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/sci/ - Science & Math

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16181186 No.16181186 [Reply] [Original]

But I have to support myself.

Serious: how do I find a lifestyle where I have no obligations but math? I know it's a fantasy, but I want it. I'm willing to compromise.

I'm just looking for ideas.

There is no better way to do math (or science) than to dedicate your whole life to it - that doesn't necessarily mean all waking hours spent on it, but it means spending the best parts of your day in deep work on math.

>> No.16181189

The hermit mathmatician. Its been done countless times.
Man the fuck up and do eet.

>> No.16181192

I feel the same. That's why I took a comfy IT job. I have automated most of my tasks and I usually finish the programming jobs within 20% of the estimated time. That means apart from occasional phone conferences I can do whatever I want at work - reading math texts, shitposting on 4chan, etc.

>> No.16181210

yes, but what practical advice is there to be had? What is a realistic minimum amount of money needed yearly to survive and stay healthy enough to think at a high level

>> No.16181215

Move somewhere with a low cost of living. Get a job in IT or some other shit at a middle school or HS where your biggest problem is setting up the projector for the gym teacher and setting up a shitty a server for the school admin. Math in your spare time and it’s pretty comfy

>> No.16181216

DO NOT starting investing in stocks or gambling. That is like schizo catnip for mathematicians.

>> No.16181217

>be hermit mathmatician
>CIA glowies find you and try to steal your proofs
>dont consent

>> No.16181220

easy ways nowadays with cryptography to secure providence on proofs

>> No.16181224
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Its me, I am the literal experiment for that very post.

Its meadian US, like a bit over 5k a month, average cheaper place is $500 a month, $1,000 if you want nice/minimum in places like London/Paris etc or whatever, more in Netherlands/Switzerland.

The mental tax is real, it cannot be "just ignored", as in thinking has heavy costs, when I solve shit like this I am [thinking in terms of] high thinking for a number of days/week+ where I do a bunch of other solutions about less known/inner circle shit.

I often have burn out, sometimes lasting as long as nearly three months, where I do literally nothing but veg, game, smoke, shitpost (and softer background research, mid level tier stuff on unrelated fields as pass time activity).

Diet, sleep, exercise, emotional state, it cant have a major hole or else I require too much spending to keep me sane...sanity is the danger, of losing it.

Feast and famine as it is, less money could make the famines too rough.

>> No.16181231

Become a highschool teacher and do it in your free time

>> No.16181232

Commit crimes, read math in prison.

>> No.16181246

Teach highschool level math to convicts in the penitentiary with nothing *but* free time.

Solved. Score a hit on TV and change hearts and minds for the rest of your life.

>> No.16181403

>how do I find a lifestyle where I have no obligations but math
The tradtional route would be to get a PhD and then get an academic position, but getting a PhD takes longer than it did even a few decades ago and there aren't all that many academic jobs anyway. Thus the best way would be to find what available non-academic jobs use math and the most often and then get whatever qualifications you would need.

Get off 4chan Ted, you're dead.

>> No.16181418
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>how do I find a lifestyle where I have no obligations but math?
Being free from any financial obligations.
How do you get there? Study the problem with math and publish your findings.
Many of us here would be interested in the results.