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10941336 No.10941336 [Reply] [Original]

Should i play this Remake or the NES game?

>> No.10941346

The remake has the NES game in it

>> No.10941350

>play nes game
>farm for hp constantly
>every room looks the same
Retards here will say ZM is for zoomers even though Millennials lauded ZM on release

>> No.10941359

You should always at least try the original first

>> No.10941364

both, play ZM first so you know the map though. some people prefer the FDS version because it fixes the drop rng but you have to wait for the elevators to load so i wouldn't recommend it.
yeah but it's scaled down so it's not really worth it.

>> No.10941365

it's very different, not a remake
it's like an alternate Super Metroid

>> No.10941369

In the case of any game with a remake, it's only logical to play the original first.
Anyone who doesn't understand this is <90 IQ.

>> No.10941397

NES Metroid sucks, both GBA games are great though

>> No.10941425

I prefer to play Remakes first and the original later

>> No.10941431

fusion sucks, zero mission is all right until the end bit

>> No.10941432
File: 146 KB, 400x300, 1490752993124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To any of you boys that decide to dive into NES Metroid and don't have much prior experience, have some pro tips:

>Missiles are fucking strong, they will one shot anything that isn't a boss
>Ice beam is fucked in this game and technically does half the damage of your normal beam because freezing enemies doesn't do damage, so if you keep the ice beam, just freeze enemies and walk away, or hit them with a missile
>Stay the fuck out of the top right area of Kraid's lair, there is absolutely nothing up there, only death and several identical rooms
>Norfair has all the good shit
>Bomb blasts give you I-frames
>Rolling off a ledge in Morph Ball and unmorphing in the air will let you jump again in the air, just as long you don't move left or right after you unmorph
>An E-Tank will heal you back up to 100% of energy, this can mitigate the need to grind out energy

>> No.10941449

>even though Millennials lauded ZM on release
millennials are even worse than zoomers, they should know better but still choose to eat shit to stick it to their boomer parents

>> No.10941467

honestly just play zero mission, super is a bigger more ambitious game so it won't feel like that much of a downgrade if you play it after.

>> No.10941480

thanks for the strats, playa. I screen capped your based post

>> No.10941496

The NES version is one of those "where the fuck do I go" kinda games

>> No.10941503

and that's a GOOD thing!

>> No.10941509

Both. The NES version is a bit rough, but still worth playing. ZM is the superior game for sure, but it has a very different vibe with its comic-book aesthetic.

Just don't die lol. Or just use the energy tanks to refill. If you die to mother brain you can also farm the metroids which drop like 50 health.

>> No.10941524

I like the NES version more. ZM feels too sterile. Overcoming the challenges of the original is incredibly satisfying. There are patterns and ways to identify everything.

>> No.10941531

>and that's a GOOD thing!
So you can rationalize having spent hundreds of hours wandering aimlessly because now you can feel superior to the people that don't want to do that?

>> No.10941535
File: 337 KB, 600x565, !Sakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hundreds of hours

>> No.10941543

What do you think kids did back in the days before the internet?
Oh wait, I'm probably talking to a zoomer that probably emulated Metroid, used cheats, and found guides on the internet. My bad.

>> No.10941545

Both. In fact, when you beat ZM - you even unlock the original anyway. But I'd recommend playing it on a NES emulator so the sound isn't shit.

>> No.10941549

>this can mitigate the need to grind out energy
The grind can be minimal as well if you farm 20HP enemies instead of sticking to 5HP enemies, especially if you take less hits doing it. Waver rooms, speedy orb rooms, big grasshopper guys, all good for 20s.

>> No.10941553

Also - worthwhile strat... there is no timer... slow the fuck down sonic. Make good moves not fast moves. Slower is faster here. Trying to bumpfuck things that wreck your health isn't gonna speed shit up. Dodge and go - kill what's hard to dodge.

>> No.10941559

Good advice. Tanking damage is a good way to waste a lot of time farming after.

>> No.10941623

Hundreds of hours? What kind of gay retarded deflection is that? You're overreacting, anon. It's really not that bad, though the remake is by far the better version, sometimes it's nice to go back... If you have the time and interest.

>> No.10941687

nes metroid is an actual example of "hasnt aged well". its quite repetitive to the point that sometimes you wonder if you are in a never ending loop. its also a tough game so naturally people use this game as some sort of merit badge and demand that everyone ignore the annoyances

>> No.10941690

modern games make baby gamers

>> No.10941718

I think even the most ardent NEStroid defender would agree it has rough edges, but it's a classic for a reason.

>> No.10941737

I think one issue of og metroid is its style of mappless exploration would benefit from more distinct visuals. the one with the map was on the console where every area could be easily landmarked.

>> No.10941797

you should play a better game

>> No.10941812

i dont know where to start with metroid or this general video game genre of platforming and running around stuff
im too scared i was born in 2005
i just dont know where to even start with stuff lik ethis its seriously intimidating and makes me panic a bit

>> No.10942159

Metroid Planets

>> No.10942225

>even worse
desu zoomers just take the prize home....

>> No.10942229

The japanese version of the NES game that lets you save.

>> No.10942237

Zero Mission is pretty much the way to play it these days if you're playing it for the first time.

NES didn't age that bad honestly, but it's really only worth checking out if you wanna see where the series began.

>> No.10942459

only tendies think it`s a classic.
normal people know it`s sucks

>> No.10942727

Play both!
Play the NES first!

>> No.10942797

>both GBA games are great
I absolutely fucking despise Fusion and its hand-holding storyshit. Storyshit is the killer of games since it always always always leads to loreshit, which is terminal.
Fuck them both.

>> No.10942862

You should play the original to experience it, but ZM is a better game and is one of the most definitive examples of a remake that improves upon the original.

>> No.10942868

>one set path through the game that relies entirely on your execution and usage of tech like the Charge Beam's flare to get a better Clear Time
>story dialogue and elevator rides give plenty of room to breathe between segments
Fusion is almost too based

>> No.10942872

ah yes after brainlessly shooting more amoebas you need "time to breathe"
you are probably one of those people that thinks the SA-X is scary

>> No.10942873

Zero mission is way better but it goes so far that it's not the same game anymore. So I mean I would play zero mission first. But then if you like it, metroid 1 is really good and it's not the same thing almost at all. So maybe check that out later if you're into nes games

>> No.10942906

>brainlessly shooting more amoebas
Spoken like a true shitter.

>> No.10942972

>>every room looks the same
ITS SUPPOSED TO, stupid zoomer. the whole point of the game is to force the player to draw a map or memorize the world

>> No.10942978
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Please seek help, you are letting a throwaway /v/ meme from a few years ago dominate your thinking.

>> No.10943108

Dumb report and what was even the point to bring up whether the SA-X is scary or not.
I like having the option to sequence break if you're proficiently skilled enough to do so. And the dialogue and backstory are both just painfully bad and not remotely interesting. Rather than forcing me to mash A every thirty minutes, just let go about, exploring everything and shooting/bombing shit, fuckawful story be damned.

>> No.10943132
File: 917 KB, 7680x7200, MetroidCompleteMap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

metriod only takes 1 hour to beat, the fuck you on?

>> No.10943163

he says, while posting a soijack. kill yourself asap

>> No.10943216

>zoomer think a full taken apart game is not hard to beat
>zoomer posts a map that was quite impossible back when game was new
>zoomer with maps longplays strategies and shit takes 1 hour to beat the game
zoomer asks
>zoomer asks the fuck you on
many such cases

>> No.10943221

You are a subhuman

>> No.10943230
File: 1.10 MB, 910x1246, IMG_7606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we had maps and strategies back then, anon.
the assumption people have that kids in the 80s/90s were illiterate really jogs the noggin

>> No.10943254

i actually figured out where to on my own my first play through and then played over again to redo whole game faster for the "best" ending all metriod games have. this game was designed to be beaten in under 1 hour. world record without glitches is 25ish minutes.

>> No.10943319

>we had
no we didn't, at the very least not to the detail of the map that anon posted nor the guides you see today, hechk, your picrel is proof of that, on the other hand, *you cared for magazines and "pros" guides, most didn't.
>i actually figured
nah, you had to know the game like the back of your hand to know what routes were the shortest and what was the absolute minimum of items required to get the best ending.
learn to read, (it) only takes 1 hour to beat, that's the statement I had trouble with and I'm not even siding with the zoomer arguing the game is boring because it takes too long to figure out.

>> No.10943349

>you had to know the game like the back of your hand
no u didnt, you just had to have game sense. there was only one direction to go a the start but u cannot progress unless u go left first to grab morphball. then you find red doors blocking rooms and u cant open them until you find missiles. this game was hard if you were like under 10 years old back in the day

>> No.10943920

>it's SUPPOSED TO be bad!

>> No.10944215

whats bad about it?

>> No.10944229

Both. Unless you lack spatial awareness and object permanence you should be able to beat both games in less than 12 hours, blind.

>> No.10944282

>moving those goalposts

>> No.10944317

The reason open world games use quest markers is because their giant open spaces all look exactly the same. Just pointing that out for no reason.

>> No.10944354

the reason handheld adventure games use them on the other hand is because they're handheld.

>> No.10944361

Thanks for your input, bot-kun. You're very special.

>> No.10945076

Depends on whether or not you care about having beaten/experienced the original. I can beat NES Metroid in under an hour (not that that's particularly impressive) and have done it in the last year but I wouldn't really recommend it. And Zero Mission is great, probably the best gameplay of any 2D Metroid (yeah even the new bit with the extended stealth section).

>> No.10945239

Play both, the games are very different and both good.

>> No.10945340

NES until you get bored/filtered then try out Metroid Planets.

>> No.10945812

ZM is overall the better game. It has some handholding and an unnecessary stealth sequence but at least the exploration is good. If you still insist on the NES version, avoid the US version as it fucks with the item drop RNG and removes the option to save your game.

>> No.10945824

This is true. There are a bunch of rooms that look the same and you pretty much need a map to reorient yourself. It's a game that makes you backtrack as to waste your time and make up for its otherwise short length.

>> No.10945826

Well, there's the timer for the score at the end and the timer for the self destruct.