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11003882 No.11003882 [Reply] [Original]

The fuck was his problem?

>> No.11003894

head on fire

>> No.11003898

yeah that would probably piss me off too

>> No.11003924

He was a bit of a hothead

>> No.11003982

He realized the juggalo movement was going out of style.

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11003853 No.11003853 [Reply] [Original]

How come they built up such an obsessive fanbase? Was it a stroke of marketing genius?

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>> No.11004804

Nintendo did not design or manufacture the Power Glove.

>> No.11004836

Always amusing how anything Nintendo can make so many fanboys seethe like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.11004843

Most games are for teens and up.

>> No.11004849 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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vaccine injuries

>> No.11004861

It's been making games for a decade, it's obvious it would get a fanbase. What, you're telling me the PS has NO fanbase?
If that's the case, now *that's* the real mystery. We must ask, how tf did PS make games for a decade without getting any fans?

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11003851 No.11003851 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the GameCube universally considered a failure for selling only 22 million consoles, but the Xbox is considered a "success" despite selling only 24 million?

>> No.11003860

First attempt vs fourth attempt

also America-centric interpretation ("the n64 was a success because it sold a lot in the US", "the xbox was a success because it sold a lot in the US", yet both were nearly nonexistent outside of it)

>> No.11003878

>nearly nonexistent outside of it
Japan-centric interpretation. Xbox was a success in Europe and especially Australia.

>> No.11003887

>Xbox was a success in Europe
6 million is nothing extraordinary. I only knew one guy with it, not counting myself.

>> No.11003903

Outselling a well established console manufacturer with your debut console is quite impressive. Imagine if something like the 3DO outsold the Saturn

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11003841 No.11003841 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.11004207

Because 7 8 9!!

>> No.11004220


>> No.11004227 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11004486
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3D was a mistake.
Ultima VIII will always be best looking Ultima.

I would pay $500 to see Ultima VII using Ultima VIII's tileset

>> No.11004598

Origin being bought by EA was the mistake. That started Origin's downfall.

While we'll never know if Richard Garriott would have lost his game-making chops had Ultima lived on under his leadership, it would have been interesting to see what might have been with an Ultima that didn't have The Guardian.

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11003794 No.11003794 [Reply] [Original]

In the end, you CANT deny he absolutely won.

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>> No.11004256

No, it would have been colossally faggy. Grow up.

>> No.11004262

It's a game series for children lmao. Take your meds,

>> No.11004541

>No, it would have been colossally faggy
well you would be the expert on things that are colossally faggy

>> No.11004852

Random scientist that is Wily anyway, just not in name, is an even more retarded way they went about it.

>> No.11004854

Detail why or lick your taint.

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11003757 No.11003757 [Reply] [Original]

I'm having trouble finding a GDI of this bad boy, anyone know if it exists at all?
I learned about this games existence very recently and i know nothing about it, that prospect is really exciting these days so I'd like to.

>> No.11003760

I mean that translated version, of course.

>> No.11003783

GDI are original versions. If you want the patched translated version, you'd have to use a CDI, right?

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11003749 No.11003749 [Reply] [Original]

I grew up with the PSOne model of PlayStation and didn't even realise there was an earlier model until I saw one on the internet in like 2010 and thought "WTF is that?! A bootleg?" I had the same reaction when I saw the original PS controllers that had no analog sticks. Am I the only one?

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>> No.11004270

I always thought the PSOne was what girls get.

>> No.11004303

not having serial was what killed that console for me

>> No.11004335

That'd be wiki legend, Purple Puppy. Legend has it he spent 3hrs photoshopping a Seattle bus for a clean background.

>> No.11004356

Sorry OP, I grew up with the og model

>> No.11004494

Nah. That's the standard japanese length.

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11003726 No.11003726 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this bitch, thinking she deserves any scales.

>> No.11003738

Fuck that trash game and anybody who likes it.

>> No.11003765

By the time you reach the Termina shop, the "I just reunited my dead boyfriend, I think" story arc just sort of gets dropped instantly. How can you tug my heart string this far and then just do nothing with it?

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11003693 No.11003693 [Reply] [Original]


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11003670 No.11003670 [Reply] [Original]

Why was it so good and soulful?

>> No.11003676

It was the first truly cinematic video game that applied lessons from CG movies. They were at the bleeding edge of fusing interactivity and cinematography and poured everything they had into it.
It was both high-tech and made straight from the heart.

>> No.11003680

I never played it. But I do remember a segment on G4TV where they asked video callers what video game they think should be made into a movie, and this chubby bastard said -
>Call me crazy, but I think a Jak and Daxter movie would be craazyyy
and for some reason his voice and face have stuck in my head for 20 years.

>> No.11003818

It wasn't. It was a boring, repetitive collectathon with no personality and lacking in challenge.

The sequel improved upon it in nearly every way. Better mission design, world design, combat, platforming, challenge, replayability, variety, story, and writing. Honestly I feel like the people who prefer the first game are intellectually stunted in some way.

>> No.11004339

Crash Team Racing is the only good game Naughty Dog ever made.

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11003649 No.11003649 [Reply] [Original]

>Hi. My name is Eddie. I need your help. This is my building, and since the neighborhood really sucks, I built all these traps and security systems, to protect the people who live here.

What did you think of Double Switch?

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>> No.11003805

Charlie Sheen fucked Corey Haim?

>> No.11003809

>gay pedophile
>has HIV
well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised

>> No.11003819

on the set of Lucas

>> No.11003854


>> No.11003983

Immediately what I hear

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11003617 No.11003617 [Reply] [Original]

Did you play D2? did you like it?

>> No.11003641

>open world survival horror with jrpg random battles that are fought as a FPS
God bless Eno, only he could think up something as absurd as this. It's no hidden masterpiece but I appreciate the effort and ambition, such a shame he died so close to what seemed like his real big break as a developer. There will never be anything like it again, which even if objectively flawed makes it special.

>> No.11004418

Never heard of it, is it good?

>> No.11004537
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For whatever reason I am stuck near the plane and the plane boss won't begin.
I really do like the atmosphere and music

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11003614 No.11003614 [Reply] [Original]

Why was it such dogshit?

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>> No.11003772

Excessively high difficulty, overly-busy graphics and textures (especially with the lighting jesus fuck), and the game's new additions to Lara's abilities added nothing of worth.

TR4's level design did what TR3 should've done, but the attempt at nonlinear open world dragged it down really fucking hard.

>> No.11003803

i got filtered by aldwych as a kid and continue to be filtered by it to this day

>> No.11004793

Core Design was great up until 1996. Then they forced to shurn out sequels quickly and had to hire new people. As talented devs get the spotlight, the company grows and becomes more business like, what was the passion project of a handful of talented devs becomes a desk job for new recruits.
People will tell you "publishers don't make games", but publisher decisions is precisely why TR3 and 4 suck.
Same story with Iguana, and others. Nostalgiafags on this board like to pretend it's the 6th gen that changed everything but the end of 90s was already like that.

>> No.11004805

too many fucking sequels

whoever was calling the shots ran a once beloved series into the fucking ground at lightspeed

the only group that benefits is the trible

>> No.11004823

Did TR3, TR4 and TR5 even sell well?

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11003579 No.11003579 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10991934

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:


Vanilla/Boom: https://doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://doomworld.com/idgames/


https://desuarchive.org/vr/search/text/"doom thread"/type/op/

FPS (Rolling schedule): http://clovr.xyz/
SRB2Kart: https://pastebin.com/gPdytB18




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>> No.11004559

>to 99. Onemanshow (Redux author) discovered just a few years ago that setting the fps_max to 99 for some reason cracked down a lot on crashes within SMOD.
interesting, thank you for the advice on this and the crashing. also, the maps ive done already are working just fine, so this is going without a hitch! enjoy your rest anon, and see you next thread

>> No.11004656
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Is it possible to set up Quake with KBM controls in Retroarch? I tried using the tyrequake core but my mouse movements weren't registering and my keybinds were all messed up?

>> No.11004661
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I can't believe that after all these years DOOM has finally reached end of life... see you all in DOOM 2...

>> No.11004663


>> No.11004664

You can still play DOOM, just don't try to have it connect to the internet

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11003559 No.11003559 [Reply] [Original]

Was Star Fox 64 the first game with battle royale?

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>> No.11003629

Deathmatch is not a single-life-based gamemode. Try again.

>> No.11003631

You made this thread before.

>> No.11003663

No, I didn't.

>> No.11004042

I think the gamemode was called "last man standing" back then. pretty sure there were a lot of strategy games with that rule. which further came from board games.

>> No.11004061


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11003546 No.11003546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some of your favorite Scotformer catchphrases? Mine's "Ooo, ooo oo!"

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11003490 No.11003490 [Reply] [Original]

Never played og to know if it's there but why is it's attract mode video just Chris dicking around and doing nothing mundanely?

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>> No.11004515

I liked the game until there was a hyper modern bio lab under the mansion.
Anyone disliked that part, too?

>> No.11004516

You should see the demos of the proto versions



>> No.11004523

That was the JPN version and I just had a look at the US version for curiosity

>first demo with Chris is identical
>in the second demo with Chris, in the US version he manages to kill all zombies without getting hit while in the JPN version he gets bitten
>in the third demo in the US Jill gets hit by the last zombie but manages to kill it in the JPN version

Which version did you play OP? I wouldn't be surprised if the DualShock version everything was desynced and all the demos sucked since that version was put up so hapazardly

>> No.11004532

Oh hey that's really interesting, thanks anon
That's kinda funny
Was there a non dualshock version of director's cut? I played that and it was a black disc that didn't say dualshock version on it

>> No.11004542

Is there a way to properly implement panic mechanic?

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11003365 No.11003365 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best (most accurate) Dreamcast rom format: .gdi, .cdi, .chd, or .bin+.cue? I'm trying to get all my ROMs in the same format.

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>> No.11004704

Redump rips actually don't work on GDEMU properly because they hacked the format to offset the tracks.

>> No.11004706

I use .gdi because I play one at a time, have them compressed with .7z and, at least with redream, .gdi allows me to use widescreen hacks

>> No.11004779

CHD doesn't remove anything by nature
What you're talking about is when people removed shit back then to be able to burn 1GB games onto regular 700MB CD-Rs. For example removing nip voices in Sonic Adventure 2

>> No.11004784

Is there a reason to use Redump dumps?

>> No.11004824

For Dreamcast and Xbox, absolutely not. Less compatible with everything, less accurate data for actually playing and the checksums will never match anything you'll rip yourself.
For other consoles, sure. PSX, Saturn, Sega CD and PS2 redumps are fine and their checksums should match any proper rips you make.
For PC games, no. You should either use CloneCD for accuracy or bin+cue alongside nocd patches without caring about checksums at all.
I don't know enough about 3DO, Jaguar CD and such to say whether Redump is worth shit for them. Just know that Redump is a project to accurately copy the discs, they could not give less of a shit about whether those dumps are in any way playable on anything.

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11003315 No.11003315 [Reply] [Original]

Pretty much title.

Anyone re-visit Shadowrun recently? Are there any other games with a similar vibe as the SNES Shadowrun?

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11003271 No.11003271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.11003449

That was already acknowledged on that post, maybe learn how to read before throwing your hooves against the keyboard compulsively.

>> No.11003453

>Sega died circa 2018 because of the Playstation Classic

>> No.11003465


>> No.11003495

And came back with 4 gaemgears and I think 2 genesisis

>> No.11003501

I see the jannies take their job very seriously. They do love their consolewars.