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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.04 MB, 1238x1184, Slime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11004749 No.11004749 [Reply] [Original]

A Slime draws near!

>> No.11004771
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Press its buttons

>> No.11004796


>> No.11004798

>Call Him A Tranny

>> No.11004818

You ever notice how the Slime has the same eyes as Mr. Popo?

>> No.11004829

>A Slime draws near!
Who is this bloke called near and why is a slime drawing him?

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11004714 No.11004714 [Reply] [Original]

World 1 is great with a very fun boss.
World 2 is good with a pretty fun boss.
World 3 is okay leaning good with an inoffensive boss.
World 4 is okay with a shit boss.
World 5 is okay with one terrible level (submarine one) and a shit boss.
World 6 is one frustrating level, one decent level, a horrid final level, and a garbage final boss.

This game gets worse every single world.

>> No.11004725
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This game is gay as fuck. I've played this shit so many times because I got it for Christmas and got told "anon! play the pacman!" Fuck you mom this game fucking sucks shit. Gay levels, gay boss, gay bowser, just gay as fuck. Fuck this game and fuck every time this piece of shit is mentioned it deserves 1000 years dungeon in the pits where the ET game lives fuck this piece of shit fuck you.

>> No.11004726

Why do you hate it so much?

>> No.11004739
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anon i can't stress why i hate this piece of shit game. you hit the nail on the head how it gets worse every single level. imagine me, an anon, getting this for christmas 2002 when i wanted a gamecube and wind waker and for the next 3 fucking years get asked to play pacman which was already gay in the 80 and even more gay in the 90s.

shits fucking garbage if i wanted to play pacman i'd play pacman not that garbage pacman world that they made 3 games for of an uninspiring 3d pacman platformer which was 5 years behind the times at best.

anon i can keep going but i just can't fuck this game

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11004703 No.11004703[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

post retro girls

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11004667 No.11004667 [Reply] [Original]

What killed the hype?

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>> No.11004782

>FF6 T-Edition
troon edition?

>> No.11004785

OPs probably some brony faggot that likes Brave New World and is mad everyone now things Brave New World is shit (rightfully so) and T-edition is the go-to for FFVI romhacks (also rightfully so)

>> No.11004828

What's Brave New World like compared to T-Edition.

>> No.11004832

some things I literally hated about brave new world:
>cringe sex humor
I am not a prune christ fag or whatever but that shit felt out of place. It's just not funny man.
>floating continent ultimate weapon fight
you are literally force to use float. without knowing that float can avoid earthquakes the fight is pretty much impossible. everything before the fight and literally the rest of the game felt MUCH easier. it was such a pointless spike in difficulty even in a hack made for experienced players.

>> No.11004839

i like how t-edition romhack backports gba content because i refuse to play ff6gba

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11004662 No.11004662 [Reply] [Original]

Proper way to connect your console

>> No.11004668

Keep up the gaming BRother

>> No.11004834
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>> No.11004841
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11004660 No.11004660 [Reply] [Original]

any tips for this game,i lost my first battle after like 4 attack from 2 bats.

>> No.11004669

Playing a good game instead

>> No.11004684

i said for this game,maybe I will find it good.

>> No.11004772

Google "Pete's Advice for Wizardry VI".

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11004630 No.11004630 [Reply] [Original]

Gensis Cool Spot has way too many enemies. Where you have that cool radio in the SNES version that really makes you feel tiny on a beach, the Genesis version gives you a screen full of enemies, sometimes so many you don't even know where to jump

The SNES version isn't perfect, but this alone makes it the better experience. The "combat" isn't good enough to warrant this many enemies and it hurts the vibes the game is going for

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>> No.11004674

What is with these cancerous CRT filters making it into screen shots. Every screen shot looks like complete shit now.

>> No.11004718

You're sitting too close to your screen

>> No.11004770

>the camera is a bit close
Just screen crunch from the most common SNES resolution being lower than the Genesis's
SNES: 256x224
Gen: 320×224

>> No.11004774

genesis graphics looks really bad here

>> No.11004845

Crunch and less enemies helps out the weak SNES processor too

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11004524 No.11004524 [Reply] [Original]

if a game itself was good, but started a bunch of negative gaming trends, would it be considered a good game or a bad game?

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>> No.11004608
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>negative gaming trends
play this. if you still think oot standardizing intuitive controls and targeting is a bad thing, you just hate good video games

>> No.11004615

One you realize all you do in this game is drive from A to B then either shoot someone with bad gunplay or pursue them with your car, the game is pretty bad. It was great when it felt realistic and immersive 20 years ago and was something new

>> No.11004647

playing 3d gta without the radio is a horrible experience

>> No.11004673

What trend did it even start?

>> No.11004712

open world sandbox slop

File: 77 KB, 365x273, SHOCK001[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11004480 No.11004480 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there more games out there like System Shock 1? I like System Shock, dammit! System Shock 2 isn't as interesting to me and that's the one that gets all the love.

>> No.11004596

first off, SS1 didn't exactly do too good money-wise. SS2 didn't exactly break new sales records, either.

SS1 can be seen through the prism of survival-horror, though, and that genre is very popular. However, SS1 had a more RPG-feel to it's survival-horror than successive games in the genre which relied more upon action and jump-scares.

And with all of the game-making software options out there now, you could... Make your own?

>> No.11004649

>why aren't there more boring slogs

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11004385 No.11004385 [Reply] [Original]

>Code Veronica: 2000
>REmake: 2001

The jump in quality between these games is insane

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>> No.11004735

only for graphics
the gameplay is still shit

>> No.11004740

nah, see >>11004581
Bald Gay Dyke Alliance looks like launch title garbage

>> No.11004751

Veronica X on Dreamcast has a fan translated ISO out there on the intarwebs.

>> No.11004754

retard zoomer

>> No.11004791

Having played both, the Dreamcast version seems to look better, having better colour and textures maybe. I can't put my finger on it.
Veronica X also included more silly Matrix Fighting and the like, and made Steve look less like Leo DiCaprio. General consensus is that the DC original is still the best.

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11004326 No.11004326 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's Duke it out in doom

>> No.11004465

more like dumb lmao

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11004273 No.11004273 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite sunshine level? I really like Sirena Beach and Pianti Village(night).


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>> No.11004459

It's kino but at that age he should be outside enjoying the real sun

>> No.11004606

we live in argentina, these last weeks were colder than usual, we already reached freezing temperatures

>> No.11004613

Anything Mario Sunshine. Big reason while it will always be special. Also Spot

>> No.11004617

Delfino Plaza.

>> No.11004624

The music is pretty catchy

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11004196 No.11004196 [Reply] [Original]

Just how in the world did they do it? It's so good.

>> No.11004245

My fav game but fuck you op with these basic ass threads. "Why is this?", "How is that?". Fuck you, go google it. I am not writing the essay for you.

>> No.11004263

Physics, controls, sound, and car models are all top notch. It's a special game

And the Saturn downport looks better than the original

>> No.11004440

>the Saturn downport looks better than the original
How so?

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11004170 No.11004170 [Reply] [Original]

What are some other classics with the same energy as the original Resident Evil, Clock Tower 3, Night Trap, etc.?

>> No.11004181

That fmv game about a playboy bunny turned succubus

>> No.11004202

That sounds kino but also like the plot for an H game.

>> No.11004424

You also sound like an epic faggot.

>> No.11004457

I don't think it's bad, I think it's awesome.

And you should play the first Echo Night, as well as The Note which even has McCulloch has one of the characters

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11004134 No.11004134 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it.

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>> No.11004563
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Bigger player hitbox, bullets are usually much faster and enemies themselves will often try and hit you.
The one on the right has a tiny hitbox equivalent to the character/ship's heart/cockpit and in this particular example, most bullets are literally only for show.
Not to say that one is better than the other, they're like completely different genres with different appeals.

>> No.11004612

You can fuck up in multiple different ways on the left. You have several options on where to go and you'll need skill to know which one's are good or bad.
There is basically only one pre-determined route on the right. Either you know it or you don't. You're not making choices, you're memorizing.

>> No.11004618

Boomer shmups are even more about memorization than danmaku though, especially touhou. "Positioning yourself accordingly" is literally memorization. Since you have a fat hitbox and bullets can get pretty fast, you have less time to dodge purey by reaction and have to position yourself before you can even see the bullets

>> No.11004790
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This is about as much of the screen that matters on the right. The rest is visual clutter.

>> No.11004820

For me it’s gotta be Sexy Parodius.

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11004092 No.11004092 [Reply] [Original]

Why create a shameless Street Fighter copy? Didn't they trust Fatal Fury's potential?

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>> No.11004583

Seriously. Back when game companies had to put out actual games and the genre wasn't defined by some faggots on stream telling you what to think. So you had a lot of people just making whatever crazy fighter they could think up. God I miss Bloody Roar.

>> No.11004592

Another of my biggest complaints about modern fighters is how the single player stuff sucks or is practically non-existent. Back then you had at least 30 hours of good single player content with cool unlockables and fun goofy shit
E-sports faggotry ruined fighting games

>> No.11004827
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>> No.11004838

>Created the game
>remake your idea into other games
>people keep calling your game a rip off even though you created it
At least the creator of the series kind of went back to making street fighter games since SFIV

>> No.11004840

every art of fighting game feels like it's from a different series

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11004007 No.11004007 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever happened to Rhythm games?

>> No.11004021

It got to the point where you were playing real instruments. Can't expand on the genre much after that.

>> No.11004037

This and they over saturated the market with it. There are still rhythm games made but they won't see main stream popularity again for a while. It doesn't help that music is basically a commodity now.

>> No.11004098

They still exist, Bemani is this going, and everyone is into Beat Saber

>> No.11004103

is still going*

>> No.11004173

They became the Friday Night Funkin genre or this >>11004021 or are just another Taiko style arcade game that doesn't really need to innovate to do its job

Occasionally some new weeb rhythm game will come out that only a few people will care about

That what happened to them

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11004003 No.11004003 [Reply] [Original]

Was it really worthy of being crowned the title of Super Mario Brother, The 2nd or did the US of A get the better dealio?

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>> No.11004368

Very much agree honestly. I've never liked SMB3 much at all despite how incredibly popular it is. The levels are all too bite-sized for the sake of quantity over quality and I'm not a huge fan of the Tanooki stuff. Any interesting ideas and powerups it did have were as limited as possible so you barely got to see them. Which I guess is part of what made them feel special, but the rest of the game winds up monotonous because of it.

I guess I do like the airship levels a lot. I'll give ti that, too. But SMB2US is constantly mixing things up and feels extremely creative for a platformer from its era. The multiple playable characters have you figuring out who's optimal for each level and let you change your playstyle on the fly. The secrets felt more interesting too, like the multiple in-level skips.

>> No.11004415

>I guess
Sorry, you didn't will yourself. I raped you and Obama raped his nigger friend Michael who is a man and a nigger.>>11004327

>> No.11004495

SMB2US is better than SMB2J because Doki Doki Panic is a better game than SMB2J to begin with. But it's not a "better deal" than the Japanese had because they could just play the actual Doki Doki Panic AND SMB2 if they wanted to.

>> No.11004501

Nah, you're retarded.

>> No.11004504

makes sense

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11003964 No.11003964 [Reply] [Original]

what you would say to zelda if you saw him in real life

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11003882 No.11003882 [Reply] [Original]

The fuck was his problem?

>> No.11003894

head on fire

>> No.11003898

yeah that would probably piss me off too

>> No.11003924

He was a bit of a hothead

>> No.11003982

He realized the juggalo movement was going out of style.