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/vr/ - Retro Games

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11003184 No.11003184 [Reply] [Original]

This is a comfy EarthBound thread! Nintenfags and Lucasfags need not apply.

What is your favorite town?

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>> No.11003908

It is retro, so it fits.

>> No.11003954
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>Nintenfags and Lucasfags
Ninten just the superior Ness anyway.

>> No.11004192

>What is your favorite town?
What could possibly beat Onett?

>> No.11004271

Is that because they're paedos or something?

>> No.11004363

threed before you saved the town, other then that, twoson

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11003152 No.11003152 [Reply] [Original]

You're about to play JA2 for the umpteenth time: who's in your starting squad, and why?

>> No.11003158

I hate the way she's holding that firearm.

>> No.11003164

myself because free

>> No.11003236

Meltdown is always my first pick, she's a killing machine in 1.13 and the more granular AP benefits her massively.
Bull is the second pick, being a pugilist with a ridiculous strength score means he can put Deidranna's goons into a coma and steal their stuff for some earlygame arsenal.
IMP merc is a given, I usually make him a specialist in leadership, explosives, and mechanical work, more like a support than a front-liner.
Fourth is Dr. Q., can't be without a medic, I usually spend a lot on him in advance since he has a habit of leveling up very quickly (and increasing his salary in the process).

>> No.11003439

Wolf, Fox, Grizzly, Spider and once I get mining going, Raven and Lynx. I call it "The zoo"

Though in practice Spider is the only merc I never pass on, the rest are whatever.

>> No.11003582

I always bring Buzz and mix it up with random other mercs (1.13 naturally). I have to train her strength up, but I enjoy her insanity.

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11003097 No.11003097 [Reply] [Original]

This is probably the coolest game I’ve ever played.
Holy shit

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>> No.11004301

I love the menu feature that shows you how you could best the bosses if you weren't a scrub

>> No.11004321

It has been said many times before by more articulated, but the charm of the original Castlevanias is exactly how stiff the controls and movement is, the game is created and balanced around those restrictions.
So if you know your player can only jump on a direction with a clear arc, and has to commit to it, then you can design encounters that magnify the experience.
Every jump you make, every long winded whip attack, you can't take it back, that's why enemies like the medusa or the fleamen burned into people's memories.
It's obviously not for everyone.

>> No.11004324

Coolest Death fight in the entire series.

>> No.11004353
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>the first CV game pandering to shonen weeb faggots no one OP the faggot thinks it's cool

>> No.11004427

This shit is precisely why Rondo of Blood is so well regarded.

Surface level opinion after playing the game for 2 mins.

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11003091 No.11003091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't see the value. All of their games are better executed in later generations. A necessary step in the progression of video games, but poor quality by themselves.

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>> No.11003406

Nah it's fun, very unique combat system, and extremely aesthetical

>> No.11003412

It may be fun, but it certainly hasn’t “never been done better”. I’d say Soul Calibur pretty well has the crown for 2.5D fighters.

>> No.11003414

What's with anons coming to /vr/ to bitch about /vr/ systems and games?

>> No.11003416

You had to be there

>> No.11003419

Literally this

OP makes it too obvious that he didn't actually grow up with these

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11003067 No.11003067 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.11004653

>nobody's mad except me

>> No.11004747

I knew a couple people who worked at Nintendo of America who saw zero point in playing old games.

>> No.11004781
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I mean I HATE anglos too., but you have to give to them at least back then in 90s had some balls in their reviews

>> No.11004783
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>> No.11004787

nobody cared about that game until 2007

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11003008 No.11003008 [Reply] [Original]

Is Sonic 2 too long for a game that was intended to be beaten in one sitting(no save system and all), or am I just being a dumb zoomer?

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>> No.11003734

Yeah and the final boss is complete bullshit. Hurr hit my one weak point that's hidden in the hitbox of my moving spikes and just get lucky 8 times.

>> No.11003934
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>it takes what, 2 hours?

>> No.11004352

>or am I just being a dumb zoomer?
Somewhat. Sonic 2 still lives in the era of gaming where players were not expected to "complete " a "playthrough" on their first time booting up the game, indeed we never really used such terminology. Instead, the player would begin to play the game knowing that it was full-well impossible to beat the game on their first time playing. This is why games of this era have lives, continues, and scores. One would play the game, as well as they could, for as long as they could, until they inevitably lost all their lives and continues. Score was there as a rough measure of your performance. You would take what you learned from your previous attempts and apply those lessons to future attempts. Essentially, "getting gud". Eventually, if the game is well designed and your persistent enough, you will have practiced your way past a threshold where your skill of the game allows you to "beat" it. Many of these concepts are lost in future gaming, and I don't blame you for not understanding the concept outright.

>> No.11004426

8-bit sonic 2 is a way better game for short periods of time

>> No.11004473

>the first time
If it's the first time, you might fail on the first stages. Let's say you fail twice on the first stages. That takes what, 1-2 hour? When you fail the game is over.
That means you can STOP SITTING. Any trial or joke run, you can do that.
Then, if you have more time (even then idk 2-3 hours) and know the game, it takes one sitting, if you dedicate the time to the game, BUT you can pause, so to say accurately it could two sittings. it only isn't supposed to be 10mins like some phone game wtf

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11003005 No.11003005[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm having a rough week, bros. What's a lesser known /vr/ certified 10/10 game that I can beat in like 8 hours, that had a great satisfying ending? Gonna spend all day in my bed tonight and tomorrow.

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>> No.11003636

Gain ground

>> No.11003660
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Not necessarily lesser known but this game kicks so much ass. It “slaps” as the young people say nowadays.

>> No.11003686

>lesser known
Why? If anything when I'm having bad times I play games I am familiar with and have nostalgia for, which comfort me.

>> No.11003706

I'm so lonely bros. I finally had made a close friend but now he's got a girl and always busy. It always comes back to this.

>> No.11004163
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11002975 No.11002975 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no tile based isometric city builders anymore? They look so much better with how much detail and artistry is packed into their pre-rendered sprites and the gameplay is so much more fun and manageable because you don't have to deal with the mess of arbitrary positions and angles in 3d space. Imagine if Maxis had made a SimCity 5 with diagonal lots and higher resolution, more detailed buildings. It would have been the greatest video game ever made.

>> No.11003723

I can only assume companies figure sprites of 1000 buildings take too long to make and are not marketable enough to be worth their time. I would love to see a revival of sprite based city builders but I think outside of some small scale indie games the era is over.

>> No.11003756

Because the genre peaked with SimCity 4 and either Pharaoh or Zeus depending on your opinion. There's nowhere for it to go.

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11002970 No.11002970 [Reply] [Original]

As an American the ZX Spectrum has always seemed like a strange, unexplored and alien world of games. I've seen all sorts of weird platformers and adventure games shown off.

What games on the Speccy are worth playing?

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>> No.11004561

OP asked for game recommendations, not whine like a girl bitchiness.

>> No.11004568

yeah, this one's good

>> No.11004620


I've never used one but according to screenshots the answer is: black backgrounds in places where you wouldn't expect them, and startlingly vivid colors everywhere else.

This may sound like a standard "trash the speccy" post but it is actually the opposite. I think the look of Spectrum graphics (in still shots) is striking and generally pleasant - although the colors-clashing-within-a-tile problem (or whatever it'd best be named) obviously does produce disappointing visual artifacts at times.

>> No.11004637

Do the needful and drown in your shit river, faggot

>> No.11004675

cringe bruh

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11002896 No.11002896 [Reply] [Original]

Why did it fail to kill Halo?

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>> No.11003997

Nobody bought a PS2 to play shooters

>> No.11004081

Ran at 60FPS on consoles

>> No.11004409

Nobody bought a console to play shooters
fixed that for you

>> No.11004413

N64 owners did for Goldeneye
Xbox owners did for Halo
PS3/X360 owners did for Call of Duty

>> No.11004560

They didn't let us play as the good guys.

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11002892 No.11002892 [Reply] [Original]

Pac-Man thread. What’s your favorite game in the franchise?

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>> No.11003889

otaku does not mean anime
please learn more about japanese culture before posting on 4chan

>> No.11003907

The remake will most likely change things and might be based on the butchered Japanese version (I hope not.) Re-Pac was good though, so I'm sure Re-Pac 2 will be at least good in its own right.
GameCube has better draw distance and shortest load times, though some visual effects from the PS2 version are missing.
Can't go wrong with either, but whatever you do stay away from the Xbox and PC versions.

>> No.11003958

It honestly did feel like it came out of nowhere at the time

>> No.11003987
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>When you're just trying to figure out the game

>> No.11004018

kys zoomer scum

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11002831 No.11002831[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11002836

Failure for losing the console war?

>> No.11002849

blacks love genesis

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11002816 No.11002816 [Reply] [Original]

safe to assume his ROMs overheated. the main program ROMs on Double Dragon are ceramic for thermal reasons but i guess the graphics ROMs aren't. good test would be to spray compressed air on them to see if it gets them working again.

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>> No.11003639

This is an early revision Pac-Man while >>11003193 is the more common board. I noticed this one has plastic ROMs instead of ceramic.

>> No.11003703

Too many people used to set the things on their 70s shag carpets. Astrocades are usually ok if you set them on a flat surface and make sure the vent holes aren't blocked. Some like to set a laptop cooler under them.

>> No.11003740

the Astrocade was cool, it had NES sound in 1977 when contemporary consoles were basically PC speaker level

>> No.11003867

>Modern electrical components are much better designed
also they have clamp diodes for improved ESD protection which they did not in the 80s

>> No.11004093

These type of thermal failures are usually caused by the die becoming disconnected from the solder pads underneath it as the chip warms up and the package expands which creates an open circuit. Using freeze spray on a suspect chip will often get it working again as the package will shrink from being cooled and reestablish a connection between the die and solder pads. A standard epoxy package isn't super great at conducting heat which is why milspec and other high performance apps use ceramic packages.

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11002732 No.11002732 [Reply] [Original]

>Xstation for flawless and perfect playback: Check
>Pixel RetroGem for pristine and sharp digital video output on the 65" OLED: Check
>MemCard Pro for virtually infinite memory cards and space: Check
>Quality Wireless adapter for lagless inputs and comfy sofa gaming: Check

Yup, it's gaming time

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>> No.11004358

Because he fell for shill Youtuber memes telling him he absolutely had to have all these gay accessories and upgrades to make retro consoles playable in current year.

>> No.11004362

>a dildo in OP's anus: check
>nipple clamps on OP's manboobs: check
>a chastity cage on OP's dick: check
>a cup of warm semen on OP's desk: check

Yup, it's shitposting time.

>> No.11004375


>> No.11004481

Wh9 are these mythical youtubers, and why do you watch them? Normal people use google.

>> No.11004713
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Ain't that the fucking truth anon

>google "how to play PS1 in 2024"
>get told to buy PS1 on Ebay and gut it to play MGS1
>could have had a V8

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11002690 No.11002690 [Reply] [Original]

The PSX is pretty based. I'm playing this right now (last time being like 20 years ago) and it's still surprisingly fun.

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>> No.11003648

after stage 4 it becomes a generic “Simon says” style game where you press the button corresponding with the color of Hercules burps.

>> No.11004690

The traditional expansive platforming levels the game opens with turn out to be three or so in total, and the rest is just boss levels and run-towards-the-screen gauntlets; it's kind of a disappointment.

>> No.11004745


I played both games and they were both shit. Toy Story 2 and A Bugs Life are the best Disney platformers.

>> No.11004753

It's based on the MIPS architecture.

>> No.11004778

Hercules is really great, same goes for tarzan.

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11002665 No.11002665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>internet archive is cucking out
Well it’s doomsday for roms. Not even non Nintendo roms are safe as even PS1 sets are going down

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>> No.11003445

>It's just one listing lol
>Ok so they took more down, but at least people are reuploading more lol
>Oh so the new world wide law passed and now you get doxed and jailed for reuploading anything, but at least I got what I want lol
>So what if they looked into my history and found out I stole roms, they won't come to my hou-

>> No.11003459

>Archive speeds are slow as shit anyway idk why you'd wanna use it.
They’re one of the only sites that supply torrents for nearly every ROM/pack, which is generally much faster than direct downloads.

>> No.11003464

Except all those people who did.

>> No.11003472

see >>11002708

>> No.11003473
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>it’s doomsday for roms

if you ignored the warnings and all the signs leading up to this then enjoy buying chinese multicarts that dont work on ebay\amazon
enjoy buying games at inflated ebay prices
enjoy playing the faggy censored versions as overpriced rereleases with cringe woke textbox changes


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11002642 No.11002642 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe four, five years ago some anon on another imageboard shared a pirate copy of The Pinball Arcade and since then I've played a lot of virtual pinball. Had a lot of fun playing the recreation tables in The Pinball Arcade, I then picked up Demon's Tilt and then Xenotilt once it released, went to a couple of pinball festivals not too far from home to try out some of the real tables I'd been playing recreations of (IRL Centaur is amazing, being able to feel and gauge nudges to knock the ball back into play from the save gates in the outlanes feels sick every time), and a couple of days ago while trying to see if I could buy some posters of playfields or backglasses I discovered that there is an entire autistic community of boomers who have been recreating real tables to be played in various emulators and now I'm currently in the middle of figuring all of this shit out.

Any of you like pinball? Scouring old crusty forums to figure this shit out is like pulling teeth but I'm getting closer to getting these emulated tables to feel right, a lot of the guides are for setting up virtual pinball cabinets but all I'm trying to do is play on a portrait monitor. Biggest issue I'm currently having is getting nudging to feel right. The physics in Visual Pinball X tables feels a lot more consistent compared to The Pinball Arcade, but it feels like nudging barely does anything at all and I'm constantly setting off tilts trying to do the most basic things.

>> No.11002827

Post the forum links. I haven't been on a good forum in years.

>> No.11002921
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vpforums.org and vpuniverse.com are the two places I've been looking around for vpx tables, roms and guides and the like. To get the emulator running it there are several programs you need so I ended up using this packaged installer: http://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=ballerinsallv2311 but I ended up needing to ignore some of the set up instructions because it needed me to have my portrait monitor in landscape mode and set as my main display in order to get a frontend program working correctly, but since I'm not gonna do that I just run the tables manually with VisualPinballX instead of the frontend. It would be nice if I could get it working without fucking up my desktop because I think it can also launch tables from PinballFX and The Pinball Arcade.
Pic related is from before I figured out how to get it to launch the table in cabinet mode so it'd fill my portrait monitor properly.

>> No.11004758

I don't really care about pinball but this thread seems potentially interesting

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11002614 No.11002614[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which is more cringe, remasters or emulation?

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>> No.11003802
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>> No.11003804
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>> No.11003817


>> No.11003821

Shit thread

>> No.11003825

Time Traveller from 2011

Kill yourself

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11002605 No.11002605[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Maybe four, five years ago some anon on another chan shared a pirate copy of The Pinball Arcade and since then I've played a lot of virtual pinball. Had a lot of fun playing the recreation tables in The Pinball Arcade, I then picked up Demon's Tilt and then Xenotilt once it released, went to a couple of pinball festivals not too far from home to try out some of the real tables I'd been playing recreations of (IRL Centaur is amazing, being able to feel and gauge nudges to knock the ball back into play from the save gates in the outlanes feels sick every time), and a couple of days ago while trying to see if I could buy some posters of playfields or backglasses I discovered that there is an entire autistic community of boomers who have been recreating real tables to be played in various emulators and now I'm currently in the middle of figuring all of this shit out.

Any of you like pinball? Scouring old crusty forums to figure this shit out is like pulling teeth but I'm getting closer to getting these emulated tables to feel right, a lot of the guides are for setting up virtual pinball cabinets but all I'm trying to do is play on a portrait monitor. Biggest issue I'm currently having is getting nudging to feel right. The physics in Visual Pinball X tables feels a lot more consistent compared to The Pinball Arcade, but it feels like nudges barely does anything at all and I'm constantly setting off tilts trying to do the most basic things.

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11002581 No.11002581 [Reply] [Original]

How much of the meme that games "age" is owed to the fact "reviews" always had meaningless big numbers at the end? Reading back they're often accurate and aware of shortcomings of flawed "classics" at release. Then 25 years later some media literate peon says the same thing and presents it as revelation.

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>> No.11004731
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It's astounding that there are people on here that fail to understand this. And will continue to do so.

>> No.11004742

>2d games didnt really get good until ps1
You're right and I'm amazed at how few people get this. Prior to the PSX, DKC2 was the only thing released that basically would stand up to later games in the future. The PSX is a powerhouse of the best 2D games ever made, but nobody sees it like this for whatever reason.

>> No.11004748

I just played mario land, it was pretty fun and has a nice bespoke GBC palette if you don't like green

>> No.11004756

>durr muh clever loophole
It's like immortality. Surely, you know the concept of immortality.
Someone from 1600 gets the boon of immortality. Now they don't "age" (as in, their cells don't deteriorate from change or w.e.). They live until the present day. It's still an immortal from 1600. Therefore, a "retro immortal".

>> No.11004764

I don't buy it, the majority of game collectors I see are some low 20s dipshits who don't understand emulation or a similarly aged retard """"investing"""" in game cartridges