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File: 16 KB, 236x315, fcc3238e7b6315faa643bb6b2f87dcba--chess-play-surf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16181223 No.16181223[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will playing chess make me more smarter?

>> No.16181228

No. Most of chess is actually trained through repetition. Chess players memorize plays. They have a memory of the first n steps of any play that has proven effective. Also there is generalized rules that one can play chess by which normies don't know.

>> No.16181229

Chess has been solved by AI. Why waste time on a solved problem?

>> No.16181230

No, but being smart can help you play chess. Both by utilizing a sharp memory like >>16181228
mentioned, but also thinking deeply in the mid-game.

>> No.16181248
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it's not even remotely close to being weakly solved

>> No.16181249
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>> No.16181264

No, but rather being a chess enjoyer let's you connect with other smart people.
It's a good social filter.
At Chess Clubs, you meet some very smart people.
Lots of CS guys. Lots of discussion of Math & Philosophy.
It's the equivalent of European Cafés during the Enlightenment.
Chess is actually at the forefront of AI, if you want to discuss AI, chess clubs are one of the best places.
Less Wrong == Terminally Online retards
Chess Clubber == Enlightened Freethinkers

>> No.16181280
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No, chess players are dumb as shit.

>> No.16181289

why do women and men not compete in the same chess tournaments?
why do women have to have their own tournaments?
Aren't men and women equal?
Male Hindus are competing with male whites and male Chinese in the same tournaments but there's no women?
Aren't men and women equal?

>> No.16181292

Chess is like biology. It's just a contest to see who can memorize the most stuff.

>> No.16181295
File: 88 KB, 1761x954, MenAndWomenDiffAndEqual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aren't men and women equal?
They are different, but equal. Make sense?

>> No.16181308

The differences between men and women are purely physical and do not affect intelligence. Men just happen to be physically stronger. That's why men and women sports are separated. Unless of course a man identifies as a woman. Then she loses her physical advantage and has to compete in women sports. Now chess is just another physical sport. Chess pieces for male tournaments are significantly heavier. Hence women need their own chess tournaments.

>> No.16181311

Playing chess will make you better at chess. That's about it.

>> No.16181322
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>> No.16181327

>They are different, but equal. Make sense?
No. Please explain.

>> No.16181353

Men and women are obviously different things, so they are not strictly equal. From the sociological level, we can define equality differently as women and men getting the same treatment from other humans in the sense that the treatment is not directly resulting from discrimination based on sex.
It can also mean that women and men are obviously different, but have an equal "moral" value, whatever that means.

>> No.16181361

I don't want women to have different chess tournaments

>> No.16181380

Is this meant to be self aware in the sense that the dumb girls in the meme do the same thing as the rest of the post if the rest of the post is meant to show evidence for women being cognitively inferior?

>> No.16181382

Women are as capable as men but they have pussy so they don't have to waste stupid amounts of time on dumb shit to succeed in life.

>> No.16181391

No. While being smart certainly helps, playing chess is not going to make you "smarter".

>> No.16181416

>more smarter
Maybe start with a grade school textbook.

>> No.16181438

NTA but if you go to farms farmers will kill 99.99% of males because they're useless and keep 1 male for breeding and keep all females.

>> No.16181465

>Aren't men and women equal?

>> No.16181475

Chess would be an intelligence game only if both players were playing it for the very first time.

After that, this kicks in >>16181228

>> No.16181476

Chess is just a glorified memory game for tryhards.

>> No.16181681
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>> No.16181687

women are stupid so if you put them into the same bracket as men there will be almost no women in the top 50 or so and no women grandmasters etc... will look bad for ad and sponsor money so they have to create separate bracket for women.
it's all money driven.

>> No.16181713


>> No.16181739

>women make for a more docile and easily controlled population to keep as slaves and exploit for material gain
>that's why women are superior and men are useless
Interesting logic you have there.

>> No.16181776

It's got nothing to do with docility. Males are simply economically useless unless they deliberately make themselves useful like human males do.

>> No.16181779

it will just make you better at chess

>> No.16181819

weird how you can be totally wrong and correct at the same time

>> No.16181829

Watch the video. He was talking to the chat and was barely even looking at the questions.

>> No.16181833

16:1 ratio. It's a sausage fest.
Imagine willingly going to a makeup or hairstyling club as a heterosexual male.

Encouraging women to join chess is a good thing. Most of those losers have a hard time getting pussy as it is.

>> No.16181855

Think about it. Governments heavily promote chess, particularly America and Russia in order to create military strategists. And who likes to go to war? Men.

>> No.16181871

because the difference between white men and white women is bigger than the difference between white men and chinese men

>> No.16181887

Meant to reply to this>>16181289

>> No.16182145
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>They are different, but equal.
They are difference, hence they are unequal.
>Species are unequal
Species are unequal
>Races are unequal
Races are unequal
>People are unequal
People are unequal
>Sexes are unequal
Sexes are unequal

Difference is natural and good. Inequality is natural and good. Domination is natural and good; life eats life.

>> No.16182163

men are better than women in every aspect of life lmao.

>> No.16182174

she had been trained like a lab rat to master chess at childhood. dunno if she got any clever or not.

>> No.16182240

>military strategists
lol memorizing chess openings, game trees, mate patterns, and endgame scenarios makes you good at chess and nothing else.

>> No.16182260
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>> No.16182272
File: 76 KB, 540x635, 1580567810264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the chess brainlet cope on this thread
lol. No man, smoking weed, playing Warhammer and jerking off to ecchi is what makes you smart, bro.

>> No.16182274


>> No.16182303

What is the original purpose of that image?
Is "different but equal" a problematic outdated chud phrase they're cataloging very solemnly.

>> No.16182304

What did you say silly esl

>> No.16182306

If Napoleon Bonaparte were alive today, he'd be playing they Civilization games

>> No.16182319
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I wouldn't be so sure.

>> No.16182629

who? MOAR

>> No.16182639

Even generally, he comes off as dumb whenever he's not playing chess.

>> No.16182814
File: 69 KB, 1657x1010, GrandMasterIQ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one.

>> No.16182836
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>why do women and men not compete in the same chess tournaments?
>why do women have to have their own tournaments?
To prevent feminists from saying it's mysoginistic that men are smarter and win more and that their club should be torn down for daring to be better than others, same shit as always.