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16080698 No.16080698 [Reply] [Original]

What’s going on? Statistical analysis is showing that it’s something more than just the obvious culprit of rising obesity. There’s something more. What is it? What the hell is going on?

>> No.16080702

Trends like this mean nothing if you aren't also given the screening rates.
If you look more, you find more.

>> No.16080704

It's just the average age of people under 50 combined with obesity and screening rates.

>> No.16080737

it's definitely not the experimental dna altering vaccine I'm sure

>> No.16080746

More people, more people living longer, more screening. I’d be surprised if cancer rates were staying the same. And yeah there’s probably more cancer causing shit being consumed in the era of mass production of low quality cheap shit.

>> No.16080748

Well the UK has had a spike in cancer detections by researching to find if it's worth it to always detect cancer early. They did it with women and breast cancer with screening but also (maybe not because of an uptick in screening) said that oral cancer is happening more. But that's what the dentist's are saying

>> No.16080915
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I predicted this.

>> No.16080975 [DELETED] 

Did you predict it well enough to cash in on your prediction?

>> No.16080979 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 1136x852, usa life expectancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope,life expectancy peaked in 2013 and has been on the decline ever since.

>> No.16081024

People are having cancer and AIDS because they consume less lead?

>> No.16081137
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>> No.16081142

First demonstrate that lead coupled to an organic structure can be moved around and disposed by the body at will. Otherwise is just toxic trash that will accumulate anywhere and cause health problems like metallic iron.

>> No.16081152
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So your map is saying there's an entire continent (Africa) where this huge increase in cancer isn't happening? And coincidentally that's the same continent where the fewest people took the vaxx?

>> No.16081157

Hyper processed hyper goyslop diets.
Carcinogenic pesticides on your vegetables and fruit even if you are eating whole foods.
Same with hormones and vaccines in your meat.

Don't forget about microplastics in your food.
And on your skin from skin protects and synthetic fibers.
And on the road from tires.
Same with PFAS

Lack of exercises and sun might also fuck you up.

>> No.16081496

Do you even read the graphs you post? It dropped by a mere 2 years. Means nothing. Still more people and more living longer.

>> No.16081498

And screening suddenly increased after the population were administered poorly tested MRNA vaccines

>> No.16081828

No idea how I would do it.
The imune system needs lead, otherwise it fails, similar to AIDS.
Its transport gets blocked by iron. It belongs in calmodulin, and it can't activate calcineurin without it.

>> No.16081849

> Its transport gets blocked by iron.
I only consider that something worth of looking into because after the Bronze age collapse, and therefore the start of massive usage of iron tools, there was a significant drop in the cranial capacity of humans. That is something that needs explanation.

>> No.16081867

This: microplastics, pesticides and endocrine disrupters will be the death of the human race

>> No.16081879
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Stop noticing, goy.

>> No.16081880

There's also the fact that many africans are poorer and still have traditional lives, so they are way less exposed than whites to toxic chemicals in food etc

Also most people there would die of a cancer without even knowing they had one

>> No.16081884


>> No.16082397
File: 2.03 MB, 1280x720, vaxd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile vax'd negroes in America are dying from the vax

>> No.16082410

>Statistical analysis is showing that
Why don't you show that analysis?

>> No.16082414

>Daily Mail
Posts that only consist of screenshots from the daily mail should result in an automatic permaban.

>> No.16082434

>it's da vaxxx!!
No, it's just a continuation of the cancer trend over the past 20 years. There's nothing special about 2024 in particulary

>> No.16082450

They're getting better at detecting cancer, that's all.

>> No.16082537


>> No.16082539

It's like these idiots believe no one ever died before the vax existed.

>> No.16082541

says in OP's photo: spikes. it's about the spikes.

>> No.16082543

and if it says so in OP's photo, it must be true, right? OP would never lie to us.

>> No.16082575

my bet is on radioactive dust.
or perhaps those "nanomachines" use radioactive isotopes or something.
its gene editing .
gene therapy.
or perhaps that cme everyone was worried about.

>> No.16082577

cell phones and technology DO cause brain tumors.

>> No.16082579

so there are no spikes in deaths post-vaccination?

>> No.16082581

that should easily be picked up on historical data with clear spike in 90's and rising. I did look for this data 10 years ago and I remember overall brain related cancer was on downfall, due to advances in medical care and all that.
you should be able to easily back that up with statistics anon, show spikes post cellphone use increase. also if anything people don't keep the phones on their ears anymore, nowadays either video call or headphones. so makes even less sense.

>> No.16082591

there was a huge thing about it in 2005 or something.
big brother said "dont worry about it"
cellphone are much more powerful than 2005.

>> No.16082594

This is easy to disprove because brain tumours have no correlation with handedness. If it caused brain tumours then we would see more cancer on the side of your head you held the phone closer to.

>> No.16082595

>cellphone are much more powerful than 2005.
Nokia 3310 has a SAR of 0.96W/kg while a Samsung S10 has 0.93W/kg. seems thereabouts anon. got any info to back your claim up?

>> No.16082601

and airpods have 0.072W/kg (for head rating)

>> No.16082623

5g, 4g lte, 4g, 3g
power output is balls.
a small radioactive isotope with less than 1 watt in power can still give you cancer.
why the fuck do you think fucking power output is related to cancer?

>> No.16082634

we spend more time on phones that increasingly transmit and recieve higher ad higher frequencies.
frequencies that fuck you up.
radiation safety is based around exposure.
wven if it just a little radiation how will that affect you if your spending hours and hours everyday next to your head or belly.
i have pancreatic cancer and i believe its becuase im a filthy phone poster that rest my phone on that part of my belly while laying down on average of 8hrs a day.

speaking of averages i bet those numbers you gave are averages i wonder what the peak output is?

your cellphone ever run hot?

>> No.16082637

>i have pancreatic cancer

>> No.16082660

Because the data standard doesn't give you cancer.

>> No.16082667

thankyou for your nonanswer in your nonreply.
>words dont give you cancer
give this man a friggin nobel prize.

>> No.16082669

>why the fuck do you think fucking power output is related to cancer?
what would you say is the mechanism for that? technically speaking. how does it happen? explain

>> No.16082675

when you burn coal. it isnt the power output that causes cancer but rather the byproducts of oxidation.

>> No.16082697

So phones emit toxic fumes?

>> No.16082699

what the fuck

>> No.16082701 [DELETED] 

Ohhh wank me off you weak cunt

>> No.16082774

phones emit/leak stuff that causes cancer and we have increased our exposure to cell phones by orders of magnitudes in the last 15 years.

>> No.16082778


>> No.16082781

What stuff?

>> No.16082787

stop being stupid bot fags.
i already said what they leak/emit shitheads.

>> No.16082791

What do they leak? I honestly don't know.

>> No.16082792

back to your containment board you brainlet

>> No.16082801

you are the one that fails at critical thinking.
its almost like youre taking each post and isolating it from the context of the rest of the thread.
think about it more.

>> No.16082916

>think about it more.
I did. Still nothing.

>> No.16082955

What I'm wondering is why Australia and New Zealand are such outliers in the opposite direction of Africa, the Middle East and South Asia (the latter two showing this isn't the jab given the rates they had it rolled out)

>> No.16083707
File: 228 KB, 1067x1170, SV40 causes cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16083714

Cancer rates are cyclical. It's completely expected that they rise. Take your meds if you think that this is le huge conspiracy.

>> No.16084564

>Middle East and South Asia
they didn't get the same vaccine that westerners got

>> No.16084700

Cancer rates have been increasing by a total of rougly a hundred percent since 2010. Started happening way before the Covid vaccines were distributed.

>> No.16085158

Is Australia (with their vaccination camps) purple? kek

>> No.16085209

It's just a map of average age LMAO

>> No.16085275

With a quick glance of that map, it seems to relate on the volume of immigration.

>> No.16086086


>> No.16086792

>Cancer rates are cyclical.

>> No.16086807

I am sure nothing has changed in recent years that afflicted a great deal of the human population.

>> No.16087643

I predicted it in 2019

>> No.16088602
File: 148 KB, 516x1280, vax cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16089170
File: 224 KB, 750x965, FrjF8H6akAAf-5I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16089462

Seems like smoking cigaretes is healthier than wearing certain type of carcinogen cointaining facemask. Also desinfection is kinda mixture of carcinogenic compounds.

>> No.16089469
File: 86 KB, 246x250, qf-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mysterious spikes you say

>> No.16090118


>> No.16090801
File: 183 KB, 400x400, 1668435371612461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm what is going on? This is a medical mystery

>> No.16090829

So many morons who think they're smart on here.

Guarantee you all the chucklefucks pretending this isn't the vaccine, also haven't kept up with their vaccinations - should be around 10 booster shots by this point and most of them only got 1 or 2 and are as unvaccinated as the chuds they look down their noses at

>> No.16090907

Oh God, the retards are here too

>> No.16090954

Probably a combination of a fuck tonne of shit, carcinogenic fake fertilizers and chemicals being used for years, chemical companies just letting toxic shit seap into the environment, water treatment services doing the absolute bare minimum for years, ungodly amounts of micro plastics found in people's bodies, ultra processed foods and several highly artificial modern additives and sweeteners being blatantly poison, untested vaccines for a already genetically engineered virus, cigarettes being replaced with youth friendly e smoke shit which we'll probably all learn was just as bad if not worse than cigarettes.

>> No.16091831
File: 87 KB, 1080x801, 3dIj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16091890

>Man in his late 70s has cancer
>Woman in her late 50s has SPF
>Man on steroids has medical problems

It's amazing the lengths people go to over this to try and pretend their being insufferable jackasses was justified when they know deep down they're just a bad day away from being everything they pretend to hate.

>> No.16093226
File: 286 KB, 1180x1092, VAX'D=AIDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16094925

because science is so wonderful and fantastic, its making the future better for everyone

>> No.16095559

>I'm gonna live on mars with muh robot waifu and be immortal, and infinitely wealthy, all thanks to science!!!
>*actually dies young of cancer on earth and doesn't even have enough money in his bank account to cover the cost of his own funeral*

>> No.16095964

>create vaccine that forces your cells to produce COVID proteins
>get congress to make you completely legally immune to any backlash, you know just in case
>pretend to be surprised that when the vaxxed get COVID their immune system starts killing both the COVID and their mutant COVID like cells
But hey, atleast they made a lot of profit for their investors and got the wagie sheep moving again before they realised capitalistic corporate slavery kinda sucked. Mazel Tov!

>> No.16095986

science is cool and all but the elephant in the room is the schizoid apes running the show. these apes can use the science to make the future better for everyone, just that not as good as it can be. but yeah, I agree that overall it does give you a better life, especially if you're not in some shithole. but it reaches even there in some shape

>> No.16096137

Emotional dogma

>> No.16096144

vaxxie here in Canada, how do I get a free comprehensive check for cancer?

>> No.16096161

We keep telling you chuds to stop shacking the duvet so strongly but you dumb nazis just don't get it! Now look what you did, everybody has cancer because of you!

>> No.16096174

Because nobody ever got cancer before 2021 right? I know for a fact the top middle guy got cancer before Covid even happened.

>> No.16097081


literally this. This is the main culprit.

>> No.16098378
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