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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16097836 No.16097836 [Reply] [Original]

The queen of science has abandoned us.

>> No.16097841

>The first 500 subscribers to my onlyfans using the code Sabine23 ...
Hahaha, no. I'm not gonna give my money to pseud grifters.

>> No.16097843

>more or less

>> No.16097845

> hurr I only trust people who provide a service for free durrrr
> oh wait those people don't continue providing the service cause they get no fucking money from it unless they are sponsored propagandists
Alt right retardacy is truly a sight to behold

>> No.16097847

Why does she hate science?

>> No.16097857

I provide my fact checking service on /sci/ for free. Because I'm committed to the truth.

>> No.16097888

> anonymous nobody
Yeah except your fact checking needs to be fact checked since you have 0 reputation, so we're back to square one. Also the scale is A BIT DIFFERENT.

>> No.16097895
File: 228 KB, 461x426, ceiling tactician.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me when the world is a vacuum where the only possible incentive is money

>> No.16097896

> hey just put a fuckton of time and energy, and money into this things but ugh.... FOR FREE
Those few who will actually do it will do it for couple months/years if they have a lot of starting capital and then stop. Happens every day.

>> No.16097909

maybe that's true.
money is definitely a reliable and practical incentive, very good if you're the one asking the person to provide a service.
i also agree that people will tend to do any given thing for money for much longer than they would for anything else, all else being equal.
but for something like information gathering, i don't see why you as an outsider would need a single person to keep performing that task for longer than a >couple months/years. you can just find the next person who happens to be doing it without those incentives, and then determine whether to listen to them. you have the power to make those determinations.

maybe i'm missing the point somehow.

>> No.16097916

> i don't see why you as an outsider would need a single person to keep performing that task for longer than a >couple months/years. you can just find the next person who happens to be doing it without those incentives, and then determine whether to listen to them. you have the power to make those determinations.

You'll at the very least have to regularly search for a new reliable source which is a pain in the ass. Also how much research that person is able to do is limited by their resources.
Having a team to research shit for you and then report it changes EVERYTHING.

4chan and social media in general is full of spoiled kids who think money is LE EVIL and miss the point that it can be used to support independent sources to give them more power relative to mainstream media.

> but no I won't lift a finger to support independent honest people
> and in fact I actually hate them because they make money for their work (like every other person)
Peak 4chan schizo-mode

>> No.16097917

Kek, I used to care about environmental shit when I was younger, and it was the shift towards shameless fearmongering that caused me to become a "climate denier". Climate politics today feels more akin to those Harold Camping rapture cults than what I used to care about. I always find it strange how political factions commit to strategies despite not even having a way to measure if the outcomes reflect their intentions. How do they know that the number of deniers converted by fearmongering will be greater than the number of believers alienated?

>> No.16097919

i'll think about that

>> No.16097927

In the comments of her latest video, I saw people still denying the benefits of nuclear power and even suggesting that storage problem for solar/wind will be solved before nuclear being safe (?)

>> No.16097928

>How do they know that the number of deniers converted by fearmongering will be greater than the number of believers alienated?
that's a good point. the whole thing is very uncoordinated, it clearly isn't succeeding at its purported goal, even if the majority have good intentions.

>> No.16097932

u beddah whyboi
I be waitin for yall to stup being rayciss muhfuckahs n give ur queens sum ahh eatin

>> No.16097956
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>> No.16098117

I'd let Sabine manipulate me, if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.16098119
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>facts aren't facts unless they are presented by an authority

>> No.16098129

Imagine listening to Sabine's sissy hypno

>> No.16098548

Same. Even if global warming is real I literally do not care anymore.

>> No.16098985

>i hate 4chan and everyone who posts on 4chan
>i only trust blue checkmarks
why are you even here?

>> No.16098988

I gave it a year until she's blackpilled but that might happen sooner than expected

>> No.16099039

>Kek, I used to care about environmental shit when I was younger, and it was the shift towards shameless fearmongering that caused me to become a "climate denier"
Are you me? I was very concerned by environmental issues when younger, and I'm still interested in ways of reducing plastic use/dependency etc, but the outright lying and fearmongering manipulation about apocalyptic global warming has only convinced me to distrust all "climate scientists". Incompetent charlatans.

>> No.16099052

why is it that famous scientists with advanced degrees, leaders of industry, people with successful political careers, etc. take so much long to get to the basic truths of life than the average 4channer does?

>> No.16099060

I give it a year until Sabine is going full accelerationist and lobbying for more carbon release because more carbon is better for the planet.
The modern climate is one of the coldest in Earth's history. There is absolutely no reason to suppose the modern, pre-industrial climate is optimal in any sense for humanity or for the rest of the biosphere.

In the Devonian Period (400 million years back) beginning plants evolved to produce lignin, which in combination with cellulose, created wood which in turn for the first time allowed plants to grow tall for sunlight. Forests pulled down carbon as CO2 from the atmosphere to make wood. Lignin is very difficult to break down and no decomposer species possessed the enzymes to digest it. Trees died atop one another until they were 100 metres or more in depth. This was the making of the great coal beds around the world as this huge store of sequestered carbon continued to build for 90 million years. Then, fortunately for the future of life, white rot fungi evolved to produce the enzymes that can digest lignin and so the coal-making era came to an end. If it had not, CO2, which had already been drawn down for the first time in Earth's history to levels similar to today's, would have continued to decline until CO2 approached the threshold of 150 ppm below which plants begin first to starve, then stop growing altogether, and then die. Not just woody plants but all plants. This would bring about the extinction of most, if not all, terrestrial species, as animals, insects, and other invertebrates starved for lack of food. And that would be that. The human species would never have existed.

>> No.16099081

they are not allowed to explore certain subjects/ideas, they trust their peers and a bunch of other factors. usually scientists focus on their field. that allows for them to have a skewed perception of other fields, based on a multitude of factors.
being a scientist doesn't mean you can tell all bullshit in every area.
but anons here are freely debating and exploring the most schizoid ideas. arguments pour in from all sides, and eventually some truth is distilled, even if not all. such is the power of free speech.

>> No.16099932

relatively low iq

>> No.16100104

>people still denying the benefits of nuclear power
Chernobyl, Fukushima, and Three Mile Island not enough of a hint for you?

>> No.16100601 [DELETED] 

>Three Mile Island
deaths: 0
injuries: 0

thanks for letting everyone see that you have zero knowledge on this topic and have no idea what you're talking about. the three mile island incident is only evidence for the safety of nuclear power.

>> No.16100674

People just watch her videos unironically, right?

>> No.16100698

>is only evidence for the safety of nuclear power.

>> No.16100710

I too used to care about environmental shit when I was younger, but then I learned 3 very important things.
1) Most people are stupid and ignorant.
2) China
3) India
After that I realized it was hopeless and just stopped caring.

>> No.16100793

OK now do one for all the people who have died or been injured in the course of extracting and processing fossil fuels.
Every oil rig accident, every coal mine collapse, every gas explosion. Go on.

>> No.16101007

A massive tsunami and earthquake disaster that just happens to have a nuclear power plant on its path?

>> No.16101009


>> No.16101066

a large number of people in academia are working on green energy related topics. they will get defensive when their livelihood and future earning are threatened. green energy cannot exist if nuclear energy ever go mainstream. you can see green energy shills bash nuclear everywhere on the topic.

>> No.16101253

The simple fact is that even when Sabine dumbs stuff down most of /sci/ can't follow it and so lash out in anger and frustration.

Most /sci/ posters are extremely ignorant and retarded. Most just want to hear sound bite sized statements that conform to their own dogmatic mindset. Any dissenting opinion must be buried by screeching over it like monkeys..
>So why are you here if its so bad?
I just like a reminder that democracy was a mistake..

>> No.16101296

You would also want to factor in deaths from renewable energy projects as well, like dam failures or simply people falling off things while doing maintenance. IIRC, per amount of power generated, nuclear ends up being safer than hydropower, wind, and roof top solar, while ground level solar panels end up safer than nuclear power. Granted all those are safer than fossil fuels; even ignoring the emissions issue (which of course is a lot harder to pin specific deaths and illnesses too, as there are all sorts of conflating factors) simply deaths from accidents at coal mines, oil refineries, etc put them as more dangerous.

>> No.16101319

>shittily-made reactor only breaks down when pushed to its absolute limit in conditions beyond what would ever be encountered in normal operation
yeah that does actually make me feel safer about it as a matter of fact

>> No.16101328
File: 539 KB, 968x1996, Screenshot from 2024-03-28 09-10-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Table of most serious nuclear plant accident
most are 0 death to under 5 deaths
mean while coal probably kill at least tens of thousands of people every year and the german tranny would rather use coal than nuclear

>> No.16101329

>dam failures
in my home town, the hydroplant make flood more severe. every year there're like 10-50 people in my province die due to flash flood.

>> No.16101342

car accident deaths were atributed to covid and you're expecting truth for what could be the only way forward for humanity, lmao. that is sanitized af there's at least 10s of thousands of deaths due to leukemia and tyroid cancer and it affected people born in that period, so much so that local hospitals spiked for people born that year. I know of some that passed away didn't even make 25yo. and this is only deaths. let alone all cancers that are not fatal, having to live like that, treatments and that whole bullshit which could increase the number of affected people by at least an order of magnitude. tracking it accurately only takes options off the table, doubt those stats are close to reality. again, that doesn't include affected but still living people.

>> No.16101358

talking about Chernobyl ofcourse

>> No.16101365
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You know the oil and coal industry invested alot of money into researching environmental impacts and climate change? I'd bet they also pay people to fear monger, to desensitize the public. Other industries probably do it too. Perhaps so that when shit does hit the fan, the public won't be rallying in the streets against fossil fuel (and co.) megacorporations. They will be so desensitized that when they see; poisoned water, poisoned food, poisoned land, unbreathable air, barren oceans, barren wilderness, droughts, famines, snowless winters, deadly heatwaves, etc. they will just think people are over reacting.

>> No.16101366

She’s in no way denying climate change is real. She’s concerned with how scientists deal with that information. She’s also foolish to believe we shouldn’t scare people into action. Our current trajectory will kill millions. We must do what we can to mitigate this even if it involves trying to scare people into action

>> No.16101375

It is manipulation, everyone and everything does, look at the sky manipulating you into looking at it with it's grandiloquence

>> No.16101384
File: 183 KB, 1024x615, article-2158305-13936DB2000005DC-814_1024x615_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plebs can't decide such shit anon fuck off with that bullshit

>> No.16101402

How do we stop her from becoming a chud?

>> No.16101457


>> No.16101476

>ignores that the human condition does not allow modulation into civilized society
Wtf scientists can be naive?

>> No.16101478

Chadine Basedfelder

>> No.16101667

Scaremongering tactics can often be counter productive, especially when trying to convince older people that remember the previous scare tactics and remember those threats did no pan out. For example, back in 2004 the Pentagon "leaked" a report predicting that by 2020 global warming would cause all sorts of dire effects (like melting Artic ice shutting down the Gulf Stream, plunging the UK into a Siberian climate). Said report had a lot of media attention going on around it. Anyone who remembers that incident is going to be a lot more skeptical about similar claims in the next 15 to 20 year range.

>> No.16101681

The Pentagon is not a scientific institution.

>> No.16101707

and this one is even better:

>> No.16101714

>especially when trying to convince older people that remember the previous scare tactics and remember those threats did no pan out.
bros this doesn't look like an incentive to keep people living for longer

>> No.16101751

>Our current trajectory will kill millions.
There are billions of people, who cares if millions die? Mere millions of deaths doesn't warrant any response at all.

>> No.16102276



>> No.16102292

Very true; however when the media uses it as a source for a scare campaign, the general public will not make the distinction. Which is why any scientist should refrain from sensationalist tactics and try to present their message in a very dry, straightforward way that is as accurate as they can make it. And tell others to not exaggerate.

>> No.16102513

>there's at least 10s of thousands of deaths due to leukemia and tyroid cancer
Analysis I've seen suggests very few cancer deaths attributable to Chernobyl - some elevated incidence of thyroid cancer, but thyroid cancer is not a dangerous cancer, the 5 year survival rate is something like 97%.

>> No.16102533

I would take the climate crowd more seriously if they aren't also opposed to nuclear and keep shilling solar/wind.

>> No.16102635

>reactor explodes because of corrupt soviets
>Three Mile Island
>reactor melts down because of greedy executives
>reactor melts down because of natural disaster
Sounds very safe.

>> No.16102637

Maybe we just don't really like the idea of slowly turning the whole planet into an uninhabitable wasteland, one nuclear disaster at a time.

>> No.16102640

fuck off, this is a science board

>> No.16102648

like environmentalists or any kind of leftist ever cared about killing millions.
consider it population control and/or sweeping the world of kulaks and wreckers, blyat

>> No.16102725

either you have to go nuclear or climate change actually isn't that bad now is it?

>> No.16102736 [DELETED] 
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>i am the savior of mother nature
>i am the sole protector of the planet earth
>you can't do that on MY planet
the aggressive controlling narcissism of the environmentalist

>> No.16102773

Wrong. You simply reduce the population (happening on its own), remove the need for animal feed (suddenly 60% of fertile land can be used for crops humans eat), abolish nonsense like obsession over property, and redesign cities to focus on walkability. Suddenly climate change is no longer an issue, and nuclear is utterly wasteful in comparison to green energy.

>> No.16102934

>abolish nonsense like obsession over property
Lmao yes just change human nature. Easy.

>> No.16103244

>nuclear is utterly wasteful in comparison to green energy
you are a fucking retarded "green" energy shill. there is no more efficient energy source than nuclear once the technology is perfected.
>just change human nature
>force civilians to concentration camp
>people get angry
>war commence
>population reduced by 90%
>no more climate change if it is mainly caused by humans
technically the tranny is right

>> No.16103250

green energy shills that oppose nuclear need to be punched in the face. they're not for the environment, they're just propagandizing for their shareholder masters of the green energy companies. billionaires who invested tens of billions of dollars into green energy companies know green energy will go bankrupt if nuclear were ever perfected as a technology, hence they pay "scientists" and "activists" to bash nuclear as much as they can.

>> No.16103266

It's worse than that.
Anti-nuclear activism is funded by people with fossil fuel interests, because wind+solar's Intermittency is covered by gas and coal power.

>> No.16103411

>making massive changes to society, economy and humanity
>just go nuclear

Which one is easier again?

>> No.16103503

>random bullshit I make up is equally as valid as research done by experts

>> No.16103510

>makes an incorrect statement about a field outside her expertise
>lampshades it with "some people disagree, but that's a story for another day"

How did she get so popular?

>> No.16103810

You don't have to be an expert in a field to disagree with their self-admittes lying and fearmongering

>> No.16103840

>equally as valid
Hahaha no. The facts I gathered from reading textbooks and papers and doing logical deductive inference, are definitely much more valid than the anti-intellectual ideological propaganda spread by self-proclaimed "experts".

>> No.16103850

Self-correcting problem.

Try again.

>> No.16104355

>green energy will go bankrupt if
its intended to go bankrupt, its built with massive subsidies, then the ""investors"" (really just politically connected scammers such as nancy pelosi's brother in law ron pelosi) sell it to the stock stock market and run away with all the cash and then use their political connections to make sure there is no prosecution. thats what happened with solyndra

>> No.16104358

Take your faux news talking points somewhere else.

>> No.16104361

>muh "you can't criticize our field unless you are part of the cabal and conform to our views"
fuck off shill

>> No.16105852
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>> No.16105856

sabine was a an antiscience chud all along?

>> No.16105858

this is some schizo shit right here

>> No.16106375
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and here's the additional saddening part: chances are they are not paying you, but still here you are

>> No.16106479

I refuse to be scared because its easy to see the elites aren't scared. They tell us coastal areas will all be flooded in 50 years and that hurricanes are going to increase, etc...

And then they all buy up coastal property in hurricane prone areas. They tell us we have to drive electric cars and stop taking warm showers as they fly private jets and install heated pools. If they really thought the world was ending, they'd be the first to do something. But the fact that no elite has a zero carbon footprint tells me that its just about control.

>> No.16106489

Why does this only apply to climate science and never anywhere else?

>Oh, you think Chauvin was wrong to put his knee on Floyd's neck? Well unless you are in law enforcement your opinion is invalid.

>> No.16106518

why are we trying to stop more energy being trapped on earth instead of harnessing it?

>> No.16107345

you aren't smart, you have grandiose delusions of superior intelligence because you're a schizo

>> No.16107640
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote-whether-you-believe-you-can-or-not-you-re-right-henry-ford-55-80-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never was diagnosed to be a schizo, yet each iq test calls me a genius, so it seems that you project your own inferiority upon my grandiosity, and it naturally explains why that quote I brought before is accurate.

>> No.16108863

she might be a good particle physicist, regarding other topics she's on the peak of mt stupid

>> No.16109904

George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose

>> No.16111099

why do you say that? are you a particle physicist?

>> No.16111631
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>> No.16111686
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> wright brothers are dumb
> unlike me
academia is a joke

>> No.16111692

To be fair, they genuinely did the math and determined "You'd need an engine capable of over 12 horsepower in order for sustained heavier than air flight!" and at the time that meant quite a bit of coal or gasoline and thus even more weight. It was ridiculous from their perspective.

And then someone made a powerful enough engine and it wasn't ridiculous anymore.

>> No.16111696

That pic is Otto Lilienthal, not the Wright Brothers

>> No.16111702

Pretty sure the weight of air is more than the weight of any flying machine. There's a lot of air.

Now if he'd have said "denser" than air, he'd have been a fucking idiot. The hot air balloon had been around for over a century by then.

>> No.16111717

He looks rather dense himself. Probably we should audit his contribution to thermodynamics.

>> No.16112748

>That pic is Otto Lilienthal, not the Wright Brothers

No, that's a picture of Lord Kelvin, the guy being quoted.

>> No.16112942

Thats what a schizo with grandiose delusions of superior intelligence would say. You have no rational evidence based reason for presuming that you're more intelligent than other people, your imaginary super intelligence that you conferred on yourself is just a coping mechanism you invented as a means of dealing with your frustration at you inability to have genuine meaningful success in actual IRL real life.

>> No.16113022

Your conclusion is bullshit. The lignin trees would have become uncompetitive long before they drove the CO2 levels low enough to kill off all other plant life.

>> No.16113610
File: 130 KB, 720x900, it's all in your head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have no rational evidence based reason for presuming that you're more intelligent than other people
Did your iq test results disappoint you so much, that you imagine that those tests don't measure shit? Or if to you personally, no, I cannot objectively prove that I'm capable of achieving great results, not without doxxy, and then would you understand my results? probably not, so no objective proof to you that I'm not as delusional as you feel me to be.
Anyway, why do you care? Why wouldn't you want EVERYBODY do their best to achieve what nobody achieved before? it whatever field of their interests? Ah, I know why

>> No.16113649

>Are you me? I was very concerned by environmental issues when younger
Yah ..... (((they)))) target young people for a reason

“Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man” - Aristotle

>> No.16113657

the shit eating, projecting NPD schizo strikes again. fuck off back to the padded room you were in for the last 6 months

>> No.16114298

Shifting baseline syndrome

>> No.16114345

This is a very retarded argument, if a truck is going to run over school children and the only way to prevent it is to scare the teacher to make them go inside because explaining what will happen isn't working, is that manipulation? Yes. Is that a bad thing tho? Like what the fuck? If people don't respond to reason then we just sit and watch because reason didn't work?

>> No.16114351

It was a cryptic message like Morse code that tells you there's something simple you're missing. Another clue: upward spiral.

>> No.16114355

There's this 'lane' 'rather sporadically named due to dimensional difference it may be something different, you don't take. It would connect you to me. Connection is possible.

>> No.16114966
File: 114 KB, 1500x500, stonetoss zings soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common sentiment amongst the mentally ill. Catastrophizing is a cognitive distortion that prompts mentally ill people to jump to the worst possible conclusion, usually with very limited information or objective reason to despair. Catastrophizing is a subset of hysterical behaviors

>> No.16115887

>31 people died
>Three Miles Island
>0 person died
>1 person died
Sounds very same for 3 majors incident in 70 years.

>> No.16115897
File: 85 KB, 650x1000, 710eb525e7326f22a88310adc93cc982-447062206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chernobyl and Fukushima are just samples from all things that can happen, does not mean they are the only things that can happen. there's million ways to wipe

>> No.16115936
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 238960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chernobyl resulted in over a million KNOWN deaths from radiation exposure and cancer. "31" is the number of deaths in the incident itself, i.e. the explosion.
Three Mile Island was even worse, with ten million deaths attributed. USA numbers are as usual falsified.
Fukushima had over several million deaths as well. And ten people died in the disaster directly, so I don't know where you're getting the "1" from.

This is the nuclear industry for you. Cover up, cover up, cover up.

>> No.16116285

You're a faggot. That is a fact. I have gathered it from reading your posts and doing logical deductive inference.

>> No.16116290
File: 42 KB, 330x319, 1546080630878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Three Mile Island was even worse, with ten million deaths attributed. USA numbers are as usual falsified.
>he says with no source

>> No.16116577

Climatefags should never be allowed to speak before acknowledging nuclear could have solved it 50 years ago and they fucked it up.

>> No.16116582

Because inherent in the success is a selection for compliance. People likely to see the world for being fake and gay are likely to see "success" as fake and gay in elementary school, high school, college, and/or job hunting and are unlikely to go along with it.

>> No.16116586
File: 51 KB, 522x748, 1710648454013558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chernobyl resulted in over a million KNOWN deaths from radiation exposure and cancer

>> No.16117955 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 800x800, 1682051594888191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they don't care about the climate or the environment, thats not what the narcissistic savior complex is all about. feigned concern for the environment is just their excuse for being powerhungry and demanding.
the """problem""" you mentioned doesn't even exist

>> No.16118254

The bitch is 47 but looks 67.
Wahmen into autistic subjects, not even once.

>> No.16118328

it's just a grimace, she looks 47 alright
(sure there are chicks who look more fuckable even at 67, but it doesn't make her look older)

>> No.16118334


>> No.16119931 [DELETED] 


>> No.16119938
File: 16 KB, 176x176, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's the dark prophet confirmed

>> No.16120481 [DELETED] 

global warming faggots should be locked away in rubber rooms just like the trannys

>> No.16120735

What, like political and media elites? They're retarded.
Not just that. No one is arguing that that consuming all fossil fule and releasing it all as CO2 is better for human or environmental longevity. So if one side says it's bad and the other thinks it's neutral, acting by the former is obviously the lesser risk (and even moreso if the latter also, pretty much agrees that it's bad but maybe not THAT bad), until they come up with even an argument as to why NOT continuing exactly as we are introduces its own risks.
And a problem on the former side, is how often it (the elite) puts the demands on poor individuals rather than themselves or corporations, both of which share more guilt and ability; which then does make our side look either evil or kinda retarded to others.

>> No.16120771

Except there exists no scientist or YT personality that is above fact checking. No human is beyond this simple test. If you trust something someone says to you at face value you are a NPC retard and need to walk into a wood chipper.

Trust no one but yourself and believe nothing but your own two eyes and your that which your hands have made.


An argument from authority (argumentum ab auctoritate), also called an appeal to authority, or argumentum ad verecundiam, is a form of argument in which the opinion of an influential figure is used as evidence to support an argument.[1]

All sources agree this is not a valid form of logical proof, that is to say, that this is a logical fallacy [2] (also known as ad verecundiam fallacy) , and therefore, obtaining knowledge in this way is always fallible.[3][4]

KYS NPC scum

>> No.16120791

Do yoi remember that public health email discussing how to time the latest Covid strain announcement for maximum impact.

>> No.16121888 [DELETED] 

enriching the atmosphere with CO2 has no downside, it has only positive benefits.
plants grow better and faster, plants use less water and CO2 does not cause the greenhouse effect because it isn't a greenhouse gas

>> No.16121929

>now let me tell you why everyone I hate is a "grifter"

>> No.16122028

I don't trust your post or your article. You yourself are using wikipedia and logical fallacies as authorities and evidence for your argument

>> No.16123183 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16124676 [DELETED] 

>until CO2 approached the threshold of 150 ppm below which plants begin first to starve, then stop growing altogether, and then die.
They would have just evolved to live on a lower CO2 diet.

>> No.16125277 [DELETED] 

>muh 6 zogillion deaths
same tall tale told over and over again

>> No.16126352 [DELETED] 

shareblue pays pajeets $2/hr for online shilling

>> No.16126404
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She's spreading the word of (((them))). Besides, the northern hemisphere has been shipping food aid to the equatorial/southern parts. Production of the artificial fertilizer for that food production actually is very energy demanding.
I don't have the exact numbers but the responsibility is definitely shared. The coming ice age is overdue by some thousand years by the way, but the Gulfstream is already diminishing.

>> No.16126412
File: 497 KB, 1200x906, Englander 420kyr CO2-T-SL rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The coming ice age is overdue by some thousand years

>> No.16127677 [DELETED] 

nearly all of that yield growth has to do with the shift from horse and plow farming watered by rain to using tractors and irrigation. nitrogen fertilizer isn't all that much better than using legumes to fix nitrogen and people have been doing that for ages.

>> No.16127685

>The coming ice age is overdue by some thousand years by the way
The climate doesn't work on a schedule. There were no ice ages during the entire Mesozoic, for example, and that was 186 million years.

>> No.16128490 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 500x221, Temperature_Interglacials.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The climate doesn't work on a schedule.

>> No.16128629

Milankovitch cycles are not the only thing that determines the climate.

>> No.16129855 [DELETED] 

referencing wikipedia is akin to admitting you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.16130213

obviously some medieval people did a better job interpreting dinosaur fossils as being bird-like than victorian paleontologists did later on

>> No.16130915 [DELETED] 

>scyence trying to take credit for crops yield rates that were improved by adding extra CO2 to the atmosphere, exchanging horse and plow agriculture for tractors and by using irrigation instead of waiting for rain.
how come scyence faggots are always lying and overstating their value and abilities? do they have some sort of mental illness that drive them to be pathologically dishonest?

>> No.16132240 [DELETED] 

>do they have some sort of mental illness that drive them to be pathologically dishonest?
yes, its called atheism AKA satanism

>> No.16132286

>provide a service
how is standing on a soapbox and proclaiming your opinions to any who will listen a service?
these people want attention. they want you to stop whatever else you would be doing and focus on them and their opinions.
>you should pay them money for this!
lmao get fucked. none of these retards are worth listening to with any sort of regularity.

>> No.16133477 [DELETED] 

>adding extra CO2 to the atmosphere, exchanging horse and plow agriculture for tractors and by using irrigation instead of waiting for rain.
Thats what really made agriculture so efficient and productive. All the soience "magic powers" garbage that they claim you need to buy to grow stuff is a big lie, they do nothing.
Water and sunlight is what makes plants grow, not soience. The only "magic powder" I ever use is diatomaceous earth, which is naturally occurring. Everything else I need is apparently already in the dirt.
t. gardener

>> No.16133487

so what is there in the dirt isn't getting pulled out by your crops? think the dirt is a never ending supply of nutrients?

>> No.16134189 [DELETED] 

plants root deeper when theres more co2 in the atmosphere and soil nutrients are a vanishing tiny proportion of the plants mass, thats why they're referred to as "micronutrients". the dry weight of the plant is made almost entirely out of sunlight and co2. soil micronutrients are virtually unlimited because they exist in the soil in far, far greater quantities than the plant need. furthermore earlier generations of plant left their nutrient filled roots in the soil to decay, only the above ground portion of the plant is harvested. i've been working the same patch of soil for years and year and have never run into a nutrient deficiency. most "nutrient deficiency" is actually the result of over fertilization of one nutrient locking out uptake of other nutrients. if you don't try to be a soience genius and micromanage your soil then you'll nearly always get the best results that way. the plants know how to grow better than you do

>> No.16134199

The reverse is true. Photosythesis breaks down at temperatures over 120, and plants instead attempt to use oxygen-fueled metabolism to get them through the heatwave. The hotter it is, the less carbon dioxide that is used; until eventually plants can't metabolize it at all. Humans are literally choking the planet to death.

>> No.16134353
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Give me tldr qrd

1. who is this broad

2. why should I care about her and what she has to say

3. why should I care about global climate change as an ordinary lower or middle class citizen beyond voting

4. [bonus question] if we truly are fucked and can't achieve technological victory over global climate change with late stage capitalist markers why haven't the rich sold their coastal mansions yet?

>> No.16134360

youtube grifter
you shouldn't
you shouldn't it's fake
you ask difficult questions goyim

>> No.16134363
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>> No.16134383

if that is true why does this thread have 141 replies and 3 unique IPs?

>> No.16134397
File: 361 KB, 512x512, 1671132862139972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add in the fact that future reactor workers will be incompetent low IQ quota minorities and basing the energy infrastructure on nuclear power becomes a clearly retarded idea.

>> No.16134414

>im a dumb fuck zoomer wgo where too young to remember when people could provide information/knowledge for free on internet(with 0 sponsors since internet back then hadn't been completely turned into a shopping mall)

>> No.16135395

>at temperatures over 120
those don't exist anywhere on this planet and never have

>> No.16135864


>> No.16136444
File: 534 KB, 1950x828, yolo cali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we put the thermometer in a lava pit, that means this is hot weather

>> No.16136596

>at temperatures over 120
>those don't exist anywhere on this planet and never have
>The current official highest registered air temperature on Earth is 56.7 °C (134.1 °F), recorded on 10 July 1913 at Furnace Creek Ranch, in Death Valley in the United States.[1]

>> No.16137844

>look at the scary red colour!
Seriously though: what does the temperature record look like after correcting for such weather station issues?

>> No.16138580 [DELETED] 

flat as a pancake

>> No.16138601

Thank you for your service, ma'am.

>> No.16138622

Incorrect. Try again.

>> No.16138624

>what does the temperature record look like after correcting for such weather station issues?
IE guessing
Any correction to a temperature record is a GUESS

>> No.16139598
File: 288 KB, 1893x1468, 404 global warming not found.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16139633

the only way to settle this is investing more money to collect more (unbiased?) data outside urban centers. once we have enough data, we can deduct the effect of heat islands. let's settle this once and for all.

>> No.16140171
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>denialist can't help but lie and manipulate
Many such cases

>> No.16141197

linking to wikipedia is akin to admitting you have no idea what you're talking about