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15945477 No.15945477[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We have more Arctic sea ice than we did 10 years ago!

>> No.15945497
File: 33 KB, 540x285, al gore neck too fat for collar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, the next ice age is definitely approaching!!!
Better give all your money to the government to fix it

>> No.15946497
File: 341 KB, 2560x930, Five_Myr_Climate_Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, its funny because it really is true. the current brief interglacial period is coming to an end and earth is about to become colder than it ever has been before

>> No.15946945

how come all life on earth didn't come to an end 5 million years ago when it was hotter than is currently is by 2º

>> No.15947291

Thats great news, I was so worried that global warming was going to end life on Earth. Thanks for posting the good news OP, I'm sure all of my fellow environmentalists are as pleased to see this as I am.

>> No.15947323

thinner ice, total ice mass still going down

>> No.15947326

>how come covid was so bad for the world if it didn't even kill that many people???
you lack basic reasoning skills

>> No.15947431

not possible, the ice in 2023 would've melted faster than in 2012 if the ice was thinner, since it didn't that means there was more total mass of ice in 2023 than in 2012

>> No.15947470

ah yes the magic periods caused by nothing, thank you Gaia!

>> No.15947477

>if the ice was thinner
it is

>> No.15947489

it isn't

>> No.15947493

>how come covid was so bad for the world if it didn't even kill that many people???
that's actually a valid question to ask if you aren't an NPC. clearly the "solutions" (global communism) were worse than the Chyna virus (a minor flu for 90% of people who got it)

>> No.15947502

something the millennials ITT have to understand is that zoomies are absolutely SATURATED with global warming propaganda from the time they're in kindergarten.

even the apathetic ones who do drugs and fail school know the world is going to end in 5 years from da climat emurgency. you can't watch Discovery Channel or the Science Channel these days without it being shoehorned in somehow. There's even propaganda on the History channel too.

>In fact, Hitler LOVED climate change, and experts suggest that at least 600 million of the 900 million jews who died in the holocaust died due to fluctuations in climate in the camps.

>> No.15947505

>time series ends in 2016
doesn't prove/disprove anything about the 2023 sea ice

>> No.15947605

Take your meds.

>> No.15947903
File: 15 KB, 296x323, nein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meds are for trannies

>> No.15948167
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>> No.15948716
File: 198 KB, 800x800, 1682051594888191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It proves that global warming shills are disingenuous liars who have no interest in science and are only here to shill for their political agenda

>> No.15948812

projection, the post

>> No.15948820

>Oil company funded study
There is currently zero sea ice in the arctic. Zero. Zip. Ziltch. Nil. None.

>> No.15948821

projection, the cope

>> No.15949175

Posting a quote in white text over a black background with a nice photo next to it doesn't make what is being said any less retarded.

>> No.15949234

You only measure area, not the volume.

>> No.15949675
File: 6 KB, 249x212, Pepe_Prays_For_Help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have more Arctic sea ice than we did 10 years ago!

The new ice age is coming!
Environmentalist blame mankind for lowing the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere!

>> No.15949684
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>> No.15949687
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>> No.15949930
File: 1010 KB, 722x794, 1679434446586258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend, spring is starting 10 days after the Winter solstice.
The globe is about to get very warm.

>> No.15950044

>global warming is gonna kill us all!!
>two weeks!

>trust the government propaganda guys, the government would never lie

>> No.15950092

N-no! It's worse than ever! That's why we need socialism! It's the only way!

>> No.15950105

Climate change has hit the point where flora and fauna genuinely believe it's spring. Ten day winter. Bet you didn't see a single bird migrate this year. And now that all the animals are active and the vegetation is blooming because they all think it's Spring, the next cold snap is gonna kill an overwhelming majority of them all. It won't kill us all in some magical kaboom, things are just gonna become more expensive and more shitty a cycle of slow strangulation, which you refuse to acknowledge because you're a frog at half-boil.

>> No.15950454

>died due to fluctuations in climate in the camps.


>> No.15951155
File: 114 KB, 1500x500, stonetoss zings soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15951276

Not an argument. You're like a tranny who thinks cutting his dick off makes him a woman despite the reality around him proving otherwise. You can plainly see the lack of migratory habits, how animals meant to be hibernating this season are galloping about like it's Spring.

>> No.15952038

>you're a tranny

>> No.15952041

Probably, but we still should stop demanding the government gets involved.

>> No.15952045

I seriously wonder if you’re a troll, it’s the government’s reaction to coronavirus that was extremely detrimental. I’m somewhat worried that people might really hold the position you’ve pretended to hold, it’s objectively wrong and incongruous with my views.

>> No.15952047

Wow that's a terrible plot. I don't care about the data, the presentation of it is hard to look at. Makes you question the validity of the source

>> No.15952050
File: 108 KB, 1260x660, 8D199E26-6965-48E5-B011-BD73E86165D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shill for their political agenda
And yet the overwhelming majority of the pro-climate change narrative demands government action, and some variation of socialism.

I’m happy for the science to be whatever it is, provided the government is not expanded.

>> No.15952061

>flora and fauna genuinely believe it's spring.
Why is this a problem? Even the IPCC admits crop yields will grow in south america due to climate change, and crop ripening times will shorten in europe.
> the next cold snap is gonna kill an overwhelming majority of them all.
Even ignoring the fact that such cold snaps will cease to exist in time as winters become milder, why does such an event matter? If these conditions were sustained creatures would undergo natural selection and adapt.

This is one of the things I don’t get about environmentalist, what is there to fear about wildlife going extinct? If a particular species is so vital to us, we will keep them alive, just as cows, bees and corn will never die out.

>> No.15952063

>You can plainly see the lack of migratory habits, how animals meant to be hibernating this season are galloping about like it's Spring.

>> No.15952899
File: 727 KB, 449x700, 1691275407272366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natural selection takes a lot longer than a few months. The initial damage is to ecosystems - predators, prey, and flora dying is basically kicking out several legs from a chair, it's not sustainable. At the absolute best, it means support systems for ecosystems across the planet will fail which kickstarts a domino effect of new ecosystems we're not accustomed to developing around us whether we want them to or not. At the absolute worst, this effects agricultural stock, resulting in food (and many supply chain) shortages, which can result in anything from just extreme shrinkflation to famine. Just to note, rising inflation mixed with inability to sustain agricultural stock caused the Great Depression. And on top of that, if you fucking hate synthmeat, the resulting supply chain issues are gonna result in an overabundance of it as an insurance measure to dwindling real meat supplies, which is yet another cause for concern.
>If a particular species is so vital to us
We have actively chosen against this repeatedly since the mass development of conservation efforts. Mosquitos, for example, are extremely important pollinators - plus they kill niggers. All of our developments related to mosquitos have been to castrate and kill them all. Bees are facing several extinction crises despite their similar level of importance as people only care about fuzzy cute bumblebees.

And before the inevitable
>Well what am I supposed to do about it?
Fuck all unless you wanna bomb Chinese and Indian factories. These are the consequences of people far above us, we're just doomed to deal with it.

How? I actually am paying attention to reality, something you and every internet eunuch refuses to do.

>> No.15952936
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>> No.15952940

If it gets really cold those morons will still blame CO2 and cow farts.

>> No.15953000

did we do this, or are we only responsible for the armageddon stuff?


>> No.15953151

>At the absolute worst, this effects agricultural stock
This won’t happen. Not only is the mass extinction event you prophesize never happen, the connection of wildlife to agricultural animals does not exist.

> resulting in food (and many supply chain) shortages,
An impossibility, as even if we pretend the loss of wildlife could impact agriculture, market forces would recognise the nonexistent connection and act to prevent the loss of wildlife to protect agriculture.

> rising inflation mixed with inability to sustain agricultural stock caused the Great Depression.
State intervention in the market was the cause of the high impact of that recession. Remove state interference and things will improve.

> Mosquitos, for example
Exterminate them. If you want to keep them as pets so be it.

> Bees are facing several extinction crises
So long as humans have a taste for honey, pollination will never be an issue.

> what am I supposed to do about it
Remove as many regulations and laws as possible; approach a free market. Statism universally makes things worse in the long run.

>> No.15953177

>we still should stop demanding the government gets involved.
nobody is demanding that

>> No.15953257

earnest question, would the climate alarmists only be satisfied if the climate were utterly unwavering and ossified for the next millennia? do they want it to be identical to 1000 years ago or what? it seems like if it gets colder, they'll panic, and if it gets warmer, they'll also panic. sorta feels like they use "western civilization will wipe out life on this planet unless we give the government total control over everything" as the starting premise and just work backwards from there? i have a feeling that even if the warming/cooling were .01 degrees per 100 years they'd be singing the same tune.

>> No.15953305
File: 288 KB, 1893x1468, 404 global warming not found.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if the warming/cooling were .01 degrees per 100 years they'd be singing the same tune.
thats about the rate it's going at currently
and they are singing the doomsday tune

>> No.15953376

>> Mosquitos, for example
>Exterminate them.
Bill Gates or a nigger (Not sure which is worse) detected, post discarded

>> No.15953379

Bro we're living through the sixth largest extinction event in Earth's history right now you massive libtard nigger

>> No.15954097

the fact that either exists is a tragedy

>> No.15954125

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.15955195

so low iq that you just repeat the same catchphrase over and over again

>> No.15955778

wow, 20 years of no rise whatsoever in global temperatures, how utterly surprising

>> No.15957276
File: 327 KB, 1850x1544, local warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why they have to fake the temperature record to tray and make global warming look real

>> No.15957739

The long term trend on Earth, as in the rest of the universe, is a cooling trend, there is no possible way that global warming can reverse or even temporarily halt that trend