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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.32 MB, 3165x4096, GN01Q_tWsAADHqk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16181044 No.16181044 [Reply] [Original]

Starship Testing Activities Edition

Previous - >>16178867

>> No.16181048

TLDR for OP picture is May 20-22 is testing activities of Starship from 8AM to 8PM, NOT flight activities doe.

>> No.16181052

you keep mispelling Space Flight

>> No.16181057

or as I've taken to calling it, space plus flight

>> No.16181060

that would be a good one yeah

>> No.16181062

Kindve a boring OP ngl

>> No.16181063

this is the calm before the storm (WDR)

>> No.16181067

Yeah not much going on. I wouldve had to do a screenshot twitter thread if I wanted to mention the recent Boeing delay, and it was only a delay of a few days so not really thread worthy.

>> No.16181069

The only other recent thing than that wouldve been first 21st flight F9 but like do you guys REALLY want an F9 thread in this day and age? I personally thought not with how much everyone complains about even stream links of F9 being posted so I chose to do this.

>> No.16181070

ayo frfr

>> No.16181073

You can make it about anything retard. Why not make it Big Gemini you dumb retard?

>> No.16181076

Im sorry I didnt think of it. Last time I made a thread that wasnt current news someone also complained about that. Im confused as to who to listen to, is it big current news = current news OP, and small current news = random spaceflight OP?

>> No.16181078

make it not suck or don't make it at all

>> No.16181079

Ok I will do this in the future then.

>> No.16181086

There is already an /sfg/ >>16178834
This thread is spam

>> No.16181088

you NEVER think of ANYTHING

>> No.16181090

tranny flight general?

>> No.16181096

How about I make another thread on the mechanics of stability in an underice Europan colony and then get no replies about it and get told Im stupid and to just post current news with nobody answering again. Or I could try making an Ice Giant Probe edition and nobody discusses what could be done/found for the mission in terms of orbital trajectory or length of mission. Or maybe a Ceres Lander thread where everyone again doesnt care. I gave up trying original ideas for a reason, everyone either didnt care to discuss it or told me to do current news only. I guess Ill go back to doing what I did before and continue getting yelled at no matter what I do.

>> No.16181100

or you could not make threads, because you seem to be pretty bad at it

>> No.16181104
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Helmet reveal for Polaris Dusk

>> No.16181106
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I never get yelled at when I make the bread. in fact, people compliment me and say it's a cool OP. if no one engages, that also good. that means it doesnt suck nuts

>> No.16181107

Take back the reigns then I only started being the OP because thread splitting would constantly occur whenever I didnt make on topic threads for example the last thread split when I didnt make it. If it splits again youre getting my OPs again. Until then Im off duty.

>> No.16181110

Im the only one saying 'good edition OP' because you covered for my shift that thread btw so you know. They are good threads but thats only because the other OPs are the ones that make >>16181086

>> No.16181111

Also if nobody engaging is good then most of my threads go like that.

>> No.16181115

Alright shows over back to your usual posting

>> No.16181120
File: 1.53 MB, 1179x1563, 20240514_153641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear me out

>> No.16181123

We will not be using SLS for anything in this general. AND THAT INCLUDES GOON MATERIAL

>> No.16181124

lego vagina, what brick with they think of next?

>> No.16181127

STS* (I think)

>> No.16181138

shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.16181139

go back to twitter

>> No.16181140

truthful is that you

>> No.16181142

no king rules forever

>Ukraine’s 125th Territorial Defense Brigade — stretched thin along a roughly 27-mile stretch of the Kharkiv region’s border with Russia — used reconnaissance drones to monitor, daily, how Moscow was steadily building up forces for a possible attack. But the morning it happened, May 10, the brigade lost all its video feeds due to Russian electronic jamming.
Its Starlink devices — satellite internet the Ukrainian military relies on for basic communication — failed, the first time it was knocked out completely for them since Russia’s invasion in February 2022.
>“We were left at a certain point completely blind,” said a drone unit commander in the brigade. The Post agreed to identify him by his call sign, Artist, in keeping with Ukrainian military protocol.
>“This was the biggest problem, we didn’t see how they were moving, we only worked through radio or through phones where they still worked,” Artist, a 53-year-old sergeant, said. The drone feeds, he said, “simply disappeared.”
>Within days, the Russians had captured — for the second time — some 50 square miles of territory along the border, capitalizing on a moment of particular vulnerability for Ukraine’s military.

>> No.16181143

A cool picture is best imo, does t matter if kts current events
Somebody is always going to complain whatever you do so I would t worry about it too much as long as its a pic that is on topic

>> No.16181144
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also starlink doubled in price

>> No.16181145

Sussy Launch System, RizzSkibidi-25 Engine

>> No.16181147

A op poc or edition topic not getting discussed in the thread isnt unusual and doesnt really matter either
The edition is more about distinguishing threads (i.e. a name) than actually a topic for the thread

>> No.16181150 [DELETED] 

Ok so I just need to jingle keys in the OP for you all and then discuss my actual questions and situations I wouldve used for OP in the thread?

>> No.16181153
File: 24 KB, 602x234, Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 02-25-46 Massive sunspot that brought widespread auroras to Earth now targets Mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over... Mars will be wiped clean.

>> No.16181155


>> No.16181156

Earth sends their regards

>> No.16181167
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>wiped clean.
no, it'll be like the end of Total Recall, blue skies on Mars after all the subterranean ice caverns melt

>> No.16181181
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>According to industry sources, the leak was detected during the May 6 countdown that was scrubbed because of an unrelated valve issue with the Atlas 5 Centaur upper stage. It was unclear if, had the valve worked normally, the launch could have continued.

>> No.16181219

cursed vehicle

>> No.16181236

Boeing and valves man

>> No.16181239

Centaur issue lands at Lockheed though.

>> No.16181241

All the same shit.

>> No.16181250

>TOTALLY UNRELATED valve, the rocket that launches the space capsule isn't actually relevant to the space capsule at all!!
Holy cope

>> No.16181266
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>> No.16181272

>Burns up on reentry

>> No.16181273

BepiColumbo is struggling...

>> No.16181274

wait wtf?
I don't often come here, but I vividly remember that during trumps precidency there was actual discussion and argumens weither Dragon2 or Starliner will be the first to fly humans to the ISS...
That thing still hasn't flown? Jesus christ.

>> No.16181275
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>Tower Two Breaks Ground! Starbase Flyover Update 41

>> No.16181278

it’s been to orbit, almost died trying,
had to redo that test because NASA wasn’t happy,
and now it’s been waiting to send up Butch and Suni, but has found literally every excuse under the sun to slip, recycle, and scrub

>> No.16181282


>> No.16181298
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>> No.16181299
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>> No.16181300
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>> No.16181301
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>> No.16181303
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>> No.16181305
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>> No.16181306

Holy shit, the awful soundcloud dubstep. It's embarrasing at this point.

What happened to the SOVL of the 2016 Interplanetary Transport System soundtrack?

>> No.16181320

Let's say they're delaying on purpose. Why?

>> No.16181330
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Artemis 1 was kino, and I am grateful for SLS for making it happen

>> No.16181344

Well I doubt they’re delaying on purpose

>> No.16181359

will moon alcohol taste different given the lower amount of gravity that could interact with the fermenting/distillation process? do alcohols age different due to gravity? could one tell if an batch of whiskey was made on earth, mars, moon, or in orbit?

>> No.16181372

>do alcohols age different due to gravity?
no idea
we've never had a spin station to test it

>> No.16181378

I wonder if a LEO distillery would be economically viable. Rich people pay a lot for weird rare luxury boozes, and this would be one of the weirdest and rarest on the market.

>> No.16181381

it would definitely not be economically viable unless musks wildest fantasies about starship become reality (they never became reality with falcon)

>> No.16181383
File: 173 KB, 1228x573, dyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dyson sphere candidates.

>> No.16181385

We could have images of the mech from the Dyson sphere program video game placing conveyor belts and we would still just assume it's dust in front of the star.

>> No.16181387

ignoring the bottles that are expensive because of diamonds or w/e it seems a realistic price is around 100-200k for a liter (maybe even 750ml). though given that it would require the design and creation of a micro automated distillery that works in space that also doesn't leak and then a way to return the distilled alcohol who knows how much that would cost.

>> No.16181389

this one too

>> No.16181397

Are they building "Starfactory" because they want an indoor area to work, or are they confident enough with their current designs to begin moving towards mass production?

>> No.16181401

this is the fundamental problem with looking for any kind of biosignature or dyson scale technosignature. Anything promising will be endlessly discounted as natural phenomenon, even if there is no known process or combination of processes that could produce it

the robertson panel (and the condon report) and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.16181413
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I want to know who makes these tiny homes. I might want one in the future.

>> No.16181415

Huh. So the unit economics should be able to be made to work out even without Starship but rather with F9 launches today. Big question, as you note, is whether there's enough margin left to pay off the capital cost of the orbital distillery, bearing in mind that, as the most luxury of luxury goods, there's going to be a brutal cost curve and hence upper limits on how much space hooch you'll be selling to recoup that outlay. #1 on the list is on there because of the supply constraint and has a market cap of $75M. Tens of millions of dollars might buy the distillery itself, but probably not the ancillary vehicles you need to get stuff to and from it. That's actually way closer to viability than I was expecting.

>> No.16181421
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>Need to use special "trace element certified" permanent markers to write on anything that is going to fly.
>They probably cost $30 each
And people wonder why old space is so expensive.
Can't have that marker scribble containing .000002% magnesium now can we.

>> No.16181427

thinking about it more there should be some actual value in space distillery technology so it might even be able to get government funding. seems something more well suited to be connected to a commercial space station though probably with that zero g medicine production tech

>> No.16181429

It's NewSpeak you ThoughtCriminal scum!

>> No.16181431

Why do professional career astronomers entertain themselves with this science fiction? This doesn't belong in a journal.

Aerospace grade markers

>> No.16181443

Yeah, sharing capital costs on power, stationkeeping, getting stuff up there and back down, etc with other LEO manufacturing (and, if part of a manned CSS, astronaut missions) would make lots of sense. At this point, I start wondering about whether the profit margin of space hooch can beat out space drugs, though, especially on a per unit mass (or maybe volume?) basis. But 'LEO manufacturing is so awesome that even profitable industries are getting crowded out by ultra-profitable industries' seems like a good place to be!

>> No.16181445

the first one mainly

>> No.16181471

>y-you don't understand maaann, those regulations are written in blood!

>> No.16181522

They might wish to avoid killing astronauts at a time when public opinion of Boing! is at a historical low and news organizations would certainly capitalize on the existing interest in safety failures, something which might even lead to regulatory intervention in the operations of the company.

>> No.16181536

I kind of thought about that, but that would imply they know something (bad) about starliner that NASA don't.

>> No.16181557
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> convergent evolution to spinchaddery
never doubted it

>> No.16181559 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 900x1162, krystal_in_space_by_animsaiuniverse_dg28ym1-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Fox General

>> No.16181563

Could simply be a risk management strategy. Even if they don't know of any flaws, they know there are still risks at a time where the company is becoming risk adverse.

>> No.16181571

so true

>> No.16181642

waiting two more weeks again I guess.

>> No.16181648
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the third button is "learn how fucking valves work"

>> No.16181655

kek, this is good. Valves are legitimately hard though, especially if you're working with something like helium.

>> No.16181671

Go back to rebbit with this decade old fucking meme

>> No.16181677
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>> No.16181686

Nobody is defending Boeing you strawmanning dickface. Point out in that message where I was defending Boeing explicitly, and Ill tell you now there is no implicit defending of Boeing either.

>> No.16181690
File: 104 KB, 1280x1071, NASA_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens in a timeline where NASA doesn't manage to court allies in the chairforce and gets disbanded after Apollo?

>> No.16181711

Who cares thats not the current timeline

>> No.16181717

Okay, what happens if Musk makes a starship which can deliver 150T to LEO? (Also not current timeline)

>> No.16181720

Global Mobile is service for travelling between countries. Given the demand must be high for this service, it makes sense to charge more for niche business case use

>> No.16181723

NASA never had "allies" in the Air Force. They were forced into an unwilling partnership by the DoD and NRO.

I doubt there's a timeline where NASA gets fully disbanded, since big government agencies are exceptionally hard to kill, but if NASA did get scaled back hard after Apollo it could kill off the Mariner, Pioneer, and Viking programs. The Soviets would rack up the firsts they'd be expected to with the Salyut program and would push harder for successful missions to the outer planets. They never had much luck originally thanks to how trash their computer systems were, but if they're not dumping Rubles into Buran to try and match the Shuttle program they might be able to address that. A few big Russian wins with some Mars or Jupiter probes could relight the old Sputnik fears and then we're almost back where we were in the 1960s. Or, without Buran the Soviets focus on getting a working heavy lifter and then try for their own lunar program in the late seventies or early eighties.

>> No.16181741


>> No.16181745

just don't reply

>> No.16181771

no advanced civ would create dyson spheres unless they're impossible to get to or attack. it just paints too big of a target on your back.

>> No.16181790
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*vaporizes you from 1000 ly away*

>> No.16181794

I wonder if the janny likes spaceflight

>> No.16181822
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>We've been hard at work delivering on multiple Astra Spacecraft Engine customer programs and wanted to share a peek into our largest vacuum chamber during a test firing using Krypton.

Still alive, somehow

>> No.16181831

So the Centaur had a valve issue but the capsule ALSO had a leak in the helium system. Boing does it again.

>> No.16181848
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>Launch update: Now targeting no earlier than Tuesday, May 21, for the launch of NROL146 on a SpaceX Falcon 9 from Vandenberg Space Force Base

Tomorrow's 3 AM Falcon 9 launch just got delayed. I can only imagine your disappointment

>> No.16181854
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>> No.16181876

I booked my day off ork to watch this.

>> No.16181907

>Did Elon Musk Just Solve The Nuclear Threat From Russia And China?

>> No.16181912

>title posed as a question
The answer is always "no". Not giving it a view.

>> No.16181920
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>> No.16181970
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Going to kms

>> No.16181971

why are (((they))) covering this up

>> No.16181994

Fake news, read what people who look with their own telescopes say

>> No.16182007
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>> No.16182033

I haven’t considered this. Neptune looks super blue through my telescope

>> No.16182044
File: 37 KB, 859x639, neptune g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and therefore it would look blue if you were on one of its moons. Distance wouldn't change anything. The 'achshually its nearly the same color as Uranus' is bullshit.

>> No.16182056


>> No.16182062

eat my ass.

>> No.16182065

Never realized from the ground how fucking massive starfactory is

>> No.16182067

>/sfg/ - ass eating general

>> No.16182081

That's a Jewish lie

>> No.16182085
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>> No.16182088
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>> No.16182090

spaceflight is a key transhumanist topic.
immortality, space travel, body modification and artificial intelligence are the four cornerstones of transhumanism

>> No.16182091
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>> No.16182100

Common NASA W

>> No.16182101

Caring about hubble is reddit tier. It's an ancient pos. Design a monolithic 9m telescope for starship if you care about astronomy.

>> No.16182102

seems like the opposite

>> No.16182110

Jared is so based it’s unreal. Sometime I think he might be more impotent to spaceflight than Musk himself

>> No.16182114

Are you deluded? Jared is a sucker like Yusaka jap. Elon is the undispuited GOAT

>> No.16182115

Every career NASAfag says this only AFTER they have left any sort of position of power or influence. Not buying it anymore. No redemption for Bolden, none for Jim, and certainly none for Dr. Zurb here. Losers, all of them.

>> No.16182122
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>> No.16182123
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>> No.16182125
File: 41 KB, 530x676, radiotelescope NASA rick guidis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16182132

doing so during would probably destroy their career

>> No.16182133


>> No.16182138

So the hubble mission is fully canned?
All I saw was the npr email thing with boomers being upset but I didn't know that actually canned it

>> No.16182141

They were only following orders.

>> No.16182143
File: 366 KB, 2000x2473, elon-musk-shirtless-mykonos-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jared went to orbit, Elon didnt. Who's the bigger retard? I'll give you a hint (picture relevant)

>> No.16182146


>> No.16182148

musk is a master of none who just wants to be called chief engineer. Jared actually knows more about spaceflight than musk kek

>> No.16182151

Are you kidding? Eddie Treviño is the man

>> No.16182153

We got burned pretty bad by that canals on Mars thing

>> No.16182155

It's not about sending yourself to orbit, thats showboating. It's about sending your race to orbit.
What's with all this shilling for Jared I-suck-men? Does he pay you good?

>> No.16182157

its a Musk hater, I doubt he gives a shit about Jared

>> No.16182161
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>> No.16182164
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look at him go!

>> No.16182167

honestly why didnt they go with a design looking more like this? it would be actually aero stable on reentry unlike real shuttle.

>> No.16182175
File: 42 KB, 756x539, John Frassanito upgraded space shuttle a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16182177

>What's with all this shilling for Jared
Common sense
I like musk. I just like Jared and John carmack more

>> No.16182193

/sfg/ isn't ready to hear this but the fully reusable dolphin sex shuttle would have absolutely fucked and we're lucky NASA didn't try to actually build it.

>> No.16182194

would have been*

>> No.16182198

you are an absolute faggot

>> No.16182200
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>> No.16182204

to answer your question, that kind of geometry may have made sense when they thought the orbiter would have its own big internal fuel tanks but the move away from that more or less invalidated the concept. our shuttle wasn't aerodynamically perfect but it got the job done without really having any more fuselage than it needed to.

>> No.16182212

this! literally this! john carmack is making his ai son in the woods right now like henry david through, mecha based mode

>> No.16182215

What's the point of stacking if it wont launch till June?

>> No.16182229

I'm still amazed that these idiots arent bankrupt yet.

>> No.16182233

>glowies ever going bankrupt
top kek

>> No.16182236

Stack and destack twice more and then maybe a WDR okk

>> No.16182248

? The pussy is backwards
You're correct

>> No.16182250
File: 52 KB, 512x410, unnamed (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would have bankrupted nasa well before it ever flew if they'd actually tried it. i say this as a dolphin sex fan.

>> No.16182262

you’re jsur making shit up

>> No.16182264

whatever happened to Skylon?
not even their fucking page on wikipedia has had any meaningful updates in years kek

>> No.16182267

NASA isn't a business. They have however much money Congress says they have

>> No.16182270

VC bait scheme

>> No.16182279
File: 10 KB, 590x365, p345b-orbiter-concept.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shuttle was supposed to debut in 1977 or 78 but Columbia only rolled off the production line in 1979 and it wasn't till 1981 that STS-1 actually took off.
the orbiters were meant to have a two week turnaround between flights but they could barely manage two months.
now think of how absolutely fucked the giant hydrolox orbiter would have been.

>> No.16182288

never trust a brit with anything spaceflight related

>> No.16182290

they got snatched up by DARPA or something (source: random twitter faggot)

>> No.16182292
File: 164 KB, 1100x629, shuttle truckers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16182311

so faster than light space travel is impossible

>> No.16182314

FTL is possible, dyson spheres are just a fun project to work on.

>> No.16182318

Can someone make a webm out of this? Holy shit it looks awesome. maybe two

>> No.16182324

at 3:08 I think you can see multiple starlink sats wizzing by lmao

>> No.16182327
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, 4QyiaLHM-I7xMdsH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big meteor in Portugal earlier today

>> No.16182329

meteor or space junk?

>> No.16182332

Stack and destack and stack and destack and stack and destack

>> No.16182334
File: 277 KB, 368x656, qcNdNgcf3isYTbmg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can never be 100% sure just eyeballing things from a phone, but it looks like it's moving significantly faster than it would be if it was hitting air at just orbital velocity. A Dragon reentry would take a lot longer to cross the sky than this thing does.

>> No.16182336

meteor, you can tell because of how fast it was moving
no space junk comes in that fast

>> No.16182339
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>> No.16182341
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>> No.16182343
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>> No.16182346
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Thank u so much for these

>> No.16182355 [DELETED] 

look at all that pollution its dumping into the atmosphere. all just to launch some commercial satellites to musk can get even more money for himself, what a total waste.

>> No.16182363

I had to do a dubble take when I saw that. What the actual fuck?

>> No.16182369
File: 1.17 MB, 3464x3464, stacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We stacks again

>> No.16182390

Subhuman craft on the left. Aryan beast on the right

>> No.16182417

predictions for when they lose the vehicle this time?
I'm going with "loss of control during transsonic" because that is the funniest possible outcome, but I think "hitting the ocean as intended" is more likely if they can maintain attitude control on orbit and during reentry

>> No.16182440

I think booster will landly softly, but not softly enough where they're confident enough to attempt a catch on the next flight. Ship will have the roll fixed but will still burn up sometime after loss of signal and before reacquisition

>> No.16182470

no way fag, I'm calling it, they don't lose signal the whole way down

>> No.16182486

yeah, starlink will firm it.

>> No.16182500

i have the feeling that with starship being a tube, the plasma hole won't be as big as something like the shuttle

>> No.16182504

awful cameraman

>> No.16182507

It's already wider than the shittle and extra wide at the flaps

>> No.16182521

Musk is in Indonesia.
Possible spaceflight implications?

>> No.16182525

less money and time has been used for this than SLS
substantially less

>> No.16182540

its for starlink

>> No.16182545

starship has cost at least 10 billion and counting by musks own lowball figures.

>> No.16182547

And that's still cheaper than SLS, a rocket based on 80s hardware.

>> No.16182548


>> No.16182562

wtf is this? I was thinking Dragon because everyone is set up and ready to watch it, but you just said it would probably be travelling slower than a meteor

>> No.16182571

SpaceX will be nationalized before they go bankrupt anon

>> No.16182575

>I was thinking Dragon because everyone is set up and ready to watch it
Are they? To me it looks like someone was filming a party or get-together and got lucky.

>> No.16182593

SLS cost 11.8 billion according to NASA, who don't lowball their figures like SpaceX does. Like I said Starship cost at LEAST 10 billion so far (Musk said just running Starbase was 2 billion a year even before IFT1), and the real figure is probably 1.5x or even 2x that because SpaceX does creative accounting.
Musk is a genius visionary who is making this all happen through force of will, but SpaceX being an order of magnitude cheaper than competition is actually a myth. Hasn't been true since Falcon 9. Falcon heavy was meant to be a trivial strapping together of Falcon boosters and cost 1.5 BILLION and over half a decade. I don't care because burning VC and government money is a moral good, but they certainly arent doing anything on the cheap.

>> No.16182595
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I see that lying is natural to you.

>> No.16182596

>according to NASA

>> No.16182597

I didnt mention orion did I?

>> No.16182601

Learn to read, retard.

>> No.16182605

SLS isn't used for anything else so separating them doesn't make too much sense
in any case you lied about the number anyway, its over 20 billion just for SLS

>> No.16182607
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>> No.16182608
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>> No.16182610
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>> No.16182621

new baby receptacle next to elon?

>> No.16182624


>> No.16182625

oh boy cant wait for all the psychos from indonesia to start shitting up the internet even more. i already have to deal with enough of them as is.

>> No.16182641
File: 134 KB, 1200x800, 0_gettyimages-1233962087-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he meeting with all these world leaders? What's his end game?

>> No.16182649

meeting every other world leader except Biden

>> No.16182684

>meeting president casually wearing t-shirt
what's the opposite of a humiliation ritual?

>> No.16182690


>> No.16182692

did my test go through?

>> No.16182722

But won't help the people of Gaza

>> No.16182726

Victory Lap

>> No.16182741
File: 157 KB, 1200x630, GN7Zt0mW4AAyiwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 21 months, New Shepard resumes crewed flights

>> No.16182754

...Why is he fingering it like that?

>> No.16182764

Clear's up

>> No.16182767

Not spaceflight.

>> No.16182768

She shouldn't have to see this...
BO streams are really unbearable with how up their own ass they are (despite launching suborbital tourist rides).

>> No.16182780

It'd be funny if this one fucks up too

>> No.16182782

>people still on the crew walkway at t-10 minutes

>> No.16182786

Yeah, and people are still on the tarmac as my plane taxis around. The casual safety practices are a good sign for the future of rocketry.

>> No.16182795

it was a fake t-10 minutes anyway. the FAA needs to ban planned holds. it's basically fraud to get your youtube viewership count up.

>> No.16182802

I'm not trying to sound racist, but is my impression that Blue Origin is far behind SpaceX accurate? If so, why is Blue Origin behind?

>> No.16182809


>> No.16182812

What if they forgot to shut off the engine and just shot the rocket deep into space?

>> No.16182813


>> No.16182819


>> No.16182821

>lost a chute
see you guys in 2 years

>> No.16182822

>chute failed to deploy
see you in another 2 years, blue

>> No.16182824

I told you it's not that easy in parachutetry

>> No.16182830


>> No.16182840

How many times did spacex do test for parachutes for dragon?

>> No.16182853
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>> No.16182855

Not a good day for blue

>> No.16182857

I am gonna be so pissed off if these pointless suborbital joyrides kill someone and lead to a regulatory clampdown on all spaceflight.

>> No.16182862

>If so, why is Blue Origin behind?
Because only people who go to work at BO are the ones who want to take it easy

>> No.16182870

wtf no one told me there was a launch today? is this spacex live legit?

>> No.16182872

this is why it's important to rely on verified launch streamers like usui clear

>> No.16182874

i am watching the official spacex channel, i am asking whether its a replay or not, this all so sudden, marcus house never said anything about launching today and i just watched him yesterday

>> No.16182879

It's that crytospam nonsense again, ignore it.

>> No.16182880

I unironically believe that is Jeff's goal here

>> No.16182881

Feronickel for stainless steel.

>> No.16182882

ah its a retarded spacex [LIVE] channel

>> No.16182885
File: 1.20 MB, 650x650, take it easy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so relatable

>> No.16182891

she spin?!

>> No.16182898

>Blue Origin's main parachutes are made by Airborne Systems, the same supplier for main chutes on SpaceX's Dragon, Boeing's Starliner, and NASA's Orion spacecraft.
it's over

>> No.16182901

Was it parachute problem or deployment issue

>> No.16182942

>i am watching the official spacex channel
lmao no you aren't, kid. Next time click on the channel name.

>> No.16182948

amazing to think that someone who came up with such a stupid idea could make such amazing vacuum cleaners

>> No.16182964

not muh hecking terrorinos!

>> No.16182968

stupid bitch

>> No.16182970
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>I'm not trying to sound racist
start trying

>> No.16182975

Someone who sucks is amazing at making something that sucks? Seems like a logical progression.

>> No.16182991

Cargo bay requirements probably limited the design.

>> No.16183004

Biden has used the FAA to make his feelings about SpaceX and Musk known.

>> No.16183006
File: 44 KB, 459x344, well nig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Dyson spheres are bad because, because...look they just ARE, O.K.!!!!

>> No.16183013

basically every agency

>> No.16183019

I'd like to point out that this was intended to be an obvious joke

They're not the same person and I hate that there's any danger of confusion at all with Freeman Dyson who is incredibly smart and accomplished (but unfortunately not a racist).

>> No.16183035

>late may
>Not even WDR

Spx bros... Whats taking so long....

>> No.16183038

We just had a mini-WDR... theres also testing acitivities from 20-22 as you can see in OP which IS the WDR itself,

>> No.16183055
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>> No.16183069

Elon should start a company to research human suspended animation. /sfg/ could skip the juiceless months and years between major happenings and SpaceX could apply the results to spaceflight.

>> No.16183070

They need to finish the investigations, modofy the rocket, wdr, static fire, get a new license. July/August

>> No.16183089

fuck that. just accelerate to .99c.

>> No.16183099

Retard here.
Is the earth actually flat?

>> No.16183100

RFA One first stage static fire

>> No.16183110

you betcha. flatter than a can of mackerel.

>> No.16183126
File: 2.00 MB, 110x110, rotating_3d_globe__px0110_px0330_angle360_fps7_BlueWhiteOrangeRed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more or less. look up geoid

>> No.16183129
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>> No.16183132
File: 2.33 MB, 4096x3072, GLb-EAAXMAAoljC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First fire! We have successfully kicked off the hot fire campaign for our first stage at SaxaVord_Space. We hot-fired a total of four Helix engines, igniting one by one at four second intervals. All engines ran simultaneously for 8 seconds with a total hot-fire duration of 20 seconds. The test ran flawlessly through start-up, steady-state and shutdown.
>With this hot fire, we were able to demonstrate that we can nominally operate and control our first stage and all its systems, as well as a cluster of Helix engines.
>RFA and our incredible team are marching steadfastly on towards our first test flight, not only in Scotland but also in Augsburg, Portugal and Sweden. Special thanks to our partners at SaxaVord_Space for their support at all levels.

There are five engines on the first stage. I wonder if only firing four of them was the plan

>> No.16183139
File: 290 KB, 255x517, 1713064642456767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cock shame

>> No.16183153

kill yourself.

>> No.16183177

>wahhh daddy elon i don't wanna go fast, put me on a trajectory so low-energy that i take a nap the whole way wahhhhh

>> No.16183187
File: 1.41 MB, 720x2312, 1705927751206841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now published. These show lunar lander blast is 4-10x worse than we had believed.

>“Erosion rate of lunar soil under a landing rocket, part 1: Identifying the rate limiting physics.”


>“…part 2: Benchmarking & predictions.”


No paywall for 50 days.


Probably important

>> No.16183191

oh boy reading multiple articles about dirt my favorite

>> No.16183195

Just do what most do and read the conclusion.
>The erosion rate equation developed in the companion paper has been partially validated by comparison with optical density of the blowing dust during an Apollo landing. Integrating the erosion rate during vehicle descent to the lunar surface requires a soil model that tells how the soil becomes more resistant to erosion with increased compaction below the surface. Soil models based on thermal inertia of the lunar soil measured by LRO Diviner and on Apollo core tube and drill core data produce excellent fits to the blowing dust, but this requires a parameter that tells how cohesive energy of the soil increases with compaction. That parameter has been crudely constrained here by imagery of the post-landing erosion depths, but the permissible range still varies by a factor of three. This results in a factor of 2.6 uncertainty in the total mass of eroded soil blown during each Apollo landing. This can be improved by measuring k directly in the laboratory. The ultra-fines fraction of lunar soil is also not well-constrained, and this produces another +53% to 27% uncertainty in the total eroded soil. The new estimate of eroded soil during Apollo landings is 11 to 26 t, which is 4 to 10 times higher than prior estimates. This suggests that soil blown during lunar landings can cause much worse damage to surrounding hardware than previously recognized.

>> No.16183210

so lunar cargo landers would have to land pretty far away from other equipment or have some kind of shielding (natural or artificial)
perhaps a landing pad would solve that as well

>> No.16183215
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The third whistleblower was killed by Boeing

>> No.16183222

chatgpt, shorten this to one sentence

>> No.16183227

the new simulation model is different from the old one. neither is empirical, both based on assumptions. it's just more nasa busybody scientist blowing our tax dollars "studying" instead of doing

>> No.16183231

>Despite limitations in soil property data, the new estimate of lunar soil eroded during Apollo landings is significantly higher than previous values.
So basically the first sentence here >>16183187

>> No.16183233
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Uhh...guys?? I think the Boeing whistleblower browsed /sfg/

>> No.16183234

what do you mean not empirical? they used images to give a range of possibilities, but the point still being that soil erosion is much bigger than previously thought even with the relatively wide range

>> No.16183238

It's almost admirably bold of them

>> No.16183239
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>chatgpt, shorten this to one sentence

>> No.16183243
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>> No.16183249
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>> No.16183252


>> No.16183259
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>> No.16183260
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I wonder what was between the f and the k. I guess we'll never know now.

>> No.16183262


>> No.16183264
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pt 2

>> No.16183268

Lad went postal. Airmail, if you will.

>> No.16183273

Pour one out for a brother. F.

>> No.16183274

I know it's fake I'm showing the huge viewercount

>> No.16183276

kek terrible fake

>> No.16183277

You have no idea how bad it is. Internet is filled with bots.

>> No.16183284

I donate to EFF, use VPNs, big on encryption rights, etc, but sometimes I think like.... damn, we should have an internet2 where everyone is a real person and you need like a biometric scan or some shit to post anything at all.

>> No.16183296


>> No.16183297

locally flat, you start to notice it if you do anything larger than about a mile and a half

>> No.16183299

I really like Dr. Phil but I think he's lost in his own data and seeing ghosts

>> No.16183301


>> No.16183317

Oh yes very convincing

>> No.16183324
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>> No.16183325
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>> No.16183349

Lmao who is gonna believe this shit

>> No.16183353

No, it is covered with many hills and valleys.

>> No.16183359

I wonder how many people those two guys have killed. More than zero and less than 100, I guess.

>> No.16183363
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Isaacman BTFO. Common NASA W.

>> No.16183365

Why is spaceguy5 (Nasa employee) making antisemetic remarks on X? I think I'll report this to his employer

>> No.16183366

>Fuck space unless my team is doing it at a glacial pace!

>> No.16183375
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Of course

>> No.16183379
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>> No.16183380
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>Roman telescope
Does he mean the Nancy Grace Roman space telescope? The NGR telescope?

>> No.16183383

wow, falling like a retard for a few seconds inside a small metal box with some other retards must really be life changing, especially being in Earth's atmosphere the whole time

>> No.16183387

Bang Ding Ow

>> No.16183393
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>> No.16183399


>> No.16183400

i wonder if the sorta guys who want to spend millions to ride on new shep just tend to be guys who are desperate for some sorta spiritual fulfillment so they'll just feel like flying around for 10 minutes is a life-changing experience no matter what. on the other hand, shatner was the only one who seemed to voice any profound thoughts about it and he just got invited on.

>> No.16183407

no fucking news today god damn it. stuck here looking at these dumb fucks on new shephard for news and we cant even get starbase movements.

>> No.16183411

Go down to Starbase right fucking now and quit your bitching.

>> No.16183416

Checking in here. So you Mayfags were all wrong? As always? Whenwill youlearn to take SpceX claims witha grain of salt?

>> No.16183420

*marchfags I mean

>> No.16183421
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Here you go, buddy

>> No.16183422

FTL travel requires the power collected by a Dyson sphere

>> No.16183425

NASA is constantly lying. Why are you focused only on SpaceX.

>> No.16183432

the thing is noone beleives nasa but yallw ere parroting may like your life depended on it

>> No.16183443

>suborbital tourism is back
that took awhile, glad to see that its back

>chute failure

>> No.16183447

Yeah, there's also some degree of cognitive dissonance. "I paid millions of dollars for this. It can't just be some stupid carnival ride. That would mean I'm a sucker. I'm not a sucker. I'm a successful businessman. This must be worth what I paid for it."

>> No.16183459

Wa was wee wah I paid millions of dollars for a auborbital carnival ride I am overview effecting so hard right now

>> No.16183469


>> No.16183480


>> No.16183481


>> No.16183493

nice titties

>> No.16183500

Why does this 100% white bitch wear braids like a nigger. Not an ounce of melanin in that skin

>> No.16183507

If you look closely, you will notice that she's not actually white.

>> No.16183511

Did those people taking that rocket ride get hurt? It looked like the capsule landed pretty fast.

>> No.16183521
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>woman talking for an hour
I ain't listening to that.

>> No.16183531
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>> No.16183533
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lol tory blocked handmer after the latter criticized torys posting of the misleading ULA graphics (yet again)

>> No.16183539

lying snake

>> No.16183542

sometimes after an accident it takes a while for your adrenalin to lessen and that is when the neck/back strain or other injuries become apparent, these people need to go to an emergency room right away and get checked, they need to get Bezos' insurance info too.

>> No.16183546
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he just keeps posting these

>> No.16183547

Now that the dust has settled, what would Bezos have done if none of the chutes opened?

>> No.16183554

so a guy who works for the Washington Post said that the rocket owned by the guy who owns the Washington Post is really successful
very cool

>> No.16183556

gone into hiding

>> No.16183563

doesnt even want to directly mention or show it kek. cant even make the outline starship jsut makes it anomalous rocket #34928374

>> No.16183567

I would love to know how Tory thinks he's ever going to build all that in situ fueling architecture with his expendable rockets

>> No.16183572

just go to the fucking beach and take a picture of a fumo next to Starship

>> No.16183575

im not a faggot sorry

>> No.16183576
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>> No.16183580

Notice how themegaconstellationoptimized rocket can do 40T to LEO. Tory was bang on the money with Starship LOL

>> No.16183581
File: 367 KB, 1200x1542, ula roadmap to space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite simple

>> No.16183582

Activated his jeet online defence force to whataboutism about SpaceX

>> No.16183585

>shatner was the only one who seemed to voice any profound thoughts about it
Yeah and Bezos kept talking over him and hosing him down with champagne. Bezos is such an ass.

>> No.16183589

There's also the odd infrared signatures from Tabby's Star, as well as several similar stars physically close to Tabby's Star.
There's also that stray laser signal from Tabby's Star.

>> No.16183590

you say you're not a faggot and yet you do not own a fumo

>> No.16183598

so what dark deal did elon have to make to get indonesia to accept starlink?

>> No.16183608

Blackmail video of him fucking an 8 year old, the usual stuff.

>> No.16183612

you're confusing Indonesia with another great ally of ours

>> No.16183615

Elon has an impregnation fetish though. Cant do that to an 8 year old so he couldnt get hard.

>> No.16183616

Nah it's for all rich people

>> No.16183620

SpaceX has a functional constellation is all. If China had its G60 constellation started there might have been something resembling a completion.

>> No.16183621

so are elon and shotwell faggots. they do not own fumos and you cant say otherwise

>> No.16183623

Elon has a fumo

>> No.16183625

NGRST rules the skies

>> No.16183626

False and you have no proof. And no statement was made on Shotwell, which means you think Shotwell is a faggot. That makes you a NASA tranny, fuck right off.

>> No.16183628


>> No.16183631

Knew it, fumotard proven to be spacegoy5 go back to rekkit.

>> No.16183641

literally the biggest butt-fucking faggot ever, hands down. At this point i’m wondering if it’s just trollling / engagement bait for personal entertainment. No way someone has EDS THIS badly

>> No.16183648

>No way someone has EDS THIS badly

Yeah, they do man

>> No.16183669
File: 102 KB, 575x620, IMG_4195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you put as the equivalent in /sfg/? I would personally say its EDS posters

>> No.16183676

there's also a host of unmentionable, frequently avatared pieces of garbage and v-tumors

>> No.16183690

choke on it lol

>> No.16183697

Hello for american anons can you please report this guy to nasa
He is breaking every pr rule they have
Plus i heard he shares info to his friends

>> No.16183699

Current NASA admin is a Biden boy. So he's antiSpaceX

>> No.16183701

I love this smug bitch and need her to step on me

>> No.16183702
File: 38 KB, 920x241, Screenshot 2024-05-19 215343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure others have reported him about his sec ops already. if you give me the easiest way to contact them about this i will, but you can probably just send an email to them about this yourself as a european. see picrel and website linked. https://www.nasa.gov/cybersecurity-policies/

>> No.16183713

Why isn't it being investigated as a mishap?

>> No.16183714

they paid off the FAA

>> No.16183719
File: 505 KB, 836x449, GN623X-bYAA-bQL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to the latest interview. It will be 10 pads each for the liquid & solid rockets in the future along the coastline of Wenchang.

China's planning on building it's own Missile Row

>> No.16183740

Probably because it's part of the usual redundancy and the mission was completed as planned. Was the Dragon non-deployment investigated as a mishap by the FAA? I don't remember.

>> No.16183745

your picture says they might build 10 liquid rocket pads

>> No.16183748
File: 499 KB, 819x455, GN624OqbcAItmCP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this other picture say that they might also build 10 solid rocket pads?

>> No.16183749 [DELETED] 

not exactly, but close enough

>> No.16183751

>close enough
What does that mean, they're going to be for hybrid rockets?

>> No.16183753

It just says "10 solid rocket stations" but there's no verb.
Presumably someone said the first bit about the liquid rockets and then the bit about the solid rockets.

>> No.16183815

Why did jannies clean this up. Can't they clean up the trannies instead.

>> No.16183822


F9 Booster shot closeup

>> No.16183823

he obviously deleted it himself dork

>> No.16183828

lol crying to NASA to shut him up?
the true chad way is BTFOing him in an internet argument

>> No.16183833

>moves goalposts
>whatabouts you
>blocks you

Etc... You can't "win" with these "people". They are ideologically entrenched.

>> No.16183860

Shut up faggot

>> No.16183867

That's what arguing with sg5 is like, though. I'm not sure he's admitted that nobody could possibly have been hurt during the LN2 test tank pop yet and that's just one example.

>> No.16183894

Afraid of people reporting you spaceguy5?

>> No.16183928

Go shag your nan you mutton headed twat

>> No.16183993

Settle down spaceguy5

>> No.16184001

CSS and ESGhound were much worse

>> No.16184007

Were. ESGHound faded in to irrelevancy and CSS is currently undergoing that same process with sg5 rising in the rankings. Lightningl3g is, ofcourse, eternally #1 in the EDS baiter community forever.

>> No.16184022


>> No.16184038


>> No.16184041


>> No.16184042
File: 438 KB, 1920x1080, sL5MYqZoyoUxSpE6TMmZzL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Boeing sell me a CST-Starliner-mobile if I asked? Im actually in the market for exactly this trim

>> No.16184045

No and youre to poor anyways

>> No.16184046

why would you say that?

>> No.16184065

based schizo

>> No.16184077

Again, not making any threads until we have another situation with the OPs again so someone else has to stage. Page 10 is only two posts away.

>> No.16184080

What about CSI Starbase
He's always positing doomer scenarios which fail to eventuate

>> No.16184081

Sure, that will be twenty million dollars plus tip

>> No.16184082

The clustering on those Dyson Sphere candidates is somewhat concerning. There are a few hundred thousand stars within 900 light years of Earth, but that's an order of magnitude short of the 5 million objects surveyed. The relatively short range implies that these candidate objects are very common in the cosmos, or they're actually clustered, which suggests a common origin.

>> No.16184086

Blatantly false info, people just dog him for fun here because he made one wrong prediction after an IFT and hes black. Hes literally an NSF tier SpaceX fan, and has good videos. Only newfags who are trying to fit in and dont have a clue about anything would take those seriously. Do you maybe have something youd like to tell us??

>> No.16184090

Idk much about astrophysics but couldn't they be occluded by accretion discs? Or perhaps large amounts of asteroids?

>> No.16184099

They're old red dwarfs which don't usually have those.

>> No.16184100

The common origin is Earth. We're not the first human civilization to arise here.

>> No.16184109

most reliable vehicle in the Starliner architecture

>> No.16184112

Where are the ancient aryan aliens then

>> No.16184114
File: 172 KB, 850x478, marsx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humans or8ginated from the Pleiades thousands of years ago and colonized 2 other systems there. the settled Mars, but sometging went wrong (a great war perhaps). we still have monuments and pyramids on mars today. the surbivors fled to Earth and rebooted covilization, but a biblical deluge set us back yet again.

>> No.16184115

Someone bake a new thread, maybe about the new tower piece that got transported or some cool concept station/colony/ship idk.

>> No.16184116
File: 61 KB, 850x479, pleiadesx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16184120

Someone make a new thread with an original idea instead of a fucking NSF update

>> No.16184123

No idea here is original nitwit. Unless you want me to draw a dick shaped ship that uses piss as fuel in Solidworks.

>> No.16184124


>> No.16184125

how bout "fuck boeing" edition with a gif of starliner on fire

>> No.16184128

Sure go ahead and make that sounds like a good thread to me.

>> No.16184132

Dyson spheres

>> No.16184134

can you make it?

>> No.16184136

Just use a picture of Von Braun, everyone likes Von Braun edition.

>> No.16184138

No I literally at the beginning of the thread swore off making OPs since you all bitch so much about them. You make it.

>> No.16184141

i think it was decided years ago to turn wenchang into china's own cape canaveral/ksc

>> No.16184145

I swore off making OPs go to top of thread. Im going to sleep anyways now so thats one less person to bake (not like I wouldve anyways). Thread will probably be off the catty if nobody stages by the time I wake up.

>> No.16184148
File: 1 KB, 118x49, 010646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16184152
File: 54 KB, 563x160, elon bon voyage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16184394

t. mlpedoguy5

>> No.16184466
File: 606 KB, 993x433, you future children's taxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

magic of taxation
there's no economical reason to go to space, all of it exists subsidy, if it dried up, we'd only be launching atmospheric sounding rockets.

>> No.16184724

>He wants to live in the pod

>> No.16184780

Finally Kaela can have good internet

>> No.16184802
