much is another question, I'd wager high availability, low costs, and extreme caloric density foods.

>> No.15924912

100 years ago "high calorie" was something that was advertised as a positive aspect of a food product

>> No.15925197

that's one hell of a gamble

>> No.15925278

How so?

>> No.15925814

No, what happened was media owned by the elites nitpicked statements and research by scientists to provide a seemingly credible justification for implementing the technocratic, globalist, collusionist, (post-)industrial capitalist monopoly/oligopoly politico-economy they want.

>> No.15925831

>The cause of obesity is eating too much.
And what do you think causes people to eat too much? You see satiation isn't caused by all those macronutrients (i.e. fats protein carbs). It's the micronutrients which are important for your body, those are what it really needs. If your food has little micronutrients in it you'll eat more, be hungrier more often, and in the process to get the right amount of micronutrients you'll eat too many macros, thus causing obesity.

What's very, very bad for humanity is that while the haber-bosch process can inflate the number of macronutrients in food, the micronutrients are in an almost completely fixed "pool" and dependent on the soil quality. You can't do anything to increase the micronutrients. In some ways the massive skyrocket in obesity we've seen over the past 30-40 years is "the same" as mass famine. While famine is the result of a lack of macronutrients, obesity is the lack of micronutrients. You can unironically be paradoxically both obese and malnourished at the same time, and nobody is acknowledging it, which is terrifying.

>> No.15926887

https://www.writingtoiq.com/ says your IQ is only 106 so I didn't read your post

>> No.15927524

The US does not have less than 190,000,000 people now does it, retard?

>> No.15927916

Scientists are extremely bad at predicting the future, if they were good at it then they'd be wealthy because they'd use their presumed abilities to predict things like stock market prices.
But those presumed abilities don't exist, they're just a happy, self-flattering grandiose delusion

>> No.15927943

Science is never wrong by definition.

>> No.15928803 [DELETED] 

This hypothesis seems to agree with reality.

>> No.15929443
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science is always wrong by definition

>> No.15929473 [DELETED] 

Go chop your cock off, it's modern science. You'll love it.

>> No.15929492

care to clarify what these "micronutrients" are and quantify the "number of macronutrients" that is supposed to be in food, or are you just shitting out words you heard on joe rogan?

>> No.15929503

vitamin A, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc. The specific amount of these nutrients in plants have dropped substantially over the past 70 years.

>> No.15929578

A little thing happened between 1952 and today.

>> No.15929607

>predict that current food production won’t be enough in the future
>increase food production using new technology
LOL why are scientists (more like ONIONS entists am I right?) so fucking stupid? What a bad and RETARDED prediction

>> No.15930033

no they haven't

>> No.15930805

I was trying to think up a significant event that scientists predicted to counter the list in your pic, but I don't think there are any. They can predict mechanical recurring events like sunrise and sunset pretty good as long as they have enough training data, but with events such as whats depicted in that pic they're no better than any other voodoo witch doctor or other primitive superstition

>> No.15931877

how about that big earthquake in japan 10 years ago or that big volcanic island that exploded about a year ago? oh wait, neither of those were forecast

>> No.15931956

>I have no arugment
I accept your concession.

>> No.15932443

How long have soientists been putting on this nonstop doomsday prediction charade for?

>> No.15933673
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the ivory tower academic priests have been doing it since the 1800s, but before that other classes of priests have been putting on the same act since before the dawn of recorded history

>> No.15933717

>preventitive measures were implemented as a result of it?
...like what?

>> No.15933722

thanks for having brains anon

>> No.15933960

All potential civilization-ending calamities have been avoided, sometimes narrowly. Coincidence?

>> No.15933965

>Is it because scientists are low IQ
yes, low IQ but high EGO

>> No.15933966

>theres food in the store because some scientist said more people need more food

>> No.15933989

The authors were low IQ, yes, but their ideas were retarded to begin with. Above 95IQ or so humans increase the carrying capacity more than their marginal consumption.

>> No.15935125

How high do IQs need to be before that increase in carrying capacity doesn't end up entirely benefiting low IQ shitskins?

>> No.15935693

>be high IQ
>use your genius brain to increase global carrying capacity
>get overrun by african negroes and have your civilization destroyed
looks like them geniuses are maybe not as smart as they thought they were

>> No.15936635

Things work out that way because "the great replacement" is a real plan that is currently being executed.

>> No.15937402

Every single one of those "predictions" was formulated not from science, but from a profit motive or government policy goal

>> No.15938134

stop making sense we want to get mad okay??

>> No.15938843

strong men make good times
good times make weak men
weak men make hard times

>> No.15940014
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Before science was taken over by atheists and turned into soiyence and started making endless chicken little doomsday predictions, it was religious extremists who were stereotyped as the people who were always claiming that life on earth was about to come to a screeching halt.
just goes to show how dumb and clueless and easily manipulated atheists are

>> No.15940032
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OP is either a disingenuous cuck or a moron because he read a thing but not a shitton of other things.
The modified crop revolution averted the cullings that the WEF was anticipating since the late 60s/ early 70s
KYS op dumb retard

>> No.15940038

That alone wouldn't be enough. But we need to start developing efficient permacultures because we're dumping too much nitrogen and phosphorous into the ocean.

>> No.15941064

>But we need to
how far have you gotten on the project so far?

>> No.15941332

Well, it looks like some movers are well ahead of me. I only just understood this problem in the last few years.

>> No.15941390

Are you pretending to be retarded? Almost all people nowadays are literally malnourished. Just because some are obese by stuffing themselves with processed garbage with zero nutrients doesn't mean they are healthy. That's why their brains and bodies are not working and people are more sicker than ever.

>> No.15942153

>Why are the scientists always wrong? Is it because scientists are low IQ?
thats the crux of the issue

>> No.15942805

so you're saying you've done nothing. so why did you use "we" in your previous post? you know better than anyone that you're not contributing in any way, why did you try to include yourself with those who are?
taking credit for things that other people did is intellectual property theft

>> No.15942809

>Malthus: "Overpopulation will kill us all."
>Mathusianists: "Overpopulation will kill us all."
>Environmentalists: "Overpopulation will kill us all."
>The "Experts": "Overpopulation will kill us all."
Yeah, it's definitely OP that's being disingenuous and not you.

>> No.15943283

I've contributed awareness. You're a detriment to all discussion and humanity.

>> No.15943301

>identify problem so it can be addressed

>> No.15943376

>in fact America has such a massive overproduction of food
meds now
you import your essential food shittery

>> No.15944450

there was never any problem to begin with

>> No.15945400

>I've contributed awareness.
you contributed lack of self awareness

>> No.15946452

do fags really presume that screeching like a baby about problems that don't even exist is "contributing awareness"?
are they really that brainwashed?

>> No.15946898
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>> No.15947300

reminds me of the guy that got angry over hearing that theres more ice in the arctic now than there was 10 years ago.

>> No.15947412

>Why are scientists' predictions so routinely awful? Why are the scientists always wrong? Is it because scientists are low IQ?
It's based on the data they have available to predict with which could be faulty or biased or the people making the prediction could be those things. On the other hand perhaps they were just observing the Boomers in general and making predictions based upon the behavior of those locusts, they've certainly ruined America.

>> No.15947487
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Solid post.

Something else for the anons itt to consider: there literally is a massive famine of QUALITY food. Sure, there are more calories than ever before and everyone has access to as many as they need, but half the people at my local Walmart literally don't look human anymore. Looking at young kids nowadays, and early teens, I can make a pretty accurate guess as to how wealthy their parents are just from how fat and hideous they are. That's just not true for any other point in history.

In the 50's, poor and wealthy kids were pretty much on equal footing respecting access to vitamins and nutrients.

>> No.15947508

The haber process was already widely used in the 1950s.
Because they extrapolate trends and assume that people won't change their behaviours, that new innovations won't be developed, that humans won't surpass every barrier in their way.
We will.

>> No.15947514

>That's just not true for any other point in history
It was true for 99% of history. The 20th century (and even then in the developed world) was the only time period when rich and poor had roughly the same diet; other than that it's been pretty standard that poor people don't get adequate nutrition. A typical medieval aristocrat was much stronger, taller, and intelligent than the average peasant. Of course nowadays it's largely by "choice" since relatively minor dietary adjustments (i.e. drinking water instead of Coke) combined with exercise would be enough to make a significant difference for most kids. Dismissing it simply as poverty isn't enough; many successful high school athletes grow up in poverty.

>> No.15947524

You're not entirely understanding my point.

What percentage of calories does the average American derive from sugar? It's probably 40%.

People look like molten ice cream goblins, bro. We know what ancient peoples looked like, and there wasn't an absolutely staggering difference between aristocratic and peasant classes. Rich and poor Americans look like difference species at this point.

Aristocratic noblemen for the past 1000 years were taller, fitter, healthier, etc. sure ... but they didn't quite literally look as if they were ubermensch surrounded by caricatures of fat orcs.

>> No.15948540
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>> No.15948555

I would unironically eat my dog so long as I exercised him a lot to increase his lean muscle mass first.

>> No.15949601

>ching chong ding dong

>> No.15949621

>Fruits and vegetables have lost nutrients, etc.
This is actually a thing. Fruits nowadays contain a lot less vitamins than they did decades past. Because we're struggling to keep the minerals and elements available in the soil even with all the fertilizers.

>> No.15950106


>> No.15951111
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>> No.15951619

How is "please stop being an asshole" a "scam"?

And it's not maximally irresponsible on all sides to have food generated so remotely?

>worse than religion

>average people are a net plus
You can't make this shit up......

The history of "smart" people is giving so many monkeys so many guns, extra and intra racially, instead of controlling thier world destroying behaviors.....

>radiating low iq map correlating directly with religiosity from alabama

How do you get the single most obvious fact about life, wrong?


Being this fatally optimistic....just don't call yourself a man, princesses.

>> No.15952228

wow did PETA really murder and cook a dog just for a publicity stunt?

>> No.15952806


>> No.15953627

How come they weren't arrested for animal cruelty?

>> No.15953632

Hey the Mayans used Chihuahuas for food too