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File: 275 KB, 1055x984, Pentagon-dodecaëder_in_brons,_150_tot_400_NC,_vindplaats-_Tongeren,_Leopoldwal,_1939,_collectie_Gallo-Romeins_Museum_Tongeren,_4002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16112438 No.16112438 [Reply] [Original]

What was it?

>> No.16112439

Looks like some fancy candle holder or something

>> No.16112440

some worship/religion related object

>> No.16112478

Knitting shit

>> No.16112485
File: 477 KB, 2000x1329, 8416582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient fingerbox before the fall of the spiritual era, you can't see what's inside it even with holes on all sides

>> No.16112486

Fidget toy

>> No.16112491

spaghetti measurement device

>> No.16112497

that's a projectile weapon that doubled as a mangled corpse collector


>> No.16112501

Ego, Pontius Magister, dodecaedrum monstrabo tibi. Mementote duodecim laterum huius rei geometricae, quae conficiuntur pentagonis. Praedico in posterum iuvenes zoomers tam stultum fore ut non intellegant quid hoc sit.

>> No.16112515

fidget thingy

>> No.16112518

ancient autism confirmed

>> No.16112519

Looks like a censer.

>> No.16112521

Read "I, Claudius" for more Roman autism kino

>> No.16112524

Flower stand

>> No.16112526

it keeps your pen or pencil from rolling off your desk

>> No.16112530

It was the final item a student of the forge was tasked to make as an example of their skill.

>> No.16112538

this seems like the most likely answer

>> No.16112625

Then why did it get scattered around so far? And if it was a common test, why isn't it more common?

>> No.16112637
File: 181 KB, 569x761, cbb48d76676d4485a4cc892b34ddce32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16112655

Do you have any idea how big the Roman empire was at its heyday and how extremely large their trade network was?
>why isn't it more common?
Because cheap mass production didn't exist back in those times.
Metal was costly and unless you knew a guy who knew a guy who knew someone who might be interested in buying the object, you'd be better off recasting it into something with actual use or value, such as nails or jewelry.

>> No.16112667

knitting aid

>> No.16112744
File: 4 KB, 505x572, nobrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16112824

I can think of two possibilities. One is a spaghetti measure, using the holes for different sizes of spaghetti bundles. The other is shaving down nice round dowel tenons on the end of sticks to make furniture. Just guesses.

>> No.16112845

Probably a doodad, a thingy, doohicky, thingamabob, a dinglehopper, a dibbledabber, a doopydoo, a whatchamacallit... etc.

>> No.16112857

Knitting hadn't been invented yet.

>> No.16112919

If Greek, probably related to math worship. That's a platonic solid.

>> No.16112923

tu es latinam dictas?

>> No.16112948

Ancient Lego

>> No.16112988
File: 83 KB, 1600x1600, 51wE2jmrvOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16112991


>> No.16113075

Candle holder for candles of different sizes

>> No.16113106

nobody really knows, only thing that is certain is that it has roman origins.

also used to represent scp 184 but that's gay

>> No.16113127

A female masturbator.
I always theorize some ancient things are sexual toys for women.

>> No.16113141

Here's another pulled-from-my-ass theory. Since it's the Romans we're talking about, maybe it was used to standardize the size of construction aggregates like gravel. You'd match the pebble to the largest hole that fits deep enough for the prongs to touch the ground and that would tell you if your road bed or concrete would meet imperial standards

>> No.16113159

proof it had not been invented?

>> No.16113162

it's multi-plane gear, the notches are teeth and the holes are fittings.

>> No.16113164

because smithing let alone high level smithing isn't common, not even back then.
Most weapons were given through generations or stolen.
We have a massive gap in history called the dark ages after the germans raped the romans

>> No.16113177

wait a minute, wiki says
>Several dodecahedra were found in coin hoards, providing evidence that their owners either considered them valuable objects, or believed their only use was connected with coins.[11]
it was for coin clipping wasn't it?

>> No.16113183
File: 105 KB, 800x590, 800px-2018_Rheinisches_Landesmuseum_Bonn,_Dodekaeder_&_Ikosaeder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was curious about the different sized holes but the one on the right seems to not have them. might be a sort of blacksmithing CV/achievement/personal/family power object thing?

>> No.16113193

>coin clipping
holy shit didn't even know such a thing existed.

>> No.16113200

they used to be adorned with gemstones

>> No.16113201

the one of the right is obviously not the same thing

>> No.16113221

girth measuring device for standardized prostitute payment

>> No.16113467 [DELETED] 

It was a tool for dealing with the Roman numerals. Going around a face could convert between Is and Vs and so on, and allow more math operations that would normally possible.

>> No.16113471 [DELETED] 

It was a tool for dealing with the Roman numerals. Going around a face could convert between Is and Vs and so on, and allow more math operations that would be normally possible.

>> No.16113473

It was a tool for dealing with the Roman numerals. Going around a face could convert between Is and Vs and so on, and allow more math operations that would be normally possible.

>> No.16113475
File: 38 KB, 640x698, roman-dodecahedron-anyone-have-solid-ideas-on-the-purpose-v0-l4ulioayyuda1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This meme always makes me giggle

>> No.16113481

Same, I was thinking aperture, for cartography or surveying, distance measuring or something.

Aling two different shaped holes held out where they make the same diameter from view or something.

>> No.16113497

Eureka: these shapes + reflective material = some sort of geometry / artwork / symbolism of colored lightbeams.

>> No.16113514

so it unlocks the fifth element

>> No.16113542

Maybe it was just an expensive work of art?

>> No.16113568
File: 66 KB, 1005x1005, 51wCiXcdFXL._AC_SL1005_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avoid fire from candle burn things as paper then accouters or rich people don't burn documents because work at night or dark places, counting manager.

Diferente hole sizes for different candles, the most important aspect is no matter orientation can be always put on floor.

>> No.16113574

It's unironically just a tool to sort things based on their size, that's why the holes are different sizes.

>> No.16113576 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 560x335, 210_Hydrogen_Bonds_Between_Water_Molecules-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anonymous dominos 2024, we STILL haven't figured out how molecular bonds work and instead of simply creating the desired molecule from base matter we have to go out and find it in nature or use archaic chemical reactions to produce it. What the FUCK are scientist niggas wasting their time on? Imagine a world where instead of steel and plastic we have some insane 500+ atom molecule (stable) that we make literal utopias out of.

picrelated, this is literally as far as scientist have gotten.

>> No.16113600
File: 66 KB, 1200x800, large_HCM_157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are much cheaper and easier ways to do that. this is a pricey object made by a very skilled craftsman.

>> No.16113622

there probably is some mention of these somewhere but it's impossible for layman to access ancient codeces and shit. i mean isn't the library in the vatican fuckhuge and closed off to the public?

>> No.16113706


>> No.16113710

I wonder if it's just a knick knack. Like how we might have a miniature replica of a sword, or how Target sells random things like a circle of brass planted in a pillar of granite to put on shelves so your shelves don't look empty.

>> No.16113721

>roman military camp

>> No.16113936

>professional archeologist has entered the thread

>> No.16113964
File: 23 KB, 476x504, 1534517470161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although if it was a religious knick knack, they would unironically say that.

>> No.16113977

Yeah, pretty sure smelting was a big effort back then, not to mention the mining, transport, etc..

>> No.16114012

>"yeah of course i know how to use this 'screwdriver' thing"
>proceeds to skewer three sausages on it and place it near an open fire

>> No.16114250
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, Lamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of a running gag on the old Buck Rogers tv series where their 25th century historian made really bad guesses about the use of 20th century items like believing a hanging lamp was an "electric salad bowl".

>> No.16114274

Its a knitting utensil.

>> No.16114294

or some massage thing

>> No.16114931

ah, they are decoration then, ancient fancy niggas liked ancient fancy shit, and that shit's geometry, baby

>> No.16115009

It might be a mold for casting different sized coins.

>> No.16115040

Looks an awful lot like the time machine I'm currently building.
I hope I don't/didn't accidentally start a secret cult.

>> No.16115042

Earth has a 4 corner 4 day perpendicular Time cube.

>> No.16115044

What this means is number truly goes up in segments of 4 like 4000 but you can't think opposite to 1 enough, not even the slightest amount to assume there was both one and four days occuring at once. You wouldn't naturally trade 1 for 4. As if some thoughts aren't better as pure 4s and some things, although can be done by 1 are more apt 4s. There are 4 days going on, number truthfully ends at the 4th, 1000 is just a simple measure

>> No.16115049

Four thousand quadrillion is where the units end and the sets begin. And that's how the 1 is used in reference to time cube.

>> No.16115053

Like an acceleration meter, it reaches the red and then gears up. It does this 4 times and has a fifth 'red shift'.

>> No.16115062

Look at the day, determine what number it is. It should be possible to work out. You'll probably get trapped in the oneist thought if you try to do it with word untool handicap and internally.

>> No.16115067

Think how more accurate number ending at the 4th is(to 1st).

>> No.16115759

it is only found in Gallic regions, so why the fuck would a Roman origin be "certain"?

>> No.16115925

Massage Ball

>> No.16115955

Gay dating app

>> No.16116334

It was used for chewing.

They had some strong teeth back in the day.

>> No.16116344

One theory is that it was used to set up tents. The holes were where tent poles would go, and the notches would be where the animal hide was tied to.

>> No.16116429

I'm planning to build a dodecahedral dome greenhouse over my garden. I've already tiled part of the yard with 18" square concrete stepping stones and burned away the exposed grass in the hexagons and triangles with a propane brush torch. I have onions, basil, and sea buckthorn established.

When I get good enough at the construction technique, I'll build myself a glass buckyball dome house and disrupt the real estate industry. A wise man does not build his house on sand. A wise man of the 21st century also does not build his house on a monolithic slab with no flexibility to adjust to the Earth.

You can get all the materials you need for such a house at a hardware store. Why do you think it's called the Home Depot?

>> No.16116498

maybe it was a lucky dodecahedron that some legion guy always carried into battle