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15795012 No.15795012 [Reply] [Original]

How many digits of pi do you have memorized?

>> No.15795029

>simp Tate on his knees again worshipping the holy pussy
Yawn. It's so tiresome and cringe to see him dedicating his life to becoming a caricature of an alpha male only for temporary access to a woman's holes.

>> No.15795049

enough to not get AIDS in some Romanian prison

>> No.15795052


>> No.15795055

Here Mr Tate has highlighted that intelligence is negatively correlated with fertility. It's unfortunate and is the cause of the dysgenic collapse of civilization.

>> No.15795060


Only 6

>> No.15795076


Just realised the 17th digit is actually 2, so I guess I know 16

>> No.15795143

3.14159265358979 ( 3238), one in brackets is prolly wrong

>> No.15795177

3.14 meets most criteria

>> No.15795181


>> No.15795188

A lot. I've remembered 3 and I think that occurs many times in it.

>> No.15795211

more than 50 but can't count


>> No.15795214

Yes when you get married the whole "do the alpha dance to get pussy" spiel loses all value. I can fuck my wife right now if I wanted, actually that's great idea. Cheers.

>> No.15795218


>> No.15795225

fewer than I can calculate by hand

>> No.15795233

pointlessly memorizing digits isn't correlated with intelligence, neither is interest in mathematics at all. people who lead successful lives spend as little time on mathematics as they can get away with.
mathematics is just a tool, its not inherently of any value on it's own.

>> No.15795249

This, memorizing pi is a dumb waste of effort and only idiots would bother with it.
If you're doing calculations electronically then the number is preprogrammed into whatever you're using to calculate with, if you're doing calculations by hand you just use the symbol.

>> No.15795265

I just want to mention that part of Tate's shtick was to ERP to horny men while he pretended to be attractive women. This was his job, and how he made money. Was it worth it?

>> No.15795273


>> No.15795434

It is intelligent because it let him get on the news at his age, any employer who does a background check will see this and will be more likely to hire him. It's like the spelling bee, knowing how to spell words isn't that important but being on it will be positive publicity in your future

>> No.15795529

12 digits because it's as far as I could manually enter into my calculator as a child.

>> No.15795585

>He wants to fuck a hoe
This is why Tate will remain subhuman.

>> No.15795587

He is a dumb faggot who doesn't realize one has nothing to do with the other. Look at how he seethes at a kid having superior mental abilities than he ever could hope for. His whole value is based on fucking women, he is too stupid to consider that others have a different value system. He is too retarded to know that he doesn't what he doesn't know.

>> No.15795595

employers don't hire based on merit or potential thats just a myth, they hire based on gender identity, race, sexual orientation and nepotism.
people who got their jobs based on gender identity, race, sexual orientation or nepotism circulate the merit rumor because it makes them look better

>> No.15795600


>> No.15795652

another moron thinking hoes like him because of his manliness. hoes like cash. don't matter where it comes from. no matter if you are adonis or 500 pound nerd hoes evaporate at the very same time your cash does.

>> No.15795655

does the decimal point count as a digit?

you are clearly extremely jealous

>> No.15795657

>t. never had a job

>> No.15795659

don't get me wrong I am not saying money is not nice, I'm just saying that everything else you're telling yourself, besides just understanding that whatever is happening 99.99% happens because of the money you have, is just a fake story. friends don't appreciate you or respect you for the man you are, they do it because they have a chance of staying close to that money and maybe even get it all from you. that's it brother, the rest is in your imagination.

>> No.15795661

>>15795659 (me)
clearly I'm talking about similar setups as his, not EVERY human interaction is like that. I'm talking about specifically his kind of idiot.

>> No.15795897

May I Have A Fresh Container Of Coffee

>> No.15796203
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pi = 3

>> No.15796232

That far exceeds what I will ever need.

>> No.15796239


I never became obscessed with this autistic thing

>> No.15796353

i only memorize letters

>> No.15796368

at one point I memorized 100 digits for fun, didn't take me too long.

I forgot it now, I can recite offhand around 50

>> No.15796372

>pointlessly memorizing digits isn't correlated with intelligence

It is. Memory is a component of intelligence

>neither is interest in mathematics at all.

intelligent people are drawn to intellectually demanding pursuits. Where is the impossibility?

>people who lead successful lives spend as little time on mathematics as they can get away with.
mathematics is just a tool, its not inherently of any value on it's own.

Intelligence is not some philosophical virtue that guides a person directly to success. It's just another biological characteristic.

>> No.15796392

this retard is bald, has brown eyes, and has a tattoo. why should i care?

>> No.15796397

"How I wish I could calculate Pi" is the phrase I rememberer that takes me to 7 digits. I think there's an extended version of it that goes much further.

>> No.15796406
File: 57 KB, 600x189, blog_image_3767_4548_FoxTrot_by_Bill_Amend_Nov_25__2000_201703071732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i used to remember more and won the pi day competition at my college all 4 years.
i memorized all the digits from this strip when i was in 4th or 5th grade

yes, i am autistic

>> No.15796414

i also know e to 2.718281828459 and used to know it to ~20 or so digits

>> No.15796472

I memorized 30 digits when I was in 3rd grade because my teacher bet me that I couldn’t.
tho I suppose 9 year olds ARE idiots, so

>> No.15796496
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>> No.15796527

Five digits, which I needed for med school's entrance exams where only a simple calculator was allowed.

>> No.15796531

I wonder how this retard thinks people would watch his drivel if it wasn't for autists coming up with all the technology for it? Literal subhuman IQ.

>> No.15796548

That's all I know

>> No.15796557

There's something deeply satisfying about saying "three point one four one five nine" imo.

>> No.15796566

damn this human trafficker is dropping some platos tier facts fr fr

>> No.15796836

You want to talk about dysgenic, Tate looks like a typical slav krokodil addict. Ugly dudes get laid all of the time, by the way.

>> No.15796847


>> No.15797176

socrates was as committed to physical fitness as he was to intellectual pursuits, he would've agreed with everything tate said

>> No.15797179

Zero, that's what calculators are for

>> No.15797193

3.1415926, although i really should just round up if i am to leave it at that like >>15796232

>> No.15797509
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A coding project in middle school involved calculating it so I wound up memorizing a good bit of it. For some reason it stuck.

>> No.15797510
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>> No.15797536

these niggas bout to have anal LOL

>> No.15797546

>inb4 wrong last digit

>> No.15797701


>> No.15797768

3.1415926535897932384626... that's all I got.

>> No.15797809

Didn't he also fuck boys?

>> No.15797839

You literally do not understand what intelligence is, I recommend you research the definition.
Dolphins are highly intelligent, they can't recite a single number.
Intelligence is defined by the ability to solve current and long term problems that benefit its user using tools at its disposal.

For the average person in society, access to resources (money, assets), social finesse (charisma, success with desired mates) and gene transfer (building strong offsprings and stable families) are markers of success, and intelligence marks the ability to efficiently achieve these goals using the tools at your disposal.

If I found myself to not be a great reciter of numbers and advanced maths to be something I'm inefficient at, but abstracting and breaking down concepts I desire in a highly efficient communicative way to other humans, pursuing a career in acting, politics, sales etc would be highly intelligent and effective way to achieve long term success in life.

Intelligence is about knowing to make the best with the tools you have in a beneficial way.
And as a matter of fact, being a human calculator doesn't make you intelligent, or an average PC is smarter than all of human consciousness combined. But it's not, because it's a highly efficient memorizer and can't act in self benefit (the marker of self determined organism survival strategy).
Moreover, math itself IS an abstraction we use so we DON'T need to memorize shit.
Humans abstract away anything that is cognitive load.

To not understand these concepts is to not understand intelligence - and that, amusingly, is the antithesis to intelligence - meaning to understand.

>> No.15797841

Who needs intelligence when you hold all the rings?

>> No.15797844

45 I think

>> No.15797845

There are more useful things to obsess about. Like being able to tell the neighbours of any letter in the alphabet and being able to recite it both forwards and backwards.

Pro tip: Recite them without the use of "twinkle twinkle little star", one beat per letter. W is said a little faster instead of taking up 3 beats total. Don't put an "and" before the final Z. Practice reciting an offset alphabet. i.e. starting from R and ending at Q.

>> No.15797851

>Intelligence is about knowing to make the best with the tools you have in a beneficial way.
not that anon but there should be some asterisks in there, there's a bit more dimensions, at least the psychopathy one.
is a psychopath more intelligent because they chose to stab their partner in the back? because it's not about intellect, that pretty obvious for someone intelligent but low psychopathy, he is aware of it but doesn't do it.
yet psychopath's results can be superior just by acting on this. where's the extra intelligence coming from, since psychos would rate more intelligent on your scale. just because they act on some foul shit

>> No.15797852

Seven since this is all I need.
>t. programmer

>> No.15797873


What kind of programming are you doing that necessitates memorizing 7 digits of PI? I get that's about the maximum that can be held in an 8 byte data structure but why re-invent the wheel and not just use the provided constant?

>> No.15797882

You are retarded, anon. In terms of solving cognitive problems, memory is a component of intelligence, both conceptually and empirically. Conceptually, because you cannot solve a problem if you cannot remember its components. Sure, there are efficient tools to get around this, but this applies to every facet of intelligence. Empirically, because all g-related cognitive abilities (reading comprehension, nonverbal logic, spatial visualizations) correlate with each other, and with memory. They are all related through g.

> For the average person in society, access to resources (money, assets), social finesse (charisma, success with desired mates) and gene transfer (building strong offsprings and stable families) are markers of success, and intelligence marks the ability to efficiently achieve these goals using the tools at your disposal.

Not a good definition. If you want an actual understanding of intelligence as a psychological phenomenon, realize that much of the ability to achieve this is influenced by factors that may not fit with our idea of intelligence, such as a agreeableness and work ethic. If you want to define those as intelligence, you are engaging in philosophy and not psychology.

>> No.15797942

You do understand what psychopathy is or what the amygdala does, right?
A psychopath will not stab their partner unless highly beneficial IF they are intelligent.
Empathy and fear are survival tools for humans just like many other components in our system. It's as important as fight or flight.
High functioning psychopaths can "choose" to care or not care in a way that allows them to succeed in society, and many psychopaths will never reveal that about themselves. Some aren't even aware of it, like that the case with the professor.

And yes, psychopaths are often considered highly intelligent, this is a known fact. But at the same time no one has complete omniscience and an act a psychopath can take thinking he's acting in clever survival may put him at risk of societal judgement. Psychopaths often get called out only when they bite on more than they can chew.

The brain is incredibly complex and the systems within our head can get in each other's way in ways that can be beneficial or detrimental depending on the configuration, psychopathy is a type of neuro divergence.

Ad hominems are not a great way to start an argument. Especially when you follow it up with making me right.
Memory being a component of intelligence =/= memory is intelligence.
All the memory without a good intuition and cognitive problem solving skills to apply it is useless, this is so obvious I'm not sure how you didn't realize I was making that point already with the PC remark, and made it about a non existent point (memory being useless).

It's an excellent (and well used, Google it) definition. Agreeableness and work ethic both prove that, especially the former.
Philosophy is the study of why, reason, knowledge and reality, and understanding of it.
To understand == intelligence. This is not debatable, it's literally the etymiological meaning.

You are talking about IQ. IQ measures logic & reasoning skills. IQ and EQ both being applied for success, is intelligence.

>> No.15797959

>You are talking about IQ. IQ measures logic & reasoning skills. IQ and EQ both being applied for success, is intelligence.

Of course, if you define intelligence to be anything valuable for success, then you can discard anything you don’t see as valuable as “not being real intelligence”.

Intelligence IS iq. EQ is just personality (not intelligence) and social skill (downstream of personality and iq).

> Memory being a component of intelligence =/= memory is intelligence.

Read the previous replies, tard. You specifically said that memorization of digits is not correlated with intelligence. In reality, memorization of digits is so correlated with intelligence that recall of digits is used on IQ tests. Literally nobody claimed that memory is the same thing as intelligence. This is your strawman.

> It's an excellent (and well used, Google it) definition. Agreeableness and work ethic both prove that, especially the former.

Good thing =\= intelligence. Define words however you want , but don’t pretend as though you’ve made a meaningful point.

>All the memory without a good intuition and cognitive problem solving skills to apply it is useless,

And all of the intuition and problem solving ability will be hindered if you have shit working memory. They are all connected through g.

>> No.15798012

>may put him at risk of societal judgement
yes, until it doesn't, at which point they might act on shit impulses and be better off, as resources or whatever.
clearly they usually take care not to do it, as long as they are seen as it were. once they're not, hope crossing you doesn't not benefit them.

>> No.15798096

"Sir, I send a rhyme excelling in sacred truth and rigid spelling numerical sprites elucidate for me the lexicons true weight"
= 3.14159265358979323846

>> No.15798131
File: 133 KB, 675x1200, DjnRDdKV4AAjZdu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look like this

>> No.15798190



>> No.15798761

My question is why the fuck would you go after a normie 9 year old??
Especially who just so called just achieved something I understand his concern is in the right place but why message to a 9 year old atleast wait some time lmao

>> No.15798773

3.141592654 is where it's at. If you know fewer you're a retard and if you know more you're a different kind of retard. If you know 3.141592653 then you're also a retard because you don't understand my secrets; it has to be 3.141592654

>> No.15798777

Retard alert. Nobody learns 30 digits of pi just to be intelligent. Rather, they see pi a couple times and they have collaterally learned 30 digits of pi. It's about how high-specs your brain is, but you didn't realize because you have to memorize things intentionally.

>> No.15798780

The time he went after Greta he ended up in jail for months and got his stolen cars taken away. The guy learned his lesson. He has to pick foes he can beat and Greta ain't it.

>> No.15798784

Isn't he a sex trafficker tho ?

>> No.15798788


>> No.15798789

>Of course, if you define intelligence to be anything valuable for success, then you can discard anything you don’t see as valuable as “not being real intelligence”.
How many times do I need to repeat the definition for you? Intelligence is the ability to understand and use concepts and tools in a way that efficiently benefits its user.
Memory is a tool, it's not intelligence as a definition.

>Intelligence IS iq. EQ is just personality (not intelligence) and social skill (downstream of personality and iq).
That's just plain wrong and reductive. What do you think a personality is?

>Read the previous replies, tard. You specifically said that memorization of digits is not correlated with intelligence. In reality, memorization of digits is so correlated with intelligence that recall of digits is used on IQ tests. Literally nobody claimed that memory is the same thing as intelligence. This is your strawman.
Your whole argument is strawman, stop projecting.
I said it's not intelligence, just one of its tools. I gave the dolphins as an example. IQ tests are known to be highly biased towards a certain mode of thinking and do not actually consistently correlate to life success. Autists ace these tests and are still useless in many cases.

>Good thing =\= intelligence. Define words however you want , but don’t pretend as though you’ve made a meaningful point.
What is "good" thing? See above definition and stop annoying me.

>And all of the intuition and problem solving ability will be hindered if you have shit working memory. They are all connected through g.
Yes dumbass, that's the point, none oft these on their own are intelligence, they are tools and your ability to effectively employ them in a beneficial way IS intelligence. How many times will I need to explain this to you before you see you're arguing semantics?

>> No.15798790

No, he was just framed. Hes just a poser and was very afraid in the romanian jail

>> No.15798799

De igual manera, nuestra inteligencia viene determinada, la conciencia es lo que nos termina dando la forma. Todos nuestros pasos están medidos, por lo que discutir por tonteras no tiene sentido a menos que te desarrolle.

>> No.15798803

Somewhere in the 90s. I mostly have to go by cadence to stay on track, though.
My dad would prompt me to

>> No.15798843

He admitted it

>> No.15798855

what is pi

>> No.15798866

I don't think depression is real or at least it is massively over diagnosed, but I exhibit every symptom of major depression.