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15731418 No.15731418 [Reply] [Original]

why is everyone so ignorant of how bleak the future of energy generation is?

There is no low carbon emission option apart from fission which is tremendously expensive compared to oil, and there will obviously be no cars in the future apart from for the rich and the militaries.

>> No.15731420

>there will obviously be no cars in the future apart from for the rich and the militaries.
That depends on whether or not green golems are allowed to express "their" views in public without a well-justified fear of being physically attacked at some point.

>> No.15731421

I fought more fear in one headbutt than you did your entire life.

>> No.15731423

jesus christ the namefags are multiplying. total namefag death asap

>> No.15731431

>fission which is tremendously expensive compared to oil
only because we have badly underinvested in it, but this can change quickly and did with plenty of other energy technologies so it isn't as bleak as you may initially think in terms of cost, also a lot of this is literally anti-nuclear propaganda since if you dig into these figures a lot of them are juiced up to make nuclear look less appealing than it is
also, the average person is just completely ignorant about anything, they think they know what they're talking about because they read it in some journalist article or heard it on the news if they're a boomer

>> No.15731457

Tesla's power transmitter grid?

>> No.15731460

>and there will obviously be no cars in the future apart from for the rich and the militaries
>why is everyone so ignorant of how bleak the future of energy generation is?
wait how is that bleak

>> No.15731480

I hope you are right. As I understand it most of the cost of fission is due to the incredible amount of red tape and as you say the underinvestment. Im aware of the huge levels of anti nuclear propaganda, and in my view its becaus big oil knows other power sources are bullshit so peddles them as the green solution instead. Fission is clearly the only way. Solar and wind are clear scams, and 'muh fusion' is obvious bullshit peddled by people who want to keep getting paid millions for fusion research and permitted by people who have no idea what they are are spending money on.

>> No.15731486

its good for urban people but its terrible for anyone who lives rurally because all transport will totally break down. Governments wont have the vitality to build all the necessary rail infrastructure if they leave it too late so there will be big problems.

>> No.15731503

>wait how is that bleak
It's bleak because not everyone wants to be stuck in a vile urban concentration camp and spend the rest of his life around green golems.

>> No.15731572
File: 159 KB, 1732x344, Screen Shot 2023-09-09 at 8.57.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fission which is tremendously expensive compared to oil
>literally made impossible to make new plants after 70s-80s gigatons of over-regulation
>no new plant has been created in the US since the 70s
>no company designs them anymore, just services old plants
>no improvements in efficiency or new reactor designs in service since the 60s, like thorium, breeder, modular reactors
>refusal by congress to commit to the Yucca Mountain Complex plan, meaning every operated reactor must permanently manage their waste on site (even though all other forms of energy production are allowed to dump their toxic waste into landfills/rivers), causing cost and safety risks to increase
>even if you did try constructing a new reactor, the federal, state, and even local governments would blackball you at every step of the way. With retarded requirements like moving the construction site a mile down the road, forced investments in unrelated shit like community outreach at the local highschool, and budget/land/construction restrictions
>this caused the last attempted reactor construction company to give up entirely on their 95% completed facility, you can even watch a youtuber explore the completed abandoned plant
>no existing private-sector transmutation facilities, despite this being extremely profitable, due to retarded material transportation regulations, with practically only one government ran facility in the nation. Even though the military drives hundreds of 60 year old nuclear weapons 1000 miles on normal semis with no escort, every year
>nuclear engineering industry is completely dead because of above
>despite all of this it still is cheaper per kWh for the consumer than all other forms of energy
Don't even try to fucking claim solar or wind are cheaper, they aren't.
Pic most definitely related. This was a 600MW plant with 99% capacity factor. Welcome to the 21st century

>> No.15731577

I dont claim solar or wind are cheaper. they are scams.

>> No.15731629

We can only hope that the human population declines quickly and voluntarily so that whoever's left will be able to survive on green energy.

>> No.15731682

Solar is the future. Cheap and safe, easy to install and maintain.

>> No.15731683

>hail storm

>> No.15731710

>how bleak the future of energy generation is?
bruh it is over already

waste all the water and energy you want. there is no point sacrificing yourself like some christcuck

>> No.15731759

atheism doesnt equal hedonism unless you combine it with bad personality

>> No.15731769

then go be a christcuck all you want retard lol

>> No.15731784

Atheism and bad personality are inseperable. What do you think causes atheism in the first place?

>> No.15731806

>its good for urban people but its terrible for anyone who lives rurally because all transport will totally break down.
don't urban environments depend on transport links with the surrounding farmland and wider imports? why would it be good for them?

>> No.15731817

Farming is destroying the environment and needs to be cancelled. Real food comes from Walmart, not from some uneducated retard on a farm.

>> No.15731835

>What do you think causes atheism in the first place?
in the event that food supply breaks down everyone is fucked, but assuming it somehow is fine then cities will be less negatively impacted than rural areas by lack of cars.

>> No.15731838

Do you live on a farm by any chace?

>> No.15731862

I will kill anyone that tries to enforce that future

>> No.15731874

he probably just lives vicariously through rugged ruralists but is himself completely dependent on walmart

>> No.15731887

We are not ignorant. Our politicians are.
Or specifically, they are dumb.
They use solar when there is nuclear
They refuse building new dams in favor of more wind
They are dumb

>> No.15731925

best start killing now then fren

>> No.15731943

As soon as someone installs the first fusion plant there will be massive investment into the technology. If someone like helion's technology actually works, every military on the planet will want one for all of their boats, and they'll want variants that can be deployed from shipping containers.

>> No.15731978

Ah, sweet. New shill thread!

>> No.15732046

fusion is just fantasy nonsense. probably impossible due to thermodynamics and even if possible to generate an energy surplus it will never be as cost efficient as fission due to all the exotic metals and energy you need to mantain the conditions for fusion. to date no fusion reactor has generated an energy surplus and claims to the contrary are fake news.

>> No.15732052

>Helion tech
Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's just some marketing BS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vUPhsFoniw
>probably impossible due to thermodynamics
You're just throwing around physics terminology to sound credible.

>> No.15732053

Shhh! No body wants to hear that! Infinite population growth is the way forward!

Never mind the fact that if countries reduced and stabilized their populations down to 1920's levels virtually every energy problem would go away for at least another century. Furthermore nearly every environmental issue would also go away. Halve the population again and you would add yet another century, while still retaining enough people to support an industrial base and continue technological progress. Two hundred years of further modern scientific progress would either solve future energy problems or we would just have to accept a lower standard of living.

You know what grinds my gears? On every energy or environmental forum hardly anyone mentions population as the key factor. Its pretty simple:

Population x { insert just about any metric here } = consequence.

Reduce the population and, providing the other factor doesn't go absolutely ballistic for some strange reason, the consequences become proportionality less.

Half the people will consume half the energy. It is that simple. Half the population will do half the environmental damage. It is that simple. Fossil fuels provided the impetus for the greatest scientific advancement and increase in living standards in the history of Mankind, conserve those by reducing the population and it could continue for much longer.

Yet barely anyone can see that and precious few point it out. When those few do point it out they get universally ignored. But talk about banning single use plastics, developing new battery technology ( lol ), and building more wind farms and you go fucking viral and are hailed as a fucking savior. Fucking dullards. No. Fuck humanity. If we cant understand simple math then we deserve to get fucked.

>> No.15732063

>put solar panel that feeds surplus back into the grid.
>turn on hidro power plant during the night

what am i missing here?

>> No.15732072

>it's cloudy for days or weeks so no solar power, batteries dry
>it hasn't rained for weeks so no hydro power

>> No.15732089

it's always sunny somewhere

>> No.15732096

Half the people will generate less than half of GDP and thus living standard will decrease. Economic output is a product of network density and is therefore a power function of population. Wanting to kill everyone to save the environment will just regress everything and turn us back into backwards savages like in Russia.

>> No.15732106
File: 1009 KB, 3840x2160, 4928305-Konrad-Lorenz-Quote-One-could-not-be-a-successful-scientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low carbon emission
I dare you dig this carbon rabbi-hole.
CO2 is made scary only to maky you ignore the actually dangerous polutants. Did you notice that they never mention even CO? Why would that be?
> there will obviously be no cars in the future apart from for the rich and the militaries.
My educated guess is people will stop using cars as we stopped using horses, because everything will be right at hand.

>> No.15732122

I'm mindlessly holding onto hope because the machine looks cool.

>> No.15732124

If you had unlimited capital upfront, you could probably power most places with a combo of solar, wind, and pumped-storage hydro. That's if.

>> No.15732188

don't worry about it. Just sit a bunch of niggers on a bike connected to a generator, put a piece of fried chickin in front of them and there you go, infinite energy!

>> No.15732194

Fatal flaw: How u gonna make all that chikins?

>> No.15732258
File: 114 KB, 1500x500, stonetoss zings soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey the world is coming to an end!!!
>that means you need to give me all of your money and do everything i say

>> No.15732303

>Half the people will generate less than half of GDP and thus living standard will decrease.
Living standards were higher when the population was lower. GDP =/= quality of life.
Overpopulation leading to declines in living standards and large die offs being needed to reset the situation is a standard pattern of history and life in general.

>> No.15732315

Who is this semen demen

>> No.15732319

Elites want to kill masses, easy as

>> No.15732359

>energy generation is bleakerino

>> No.15732369

>You're just throwing around physics terminology to sound credible.
bro im just telling you that its impossible to have a process thats more than 100% efficient. what are you taking about?

>> No.15732376

>bro im just telling you that its impossible to have a process thats more than 100% efficient
That's the case with every form of power generation. It's a meaningless point.

>> No.15732379

carbon monoxide isnt the bulk of the pollution. methane is more potent but leaves the atmosphere after a few decades. thats why carbon dioxide is always mentioned

>> No.15732387

its not a meaningless point. All other sources of energy are passive. You set something on fire and let it burn, sit a dam in front of running water etc.
With fusion you need to create and maintain the conditions for fusion to take place. It's like trying to generate energy from a wind turbine by setting up a large fan infront of the turbine and blowing air into the turbine.

>> No.15732509

carbon dioxide is food for living organisms who produce the best part of the atmosphere

>> No.15733078

scientifically speaking, how do I get a Belarusian gf?

>> No.15733080
File: 418 KB, 800x534, 1665638021413657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will obviously be no cars in the future apart from for the rich and the militaries.
If there's no cars, then let them ride (motor)bikes.

>> No.15733132

Made so much sense until you rattled off yet more bullshit about fusion

>> No.15733647

seethe fusion chud

>> No.15733655

who gives a shit about feeding plants? the environment should be tailored for humans not trees. carbon dioxide lowers IQ and ability to concentrate. In the future it will become semi common for elites to breathe from oxygen tanks for enhanced brain function.

>> No.15734026

Go breethe from an oxygen tank, you can do it already, feel yourself an elite, burn your fucking brains as marilyn manson did.
There's a fable about a swine gnawing on the oak's trees because it only cares for supply of acorn and doesn't give two shits about the oak. Try not to be such a swine.